Remineralizing Teeth/reversing Erosion?


Jun 20, 2013
Does anyone have experience with remineralizing their teeth and/or reversing acid erosion? Within the past few months I have noticed substantial transclucency and yellowing of my teeth (I have a porcelain crown on one of my front teeth, and the difference between my crown and normal teeth is very obvious).

I am not currently taking any supplements. I am assuming vitamin K2 is the first thing I need. I do not brush with toothpaste anymore (actually, I don't "brush" at all anymore, I gently wipe my teeth with a soft, wet washcloth), I always floss after eating, and I rinse obsessively throughout the day with salt water (probably too often, in fact). I also swish coconut oil a couple of times a day (not oil pulling, just a swish and swallow).

Any and all answers, experiences, etc, will be GREATLY appreciated! Especially (hopefully), positive experiences and recommendations! I dread going to the dentist (which I plan to do, obviously), because I really don't trust them at all and have been absolutely tortured several times in the dentist's chair. I'm actually extremely distressed about the whole thing (<--- understatement).

My diet is pretty Peaty and has been for a while (over a year with only a few deviations): lots of milk, cheeses (various kinds, plus I just added Edam for a hopeful vit K boost), lots of local honey, new potatoes + butter, small amounts of OJ (started adding baking soda and sipping OJ through a straw), liver every 4 - 7 days religiously, 1 or 2 eggs/day, cod occasionally, and only rarely some meat (typically beef, canned tuna, chicken breast). I don't eat fruit anymore because it's almost impossible to find good fruit, so my only fruit is in the form of OJ.

Also, I have been measuring my salivary pH in the morning (right when I wake up), for a couple of weeks and it has been between 6.2 and 6.5 (with a low of 5.8).

Many thanks in advance!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I am having the same issue to with my teeth. K2 seems to make it worse.


Jun 20, 2013
Oh, no, Charlie! That's certainly not very encouraging and I'm sorry to hear you are having the same issues. Is there anything you have tried that has seemed to help?



What is good, Vitamin A, D, K. They seem to work together?! Chocolate helped me also at the beginning i dont know why

Go for what your body craves wants is what I am saying let it be milk, coffee, meat, tittymeat


Jun 20, 2013
Thanks for the reply, gummybear! I have been following the thread you linked. :)

I do following cravings -- before I found Peat I was *constantly* craving green veggies (like, in a sick, weird, compulsive way). I've given veggies the side-eye since I got turned on to milk (and up'd my cheese intake), just over a year ago. Now I even have a hard time with carrots, so I rarely eat those anymore. I eat fried onions with my liver and other than the occasional creamed spinach with eggs, I can barely tolerate veggies in any form. Just don't want 'em. I do love my taters, though, and do well with them.

I pounded cocoa + honey pretty hard for a while, then I started to worry about oxylates being hard on the teeth, so I gave it up a while back. Coffee, I do cold brew now, but find I can't drink that much lately (which is odd, I've always been a coffee drinker).

Tittymeat?? :pics :pics I would guess that to be cheese? At any rate, I can't wait to spring that term on my husband, LOL!


Feb 20, 2013
RP has mentioned that low thyroid and high estrogen are major cause of tooth decay.
Do you track your pulse and temperature after breakfast?
If your thyroid function is low then supplement can not do much.
Regular liver helps a lot with reducing my dental sensitivity.
I think even a small amount of OJ can be problematic if it is not
made from sweet ripe oranges. Sipping on OJ seems like a bad idea.
Pectin in OJ can cause a lot of problems . I use straw to quickly drink all the sugary drinks.
You can experiment with apple juice with baking soda. Some Honey can be quite acidic.
Butter seems to worsen my metabolism. You can experiment with
coconut oil instead of butter. I think it is very helpful to use cronometer
to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need.
Endotoxin can increase estrogen and decrease thyroid function.
It seems like you are not eating much fiber or starch, that is good.
But, cooked bamboo shoots or raw carrot salad is very helpful in reducing
estrogen and endotoxin. You can check if any of the food you are eating increasing endotoxin
or causing gut irritation. If you are not used to drinking milk then sudden increase
in milk can be a problem.


Jan 22, 2013
well, i will venture a remedy that is not entirely peaty but it helped me. I eat semi-peaty avoid pufas, etc..and supplement wiht d, a, calcium eggshell, k2, t3 I was experiencing all of the signs of cavities (aching teeth, jaw, inflamed gums,e tc..) for about 3-4 months and I decided to try high dose vit c (ascorbic acid-no fillers from Trder Joes). I did this for about 1 month-I even tried "liposomal" for about a week. ALL signs mentioned above went away. That was 2 months ago. I went in for a check up with my dentist 2 weeks ago-no issues at ALL. That is unusual for me-they usually put a "watch" on at least one tooth. (no xrays) I only took the vitc for a month-still no probs a month later. So could be used short term for greater benefit? My insane cravings for juice (oj usually) also decreased to almost nothing.
Good luck-dental problems suck on a grand scale.


