
Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire

View: https://youtu.be/C5YbDil9V88

I found this guy the other day and find his content very interesting. He’s seems to be a big believer in the diet and Aajonus, claiming this is the only way to be healthy and happy. Those who quit the diet, simply didn’t do it right. As per his words.

What do you think of Aajonus and his recommended diet? Any long term primal dieters or quitters here?



Feb 3, 2020
I recommend reading the book „Catching Fire - How Cooking Made Us Human“ by Richard Wrangham.


Feb 3, 2020
Hi Sinatra!

Have you tried a raw primal diet yet? What is your experience?
I only experimented with incorporating some raw animal products into my diet in the past.

I think raw dairy is great if you tolerate it. My brother-in-law has a pasture-raised cattle farm and supplies HQ raw dairy to our family.

I think raw tartare is delicious and nutrious and raw egg yolks can be good, too.

But I would be cautious with raw poultry and raw whole eggs. I‘ve got food poisoning twice by consuming raw pasture-raised whole eggs. Had burning diarrhea, high fever and feeling like hot garbage. Almost needed to go the ER, but managed it with activated charcoal and oil of oregano and laying down for a few days or so.

Also, if meat is freshly slaughtered, it is almost inedible for humans, because it is so hard because of „rigor mortis“. If you hang it for 5-10 days, it becomes tender and easier to eat. Cooking certainly helps with the digestability of the meat in my opinion.

I think some animal products taste better cooked and some better raw, so maybe a mix of both is good. But I think even exclusively cooked animal products are very good.


Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire
I only experimented with incorporating some raw animal products into my diet in the past.

I think raw dairy is great if you tolerate it. My brother-in-law has a pasture-raised cattle farm and supplies HQ raw dairy to our family.

I think raw tartare is delicious and nutrious and raw egg yolks can be good, too.

But I would be cautious with raw poultry and raw whole eggs. I‘ve got food poisoning twice by consuming raw pasture-raised whole eggs. Had burning diarrhea, high fever and feeling like hot garbage. Almost needed to go the ER, but managed it with activated charcoal and oil of oregano and laying down for a few days or so.

Also, if meat is freshly slaughtered, it is almost inedible for humans, because it is so hard because of „rigor mortis“. If you hang it for 5-10 days, it becomes tender and easier to eat. Cooking certainly helps with the digestability of the meat in my opinion.

I think some animal products taste better cooked and some better raw, so maybe a mix of both is good. But I think even exclusively cooked animal products are very good.
Interesting. I notice feeling way more testosteroned out when eating raw meat and honey. Almost like some kind of warrior. Very, very competitive. I don’t think that’s good when living in a highly civilized society, it’s like being a wild animal living amongst cultivated ones.

Do you consume the raw dairy from your brother in- law? Is it A2?

Also, I‘ve been following your personal notebook thread for a while. Very interesting how you changed your ways of eating. What do you eat nowadays?


Feb 3, 2020
Interesting. I notice feeling way more testosteroned out when eating raw meat and honey. Almost like some kind of warrior. Very, very competitive. I don’t think that’s good when living in a highly civilized society, it’s like being a wild animal living amongst cultivated ones.

Do you consume the raw dairy from your brother in- law? Is it A2?

Also, I‘ve been following your personal notebook thread for a while. Very interesting how you changed your ways of eating. What do you eat nowadays?
Everytime I ate tartare I felt like it digested smoother and I had more energy afterwards, so there maybe something to this.

I don‘t consume raw dairy personally, as even that causes inflammatory reactions in my body, just like eggs. They cause a rheumatoid arthritis flare to me. Never officially got diagnosed with it but I have multiple family members who have it, including my mother and I don‘t have any symptoms if I avoid food triggers, but if I eat them, I have very bad inflamed joints. My mother got off her medications by avoiding dairy, pork and eggs, so there may be something to this in our family’s genetic history.

My style of eating is still changing and evolving. I excluded a lot of plant foods in the last month and re-centered my diet around red meat, chicken, quality fats, tasty vegetables and some fruits.


Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire
Everytime I ate tartare I felt like it digested smoother and I had more energy afterwards, so there maybe something to this.

I don‘t consume raw dairy personally, as even that causes inflammatory reactions in my body, just like eggs. They cause a rheumatoid arthritis flare to me. Never officially got diagnosed with it but I have multiple family members who have it, including my mother and I don‘t have any symptoms if I avoid food triggers, but if I eat them, I have very bad inflamed joints. My mother got off her medications by avoiding dairy, pork and eggs, so there may be something to this in our family’s genetic history.

My style of eating is still changing and evolving. I excluded a lot of plant foods in the last month and re-centered my diet around red meat, chicken, quality fats, tasty vegetables and some fruits.
What falls under the category of tasty vegetables? Potatoes? ;)


Jan 30, 2021
I would say look at indigenous cultures and how they do it. Only the Innuit, that I know if, ate it raw, and that was largely blubber if I remember correctly. The other indigenous peoples cook their food. There are some weird ones out there, like the African tribe that drinks blood, but I don't think they eat other parts of the animals raw. Look at your teeth --- you do not have a mouthful of canines like a cat does. Cats do really, really well on a raw carnivore diet.


Sep 7, 2022
I still prefer raw ground beef over cooked, raw milk over supermarket milk and raw egg yolks over boiled eggs, but i can not say it had any magical effects on me.

Raw meat does indeed digest extremely easy though.
There is this theory from a russian doctor who says the stomach acid triggers the release of the enzymes who cause the cell to self-destruct, but only if the cell is still intact (raw).
I used to find that article with "raw meat digests itself" but can no longer find it with any search engine. The internet has become such a joke. I used to get thousands of results for the most obscure topics and now i get a few msm results and that's it.


Sep 7, 2022
Everytime I ate tartare I felt like it digested smoother and I had more energy afterwards, so there maybe something to this.

I had the exactly same experience but not always.
I wish i would feel like that every time i ate.
Happy and energized.

PS: I'm 10km away from you :):
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