Remarkable Decline In Fertility - Half The World Below Replacement Levels

Dec 25, 2014
pimpnamedraypeat said something about a colder period coming and how much of the U.S. will become very cold while mexico becomes temperate/ideal. Hence „the wall“ being an ice wall ... now wouldnt that be something.

but I get your comment and I laughed

And interestingly enough, I.C.E. is the deportation agency in America ( Immigration and Customs enforcement ). Jason brought this up to me

Trump building an I.C.E. wall or meming it at least

When it happens the shift to ice age will take less than a year. The people coming to the USA are the unwashed masses the brown squat goblins that the elite South Americans don’t want to deal with. There are lots of places in South America filled with elites, I heard Argentina has high class all white cities and lots of Jewish billionaires own land in Patagonia. They’re gonna empty those places out and yes, they’re very clever with the names.

You have to remember nationalism and patriotism and even loyalty is for the masses when the elites crash a nation or a movement or even a company they have to problem leaving its idiots like you and me who go down with the ship the USA will crash and the elites are looking at South America.

So while I may only play Fallout, my children may live it!

It will be more like The Road.


Sep 15, 2016
Killjoy. I haven't seen the road.
It's just more disinfo designed to keep us all scared and easy to control. Pimp seems to have bought into it hard.


Jun 7, 2016
This week a model in australia who just won a competition for being best bikini model also was diagnosed with endometriousis at age 38 and hasnt had children. This is symbolic and not a good role model for other women and it was revealed Michelle Obamas daughters were conceved using ivf.


Aug 13, 2020
Club of Rome model suggests population collapse begins around 2050. I'm thinking deaths being mostly from starvation in the middle East and Africa and India.
This is the graph you're thinking of. There's a lot more than just population forecasted here. All of these factors influence each other:


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Aug 13, 2020
@haidut I agree with you in the sense that the declining birth rate is largely a sign of poor physiological health. As far as I know the biggest decline is in the highest IQ populations, and I think that is also a sign of the nihlism, hedonism and purposelessness in the highest IQ cultures in the people born during the last 50-60 years. Do you think I'm onto something or do you have any further insight on that hypothesis? Thank you.
Look into Calhoun's mouse utopia universe experiments. There are plenty of videos about his work on YouTube. Along the lines of society collapsing and populations imploding when they have every need met, no adversity, and no sense of purpose.
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Aug 13, 2020
It seems the main thing that changes in developed and non religious regions is an increase in the age of wanting to begin to procreate (up to mid to late 30's or even higher) and a decrease in the number of children desired (usually just one). But perhaps that would be different if reproductive health and other aspects of youthful metabolism were optimal.

Although I still think the main factor of birthrate in developed nations is worldview on whether one's cultural identity is under existential threat and has value in propagating.
I think that's true, but also:

1) the modern welfare state has broken the link between having children and security in old age. Why have kids when the government will give you a pension, right? The only problem is that the pension is funded by the economic output of the younger generations, de facto, everyone else's children. Whenever everybody thinks that they don't have to have children because someone else's children will fund their retirement, then guess what? There will be fewer children. Those fewer children, in turn, will become working adults and will look at the excessive costs they have to bear of funding the large Boomer generation retirement and say, "Kids? That's too expensive! I don't have time. Society is all messed up for raising a family anyway." And the cycle repeats.

2) women putting career-building ahead of family-forming means the prime years for childrearing, the 20s, are missed, and then they hurry to catch up and have maybe 2 kids in their 30s. There is plenty of evidence showing that the number one predictor of female fertility is education level, but there is a nuance to it as well, which is that it's not so much education level as it is education level -> entering the workforce -> delayed childbearing -> fewer total fertile years over a lifetime -> fewer children.


Dec 12, 2019
"The total fertility rate is the average number of children a woman gives birth to in their lifetime."

Calling the amount of children someone has "fertility rate" allows for more sensational headlines. Someone that actively doesn't want kids would have a very low "fertility rate" and doesn't have to be any indication of health. A large number of the people I speak to of my age group 20-35 years old say the same thing, jobs unstable, hardly got any money for themselves let alone a kid. The financial freedom of one parent working and being able to sustain a family I don't personally know one family that does this anymore. The cons are greater than the pros for having children for a lot of people now, and the term fertility rate should be changed to avoid confusion.
Yeah, same thing here.

Me and My GF still want Kids in the Future. But you see the Situation around the Country (especially with this Corona Story). Jobs are getting Unstable, Wages are getting lower and lower. Over here in Germany you should have a Wage of a least around 1500-2000€ (netto netto) per Month to be considered ''Wealthy Single'' by Modern German Standars. For a Couple it's maybe around 2500-3000€. I only knew very few Men and Women in my Social Circle that have that (even as Couple). Also i have read somewhere that in our Country, Full Times Job are going down by 20% in the last Years, whereas Part Time Jobs are going up by 160% (!!!). But nobody can live on Part Time Job Wages for long (exception is, that you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend that has a Full Time Job).

This could be a Problem in the Long Run for sure, because the Rent is Rising and Rising (700-900€ for a Single-Apartment in Munich or near Munich), Also Food Prices are slowly going up without anybody noticing (except me, because i work in a Grocery Store). So i see the Con's of not having a Child.

But it's Part of a Bigger Picture. The Declining Health and Fertility, the Unstable Jobs, lower Wages. It all ties Together.....


Aug 13, 2020
Yeah, same thing here.

