Ray Peat interviews with One Radio Network



Sep 21, 2014
February 21, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:15 - What does "energy and structure are interdependent at every level" mean? Szent-Gyorgi was one of the first people to point that out. There is a thing called the "staircase effect": If you accelerate the stimulation of the heart, each beat gets bigger. The structure that governs the contraction builds up. If the heart doesn't get a lot of blood to fill it very quickly, it has a very weak beat and fails to make that staircase effect as it accelerates. That is typical of shock. In the healthy, normal state, progesterone is essential for being able to build up that structure that allows it to beat harder rather than just faster. Under the influence of estrogen, like shock, the heart can't build the structure.

- 00:04:15 - Is high estrogen causing panic attacks? It's a whole range of physiological things that are analogous to estrogen. Lactic acid is the characteristic thing in panic attacks. Carbon dioxide helps to relax and restore your structures. That's why breathing into a bag helps if you have a panic attack.

- 00:06:05 - Doesn't Dr. Peat put CO2 in a bathtub and “bathes” in there? A big plastic bag will do. But you can pluck the drains with tape and fill it up. You can test the level of CO2 by having a candle or striking a match. When the flame goes out, that's where to CO2 level is. It can rejuvenate you.

- 00:11:15 - It can hurt the lungs to breath high concentration oxygen. A few hospitals make a carbon dioxide oxygen mixture called carbogen. It's essential for delivering oxygen to the tissues to have a certain amount of CO2 present. Pure oxygen is just about the worst thing you can do. It first harms the lungs and then the brain. But 99% of the hospitals in the US still refuse to use carbogen. Up until 1955 it was practically used everywhere. Then an ignorant declaration of the British medical community spread around the world and hospitals swallowed it without any evidence.

- 00:15:30 - Brain injury causes brain swelling. And it was found that quite a lot of extra urea added to the system resolved the brain edema. Urea was used for heart failure because of the anti edema effect.

- 00:17:50 - Is that why some people advocate urine therapy? That's part of it. Part of the misconception of what urea is, is the concept of uremic poisoning, where your kidneys are failing. Because of the name they think that urea might be the cause of uremia. But it's intestinal toxins that accumulate in uremia and poison the kidneys. Urea is an anti-edema, anti-inflammatory substance.

- 00:19:15 - Why does urine therapy work? The kidneys are also putting out waste material, so a sick person shouldn't use their own urine.

- 00:23:35 - Why would breathing hydrogen help stroke patients? It's anti-inflammatory. Immediately, when there is some injury to the brain, edema is setting in and spreading the influence from the injured cells to healthy cells. It's important to catch it quickly after a stroke with things like CO2, aspirin, and progesterone.

- 00:29:30 - Is it good to drink carbonated water? Yes, if you drink it gradually so you don't burp it all out. It gets into your cells and acidifies a stressed cell. Under stress, the inside of a cell becomes relatively alkaline, while it should be slightly acidic. You can also do that with baking soda.

- 00:31:10 - Didn't the Italian doctor Simoncini treat cancer with baking soda? It actually works and he was helping a lot of people. The medical establishment watched him closely, and when one of his patients died of cancer, he was arrested and imprisoned. If you did that with every doctor treating cancer, you'd have hundreds of American doctors in prison. When a second patient died they took away his license.

- 00:32:45 - 00:40:25 - commercials

- 00:42:15 - Atom Bergstrom said that orange juice cures his edema. What is this about? Orange juice is one of the most available sources of the flavonoids. Coffee and purple grape juice are other good sources.

- 00:44:35 - Dr. Peat mentioned white button mushrooms. What is his opinion on other mushrooms like shiitake or oyster mushrooms? Oyster mushrooms are his favorite. If they taste good and are well cooked, they probably all have some benefits.

- 00:45:25 - How to increase the white blood cell count in the blood? General good nutrition and anti-inflammatory conditions tend to normalize either high or low white blood cells.

- 00:46:10 - Diagnosed with dysmenorrhea, vomiting, menstrual cramping, takes ibuprofen, gynecologists say she produces too much progesterone. Is this the true cause? Aspirin is in the long run safer than ibuprofen, even though anything anti-inflammatory helps. Hypothyroidism is the main cause of dysmenorrhea, leading to high estrogen and relatively low progesterone.

- 00:48:45 - Any bad effects from taking cascara sagrada? If it hasn't been properly aged it causes overstimulation, irritation, cramping, considerable pain. But if it's very well aged and darker than chocolate, it doesn't have that stimulating, cramping effect. It reduces inflammation and increases the flow of water though the intestine, to soften the stool or prevent overdehydration of the stool. The FDA took it off the market as a laxative several years ago. At that time the pharmaceutical industry was investigating it, discovering that its main active ingredient was very promising as a cancer treatment. But the FDA called it a possible carcinogen and wanted to promote another laxative. It turned out that that other laxative was causing death of the colon, and they had to take it off the market, too.

- 00:53:35 - What is the No. 1 cause behind constipation? Slow digestion. Hypothyroidism is the main cause of slow digestion. Adding a fiber to the diet, something that can't be turned into gas by bacteria, will stimulate peristalsis, eliminate estrogen and other toxic irritants, and it tends to increase thyroid function, because estrogen blocks thyroid function.

- 00:58:25 - Started taking Progest-E. Is it anabolic for females or should you be concerned about losing muscle because of its effects on testosterone. Is it true that if the dose is too low, it converts into estrogen? No, in humans it doesn't turn into estrogen. It antagonizes estrogens ability to increase cortisol and aldosterone. It's anti-catabolic. It's neither pro-catabolic nor pro-anabolic. Thyroid is anabolic.

- 01:00:40 - Does T3 increase histamine levels? No, it's protective against all kinds of inflammation.

- 01:01:25 - Can you get a real good anti-histamine over the counter? The FDA has pretty much taken care of all of the most useful natural drugs and took them off the market. Cyproheptadine in normal doses is pretty safe.

- 01:03:55 - What causes estrogen to be too high? Hypothyroidism and PUFA.

- 01:06:35 - What is the cure for urticaria and xeroderma? That's another thing involving concentrated mast cells. Low blood sugar will activate them. They secrete histamine and serotonin and cause edema. Antihistamines are the first treatment.

- 01:07:25 - Any suggestions for eliminating cataracts, that don't involve surgery? No, basically. Preventing them involves things like keeping PUFA intake low. But once they are formed disappearance is very slow. Very good living conditions can very slowly cause them to fade away.

- 01:08:20 - Is it helpful and reasonable to take a bath with 3% hydrogen peroxide and magnesium flakes for pain relief? It's very bad for the skin to have longer contact with that concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

- 01:08:45 - What are the pros and cons of using DMSO and also MMS? Both have potential problems. DMSO got famous when it was used for arthritis pain. It can activate the respiratory process and help to eliminate water from tissues. But too much of the sulfur compounds can very easily lead to disturbance of thyroid function.

- 01:09:30 - Takes the sulfur that Patrick is promoting, but is 7 months pregnant now. Can she keep taking it? Flowers of sulfur is very safe to take. It will help to suppress the candida and other fungus development. But it's probably best to minimize all kinds of treatment when you're pregnant.

- 01:11:05 - Constant mucus in one side of the throat. Milk makes it worse. Any ideas on how to clear this? Sometimes a swollen thyroid gland causes all kinds of swallowing problems.

- 01:11:50 - Can Dr. Peat talk about premenstrual dysmorphic disorder? The usual thing is dysphoric, but the dysmorphic thing is misperceiving the amount of fat in the belly, even when it isn't abnormal.

- 01:16:00 - Can you get too much progesterone and what would be the symptoms? Too much of it will put you to sleep, so it shouldn't be combined with opiates for example.

