Relearning How To Breathe And Increasing CO2


Mar 29, 2014
I don't think that it was low sugar stress. There was a big weather shift though. What was weird was that I slept exceptionally well and got very relaxed while doing the reduced breathing. I rarely fall back to sleep like that. It was such a shock to wake up about half an hour later and feel so horrible.
Yeah, some kinds of weather shift seem to bump up the risk for me.

How have your migraines been?
Thanks for asking. Not great. I keep intending to update my log - maybe soon. :)


Jan 23, 2016
Yeah, some kinds of weather shift seem to bump up the risk for me.

Thanks for asking. Not great. I keep intending to update my log - maybe soon. :)
Sorry to hear that your migraines aren't going well. Hope that they ease up in some way soon.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Hi all! Back after being SOOOOO ill! Very bad flue and bronquitis, with some alergy at the same time. I am still weaaaak.
I think my CP went nearly below 10. It is around 15 now....
I got cranio sacral that helped a lot, and am going to have acupuncture.

I resonate with Heidi saying about touching exhaution. That is strange, I can touch something pleasurable in it. I guess I have to try to build muscles without making so hard knots in my muscles.
Effort is temporary, contractions are permanent.

I also avoided a migraine recently, during my illness. Mine are not strong, but this evening, I was surprised by some strange lights. 1st I thought it was for staying a Little in the sun. Suddently I understood what it was. I went to bed and reduced my breathing and got no headache at all.

A lot of emotional things happened during this month in bed. A lot of trembling and emotions going away. I feel some changes, but still do not know what. I have some fever symptoms coming back when I think about 2 things I want to do and hesitate. Heidi, be careful about being too busy! When I have this stress, I come back to present and let my body chose. I do the 1st thing that it goes for, and stay with it. This is new for me. Real stress seem to come from being activated by mentally forseeing something while doing another one! Normal activation is the one necessary for the task we ARE DOING.

I have written all this while keeping in touch with your question Heidi, hoping something would come out by itself while writing....

I do not have anything more than a theoretical answer at the momento.
No internalised activation can go out without a strong anchor in relaxation.
When you reach a better relaxation, deeper than the one you usually have, then something makes its way out.
Of course, also exist the case of the vapor from the pressure cooker, it has to go out, but is only a temporary realief.
If you were relaxed from Deep breathing, I believe that it can be a discharge from the "stock".
All your symptoms anyway are signs of sympathic activation. All you said.
The best you can do in this case is to let your body react and keep observing, while at the same time resourcing yourself by more good breathing, calling for contact of a calm person, even on the phone is better than nothing. stay conscious and present to the physiological signs as much as posible, to help the alchimy. If you have fear, try to think you have curiosity for what will happen! Fear and curiosity do not co-exist well....


Jan 23, 2016
Hi all! Back after being SOOOOO ill! Very bad flue and bronquitis, with some alergy at the same time. I am still weaaaak.
I think my CP went nearly below 10. It is around 15 now....
Wow, Xisca. a month is a long time to be so sick. I hope that your strength returns soon. Interesting that your CP corresponded to your illness and health levels so precisely.
A lot of emotional things happened during this month in bed. A lot of trembling and emotions going away. I feel some changes, but still do not know what. I have some fever symptoms coming back when I think about 2 things I want to do and hesitate. Heidi, be careful about being too busy! When I have this stress, I come back to present and let my body chose. I do the 1st thing that it goes for, and stay with it. This is new for me. Real stress seem to come from being activated by mentally forseeing something while doing another one! Normal activation is the one necessary for the task we ARE DOING.
It does seem like a lot of physical illness is also a time of emotional activation of trauma and release of that. It sounds like you made good use of challenging circumstances. But it also seems like we have so little control when getting so sick. That is good advice about following the body when there is a conflict between what the mind wants and what the body wants. It seems like some things that we do have full alignment of body, mind, and heart and things flow effortlessly. With awareness and practice it becomes harder to do things that only the mind wants to do.

It is very unusual for me to be so busy and be able to sustain the energy for it. For my entire life I would be slowed down by tiredness or some other health issue. This is the first time that I have had no physical symptom slowing me down. Also, I think that I use to only find happiness in life being slower and easier. Now I seem to be able to be more challenged and still maintain my equilibrium. I think that I'm learning to find happiness in the doing and busyness, instead of just in the being and relaxed spaciousness. This is all new for me, so it's hard to know exactly what is going on.
No internalised activation can go out without a strong anchor in relaxation.
When you reach a better relaxation, deeper than the one you usually have, then something makes its way out.
Yes. I think that I seem more busy and stressed on the surface. But on a deeper level there is more relaxation and peace and ease. I think. I need more time to see and understand what is happening and how things are moving.