Jun 20, 2013
Thank you, Mittir, for your detailed reply! To answer your questions, I do not track pulse and temp after breakfast as I usually do not have an appetite for a breakfast. I have tried to make myself eat something when I get up, but usually some milky tea or coffee fills me up so much that I can't eat a "normal" breakfast for a while, and then it's usually rinsed cottage cheese or quark with added honey and vanilla. 

I think the OJ I use is really good quality. It is pulp free, direkt pressed from Spain (3 kg oranges to make 1 litre). I typically drink it through a straw with my breakfast and I do not sip it all day.

The honey I use is raw, local, German honey. It is very tasty and sweet flower honey. I know there are conflicting reports about the acidity of honey, so lately I have been very careful to rinse my mouth after I eat it.

I have used Cronometer off and on for over the past year. It can be hard to track with some of the dairy products I get here, but from what I can tell everything seems ok in the Peat way.

I have not recently increased milk intake. I reintroduced milk last year and seem to do well with it. Actually, the bulk of my diet is milk because I crave it so much.

The carrot always seemed to have the opposite effect for me, I found it mildly constipating, so I don't pursue it as much these days. I have not been able to find any bamboo shoots other than those from China and I won't eat stuff from China, so I don't know if those might help. I do occasionally eat canned corn kernels (once or twice a month), and that seems to help a bit, but I don't eat it regularly.

Butter -- I crave it, lately, so I am using that on my potatoes. New potatoes are low in starch, and I handle them well, they actually make up a good bit of my diet. I tried frying them in coconut oil but they didn't seem to digest as well as when I long-boil them and mash them up with butter and tons of salt. I think I need the moisture as I am very Vata.


Jun 20, 2013
Thank you for the reply, honeybee! Funny you should mention vitamin C, as I think it was the beginning of my problems. For some reason, I started heavily supplementing vitamin C in the form of a brausetablette (a foaming capsule, like Alka Seltzer?). That was when I first noticed my teeth changing for the worse. I was doing extra C because it gave me an energy boost like crazy and I had just started smoking again (American Spirit Organic loose tabak, I roll them myself). I've been a smoker off and on for many years and have never had dental problems like this. I went down the Google-hole and suspect oxalic acids from too muc vit C and cocoa (maybe?). I dunno. I'm kinda lost at this point...


May 16, 2013
ARGH. This is a timely thread. My teeth weigh on my mind!

Went to the dentist about a month ago. 12 cavities and one extraction (old decayed baby tooth though ;) ). Holy! Was pretty depressed after that, I thought my gums were just receding, bit of a shock. Been pufa free for a good year strictly. Since realised it is obvious that my teeth were eroding and losing enamel at the gum line. Wish I had noticed sooner :cry:

Actually, it was quite humbling. I realised my vegan-most-of-the-time version of the Peat diet just wasn't ok for me anymore. I have embraced dairy products and went gung-ho rinsing with baking soda, taking eggshell, D, rubbing K on my gums, vitamin A etc. Started using homemade tooth powder, xylitol and finally broke and started using fluoride toothpaste after a personal hate campaign against it for many years. I guess it was a case of finally surrendering, and saying you know what, I probably did this to myself, so lets do everything the opposite to try to fix it.

Upshot? The cavities don't look better, but they also don't look worse. But, on the plus side, I feel the best I have felt in years. Calm, sleeping well, good energy etc. Like an extraordinary difference in the calmness of my mental state. It was such a relief to finally be pushed into surrendering more fully into Peat's ideas.

I have an appointment for filling all the cavities starting in a couple of weeks. I really hoped I could cheekily heal some of the cavities and wow my dentist. So unlikely at this point. I don't know whether to delay the fillings and hope for some healing. Probably won't do that. Frustrating, but humbling.

These cavities developed somewhere in the last 6-9 months. I went on the pill for four months prior to peating (about 1 1/2 years ago?) and my health really plummeted then. Was raw vegan, rake thin, had major histamine problems, mad energy and mood changes, probably hypothyroid or euthyroid or something to that effect. I have experimented with thiroid, it did make feel better initially and was a miracle when my body just couldn't stay warm, but the adrenaline thing just doesn't go away for me and I get so uncomfortably hot even on 1/8 grain. Took it constantly for 6 months or so and it was up and down. The downs became sufficiently common and didn't improve. Wouldn't try it again unless it feels like I decline in the winter. Quite possibly thiroyd sucked for me because my body desperately needed minerals.