Me and My GF still want Kids in the Future. But you see the Situation around the Country (especially with this Corona Story). Jobs are getting Unstable, Wages are getting lower and lower. Over here in Germany you should have a Wage of a least around 1500-2000€ (netto netto) per Month to be considered ''Wealthy Single'' by Modern German Standars. For a Couple it's maybe around 2500-3000€. I only knew very few Men and Women in my Social Circle that have that (even as Couple). Also i have read somewhere that in our Country, Full Times Job are going down by 20% in the last Years, whereas Part Time Jobs are going up by 160% (!!!). But nobody can live on Part Time Job Wages for long (exception is, that you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend that has a Full Time Job).

This could be a Problem in the Long Run for sure, because the Rent is Rising and Rising (700-900€ for a Single-Apartment in Munich or near Munich), Also Food Prices are slowly going up without anybody noticing (except me, because i work in a Grocery Store). So i see the Con's of not having a Child.

But it's Part of a Bigger Picture. The Declining Health and Fertility, the Unstable Jobs, lower Wages. It all ties Together.....
When has it ever been a good time to raise kids? (rhetorical question).

Both of my sets of grandparents lived through some real deprivations in Europe before and during WW2, as well as the turbulence of living under communism/having their assets stripped by communists, growing up in rural poverty, etc. If they had the attitude you're showing here (not a personal attack on you, I'm just making a point), I wouldn't be here today.

By the standards of some shithole in Africa, or even your great-grandparents, just about every European couple has enough resources to raise a family. Yet Europeans/Germans increasingly don't, but Africans increasingly do (5 or 6 children per woman, on AVERAGE, depending on the country), despite the extreme poverty they live in.

However bleak you think things are, remember: it can always be worse! :cool:

I have a couple of kids of my own and after we had them I realized that endless planning and worrying over money vis-a-vis children isn't the way to do it - it just makes you neurotic - they are a joy to have in and of themselves for many reasons, and the costs of raising kids are vastly overstated. No one is going to end up living on the street because they decided to have kids.


Sep 9, 2019
When has it ever been a good time to raise kids? (rhetorical question).

Both of my sets of grandparents lived through some real deprivations in Europe before and during WW2, as well as the turbulence of living under communism/having their assets stripped by communists, growing up in rural poverty, etc. If they had the attitude you're showing here (not a personal attack on you, I'm just making a point), I wouldn't be here today.

By the standards of some shithole in Africa, or even your great-grandparents, just about every European couple has enough resources to raise a family. Yet Europeans/Germans increasingly don't, but Africans increasingly do (5 or 6 children per woman, on AVERAGE, depending on the country), despite the extreme poverty they live in.

However bleak you think things are, remember: it can always be worse! :cool:

I have a couple of kids of my own and after we had them I realized that endless planning and worrying over money vis-a-vis children isn't the way to do it - it just makes you neurotic - they are a joy to have in and of themselves for many reasons, and the costs of raising kids are vastly overstated. No one is going to end up living on the street because they decided to have kids.

God bless you sir.


Dec 12, 2019
When has it ever been a good time to raise kids? (rhetorical question).

Both of my sets of grandparents lived through some real deprivations in Europe before and during WW2, as well as the turbulence of living under communism/having their assets stripped by communists, growing up in rural poverty, etc. If they had the attitude you're showing here (not a personal attack on you, I'm just making a point), I wouldn't be here today.

By the standards of some shithole in Africa, or even your great-grandparents, just about every European couple has enough resources to raise a family. Yet Europeans/Germans increasingly don't, but Africans increasingly do (5 or 6 children per woman, on AVERAGE, depending on the country), despite the extreme poverty they live in.

However bleak you think things are, remember: it can always be worse! :cool:

I have a couple of kids of my own and after we had them I realized that endless planning and worrying over money vis-a-vis children isn't the way to do it - it just makes you neurotic - they are a joy to have in and of themselves for many reasons, and the costs of raising kids are vastly overstated. No one is going to end up living on the street because they decided to have kids.

It's ok. I Know it's not a Personal Attack. ;)

Like i said, my GF and I still want to have Kids, no matter how the Circumstances may be in the next few Months or Years, that's for sure. So i'm on the Same Side with you (with the last Sentence about not worrying too much about Money and making it Neurotic and so forth).

But i also can see the Point that People are saying that their Money is not enough to survive on their own or even with a Child.
For Example 1500€ per Month (Full Time Job) is not enough, if the Rent is already at like 900€ for a One Room Apartment (for Example). Because your Rent Expanses would be like over 50% of your Income, which i think is WAY to much. It should not exceed 30-35%.

YET i think it also Strongly Depends at how you use your Money per Month. If you Throw Your Money around like some Guys in my Social Circle do, with Partying every Weekend (or even Twice per Week) and Buying Things you (maybe) do not need, then you don't have to wonder that you running out of Money early in the Month. Also having too much expenses can make it harder. So making a good receipts/expanses List is a good way, to see where someone stands and making changes. I still put around 100-200€ every Month aside, even with running Expanses like Rent and Insurances, so there is always a way.....


Mar 26, 2014
Does anyone have any thoughts on how the mouse utopia could correspond with the 'generational stress' issue brought up in this weeks Danny Roddy and haidut stream? I'd heard of the experiment before but I just read that:

"Several permutations followed in an attempt to try to figure out what the hell was going on, including removing some of the mice from that environment once reproduction had ceased and transplanting them into a new environment where there were only a few mice. The transplanted mice refused to breed and all eventually died out anyway, despite now being in a spare space with, once again, no predatory pressure and lots of resources.

As far as I know nobody has ever identified exactly what changed, when, or how to interdict it. Perhaps its as simple as "without adversity against which a species must struggle society eventually fails and even the most-base reproductive drive is lost."

Seems like it could be an interesting area of discussion
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