- 01:16:55 - Can you use Progest-E for insomnia? Yes, but Peat wouldn't recommend a big dose. It could make you so drunk that you could stumble on the way to the bathroom.

- 01:18:00 - What are the long-term effects of ivermectin? It's safe if you follow the traditional anti-worm doses, just a few milligrams on one or two days, periodically. But definitely not something to take every day.

- 01:18:30 - Liver is ineffective in converting T4 to T3. Should you still take a medication that contains T4? Other tissues have some ability to do the conversion if they aren't logged by estrogen and PUFA, too.

- 01:19:05 - Mild arrhythmia. What to do to get the heartbeat back to normal? Low progesterone, high estrogen is one of the problems. Low thyroid, leading to high adrenaline is a very common cause. The clotting system tends to become overactive with hypothyroidism. Doctors are very afraid to prescribe thyroid for various kinds of arrhythmia, because it can suddenly increase adrenaline, which increases the clotting system, which can lead to strokes. It's something you have to correct very gradually. Increase orange juice and milk intake to stabilize things first.

- 01:20:30 - Bags under eyes. What is the root cause of this? Stress and too much fat in the diet, blocking thyroid function. Can be corrected in a matter of days, if you start with a thyroid supplement.

- 01:21:25 - What can a 50-year old man do to keep his receding hair? Not enough calcium and vitamin D increase PTH. That is closely connected to underfunctioning of the follicle. It's also related to hypothyroidism.


Sep 21, 2014
March 23, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:00 - [About Omega-3 fatty acids] In some way, the more bonds you have in a molecule, the more anti-thyroid and pro-estrogen it is. The combination is especially bad.

- 00:02:45 - Patrick got some red blotches on his arm when he ate salmon in the past. Recently he got it again after eating walnuts. Could they be the cause? Yes, except they also have other powerful allergens. Allergens will trigger cortisol, too. It's hard to tell with a complex food like walnuts.

- 00:05:05 - Peat has been experimenting with reducing protein and increasing carbohydrate intake lately. He thinks most people are overeating on protein. It's essential that you get enough, but it depends on rate of metabolism. In animal studies were you restrict methionine to a bare minimum, their lifespan is extended by 40%, even without limiting calories. The reasons caloric restriction can increase lifespan is lower methionine intake and lower PUFA intake.

- 00:08:20 - A lot of people feel unpleasant when they drink ice cold milk. But it's the drop in body temperature that is unpleasant. You can just warm the milk up to body temperature. The heart could stop if you eat/drink ice cold stuff. The stomach has nerve connections to the heart.

- 00:14:55 - What could be the benefits of "bathing" in CO2? It's refreshing and restorative. If you just put it on one arm, that arm is pinker than the other one after a while and will stay this way for several hours. The CO2 saturates the cell, it becomes slightly more acidic. The amount is enough to keep the blood circulating more freely. It also opens up the blood vessels. The acid nature of the CO2 molecule helps to keep the soft tissues from crystallizing calcium.

- 00:19:40 - A surprising proportion of the population is over-breathing, even at rest. Instead of making CO2 you will make an excess of lactic acid. That's a sign of over-breathing. The liver brings lactic acid down to normal after overexercising or being hypothyroid. At rest, the liver will take lactic acid out of the blood and turns it into glucose again. But that takes extra energy. You need some good thyroid function for the liver to have that energy. That's why a hypothyroid person easily gets into a low CO2, high lactic acid condition, even without noticeably breathing hard. Those are the people who don't have time to adapt if they go to a high altitude. They get various kinds of altitude sickness.

- 00:23:55 - Could there be a lot of people on thyroid, who don't know that they could stop taking it or reduce the dose? Yes, but you don't want to stop it if temperature falls and you start feeling bad again.

- 00:24:15 - How long would it take for the temperature to fall after you stop taking thyroid or reduce the dose? T3 has a very short half-life, but T4 has a half-life of about two weeks. After about a week you could feel some negative effects if you stop it.

- 00:26:15 - 00:34:45 - commercials

- 00:35:25 - 67 year old male, diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, low cortisol, low energy. What can you do to slow this down? It's probably a good idea to have a blood test measuring both CO2 and lactic acid. Adequate CO2 slows cell division and reduces inflammation. There's usually some kind of inflammation involved in all of the leukemia/lymphoma type problems. Aspirin and acetazolamide or some other things to increase the bodies CO2 content will slow the growth.

- 00:41:00 - A lot of the stories about aspirin (don't give it to babies with a fever) started in the 70s. Tylenol was having a big sales campaign and simultaneously a lot of bad stories about aspirin came out. A huge part of the myths about aspirin came with Tylenol. Now they give Tylenol even to premature babies, despite knowing that Tylenol causes kidney failure and is strongly associated with autism and liver failure. And it happens that aspirin is an antidote to the toxicity of Tylenol.

- 00:43:05 - Doesn't too much calcium affect the absorption of other minerals like magnesium? Milk has about a 10:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, but the body can sort it out and gets all the magnesium you need from milk.

- 00:43:45 - What causes dry macular degeneration and can it be halted or reversed? Good nutrition is the basic thing. But stopping leaky blood vessels and deteriorating capillaries is what you have to do. Aspirin is generally protective.

- 00:45:45 - Is it OK to take methylene blue with sirolimus (2mg) [Then Patrick asks "What's methylene blue"]? It's been around for about 150 years. The dye industry found that it was somewhat germicidal. One side effect is that it sensitizes you to sunlight and can cause red blood cells to break down and you can sunburn easily. He does not recommend high doses. It is being used for Alzheimer's and other degenerative nerve diseases, because it is both an electron donor and acceptor. It can pick up electrons and carry them past a defect in your enzymes and deliver that electron to the other side of the defect. So it's like a short circuit for getting your electron transport going again. People with depression are not making enough mental nervous energy. Just 0.5 mg is plenty for that electron transport effect. People can sometimes pop right out of a depression with just a tiny dose of methylene blue. Sirolimus has anti-cancer functions and can be very protective for some infections. But Peat has never looked at the interaction between sirolimus and methylene blue.

- 00:49:00 - Measles/mumps/rubella vaccine 7 years ago, had a reaction, spine, shoulders and hips are crooked. Clinic did blood work and diagnosed him with ankylosing spondylitis. Any theories on what he could do? Concentrating on the digestion. More fiber and more digestible carbohydrates. Fiber will help to move the bacteria out of the system faster. Antibiotics can help to clean out the bad bacteria. And make sure thyroid is good.

- 00:50:55 - [Same ivermectin question as before. It's anti-inflammatory]

- 00:52:10 - What brands of oysters are available in the United States? Is it preferable for them to be in salt or olive oil? Just for taste he likes the Crown Prince brand of smoked oysters in olive oil. But you can't be sure about the level of contamination. When possible, get oysters from South America as they are lower in toxins.

- 00:55:00 - What to do if someone has very dry skin and the only things that seem to help a little are PUFA oils like almond, sesame, flax,...? Correct the thyroid function. Thyroid makes you form sebum.

- 01:01:10 - Is it possible to reduce an enlarged prostate? Pregnenolone is helpful by lowering general stress and inflammation. Aspirin and thyroid reduce ordinary inflammation of the prostate. If you get a PSA test, don't even look at it.

- 01:06:00 - Male, took 5-10 mg of progesterone cream topically on the neck and a similar dose of DHEA orally, for headaches. After several months he had to stop because he gained 15kg of pure fat. What happened here? If he used the progesterone cream topically, he was essentially using none (usually less than 10%). If you take Progest-E on your lips or tongue or take it with food, the absorption rate is essentially 100%.

