Ray Peat Memorial - Pictures of a Beautiful Energetic Life


Dec 21, 2014
Just a quick bit of bio info below and more pics (his nickname in school was 1/2 pint) and also 2 pics of his father Sidney:
He was in the school band and later in life made extra money giving violin and trumpet lessons I think. He would also paint portraits to make extra money. The pic of him below doing the paper mache sculptures is from when he was an art teacher at Junction City High School, Oregon. He also taught at a school here in the San Diego area for a while. He was born about 5 minutes from my house in what is now Santee Ca. on Magnolia Avenue, and then later moved to the Indio Ca. area where his mother (Louella Osborne) I think had a photography studio. His older brother Donald Peat was a Nuclear engineer and was in the Navy in the1950's and was famous for the design of the post accident monitoring system after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979. and I believe Donald and his wife Marlene had an engineering business locally here in Poway for years. Donald died at age 81 and is buried here in a military cemetery in San Diego as a Korean War USN vet. His gravestone reads "I tried to do my best"

With all the unselfish help Ray always readily provided to the multitude of others suffering from health conditions, desperately seeking advice, it is obvious that Ray also "Tried to do his best" and God bless him for that. A life well lived. In his wake, he leaves the legacy of the many grateful people he inspired to seek scientific truth, who will always remember him fondly.

His teachings laid a foundation for each of you. Helping others never goes out of fashion. That torch has now, sadly been passed on, what each of you build on that foundation which Ray laid down, will hopefully be astounding in it's depth of knowledge and serve to exponentially help many others whose lives you have yet to touch. Just as Ray touched yours..............................

Try to do your best
The photo labeled "S H Peat passport.jpg" is not related to Peat. The one labeled "Sidney Howe Peat" is Ray's father aged 23.


The photo labeled "S H Peat passport.jpg" is not related to Peat. The one labeled "Sidney Howe Peat" is Ray's father aged 23.
Perhaps it is or perhaps not, no argument from me, it came up under a data point for his father as his passport foto,I think a few years back from Ancestry.com, but searches can sometimes provide totally erroneous data, of course. Always prudent to challenge any data. Thank you for the heads up.

I only post these things here for the enjoyment of others as we gather together as this forum community to sincerely say a respectful final thank you to Ray and all he shared. Hopefully people will find some pleasure in the remarks and pics. It's my way of saying goodbye ,reminiscing and expressing sorrow over the loss and how lucky it was to be exposed to his ideas.

The brevity of this life has always bothered me. As a very young child I read For Whom the Bell Tolls by John Donne, I have disliked the brevity of life profoundly ever since that poem made me think in the direction of how we are all connected and about how we must lose other people and then eventually ourselves. Knowing somebody special is the beautiful dream, losing them is the nightmare.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
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Nov 26, 2017

Right in Two

Jul 23, 2016
Some more pictures that haven't been posted in the thread yet, #1 is from Generative Energy, #2 is from the Bud Weiss interview, #3 is the original unedited picture on his About page (downloaded it from a website a long time ago), #4 is the edited picture currently on his About page (Ray Peat), #5-10 is from videos and images on the old PerceiveThinkAct website:

12080754.129x225 Alumni.jpg




Found the source of the third picture: Alumni.NET
Looks like his old Newsletter website is still online also: Ray Peat
Nothing new to see there that can't be found on the main website, but still an interesting curiosity - the copyright of the art index and newsletters dates back to 1996, so it might even predate his main website (?)
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Thanks again!
You're welcome.

One of the all time most fascinating pics of him for me is that clipping of a before and after pic of pregnenolone----- He was apparently very sickly on and off throughout his entire life which is probably behind much of the reason he was so incredibly passionate about learning and sharing this stuff.
In that clipping - years of sickness reversed using 50-100 mg / day for 10 weeks. Amazing stuff, I have yet to experience such a dramatic effect from pregnenolone or progesterone. Maybe I'll try a similar experiment and up my dose using one of those two substances. I have a bunch of his progest-e formula in my fridge.

He looks so stressed and older and even a worried look around the eyes to me , in the before pic, and so confident looking and younger and cool as a cucumber in the after pic. skin is tight and looks years younger. A good indication of how hormones can dramatically help health and well being when the levels are properly restored.
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Nov 29, 2017
Fantastic pic. Ray Peat is slowly leaving us :cry:

My favourite Peat pic so far


Dec 3, 2022
Some more pictures that haven't been posted in the thread yet, #1 is from Generative Energy, #2 is from the Bud Weiss interview, #3 is the original unedited picture on his About page (downloaded it from a website a long time ago), #4 is the edited picture currently on his About page (Ray Peat), #5-10 is from videos and images on the old PerceiveThinkAct website:

View attachment 45603 View attachment 45602 View attachment 45601 View attachment 45610

View attachment 45604 View attachment 45605

View attachment 45606 View attachment 45607

View attachment 45608 View attachment 45609

Found the source of the third picture: Alumni.NET
Looks like his old Newsletter website is still online also: Ray Peat
Nothing new to see there that can't be found on the main website, but still an interesting curiosity - the copyright of the art index and newsletters dates back to 1996, so it might even predate his main website (?)
Wow thank you!

I love seing him draw. I'm a painter, and would have loved discussing art with him, and studying in his class.
Does anyone know if he kept drawing or sketching? I guess from the pictures, but I wonder if he did it on a regular basis.

