Record High Number Of People Are Not Having Sex, The Young Lead The Pack


Mar 20, 2021
Maybe youth are smarter and would prefer to avoid herpes, warts and pregnancy risk. Several of my teenage daughter's friends say they are avoiding sex because they don't want to go on the birth control pill. I don't think this is a bad or unhealthy thing at all!


Oct 19, 2019


Mar 28, 2019

Lol I remember posting this at the time, don't forget that VITAMIN C INCREASES THE FU*K RATE

Mar 10, 2021
Yet another study that corroborates the striking decline of health in Western nations, except that this time it is not physiological disease.
The "Young" Have Now Become The Old
This new study found that a record high number of people is not having ANY sex, with the most pronounced "sex drought" seen in the youngest cohorts. That makes the findings even more worrying as typically this is the age group that is most sexually active. But not any more, and judging by the numbers before long the millenials and people even younger than them will soon catch up with the senior citizens in terms of "sexual drought". The "young" have now indeed become the old.
"...The share of U.S. adults reporting no sex in the past year reached an all-time high in 2018, underscoring a three-decade trend line marked by an aging population and higher numbers of unattached people. But among the 23 percent of adults — or nearly 1 in 4 — who spent the year in a celibate state, a much larger than expected number of them were 20-something men, according to the latest data from the General Social Survey. Experts who study Americans’ bedroom habits say there are a number of factors driving the Great American Sex Drought. Age is one of them: The 60-and-older demographic climbed from 18 percent of the population in 1996 to 26 percent in 2018, according to the survey. The share reporting no sex has consistently hovered around 50 percent, and because that age group is growing relative to everyone else, it has the net effect of reducing the overall population’s likelihood of having sex."

"...But changes at the other end of the age spectrum may be playing an even bigger role. The portion of Americans 18 to 29 reporting no sex in the past year more than doubled between 2008 and 2018, to 23 percent. For most of the past three decades, 20-something men and women reported similar rates of sexlessness. But that has changed in recent years. Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That’s a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers."
I’ll bet a lot of the reason for this is boys staying at home more interested in video games rather than socializing or getting a job. It doesn’t leave much for the girls to do. Can’t say it am sad about this study, with too many unwanted teenage pregnancies. I assume those have gone down?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I assume those have gone down?

Yes, those did go down.

While I am with you on trying to lower the teen pregnancy rate, it's probably not very good for a country's longer term prospects if that rate is being decreased due to celibacy. Celibacy in such young people is almost always an indication of poor health, so the findings are concerning to me for that reason.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2021
Yes, those did go down.

While I am with you on trying to lower the teen pregnancy rate, it's probably not very good for a country's longer term prospects if that rate is being decreased due to celibacy. Celibacy in such young people is almost always an indication of poor health, so the findings are concerning to me for that reason.
Yeah but look at the broken families and dysfunctional people that are being bred into society. I would rather have a few good team players than a bunch of people with their hands out, and adding nothing positive to the equation.


Mar 10, 2016
I would rather have a few good team players than a bunch of people with their hands out, and adding nothing positive to the equation.
I sort of agree. Current times have made it difficult for millennials to have a proper family. We also don't have as much support from our own parents in the process, since we tend to move around for work.

We're trying to behave in the meantime lol.
Mar 10, 2021
I sort of agree. Current times have made it difficult for millennials to have a proper family. We also don't have as much support from our own parents in the process, since we tend to move around for work.

We're trying to behave in the meantime lol.
Behaving is a good start!


Mar 4, 2019
Would a dopamine agonist and prolactin antagonist like Cabergoline have any effect in changing the number in any substantial way?


Oct 7, 2020
Those with POIS can't have sex without feeling like ***t for days after due to the mast cell activation/Histamine release
Mar 10, 2021
So women to blame? And men are perfect? :)
(i am male, it just sounds funny when you blame one side. On both sides they are people who take care of them selves and who do not)
Right! Women have done a lot more things to make themselves attractive too, with fake hair extensions, Botox and other face fillers, implants and such. I think now there is a great gap between types of women, the vain ones and the lazy dumpy ones, and not too many, in the middle, natural “girl next door” ones anymore. That is what most men want, a real girl to love and adore them. Unfortunately men who watch porn ruin themselves to appreciating a girl like that.
Mar 10, 2021
Why is it mainly men going through this porn addiction? I had access to it as a teenager and while I did look from time to time, I still had an active social life, boyfriends and was sexually active.
Because you were looking for love as a primary goal, men watching porn aren’t.
Mar 10, 2021
Sex is for making babies and is quite overrated as a pastime, coming from an eligible 25 year old guy. Im over it. It's been commodified and sold for centuries and perhaps many are awakening to how worthless it is as a pursuit. The screens are making us wiser, even if the resulting behavior makes us seem less "cool" to the casual observer. Beyond that, I have many, many reasons to abstain.
I strongly disagree. If sex is just for making babies that what are women’s orgasms for?
Mar 10, 2021
@thomas00 I do NoFap but I make sure to cycle it to avoid estrogen increases via aromatization from the testosterone increases I get from it. I like to also do NoPillow (ie sleeping without a pillow) to increase test and I take similar precautions as I do with NoFap. I've also been getting into staring contests with various dogs to assert my dominance over them and get testosterone increases that way. Yesterday I stared down:

2 German Shepards
1 Labrador
1 Poodle
1 Pug
1 Siberian Husky

Effects I got include: Increased attention from females, increased muscle hardness, wet dreams (no beastiality, please keep your mind out of the gutter) and a deeper voice. But, I find the most effective way to really increase test is to actually assert PHYSICAL dominance over another person. I find quickly (and discreetly) pushing down old ladies or small children the most effective and safest way to do this. Last weekend I pushed an elderly woman while in line at the DMV when no one was looking and that SAME NIGHT I added 20 pounds to my bench press.
Your sense of humor is so great! I imagine you are plenty successful with the ladies! Thanks for the cheer!
Mar 10, 2021
I think what lots of people are missing is lots of men feel they are not adequate in the size department, penis size is something loads of men worry about unless you have a big penis, even some men with 7 inches plus will think they are small and feel less confident because of it so imagine what someone who is below average will feel like. Just go over to sub Reddit small penis syndrome and see the amount of men avoiding sex and relationships because of their size. Lots of men just don't feel like they size up so they don't bother to try get with someone.
There are a whole lot of “small” woman who don’t like having sex with a “large” man. Kama Sutra talks about pairing “things” up right. I know women who dumped men that are too big…

“The Kama Sutra's three sizes of male and female genitalia:
Male Kama Sutra Sizes:

Hare (Small)
Bull (Medium)
Horse (Large)
Female Kama Sutra Sizes:

Deer (Small)
Mare (Medium)
Elephant (Large)
Despite the animal-based names, this book makes a really interesting point about genital size, and it’s not just in regards to penis size, as western culture so frequently focuses on. The Kama Sutra acknowledges and accepts that there are just as many shapes and sizes of vaginas as there are of penises, both in length and girth. As a female, this is a somewhat refreshing viewpoint. It gets really old to hear people obsess over their penis size, when it’s not any more complicated than determining vaginal size (in fact, it may be simpler to ascertain).“

Mar 10, 2021
Maybe youth are smarter and would prefer to avoid herpes, warts and pregnancy risk. Several of my teenage daughter's friends say they are avoiding sex because they don't want to go on the birth control pill. I don't think this is a bad or unhealthy thing at all!
They sound like really smart girls!
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