Rectal Administration Of Vitamin E For Treatment Of Degenerative Diseases


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Katty said:
Thanks, Blossom. Just did some googling... Interesting pics =)
I thought narouz was using the technical terminology. ;)
I love it! I think wazoo is my new favorite word. :D


Apr 17, 2013
Yes, this is funny but I was not really getting much effect from Vitamin E and I wondered if I was absorbing it at all. So I started using it as a suppository. In a week I saw a complete reversal of a varicocele (which is a varicose vein-like condition in men), skin clearing, energy and temperature improvements. I had been taking vitamin E religiously before and never saw any of these benefits. It is possible that some degenerative diseases impair all absorption of some substances, and E seems to be one of the hardest to absorb if there are any difficulties.

Here is one article I found about this route for ulcerative colitis. As I have IBS, and have seen a complete improvement of my symptoms, as well as the issues above, it definitely works for more than just this condition.
Rectal administration of d-alpha tocopherol for active ulcerative colitis: A preliminary report

It should go without saying that only natural vitamin E tocopherol should be used to do this.

How long did this take to resolve your IBS?


Is it worth considering administration of other vitamins with this method or just vitamin E? I guess our options would be limited to vitamins that come in oil form.


Oct 16, 2015
If I wanted to try TocoVit via rectal/suppository administration can I simply put the TocoVit into a gelatin capsule and stick it up the wazoo? Or is there a better way to take it as a suppository if I wanted to absorb as much of the Vitamin E as possible?


Dec 4, 2017
Anyone still taking Vitamin E rectally?, if so what benefits have you experienced.
Are there any other supplements that are beneficial taken this way?


Sep 1, 2017
I'm thinking about doing this. 800 IU (DL Alpha tocopherol acetate) dissolved in EVCO.
Thougths and suggestions are welcome


Oct 8, 2018
I have been taking mixed tocotrienols orally with oral d alpha tocopherol. I bought a bag of sunflower seed kernels today, and they have approx 40mg vitamin e per 100g which is a good amount. Annatto seeds have 160mg per 100g. I have ordered some on ebay. Nuts have around 16-26mg per 100g. Then there is the oils- rice bran, red palm, wheat germ, and more which all contain decent amounts.

Some studies suggest tocotrienols have 40 times the anti oxidant capacity of tocopherols but they only tested it against a small number of compounds, and there would be a lot of compounds vitamin e reduces in the body than just 2 or 3. But then other studies show the alpha tocopherol transfer protein has greatest affinity for alpha tocopherol, and well less affinity for the 3 other tocopherols, and close to no affinity for the 4 tocotrienols so which of the two classes is actually better I don't know. Then a third class of vitamin e was discovered also. Will have to look for studies on that again.

Suppository is an interesting idea. In the liver is the alpha tocopherol transfer protein which packages alpha tocopherol into lipoproteins for transport in the blood around the body. Rectal administration might bypass this getting blood levels higher. If vitamin e has to be in lipoproteins for uptake into cells though then bypassing the protein may or may not work. Another method would be transdermal. Vitamin e with no carrier might work as it is fat soluble or could mix it with glycerol, ethanol, DMSO or another suitable penetration enhancer. Then there is home made liposomal vitamin e which may be the best bet, and highest bio availability.

I will be experimenting with some of these things also.


Oct 8, 2018
Oh latex- the white stuff trees secrete when cut which is used to make rubber- has around 250mg per 100g so that is the best food source. I will be cutting some trees tomorrow to try get some out. The latex liquids for sale commercially have ammonia, and another substance mixed in with them per the SDSs so not sure if that is safe to drink or not. Rice bran has a good amount too. Here is some photos of food content of vitamin e. I have a whole folder full of vitamin e studies. Can upload them if someone wants it.


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Jun 5, 2017
Is the whole point of the rectal administration purely because of the mucosal membrane and absorption? Also, how does one make sure it doesn't just leak right back out? In my experience trying to use Progest-e vaginally (sorry if this is TMI), it didn't always stay put. I would imagine rectal administration would be the same if one isn't standing on one's head during administration.....
@lindsay sorry I know this is a super old post but I’ve just been reading through and saw your comment.. just a thought, you could use a menstrual cup to hold things in over night.. for vaginal administration I mean..


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Jun 5, 2017
I have thought about trying haidut's pregnenolone that way because I require such a large amount orally. Anyway, here is how I make suppositories:
You will need-
1. Double boiler
2. Aluminum foil in 10- 2 inch x 2 inch squares
3.Cocoa butter 2tbsp/1ounce
4. 10 doses of vitamin E oil of choice
Slowly melt cocoa butter in double boiler. Stir in vitamin E. Remove from heat and let mixture stand until it just starts to solidify. Using a spoon scoop approximately 1/10th mixture onto aluminum foil square. Roll into a cylindrical shape and place in the refrigerator or freezer to cool.
I'm open to suggestions on improving this recipe! I've wondered if a candy mold in an acceptable shape might work better? I've also considered the possibility that aluminum foil might not be optimal but haven't come up with anything that holds its shape quite as well. Feel free to share any tweaks to this that come to mind.
@Blossom and @haidut sorry to jump back into this v old thread- is heating the vitamin e an issue? And @haidut would heating the progesterone be okay etc? I’d like to try to make this suppository but just unsure if heating would affect negatively. Thanks!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Blossom and @haidut sorry to jump back into this v old thread- is heating the vitamin e an issue? And @haidut would heating the progesterone be okay etc? I’d like to try to make this suppository but just unsure if heating would affect negatively. Thanks!
I have made suppositories with both cortinon and haidut’s pregnenolone/dhea product. I heat cocoa butter just to the point of melting and mix in the steroids and stir well. They still work for me that way so it doesn’t seem that heating is negatively impacting the progesterone, pregnenolone or dhea but hopefully haidut or some one else can confirm if this should work. I haven’t dissolved any steroid powders -only used ones already dissolved from haidut.
Last year one of our female forum members wrote Peat and he suggested she could dissolve dhea powder in progest-e. I will try to find the post for you.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA

I have minor prolapse of my pelvic organs largely due to a chronic lifelong cough (mostly under control now after finding the buteyko method of breathing) and probably high cortisol levels.

A friend had a consultation with Dr Peat and he suggested applying Progest-e mixed with DHEA- applied vaginally 2x per day for her prolapse. I wrote to him to confirm that it could be helpful in my case (I'm a younger woman, I thought the mixture may have been geared more toward post-menopausal women). And he suggested that it may indeed be helpful! "DHEA strengthens elastic tissues & with progesterone it opposes the effects of estrogen." -RP

So, I mix 100mg of DHEA in one small bottle of progest-e (34mL) really well and then apply olive oil first, followed by an approximately 1 inch long line of the DHEA/progest-e mixture vaginally. Morning and evening.

Too early to see if it's doing much, but my friend had really miraculous results! Her organs went back to their places!

I also practice "Whole Woman Posture" (google it). Seems like that is helping as well.
@teds, here’s the post I mentioned above:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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