- 01:08:00 - If you live in a goiter belt, should you take iodine and how much? A little bit of iodized salt is OK if you're eating a lot of local foods. But if you're eating seafood or imported foods, you're likely not iodine deficient.

- 01:10:40 - Doctors and pharmacists almost always recommend to take thyroid medication in the morning on an empty stomach. But that's unphysiological. The body doesn't dump the daily dose of thyroid in your bloodstream in one dose in the morning. A bit with each meal is closer to the bodies way to produce thyroid. Women especially have to look at the thyroid medication they are taking, because the conversion from T4 to T3 can be very bad. It's very irrational to prescribe T4 only for women (most of the prescription drugs are T4 only).

- 01:15:30 - Systemic enzymes vs. aspirin? The traditional way of getting those enzymes was to powder the pancreas of animals. That's a very good mixture of digestive enzymes. But since you can't heat the dried gland to sterilize it, there's always a risk of some infectious disease in the animal. The alternative is to use similar enzymes made by fungus. That always leaves traces of the fungus itself. You have the potential to have an allergic reaction to that.

- 01:19:55 - What is a good cortisol level? What is too high or too low? If you have lots of production of pregnenolone, progesterone and a moderate amount of DHEA, that protects against cortisol. But progesterone also functions the same way cortisol does. If you have enough of those, you should have a very low cortisol level.

- 01:20:55 - What supplements could be taken to stop persistent cough? Serotonin is the major thing. More than 90% of all of the serotonin in the body is produced in the intestine. If the intestine is irritated the serotonin production increases. Very easy to digest foods. Aspirin and cyproheptadine (anti-serotonin) help. Keeping CO2 up acidifies your platelets. And the acidic granuals in the platelets bind to serotonin and allows the serotonin to be carried to the lungs and liver for detoxifying.

- 01:23:40 - What about bag breathing to get some CO2? That's the quickest and simplest way to get some. People can control their hypertension if they do bag breathing multiple times for a few minutes every day.

- 01:26:20 - How to cure paronychia? Sores around the nails. Sometimes it's a Vitamin deficiency. Putting Vitamin A right around the nails can help.

- 01:27:00 - Is eating farm-raised chicken multiple times a week bad for health because of high Omega-6 content? Yes, it can be harmful. Just by feeding them differently you can change the PUFA content.

- 01:29:30 - Any suggestions for sagging and dehydrated skin (40 year old female), also general hydration problems? The thyroid is the main thing that regulates hydration and oiliness of the skin.

- 01:30:20 - How much does anxiety and fear affect the thyroid? Anxiety is a constant suppressor of the thyroid. Great shock, like the death of a close relative, is often the trigger that turns a persons thyroid of. The body tries to go into hibernation, to get away from the horror of the experience. The current fear campaigns are actively promoted by the governments and media. This is harming peoples bodies as well as their minds.

- 01:34:25 - What causes lupus and what can be done about the symptoms? Some people have very quick recoveries by changing the diet and supplementing thyroid and progesterone (and avoiding inflammatory things). It's usually too much estrogen and too little progesterone and thyroid.

- 01:35:35 - How much protein is Dr. Peat eating currently? He's experimenting with getting it down to as close as 50g. But it's hard to get it down that low. So it's probably at 60 now.

- 01:37:55 - How much orange juice does Dr. Peat drink in a day? A little over a quart. Now he tries a combination of orange juice and grape juice.

- 01:39:40 - What to do to resolve a chronic case of bruxism? Things that improve digestion. Nocturnal rise of serotonin increases symptoms like that.

- 01:40:20 - What are good alternatives to eating oysters and shellfish? Any way to get your selenium. That's the most likely things you'll lack. Even a selenium supplement can help.


Sep 21, 2014
April 18, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:01:55 - What are Dr. Peat's thoughts on the "Watch the water" video? He has lot of information on snake venom and on Covid. But Peat couldn't figure out what central point he was trying to make. He was missing an essential point: stress, trauma of all sorts, poisoning, everything that damages the organism activates the phospholipases. It isn't just a virus or cobra venom. Anything harmful excites the organism too much.

- 00:05:30 - Is it possible that the venom is in remdesivir? No, but like anything toxic, if you mess up your nucleic acids, it causes a series of problems. Among other reactions it can activate phosphodiesterase. Anything that starts an inflammatory process activates the phospholipases.

- 00:08:00 - Could there be some kind of venom in the Covid injections? An enzyme is something very easy to test for. If there is an actual enzyme it would be quickly identified.

- 00:09:10 - What is the whole Covid thing about? [This question had been asked several times and Dr. Peat's answer never really changes much. Same with the follow-up questions about viruses, ventilation, ivermectin etc.]

- 00:36:50 - How to keep the bowel movements going? Can the body get dependent on stuff like fibers? Not really. Some people with a really inflamed gut found that psyllium husk is dehydrating and can cause constipation. But if it works, it's okay.

- 00:38:10 - In experiments with rats they compared canned vegetables with exactly the same vegetables in a raw state. The rats that got the canned vegetables thrived on it, the ones with the raw vegetables wasted away and died of malnutrition. Many raw vegetables are extremely undigestible. The nutrients are trapped inside the web of indigestible material.

- 00:39:55 - Could we live on fruits? Older people with a low protein requirement can thrive on a fruit diet. If you eat more protein than you need, the excess amino acids become anti-thyroid agents. Broda Barnes once experimented with a high protein diet and he found that he needed a higher dose of thyroid for the same effects. The older you are, the more toxic too much protein can be.

- 00:42:30 - 00:51:00 - commercials

- 00:52:35 - Is supplementation with inorganic minerals unhealthy and can it cause calcification? It depends on the source. A lot of mineral sources are very contaminated. When they are incorporated into living organisms, they are already highly purified. A plant sorts out and prefers certain isotopes over others.

- 00:58:00 - How to gain weight (66 year old female, long Covid, bad digestion, fatigue)? First thing is to check thyroid function. Very low body temperature depletes your ability to produce energy. If body temperature is very low, have a blood test for TSH and Vitamin D (50-60 ng/ml is a good level).

- 00:59:30 - Do we get enough Vitamin D from the sun? A person who spends hours a day with a lot of skin exposure at the beach will probably have 150.

- 01:00:35 - [Questions about TSH level and thyroid supplements that Patrick asks in every single episode]

- 01:07:25 - What about freeze-dried bovine products etc. What is in there? You don't really know. The people making it aren't aware of the history of the Armour definition. You might get super strong or very weak stuff. There's no way to know what you are getting when you're buying it.

- 01:11:10 - People starting with Cynoplus often overdose. You should start with 1/8 of a tablet.

- 01:13:10 - Thumbing in the head that doesn't follow the heart. What could this be? Peat experienced something like this. He thought it was something in the environment (something vibrating) resonating with his head.

- 01:14:25 - Does Dr. Peat have an opinion on the theory that heart disease could be reversed and prevented with chondroitin sulfate? No, he is very skeptical that it would improve heart disease.

- 01:15:40 - Do we get too many PUFAs by eating fish? Yes, if you eat too much. Peat recommends low-fat fish.

- 01:16:25 - How long does it take for Vitamin A to clear skin problems? He had experience with leukoplakia (inside the cheeks) and found that he would get this when he was deficient in Vitamin A. When he took 50,000 or 100,000 IU of Vitamin A for two or three days, it disappeared completely. It depends on how deficient you are and what the deficiency was caused by. Vitamin A has an anti-estrogen effect on the skin.

- 01:18:55 - A purple spot on the forearm every now and then (56 year old male). What could be the cause? Weak capillaries. That's kind of a young age for it to happen. It becomes very common when people are 80 or 90 years old. Keep cortisol low. Estrogen causes the adrenals to over-produce estrogen and under-produce DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone. Keep cholesterol up as a precursor to those hormones. Carbohydrates is what brings up cholesterol (not cholesterol-rich foods).