For me, I imagine it is mostly a lack of minerals for a hell of a long time. Calcium predominantly, given how extraordinary eggshell makes me feel. And bad thyroid function caused by high estrogen and very low protein intake probably.

I second vitamin K being a strange one. I get horrible leg pressure on it when I rub it into my gums and I have a few spider veins on the back of my knees that feel angry when I take it. Can't seem to find the right balance with E/aspirin. So just take aspirin for now, which keeps me feeling lovely.

Am going to try vitamin C though, for a final shot. Thanks for that.


Jun 20, 2013
Hi, Stilgar, thanks for chiming in! I was rinsing like mad with baking soda, too, until I read that it can strip protein from your teeth. I'd basically been brushing with baking soda for years (well, with Eco-Dent in the States, but I couldn't find that in Germany, so I switched to just baking soda), and I actually didn't notice problems until I switched to Sensodyne fluoride-free toothpaste (which contains glycerin that blocks your saliva, and hence, your minerals).

It sounds like you are doing a lot of things. Glad you gave up the vegan schtick, though -- that sucks royally. Been there, done that, a long time ago.


Oct 18, 2013
Interesting to see opposite results with Vitamin C supplementation. However, I'd like to ask which version you were using? I know that several Vitamin C supplements are using Sodium Ascorbate more and more.


Jan 22, 2013
I did some research at the vitamin c foundation wwebsite and they say to ONLY use ascorbic acid with no fillers. Nothing else-no Esther c, etc. so I bought the big bottle at tj's. About $15. I'm going to try again for a few weeks with liposomal then cycle off. Funny thing is the foundation claims that scurvy is a common disease.?! And Linus Pauling lived into his 90s he took it very day of his life.


Oct 18, 2013
That's interesting Honeybee.

What I do know is that estrogen increases Vitamin C requirements and obese people(potentially hypothyroid?) tend to have lower plasma levels. I wonder if the amount of unripe fruit is having an overall negative effect on people's Vitamin C status. Low carbers are especially at danger of this and I remember that Paul Jaminet actually experienced scurvy symptoms when he went low carb. Stress also depletes Vitamin C.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
This isn't a Peat thing (more of a band-aid), but I've had good luck over the years doing frequent xylitol powder rinses to raise the PH in my mouth and kill the plaque bacteria.

I think xylitol alone slowed/stopped my erosion problems, and then something about starting a Peat-ey diet plus periodic calcium sodium phosphosilicate (remineralizing) toothpaste applications helped remineralize my teeth.


Nov 1, 2012
Dan Wich said:
This isn't a Peat thing (more of a band-aid), but I've had good luck over the years doing frequent xylitol powder rinses to raise the PH in my mouth and kill the plaque bacteria.

I think xylitol alone slowed/stopped my erosion problems, and then something about starting a Peat-ey diet plus periodic calcium sodium phosphosilicate (remineralizing) toothpaste applications helped remineralize my teeth.

Dan, what toothpaste did you use? Sensodyne Repair and Protect?

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
I use Burt's Bees Flouride-Free Multicare (just applying it to my teeth every few days, using baking soda as my normal toothpaste), but it's since been reformulated without the calcium sodium phosphosilicate. It seems to be disappearing from all the other brands as well. I have a theory that the patent holders are intentionally making it too expensive for regular toothpastes to use, focusing on the more lucrative dentist-only products.

So yeah, I'd probably use Sensodyne Repair and Protect if I was buying now (the non-US version, the US version doesn't have the calcium sodium phosphosilicate).

I've also heard of "Recaldent" for remineralization, though I don't know much about it. It doesn't appear to be available in the US either, except in chewing gum.


Nov 1, 2012
Thanks, Dan. I just bought the US Sensodyne without reading the ingredients. :( I guess I will try to order the non US version.


Mar 29, 2014
Dan Wich said:
I use Burt's Bees Flouride-Free Multicare (just applying it to my teeth every few days, using baking soda as my normal toothpaste), but it's since been reformulated without the calcium sodium phosphosilicate. It seems to be disappearing from all the other brands as well. I have a theory that the patent holders are intentionally making it too expensive for regular toothpastes to use, focusing on the more lucrative dentist-only products.

So yeah, I'd probably use Sensodyne Repair and Protect if I was buying now (the non-US version, the US version doesn't have the calcium sodium phosphosilicate).

There's some beginning explanation of the politics here: ... 45s5-glass
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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