But I am staying with the sensory experience of uncomfortable emotions and physical sensations. It is an incredibly simple and powerful practice. It is interesting how there is such strong visceral resistance to feeling certain things. But then with practice it becomes easier to stay with the uncomfortable sensations. After awhile those sensations become comfortable and pleasure may be found there, too.

It is great to be back in touch with you Xisca. I didn't realize how much I've missed our exchange. Wishing you well and ease of recovering your strength.
Nov 21, 2015
Sounds like a "cleansing reaction". Even raising CO2 a bit sometimes triggers these.

Common ones are coated tongue, toothaches, skin rash, malaise and flu-like feelings and symptoms, headaches...

What seems to help a lot is boosting magnesium, calcium and potatassium consumption.

I'm awaiting my Carbogenics devices and I'm eager to see if raising CO2 levels via the gas itself causes the same cleansing reactions.


Jan 23, 2016
Sounds like a "cleansing reaction". Even raising CO2 a bit sometimes triggers these.

Common ones are coated tongue, toothaches, skin rash, malaise and flu-like feelings and symptoms, headaches...

What seems to help a lot is boosting magnesium, calcium and potatassium consumption.

I'm awaiting my Carbogenics devices and I'm eager to see if raising CO2 levels via the gas itself causes the same cleansing reactions.
That makes sense about the cleansing reaction. I'd somehow forgotten about that, even though I initially had a lot of those kinds of cleansing symptoms. But it makes sense that there would be more cleansing reactions when there's another shift to increased CO2.

I am really looking forward to hearing reports of the carbogenics devices. Would love to try them out.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
My CP is back to 30 most of the time.
@tara can't you control migraines with reduced breathing? I stopped one yesterday, doing reduced breathing when I noticed the bright lights in my left eye!
I am going to start a post to explain the new exercise I invented....
That is indeed a new way to breathe!
Nov 21, 2015
My CP is back to 30 most of the time.
@tara can't you control migraines with reduced breathing? I stopped one yesterday, doing reduced breathing when I noticed the bright lights in my left eye!
I am going to start a post to explain the new exercise I invented....
That is indeed a new way to breathe!

depends on the kind of migraines. Some respond, others do not to higher CO2 levels.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Do you know what is the difference between those 2 sorts of migraines?
When I have some headache that comes from the neck, the exercise you posted Works also for me.
I rarely have this light coming, and in that case high CO2 is real good for me!


Mar 29, 2014
@tara can't you control migraines with reduced breathing? I stopped one yesterday, doing reduced breathing when I noticed the bright lights in my left eye!
I think I've managed to hasten migraine more than once by trying to do a version of reduced breathing during prodrome. I do think there might be something to be gained from more reduced breathing training at other times.


Jan 23, 2016
My CP is back to 30 most of the time.
@tara can't you control migraines with reduced breathing? I stopped one yesterday, doing reduced breathing when I noticed the bright lights in my left eye!
I am going to start a post to explain the new exercise I invented....
That is indeed a new way to breathe!
Xisca, that's great news that your CP is back to 30! Do you feel better and has your health improved?

I think that when I reduce my breathing too much, too fast it can induce migraines. But maybe once my breathing stabilizes at a more reduced place, then there are less migraines.

I have not been checking my CP. I have continued to maintain daily breathing practices such as being mindful to breath through my nose and gently reduce my breathing. I wear a face mask to bed every night. I hope that my CP has improved some. Overall, my health, energy and vitality has improved a lot over this past year. I was sick with a cold/flu for a week and I wasn't able to breathe through my nose for some of those days. Some very mild bladder pain returned during that time due to excess breathing. But it was actually very validating that my normal reduced breathing eliminates a lot of physical pain that I would otherwise be in.

I would like to go back to focusing on some stronger breath training. But I've continued to do a lot of sensory work and I now tend to be a lot more relaxed most of the time. It's been so nice to move from relaxation instead of pushing, to luxuriate in feelings of well being. I really am less motivated to push hard with something, which feels good for me. But I hope that I will be inspired to return to some more vigorous breath practices. I will be in Florida for vacation soon and I plan on doing some breath holds while walking on the beach.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I have been less good and it fell to 18...
More over, reduced breathing tends to block my diafragm, which gives me back problems.
Instead of reduce breathing, I have to do some breath holds, I try different rhythms....


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I think I've managed to hasten migraine more than once by trying to do a version of reduced breathing during prodrome. I do think there might be something to be gained from more reduced breathing training at other times.
If you have a look at the exercise I have posted in this CO2 forum, it came to me when I was starting one. Reduced breathing is not enough for me to stop it, and it is stressful. This one is with breath holds, and this time I did it after doing a breath hold walking, and then lay down on a matress. I wanted to do reduced breathing, but started to yawn, and I follwed my body. Indeed I felt asleep!
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