- 01:20:50 - Any remedies for an inguinal hernia? DHEA falling in relation to cortisol is going to weaken all of the connective tissues. And it isn't just the bones that are strengthened by adequate Vitamin D, but all of the connective tissues and muscles. Make sure you're getting enough calcium and Vitamin D. Make sure you don't have too much cortisol and estrogen relative to pregnenolone and DHEA. Stress, hypothyroidism or deficiency of B Vitamins can cause high estrogen.

- 01:22:30 - What can be done for scoliosis? Are protein, calcium and Vitamin D involved? Yes, and thyroid.

- 01:23:30 - Huge blister on the front of the shin for about 9 months. What could this be? Possibly an infection. A doctor should test it.

- 01:24:55 - How much does total phosphorus intake matter if the diet has a good calcium/phosphorus ratio? If both of them are extremely low, it's possible to be deficient in both of them. But in a normal range it's the ratio that counts most.

- 01:25:55 - Bioidentical hormone creams - some people feel good on them? Even if it's gonna cause cancer, it might make you feel OK for ten or twenty years. But you should think ahead and look at the research historically on what safe levels and rhythms are. If you give even a very small dose of estrogen continually, it has a very high rate of cancerization of all of the organs and tissues. But if you interrupt it regularly (once a month), than it was harmless. Progesterone knocks out the estrogen system, stopping the synthesis and the receptor response to it. It prevents cancerization of the tissues.

- 01:32:15 - Appendix removed at the age of 9. Heard it's involved in replenishing good gut bacteria, digesting fiber and helping to produce fatty acids. What does this mean for metabolic health? Every little bit of the body matters. You can get along without various parts, but not as well. You have to pay closer attention to eating digestible food, thyroid function, Vitamin D. But considering everything the lack of an appendix isn't a terrible problem.

- 01:33:30 - Dr. Peat mentioned that stress or trauma can turn off thyroid. Daughter has a lot of stress, low body temperature, hormonal issues, depression. Can't get thyroid medication or progesterone. Are there some natural things that could help? [Patrick said "you can get things in the mail" and moved on]

- 01:35:55 - What would cause an increased tendency to flush? Low thyroid people often have that extreme ability to release histamine.

- 01:38:05 - Is a substantial breakfast important? Carbohydrates are important. Your morning cortisol is almost always high because of low blood sugar and empty glycogen stores. Getting cortisol down with carbs is a good thing in the morning.

- 01:39:35 - Is milk estrogenic (cows are injected with artificial hormones)? A lot of places now make it evident that they don't give their cows hormones.

- 01:40:05 - Is it possible to reduce an enlarged prostate? Thyroid and aspirin will generally do it. And make sure that Vitamin D levels are OK.


Sep 21, 2014
May 16, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:20 - We are all emitting pheromones or chemical transmitters on the emotional level and probably fear signals. The fear signals are probably very concentrated during the current fear campaigns.

- 00:03:00 - Could we pick up these fear signals? Definitely, they have been studied a lot in insects. A single molecule acts as a radio transmitter apparently. They think the sensor cells are tuned like an antenna. Every molecule is absorbing infrared energy and emitting more or less the same type of energy, with some modification. Humans don't have that extreme sensitivity like insects, but we do have nerve receptors in the olfactory system that definitely connect to our motivational and hormonal system.

- 00:06:05 - In the case of a bee for example, one bee would experience some danger, they would put out molecules to warn other bees? The molecules are physical even though the fear is mental? When a bee gets back to the hive with new information, they get together and "dance" in a certain way. They've determined that somehow the bees are transmitting information during that dance. That includes very detailed spacial directions (how far to go in exactly what direction). But the bees don't always take a message for fact, it's a matter of judgement.

- 00:08:55 - [No episode without a question about vaccine shedding and exosomes]

- 00:18:10 - There is a lot of talk about genetics, controlling the genes and controlling diseases by looking at the genes. Is there something to this? Much, much less than they are claiming. All of their claims and experiments go wrong and do harm. If they take out a bad gene and put in a good one, it changes the whole system unpredictably. The cell doesn't operate in a reductionist way. You upset the whole nature of the being when you change just one part of the DNA.

- 00:20:00 - Do we all have these "bad genes" if we just looked closely enough? They recommend taking out the uterus and removing the breasts because of "cancer genes". But it can cause other tissues to be unstable. You can remove everything that could possibly develop cancer, but then some other factors are going to notice that the body is all fragmented. It has unpredictable effects.

- 00:21:05 - Why would these genes even be in some people and not others? Could it be things from our ancestors? The habits of the family are heritable. Eating rituals, popular national foods etc. so that some families will be eating the same meals generation after generation.

- 00:21:45 - But is it an indicator that you are going to get a disease? Not in a very predictable way.

- 00:22:00 - Does it mean anything if you have a stomach cancer or breast cancer gene? No, it might mean that you have a special sensitivity to certain things in the environment. The disease caused by a gene typically takes many years to develop. If you see that you have a certain gene, all you have to do is to change your diet: Lower PUFAs or maybe take Aspirin. There are a lot of things you can do to change the way you develop. We're always modifying our development, either deepening the rut we're in or getting out.

- 00:24:40 - 00:28:45 - commercials

- 00:29:35 - Dr. Peat taught at a naturepathic school. What's the difference between back then and today? Have they progressed a lot with their vision of natural healing? No, the peak of naturepathic thinking was probably a little over 100 years ago. To gain acceptance they have accepted a lot of conventional medical ideas. They take the same basic courses. The holistic part has been submerged quite a bit by making themselves acceptable to a society that's trained to think in terms of drug curing disease.

- 00:31:30 - The old homeopathic idea was largely a scientific, holistic understanding that your defensive reaction (immune system in the general sense) needs to be treated in a very holistic manner, looking at the whole organism rather than just the sickness.

- 00:32:15 - From a homeopathic standpoint, are there better and worse ways for remedies? A lot of it is intuition. A dog or a cat for example can sometimes sense that people are having problems. A dog can sometimes warn its owner that the owner is about to experience an epileptic attack, or can detect the presence of a tumor. A good practitioner starts out with a general openness.

- 00:34:25 - When the listener presses on his skin, it leaves an imprint, and that imprint can stay for a very long time. What could be the cause for this? With aging there is a continuous dryness of the tissues. It's literally a degree of dehydration. There just isn't the turgor pressure of your tissues to push your skin back into position. It takes longer. The factor that regulates the water content is partly the ratio of connective tissues and the type of connective tissue. As the glycoprotein content decreases, the tissue has less water. If you get too much glycoprotein, like in hypothyroidism, that can cause edema. To get the cells back to a normal plumpness, you have to energize them and accelerate their renewal process without developing tumors. A fast growing tumor is very wet. So you don't want to mindlessly increase the wetness, you want to have it in a deliberate, organized way. You need both the right amount of glycoprotein relative to collagen and lots of ATP being formed in cells to renew the cells at a proper hydration state.

- 00:40:30 - How do we energize the cells and how do we make glycoprotein? Good energy is what makes the right amount of glycoprotein. Estrogen will hydrate the cell very quickly, but that has to be under the control of things like progesterone. With thyroid and adequate Vitamin A you can increase your hydration and cell renewal. If you're deficient in Vitamin A, estrogen dominates in the skin. It will create a dandruff condition. Under estrogen you get moistness but thinning of the skin.

- 00:43:35 - What are foods high in Vitamin A and should we supplement it? If you're deficient in Vitamin A you can see very fast effects with supplementation. Eggs, liver, milk and cream are high in Vitamin A.