All these pictures are amazing. It makes me feel sad, so sad that he's gone.
Ray's forehead is beautiful, what a mystery and treasure, all that there was inside...


Dec 1, 2020
@Right in Two That's fascinating info, and really gives credence to the idea that he lived longer than he may have, if he hadn't developed his ideas and used them himself.
Also interesting to know that he obviously didnt since young live "peaty". It was a continous development or/and exploration of ideas and experience. If he was " peaty" since birth I imagine it would have been an even longer life. Gives alot of credibility to his ideas...

Right in Two

Jul 23, 2016
Wow thank you!

I love seing him draw. I'm a painter, and would have loved discussing art with him, and studying in his class.
Does anyone know if he kept drawing or sketching? I guess from the pictures, but I wonder if he did it on a regular basis.

All these pictures are amazing. It makes me feel sad, so sad that he's gone.
Ray's forehead is beautiful, what a mystery and treasure, all that there was inside...
I think he did keep on painting after those pictures were taken in 2014, he definitely did it on a regular basis at that time. Don't remember which episode(s), but pretty sure he talked about still regularly painting on Danny Roddy's podcast sometime between 2016-2022. The transcripts below are from the video "Dr. Ray Peat, Day One: Full Interview from On the Back of a Tiger" available on Youtube (filmed on October 2014):

Source: https://youtu.be/jqhlIOt5sUw?t=5124
Question (at 01:25:24):
[...] when you want to take a break from...researching and writing about scientific topics, how do you do that? Other activities or...?

Ray Peat:
Um...if, when I'm in, in Eugene, I, I just go out in the backyard and paint something. And uh, I, I've always...when I would be writing on any subject, uh...I would uh...feel that I was starting to get, uh.....over, over-abstract and over-verbal. And uh, so I would sculpt something, or uh, paint something, or, uh, even try to write a poem or something to change the way I was relating to language, and, and just to uh, keep, keep myself...uh...from getting into a rut.

Source: https://youtu.be/jqhlIOt5sUw?t=6091
Question at (01:41:31):
And how much time do you spend now, painting?

Ray Peat:
Oh..( ^ᴗ^ )..uh.....I, I suppose about a...a quarter, of, of my time. Lot's...lot's of reading, little bits of writing, and...and...resting, by painting.
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Mar 26, 2014
Some more pictures that haven't been posted in the thread yet, #1 is from Generative Energy, #2 is from the Bud Weiss interview, #3 is the original unedited picture on his About page (downloaded it from a website a long time ago), #4 is the edited picture currently on his About page (Ray Peat), #5-10 is from videos and images on the old PerceiveThinkAct website:

View attachment 45603 View attachment 45602 View attachment 45601 View attachment 45610

View attachment 45604 View attachment 45605

View attachment 45606 View attachment 45607

View attachment 45608 View attachment 45609

Found the source of the third picture: Alumni.NET
Looks like his old Newsletter website is still online also: Ray Peat
Nothing new to see there that can't be found on the main website, but still an interesting curiosity - the copyright of the art index and newsletters dates back to 1996, so it might even predate his main website (?)

That before and after preg pic is incredible.


Dec 3, 2022
I think he did keep on painting after those pictures were taken in 2014, he definitely did it on a regular basis at that time. Don't remember which episode(s), but pretty sure he talked about still regularly painting on Danny Roddy's podcast sometime between 2016-2022. The transcripts below are from the video "Dr. Ray Peat, Day One: Full Interview from On the Back of a Tiger" available on Youtube (filmed on October 2014):

Source: https://youtu.be/jqhlIOt5sUw?t=5124
Question (at 01:25:24):
[...] when you want to take a break from...researching and writing about scientific topics, how do you do that? Other activities or...?

Ray Peat:
Um...if, when I'm in, in Eugene, I, I just go out in the backyard and paint something. And uh, I, I've always...when I would be writing on any subject, uh...I would uh...feel that I was starting to get, uh.....over, over-abstract and over-verbal. And uh, so I would sculpt something, or uh, paint something, or, uh, even try to write a poem or something to change the way I was relating to language, and, and just to uh, keep, keep myself...uh...from getting into a rut.

Source: https://youtu.be/jqhlIOt5sUw?t=6091
Question at (01:41:31):
And how much time do you spend now, painting?

Ray Peat:
Oh..( ^ᴗ^ )..uh.....I, I suppose about a...a quarter, of, of my time. Lot's...lot's of reading, little bits of writing, and...and...resting, by painting.
Thank you so much for this!

I really wanted to hear him talk about painting more.
This is wonderful.
I remember from a recent épisode in Danny's interviews that a painter asked how to protect oneself from the toxic chemicals while painting. He answered but I thought that at that time he was fully dedicated to research.
So it's nice to know he needed painting too!


An upscaled image of Ray (circa 2007):
View attachment 45984
Wow, look at the detail. Impressive. Very nice pic. As to circa 2007...............

by my math , 2007 minus 1936 = 71 years old
so probably not. Thank you for posting that pic though. Appreciated it.
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Apr 6, 2018
Wow, look at the detail. Impressive. Very nice pic. As to circa 2007...............

by my math , 2007 minus 1936 = 71 years old
so probably not. Thank you for posting that pic though. Appreciated it.
I found that the picture was posted online in 2007. I’m not sure when it was actually taken, I would also like to know.
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