Record High Number Of People Are Not Having Sex, The Young Lead The Pack


Jun 25, 2017

All kidding aside, the problem is most women find 80% of men unattractive which is ridiculous but true so your little theory that it's a higher percentage of attractive girls is kind of bull since that is implying that the average male is just unattractive. As far as your example, that never ******* happens. Sugarmama is only if hte guy is +8 / 10.
Misleading. They only initiate with the top 20% ("because they're sure"). Their response rate when approached/messaged falls inline with the male's desirability intersected with their own. That is, it falls linearly with male appeal.

Tinder's swipe first and gender skew (at least 2:1 male:female) has made it effectively as you describe, as the top 20% of males (40/200) are enough to exhaust the pool of viable women (50/100).

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Misleading. They only initiate with the top 20% ("because they're sure"). Their response rate when approached/messaged falls inline with the male's desirability intersected with their own. That is, it falls linearly with male appeal.

Tinder's swipe first and gender skew (at least 2:1 male:female) has made it effectively as you describe, as the top 20% of males (40/200) are enough to exhaust the pool of viable women (50/100).
it seemed like a lot more men use it, but my sample size was limited to like, a 100 guys or so mate.
Apr 24, 2017
No tattoos or weird piercings here. I have a very healthy sex drive about 7 months a year when the days are longerWhy is it mainly men going through this porn addiction? I had access to it as a teenager and while I did look from time to time, I still had an active social life, boyfriends and was sexually active.
Because men are aroused visually more so then women and they are the ones that need to “get it up” and the brain is used to get aroused to the wrong stimuli. Porn addiction also is often just a coping mechanism for deeper psychological issues I believe.


Oct 19, 2019

eat my peat

Interesting read … so should just fap to a photograph of a naked chick instead? Or just fap using imagination?

trying to understand the implications of removing porn, as I’m assuming it doesn’t mean removing fapping …

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Interesting read … so should just fap to a photograph of a naked chick instead? Or just fap using imagination?

trying to understand the implications of removing porn, as I’m assuming it doesn’t mean removing fapping …
its not really true, on no fap forums and similar sites, all the metabolic problems, environmental toxicites, food toxicities are blamed on PMO (porn masturbation). the real problem is the actual metabolic dysfunction, pufa, vaccines, fluoride, toxic food/environment, if those things are corrected you wouldnt have an issue with PMO or sex. people in america have impotence issues whether married and having sex or masturbating, hence all the advertising for ED drugs
some sites blame ED itself on porn usage, claiming porn usage makes you not get turned on by regular average women because it creates unrealistic expectations. its likely not true, with a good metabolism you could easily get erections

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Apparently it is only easier if you belong to the top 5% of men in looks.
This is what the data basically tells us.

imo it used to be easier for men as there were more irl interactions and girls didn't have the option to go on dating apps and get a 1000 simps to match them in 3 days...

Only to pick Chad that dumps her after a week so she can then cry about why she's so lonely.

Jokes aside the statistics from the dating apps do show it's become easier for women and harder for men.
True, True and True ! One more reason why all bull**** about "gender equality" is wrong. Yet before even Chad had to be careful not having too much sex with different partners othewise he could end with several kids (what happened with our grand fathers if some cultures), but today, with the duo contraception + tinder 5% of guys have sex with 90% of girl. 1/10 rated girl thinks she can have a 9/10 rated boy. And 1/10 rated boy have no choice but to end with porn or prostitute.

At the end, in a society where a Chad don't make effort to share with his brother and let him "woman" we are creating frustating societies where only few males have access to women, by being a Chad or Rich. If you are poor and ugly life is a disaster.


Feb 13, 2018
'We have gone sick by following a path of untrammelled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, bottom-line-ism. We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body, when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies, or strategies for overcoming the condition of dis-ease. And the 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing. Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behaviour, I applaud all of this; because it's an impulse to return to what is felt by the body -- what is authentic, what is archaic -- and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very centre of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling.' - Terence McKenna
Most males are not feeling very dominant these days.
Apr 1, 2021
Not only in the US, it happens even in poorer countries. Since they started eating vegetable oils, everything collapsed, people easily angry, fat, impotent, anxious and inside the matrix. Yesterday when I bought a train ticket, the employer started yelling at me because I didn´t tell her that I´ll pay credit card. Few days ago, when I was in the tram, people outside of it started to yell at me because I didn´t wear a mask.

People started to go insane. I believe that most of them, right now, repress the anger since society tell us to do it and some of them explode. Wait a few more years and we'll see a way stronger devolution of human race.


Feb 25, 2020
My view is this isn't true. Gen-z are generally two faced liars. That could seriously sway the statistics.


Mar 28, 2019
Very interesting read


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Not only in the US, it happens even in poorer countries. Since they started eating vegetable oils, everything collapsed, people easily angry, fat, impotent, anxious and inside the matrix. Yesterday when I bought a train ticket, the employer started yelling at me because I didn´t tell her that I´ll pay credit card. Few days ago, when I was in the tram, people outside of it started to yell at me because I didn´t wear a mask.

People started to go insane. I believe that most of them, right now, repress the anger since society tell us to do it and some of them explode. Wait a few more years and we'll see a way stronger devolution of human race.
Is it really just vegetable oils or there’s likely much more to it? The iodization of salt, the fluoride in the water?
Apr 1, 2021
Is it really just vegetable oils or there’s likely much more to it? The iodization of salt, the fluoride in the water?
Yes and much more like EMF radiation, conservants, heavy metals, office job. I am a bit sad because lots of genuinely good people with great genes that really want a happy life, they suffer because they don't have the right knowledge about dieting and elite.
There is no choice but to try to escape this madness. Buying a tropical land and learning how to fish may be a good choice, it's a bit extreme tho.
My plan is to become an workalcolic, save money, invest it in real estate, get money from rent and then live a low stress life with a basic phone (no EMF) in a small city and taking some t3, B3 and progesterone once in a while to decrease stress even more.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Yes and much more like EMF radiation, conservants, heavy metals, office job. I am a bit sad because lots of genuinely good people with great genes that really want a happy life, they suffer because they don't have the right knowledge about dieting and elite.
There is no choice but to try to escape this madness. Buying a tropical land and learning how to fish may be a good choice, it's a bit extreme tho.
My plan is to become an workalcolic, save money, invest it in real estate, get money from rent and then live a low stress life with a basic phone (no EMF) in a small city and taking some t3, B3 and progesterone once in a while to decrease stress even more.
Dieting and elite? Whats elite?
Fishing is toxic though no? Youd need to have a cow to drink milk off of...?
That’s a good idea.
I don’t think T3 or B3 will help, T3 raises cortisol for me and literally caused weight gain and all cortisol symptoms. I suspect caffeine as a supplement does the same


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Women care more about social media, and men care more about porn and sex.
Interesting read … so should just fap to a photograph of a naked chick instead? Or just fap using imagination?

trying to understand the implications of removing porn, as I’m assuming it doesn’t mean removing fapping …
Both are grave sins


Oct 4, 2019
And thats a good thing because there would be many shoot ups and so on...

But also a a bad thing because 80/20 rule destroys the birthrate

As the woman try to settle with the 20%, they get ran through and the bodycount of woman leads to increased divorces when they finally settle with the bottom 80% guy for security

None of this is good

dating apps need to be destroyed to bring back the nuclear family. Too late now
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