- 00:45:25 - Is Dr. Peat's low protein experiment entirely due to health reasons or also because he anticipates food shortages and a hard time to get animal protein? For years he has been thinking of the pro-aging effect of methionine, tryptophan and cysteine. If you limit protein intake, you're going to drastically extent your lifespan. It has to suit your metabolic rate. He noticed that a few days after he started his experiment, his temperature went up and he needed less thyroid.

- 00:48:15 - Teen daughter gets severe acne before her period. She already eats a low PUFA diet, takes thyroid and Progest-E. What could help with the acne? The right amount of Vitamin A to help keep the estrogen under control. Getting enough carbohydrates. Flavonoids in fruit juices are protective against the effects of estrogen.

- 00:49:10 - How to break free from fear? Surprisingly, progesterone and thyroid hormone can very quickly bring a person out of that.

- 00:49:50 – How to prevent strokes from transient ischemic attacks? Peat had friends with that, and their doctors were telling them to avoid Vitamin K. There are two anti-clotting factors, protein c and protein s, that the liver produces under the influence of Vitamin K. A person that is deficient in Vitamin K is also deficient in those anti-clotting factors. The people that ignored their doctors recommendations and actually supplemented Vitamin K brought their anti-clotting factors back to normal and stopped having the attacks.

- 00:51:40 - How can leaky capillaries be prevented in the elderly and what can be done to heal them? Especially keeping cortisol and estrogen levels low and under control. Pregnenolone, progesterone and a small amount of DHEA are the direct ways to toughen your capillaries.

- 00:52:30 - Male, early 30s, unusually high number of varicose veins, spider veins. What could be done for this? Start with lots of carbohydrates, adequate amount of protein, milk and other Vitamin A foods.

- 00:53:30 - What are his thoughts on polyphenols in foods like blueberries? In themselves the polyphenols are very beneficial. But with certain berries you unavoidably get the seeds, which have same defensive chemicals.

- 00:54:25 - Is it OK to pressure cook white button mushrooms (for removing unhealthy things being released in the cooking process)? The pressure cookers has a pressure release, so you get rid of the toxins.

- 00:55:10 - Why does he like mushrooms? Fiber, contain antibiotics and anti-cancer agents. - All mushrooms? Pretty much any kind of the edible mushrooms.

- 00:55:35 - What happens if Progest-E is taken in sufficient quantity? Will it cause a temporary estrogen dominance since it draws estrogen out of the tissues? What happens if the liver is unable to detoxify it? The progesterone detoxifies the estrogen in the cell, it inhibits aromatase and estrogen receptors. You have detoxified it before it even leaves the cell. Once it is detoxified and in the bloodstream, it has no estrogen effects and leaves through the kidneys (since it's water-soluble after progesterone deals with it). [afterwards some general information about progesterone and estrogen. Nothing new, but a good overview]

- 01:01:30 - Dr. Peat recommends B6 for diarrhea. How to take it? It's just one of the possible causes. But if it's caused by a deficiency, you should see a change within one or two days and with a dose anywhere between 20-50 mg. Sometimes Aspirin is all it takes.

- 01:02:20 - What would be symptoms of low B vitamins in general? Just about anything. Our whole energy and renewal system involves the B vitamins.

- 01:02:50 - Is LOX more involved in asthma than COX? Yes, it is. But COX is the enzyme that makes prostaglandins. Reducing PUFAs is essential to avoiding asthma.

- 01:04:55 - Is it possible to get over allergies that developed because of childhood vaccinations? Yes, most kids grow out of milk allergies. Things that help is keeping all inflammation low, avoiding irritating foods and good thyroid levels.

- 01:07:15 - [Some doctor] says that plant-based EFAs would saturate the cells with oxygen and prevent cancer. What's Dr. Peat's opinion on this theory? No, they are exactly what is the main blockage to cell respiration and oxygen use.

- 01:07:55 - Why are Omega-3 fatty acids so bad, when so many studies show the opposite? The Omega-6 fatty acids were the best thing for about 40 years according to all the studies, except the ones where they increased deaths from heart disease and cancer. It took 40 years to kill that doctrine. As they were disappearing, the fish processing industry was told to stop polluting the bay areas with all of their fish skin and waste fat. Suddenly, around the same time, Omega-3 fatty acids became the new greatest thing.

- 01:10:20 - Yogis and fakirs say more CO2 is retained in a warm, dry climate. Is there any truth to this? In the sense that water vapor makes you turn over your lung gas exchange faster. In a dry climate there is a little difference favoring CO2. But a high altitude is by far the best.

- 01:11:15 - When mushrooms are cooked for a long time, they become like rubber and teeth bounce off of them. Anyway to prevent this? Grinding the mushrooms helps.

- 01:12:00 - Skin is turning yellow, did a liver flush, edema in both legs. What would help? Having some blood tests is probably important. All of the liver enzymes would be very important to check. TSH and body temperature. If the liver is actually blocked, that requires usually something to make the intestine more active and less inflamed and usually a thyroid supplement helps with correcting liver enzymes.

- 01:17:25 - Can someone take their dose of NDT once a day with a meal as opposed to synthetic T3, which is better to take spread throughout the day? Yes, the natural thyroid gland produces, when it's digested, both T3 and T4. They are produced by the digestive enzymes. If you take it with food there will be a gradual release of T3 and T4. If you take too much pure (synthetic) T3, it signals your liver that you overdosed. The liver begins to produce the enzyme to break down the T3. If you do that regularly, the liver becomes very active in destroying T3. That's why it's important to take small amount gradually during the day.

- 01:20:05 - The Cynoplus pill contains 30 microgram of T3 and 120 microgram of T4. It's pretty much equivalent to 2.5 grains of the old Armour. The maximum would be 1/4 of a Cynoplus tablet to start, but better start with 1/8 of a pill.

- 01:24:40 - Does Dr. Peat have an opinion on when soul comes into the body? The soul is the form creator. The soul is necessarily present as the ovum starts turning into an organism. As far as he can tell Dr. Peat agrees with that.

- 01:26:50 - Insomnia, muscle spasms, inflammation after 2nd Covid injection. Symptoms become even worse during stress and before the period. Could this be an autoimmune condition? Any remedies? The inflammatory processes are triggered by the vaccine and they overlap with the problem. The beneficial effects of Aspirin, progesterone and Vitamin D are going to be more important following a vaccine.

- 01:28:30 - Is it okay to take Aspirin every day? Eventually it could cause a Vitamin K deficiency. If you are going to take big doses for a long time, you should eat aged cheeses, some liver, cooked kale and broccoli etc.

- 01:30:25 - Is there a way to deal with Peyronie’s disease? Vitamin E and anti-estrogens, progesterone, thyroid, Vitamin A,...

- 01:31:00 - Painful cramp in the early morning. What could be the cause and how to prevent it? The first aid is usually getting your sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium in balance. A spoon of baking soda in half a glass of water is a way to calm things.

- 01:33:25 - Patrick has worked at a place where 15 years prior some nuclear explosion happened. Why didn't he experience any negative effects? The worse effects are during the first year after the explosion. The longer lived isotopes produce less harmful radiation.


Sep 21, 2014
June 20, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:02:55 - What are oxalates? They strongly bind calcium and magnesium. It forms stones in the kidneys. As it passes though your mouth it can make your teeth rough, because it takes calcium right out of the enamel. If you cook oxalate-rich foods with baking soda, that antagonizes it to a certain extent.

- 00:05:20 - Is there any benefit of drinking some baking soda in water? Athletes have found that if they take baking soda before an endurance race it improves performance for several hours. It suppresses the formation of lactic acid and postpones fatigue. It lets you make more energy with less stress.

- 00:06:25 - What effect does baking soda have on the stomach acid? It's quickly absorbed and the sodium starts acting as a diuretic. Very quickly after taking some baking soda, the pH inside cells becomes more acidic. The slightly acidic cell is metabolically efficient.

- 00:09:50 - Everyone pretty much has some cells that are very much like cancer cells. They are stuck in the condition of inefficiency, in which they are producing lactic acid rather than good energy. When you form lactic acid in a stressed cell, the interior of the cell is more alkaline than it should be, and that blocks endurance metabolism. That inefficiency keeps producing lactic acid in a vicious circle. By taking CO2 or bicarbonate you can break that vicious circle.

- 00:13:10 - How is Dr. Peat's experiment with more carbs and less protein going? It continues to support energy and seems to increase the sensitivity to thyroid. Increasing carbohydrate to protein ratio to 6-7 to 1 can be very energizing.

- 00:15:45 - Are there any issues with grains like rice or buckwheat or amaranth? As a main staple of the diet they have too much phosphate, so you have to balance it with calcium and magnesium.

- 00:17:45 - What about oxalates in green or black tea? The quantity is usually not enough to worry.

- 00:20:00 - 00:25:45 - commercials

- 00:26:20 - Is it a good idea for a 45 year old male to take some progesterone every now and then? Especially if you have symptoms of any kind of stress, failure of libido to be active when you need it, and general well-being.

- 00:27:20 - Should progesterone be taken intermittently during pregnancy? The function of pausing it for two weeks per months is that that estrogen tends to be at risk of continual activity. Progesterone clears the estrogen out of your cells. If you keep taking the same amount of progesterone every day, the liver starts regulating it down and it can lose the effect. If you stop taking it for a while, your liver will forget about it. In pregnancy, it is usually a failure to sustain progesterone production in relation to estrogen that causes miscarriages or bleeding during pregnancy.

- 00:29:35 - Could women who have stopped menstruating prematurely use progesterone to get back cycling again? In fertility clinics they have found that women who are most likely to succeed in implanting and becoming pregnant, had a progesterone to estrogen ratio (at the beginning) of about 50-100 to 1. Around 10:1 women sometimes can become pregnant but are right on the borderline.

- 00:31:25 - Any thoughts on a suitable baby formula? Cows milk is the next best thing to breast milk. Cows milk is based on nutrients that have passed through the rumen, detoxified of unnecessary PUFAs and other toxins. Humans have no rumen and what the mother is eating goes into her milk. With a bad diet her milk can be worse than cows milk.

- 00:35:40 - 8-year old daughter is very tall for her age, already signs of early puberty. Blood work is normal but TSH between 2 and 3 (and once as high as 5). How to delay puberty? As thyroid becomes deficient, estrogen rises. Estrogen guides growth patterns. Make sure she is getting enough Vitamin D, milk and not overdoing any particular food. Once in a while seafood, a regular egg.

- 00:38:05 - Could soy be a problem [referring to the prior question]? Yes, it contains very strong estrogenic stuff. If a male is given soy protein at an early age, his genitalia are feminized. It increases the risk of pituitary and reproduction related tumors.

- 00:39:45 - Diagnosed with tumors (liver and lower right abdomen, attached to the small intestine or ascending colon [this information was mailed in later]). Got a painful urinary tract infection. What could possibly going on? The type of tumor is important. Definitely shift your metabolism towards thyroid and away from estrogen. Protein and fat shouldn't be eaten in excess (both as low as maybe 10% of total calories). Cancer thrives on fat. Cancer has a reputation for eating glucose, but once you shut off the glucose supply, the damage really starts because you're turning you own tissue into glucose. [Then the women who asked the question mailed in the type of tumor and where they are attached to] They might be able to surgically remove a little section of the intestine.

- 00:45:35 - Can sugar cause urinary tract infection? Not really, because it increases your anti-inflammatory defensive system.

- 00:46:10 - How to reduce inflammation in the body? Almost all the serious degenerative diseases are based on chronic inflammation. Aspirin and CO2 are anti-inflammatory. Baking soda can help.

- 00:48:00 - If someone suspects they may have acetylcholine production, what could they do to reduce this, other than taking anti-cholinergic substances? When to body is failing to cope in some way with problems, you go into the cholinergic condition, in which inflammation can go unregulated. It's helpful to use the anti-cholinergic drugs whenever you feel benefits from it. Anti-histamines are generally the same as anti-cholinergic.

- 00:49:15 - If someone has a milk allergy, can they get enough calcium from well-cooked greens or should they also add eggshells or supplements? Powdered eggshells are the first aid in case you are doubtful of whether you have a problem with the leaves. The eggshells should be prepared by dehydrating them and thoroughly separating the membrane before you grind them up in a coffee grinder.

- 00:50:20 - If a young women was trying to improve her acne by taking oral Progest-E during the luteal phase (and that didn't help), would you recommend trying Progest-E topically on the acne? When progesterone isn't adequate during that phase, it's usually because thyroid is low. Supplementing thyroid is more helpful than supplementing progesterone in that case.

- 00:53:00 - female, 47 years old, recovering alcoholic, smoker, heart and liver issues (she was apparently in the hospital when she asked the question). Any idea? It's hard to do anything while you're under hospital care. She should question everything they propose.

- 00:54:30 - Dog killed a squirrel. It made him sick, didn't eat for three days, diarrhea, insisted on staying outside in the shadow. Still has diarrhea. Any ideas on what could be going on? No idea, but giving him some bland but appetizing food like cottage cheese can do no harm.

- 00:56:45 - Can adding milk or butter to foods with oxalates help? They are slightly protective, just as a kind of buffer. Undercooked starch for example causes much less harm if you take it with cream and butter.

- 00:57:25 - What's an alternative if you are lactose intolerant but don't want to use plant "milks"? Treating the milk with lactase enzyme. It makes it sweeter. Lactose has a direct effect on improving mineral absorption. So treating it with lactase can weaken the mineral absorption to some extent.

- 00:58:25 - What does Dr. Peat think of cannabis? Isn't it estrogenic and what about long-term vs. short-term use? He thinks it's mildly estrogenic. They have a good lobby, but he has never seen any good research supporting it.

- 00:59:35 - Is it possible to grow back joints that have been damaged by osteoarthritis? He has seen it happen. Topical Progest-E on the knee helped his plumber within hours.

- 01:07:30 - Dr. Peat mentioned baking soda for cancer. What is the best way to take it? There are many different ways to increase your CO2 exposure: bag breathing, baking soda, taking the right balance of thyroid hormone, or using the drug acetazolamide.

- 01:09:15 - Flu symptoms and not being able to properly taste and smell since. Lives in an area with 5G towers. What could this be? There is nothing good the 5G radiation does to your system. It can do lots of harm.

- 01:10:10 - [Same question as in the episode before this one at 01:26:50]

- 01:11:05 - Can you apply Progest-E on pimples? Some people do.

- 01:11:20 - What are Dr. Peat's thoughts on Dr. Young and being more alkaline via veganism? That's just a traditional view of the alkaline vegetable heavy diet. It's right as far as the food that goes in is concerned. But it's wrong on interpreting what's going on inside the cells. A lot of alkaline minerals allows you to convert the bicarbonate of the alkaline vegetable material into the acidic CO2, that protects the inside of cells.

- 01:13:40 - Is tupelo honey a good source of fructose and does fructose bypass the pancreas? To some extent. It's less of a trigger for insulin production. Any honey is a good source, as well as apple juice.

- 01:18:35 - [Same question as at 01:24:55 in the episode from April 18, 2022]

- 01:19:50 - [Same question as at 01:32:15 in the episode from April 18, 2022]


Sep 21, 2014
July 18, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

[In this episode Dr. Peat struggled with his voice cords because of an allergic reaction. It's sometimes hard to understand him correctly. My notes on this episodes are less extensive (also because Patrick repeated four questions from other episodes). Before I quote him wrong, I'd rather not quote him at all]

- 00:01:15 - When Dr. Peat finished his dissertation on estrogen metabolism, there was a tremendous development of tumors of the pituitary (excess production of prolactin). For several years surgery was the only option. He thinks there was a 300-fold increase in surgeries of the pituitary in just a few years. It turned out that the onset of the birth control pill was causing this epidemic of pituitary surgeries. When doctors realized they could give drugs to change the hormones away from the estrogen/prolactin effect, it became more manageable. Estrogen treatment for menopause also played its role. People working in the salmon industry realized that the natural physiology of salmon and other migrating fish involved some radical changes. The shift from high salt intake in the ocean to a very low salt and high water intake turns on prolactin, which is a water regulator. Estrogen poisoning causes excess retention and poisoning by water.

- 00:10:10 - Who was this guy Ancel Keys and what was his story? He seemed to be an honest but misinformed biologist. He was just inclined in the wrong direction by propaganda. Practically everyone is in biology. If you look up studies on pubmed, you can always find something that confirms your bias. You can find studies if you want to "prove" that fat causes aging and that carbohydrates cause aging.

- 00:19:10 - Aren't they often just filling out questionnaires in medical studies? Yes, and the culture of advertising is a big influence.

- 00:20:15 - Is it preferable if your fasting blood sugar is on the lower side? It means your insulin is working and providing ATP to your cells. It's the ATP provided to the tissues that prevents aging. And what provides ATP more directly to the tissues than glucose. When you are failing to make good insulin or you are eating too much fat, so that the fat is blocking your insulin, you have accelerated aging.

- 00:23:05 - Does PUFA inhibit thyroid hormone because the body wants to lower body temperature to prevent the PUFA from getting rancid, or is it directly inhibiting thyroid hormone? PUFA is activating estrogen effects, serotonin effect, lowering body temperature.

- 00:24:15 - Rings that develop around the iris, sometimes called "cholesterol rings" or "calcium rings". What is this about? That involves calcification as well as fats, not just pure cholesterol. In tissues like that the cholesterol is partly protective and attempts to defend the system. When cholesterol fails to be sufficiently anti-toxic it gets the blame. But it's really the lipofuscin from accumulated PUFA that causes the problem.

- 00:31:55 - If fasting or a low carb diet is not good for health, why did some people who practiced both live to a very old age (for example Dr. Wolfgang Lutz)? The thing to pay most attention to are the statistical effects. In many people a low carb diet leads to depressed metabolism and lower thyroid function.

- 00:33:10 - Diagnosed with liver cancer, constant diarrhea, takes Progest-E. Any ideas? It should be a matter of symptom relief. If you can control the diarrhea the effects of progesterone are going to be anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. But if the overall effect is diarrhea or constipation, you have to take that into account. There were several Chinese studies were they used cyproheptadine with good effects on liver cancer in just 2-4 weeks. Other good results come from using other anti-inflammatories like lidocaine.

- 00:37:10 - Can Progest-E help after breast cancer surgery and radiation? Dr. Peat thinks progesterone is the most basic anti-cancer agent for estrogen related cancers.

- 00:41:30 - 00:50:30 - commercials

- 00:51:05 - Wife in her 60s is recovering from Lyme disease, chronic upper body pain, sore muscles, tendons tight. What could she do? All of the anti-inflammatory things, especially anti-histamine and anti-serotonin drugs. Vitamin D as a general anti-inflammatory. Progesterone and thyroid to get energy back up and working.

- 00:54:45 - Strategies to lower the adrenal response to T3? If you keep your blood sugar steady, there shouldn't be a problem.

- 00:56:25 - Blood sugar 200, physically active, drinks milk and orange juice. What can be done? Thyroid is often a problem. You should be able to get it below 100 if the thyroid is working correctly.

- 00:58:15 - Can leaving on a red light in the bedroom over night reduce inflammation and cortisol? It doesn't always work, but very often it's helpful.

- 00:58:45 - What would Dr. Peat do for carcinoid syndrome? That's a small, not too dangerous tumor that produces serotonin. Generally it's a syndrome of very high serotonin. More thyroid, more anti-estrogen, pro progesterone etc.

- 01:02:05 - Any solution for heavy metal toxicity or glyphosate toxicity? Stephanie Seneff has written a lot about glyphosate. Peat thinks it's an analogous process to endotoxin poisoning and estrogen. Glyphosate is a watery disruptor of the anti-estrogen and anti-endotoxin processes.

- 01:03:45 – Diagnosed with Hashimoto's, takes levothyroxine, began to take another product for thyroid support and feels better. What could be going on? Levothyroxine is simply not the thyroid hormone. It's a drug alternative that doctors are kind of forced to prescribe. They can lose their license if they question it. It's pretty good at lowering TSH but it doesn't necessarily have all of the thyroid effects. You can get some benefit, but just lowering the TSH might not be enough to get the benefits you actually need.

- 01:07:05 - [Same question as in the episode before this at 00:53:00]

- 01:08:00 - [Question about the dog that killed the squirrel again] Might have been exposed to microbes.

- 01:09:30 - Can thyroid hormone help with metastasized cancer? Yes, it sometimes brings back your balance between estrogen and anti-inflammatory agents. But all of the anti-inflammatory remedies are important.

- 01:10:15 - [Same question as in the episode before this at 00:56:45]

- 01:12:20 - What's the minimum amount of calcium to prevent osteoporosis in sedentary older people? It depends on the balance between calcium, Vitamin D, PTH and magnesium. It should be at least 1000 mg a day.

- 01:13:15 - [Same question as in the episode before this at 01:07:30]


Sep 21, 2014
August 15, 2022

mp3 | ORN | RPF

- 00:03:20 - Several months before the last episode Dr. Peat ate some bacon that was preserved with celery juice powder. He had an allergic reaction and could hardly breath for about two weeks. After he experimented with changing his diet, he ate more vegetables and experienced tightness of the vocal cords. That's why he had trouble talking in the July episode.

- 00:08:00 - Patrick eats a carnivore diet now and some listener asked him, whether he even listens to Dr. Peat. If Dr. Peat recommended a certain diet to somebody and it just didn't work, would he still recommend it to that person? No, the first thing is to watch and adjust and adapt. Decades ago he realized that more people were getting sick from their supplements than they were being helped. When he suggested to other people that they cut out their supplements, they felt better and had less symptoms.

- 00:12:20 - Do we need fiber at all? Lots of people show benefits from adding fiber, even though the fiber itself is intrinsically irritating. It can work like an antibiotic. It moves things through the intestine so much faster that the bad bacteria don't have a chance to grow. Women at a fertility clinic were being given antibiotics. When they took it, they didn't improve their fertility, but it cured chronic PMS symptoms and headaches. The antibiotic works the same way a laxative does. It keeps the bacteria from producing toxic irritants. A daily raw carrot can have the same effects. Low thyroid makes the intestine move slowly and that lets the bacteria overgrow and produce toxins. Anything you can do to get the intestine move faster is going to improve your hormone function.

- 00:16:35 - Is the whole low thyroid epidemic going on for a long time? Broda Barnes did his PhD work in the 1930s. His surveys found that throughout the world about half of the population was more or less hypothyroid. The mineral deficiency of iodine was a problem back then.

- 00:19:45 - If salt is pink it has too much iron, if it's gray it might just be mud from poor refining of sea water.

- 00:21:00 - 00:26:30 - commercials

- 00:27:00 - Are beans okay for people to eat? If they are traditionally fixed. Black beans take about two days or more to prepare. They are fine. If you eat them out of a can, they are likely to be more toxic. You have to soak and prepare them before eating.

- 00:28:40 - Dr. Peat talks a lot about nixtamalized corn. Is corn not so good if not nixtamalized? Some of the stuff made in a factory, they speed the process up too much.

- 00:30:10 - Many of the carnivore people say that the brain prefers fat and not sugar. Does Dr. Peat agree with that? No, it depends on the person. The good thing about fat is that in a famine, a little bit goes a long way. It's a survival food. But when you eat fruit every day, you can store as much fat as you need, but your energy level stays much higher.

- 00:34:05 - Is Aspirin okay and does it cause internal bleeding? He read an article that made the case that Aspirin had the most extreme effect on life extension. Some of the bleeding stuff is misinterpretation to sell Tylenol. When you look at old and sick people, by the time they go to the hospital, chances are they have been taking Aspirin for a long time. When you are under stress intense enough to go to the hospital, that can cause serious bowel bleeding. Those people just by chance or more likely to take Aspirin.

- 00:37:00 - Can people be different in such a way that some people do really well on a vegan diet and others would almost die? When you look at a very ideally done fat diet and well-done carbohydrate diet, you can make each of them very safe and life extending.

- 00:38:45 - [Question about phosphate/calcium ratio again]? Within a very broad range it's the ration that matters. An optimal ratio would be close to 1:1, but 3:1 is still safe. A chronic 6-7:1 ratio can cause some serious problems. The risk for things like lung cancer is increased.

- 00:41:45 - Dairy cows are kept pregnant. How would the hormones affect us? It depends on who is managing the cows. They don't always have to be pregnant. It's more stressful to the cow to produce huge amounts of milk.

- 00:43:15 - Is it possible to grow back joints [question has been asked at least once before]? [Story about the plumber again]

- 00:47:00 - 87-year old mom with hearing loss in one ear and dizziness when standing. Doctor diagnosed her with Meniere’s disease and prescribed diuretics and a low salt diet. What causes this and should she do this treatment? It depends on the type of diuretic. You can achieve the same thing by addressing the hormones. Progesterone for example is a diuretic that can relieve the disease pretty quickly.

- 00:48:45 - Is it worth the money, time and effort to do blood tests every now and then? It's interesting but he never had it done for himself. He can tell from his symptoms and functions whether things are okay.

- 00:49:40 - How does Dr. Peat feel about avocado and avocado oil? He doesn't see any reason at all for avocado oil. But ripe avocados are very pleasant. The amount of fat in the flesh is harmless if you only eat an occasional serving. You could probably eat a quart and a half a day without messing up your fat balance.

- 00:51:55 - What do eggs at night do to your blood sugar? They tend to hold blood sugar down all night. The high quality amino acids are powerful stimulants of the pancreas and the insulin response. The egg protein is considered the highest quality protein. But potato protein even slightly exceeds egg protein for quality.

- 00:54:30 - Is it detrimental to the nutrients in the egg if we hard-cook them or cook them too much? Slightly. Too much oxidation makes the taste worse. The slightly undercooked egg has anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions.

- 00:55:50 - Does Dr. Peat consider clarified butter or ghee in the same class as butter? Nutritionally it's the same, but he never eats it himself.

- 00:56:20 - Does Dr. Peat prefer wheat bran or oat bran? The cellulose of wheat bran is considered the safest of all brans. But oat is a good alternative if you're allergic to wheat.

- 00:57:45 - Blood glucose level stays the same all day, before and after a meal. What could be going on? It's probably not a problem. Maybe the way they cook their food. If the food is well-cooked, you extract more sugar and starch from the food.

- 01:00:00 - If you take T4 plus T3 and it brings down your temperature, how can you tell whether it's the dose or the stress hormones coming down? If you ran on stress, thyroid lowers the stress. You have to measure it every day, day after day.

- 01:01:10 - Are there any commonly sold materials that you think people should stop buying, because they are damaging to the environment? Plastics, the more you do to upset the environment, the worse things get.

- 01:02:30 - Is the cause for varicose veins in men the same as in women? In both men and women hypothyroidism plays a big role. Cortisol excess is more likely in men, estrogen excess more likely in women.

- 01:04:00 - What would be symptoms of too high cortisol? Thinning of the skin, all of the signs of menopause are identical to the signs of excess cortisol

- 01:06:00 - Purple spots on forearms every now and then, stays for maybe a week and then fades away. What could this be? He thinks it's one of the early signs of developing intestinal allergies. It increases cortisol and estrogen and that destabilizes capillaries.

- 01:07:20 - How to test Vitamin A levels and what would be a healthy range? The things that regulate it are thyroid function, progesterone function and Vitamin E [I think that's what he said] and B12 intake. You can't look only at Vitamin A, but you have to see how things are functioning. It tends to take care of itself with a good diet.

- 01:08:30 - What are the best strategies for lowering high cortisol? Everything that is pleasant. Keeping your meal frequency up is important.

- 01:09:05 - What is the main cause for bags under the eyes? Stress and high cortisol and high estrogen are associated with it. Eating allergenic food can cause it.

- 01:10:20 - Is coffee/caffeine bad for the adrenals? It can disturb them. Many people drink it without food. If you drink it with food it improves the efficiency of energy production. It can make things much worse or much better. On an empty stomach it raises cortisol and damages tissues.

- 01:11:30 - Any ways to produce more potassium? You should be able to get enough potassium with about every food you eat. There is almost never a potassium deficiency.

- 01:12:05 - Some women, when they get injections of testosterone after menopause, feel better and sleep better. What does Dr. Peat think? It makes just about everyone feel better, but in a woman it's going to increase facial hair. And in a men that age, estrogen is already higher than in women, so it's very doubtful that it is helping the average man in his 70s.

- 01:13:25 - What would be the cause of high triglycerides, despite following a low fat diet, and what the best way to reduce them? Too much starch can cause elevated triglycerides and stress does, too. High triglycerides are seldom anything to worry about, usually it's just that a person is feeling stressed and is therefore eating some extra starch.

- 01:17:45 - What are the dangers, causes and remedies for too much iron in the body? Eating too much iron is really the only problem.

- 01:22:45 - [Patrick and Ray talking to snakes and ants]

That's the last one for now.


Sep 21, 2014
I've added a PDF file with all the notes to the start post in case anyone prefers to have everything in one file


Sep 21, 2014
Is there any way to prevent the automatic conversion to smilies that happened in some posts?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
@-Luke- Your amazing! Thank you for this resource.


Nov 10, 2018
This is amazing and a great idea, appreciate the time you put in for this buddy.

Could this thread be organised in a way so questions are linked to the answers? This thread has a lot of potential and could be touched up in a very user friendly way


Sep 21, 2014
Could this thread be organised in a way so questions are linked to the answers?
Do you mean that you click on the timestamp and then go directly to the question? I think this only works on youtube, but I'm not sure.

It also works with soundcloud, see Specify starting time of track within URL for SoundCloud?

I could link to soundcloud in every post and then link every timestamp. Would take a while, though. Plus I can't edit the posts anymore. There seems to be a time limit within which this is possible. I don't know if @charlie could unlock editing for me by hand.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 21, 2014


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 10, 2018
Do you mean that you click on the timestamp and then go directly to the question? I think this only works on youtube, but I'm not sure.

It also works with soundcloud, see Specify starting time of track within URL for SoundCloud?

I could link to soundcloud in every post and then link every timestamp. Would take a while, though. Plus I can't edit the posts anymore. There seems to be a time limit within which this is possible. I don't know if @charlie could unlock editing for me by hand.

That does sound like an amazing idea, but I was thinking more of having all the individual questions listed in one post and having a link to them. Might be a bit easier than a soundcloud link?
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