Results/experiences On A Fat Free Diet?



Oct 3, 2016
so i have always been very low body fat but i gained a slight amount of adipose over the covid timeframe from being forced to sit on my **** so its hard to say if it was diet or not, i also feel like i messed up my hormones by playing around with progesterone and other stuff like that too much so, but now that lockdown is over and im exercising again im feeling good and still fairly lean just have a small amount of adipose to shed but its not alot


Jul 18, 2018
@Xemnoraq Mate was reading your earlier posts where you mentioned aflatoxins being a primary contributor to your health issues. Has low fat diet helped with it? Any foods that you completely eliminated.


Oct 3, 2016
@Xemnoraq Mate was reading your earlier posts where you mentioned aflatoxins being a primary contributor to your health issues. Has low fat diet helped with it? Any foods that you completely eliminated.
I would say i dont have too many issues with fungi or aflatoxin so much anymore, sometimes when im very stressed and eat the wrong thing ill get upset stomach and white coated tongue, but most things have been good eating very low fat, i mainly consume milk with sugar, mango smoothies and rice with cheese etc, i wouldnt say its so much that i eliminated certain things consciously but just choose low fat options, issues with fungi seemed alot worse when i was under alot of stress and not eating enough calories, i find a nice big bowl of rice with low fat cheese or seafood for supper fills my belly, since eating alot more calories i dont seem to have any of the symptoms i would attribute to aflatoxins and fungi, those symptoms always seem to persist when im extremely stressed and starving etc


Mar 5, 2018
Im gonna keep it short and sweet,

Ive been doing almost fat free for 2 years now, recently for this last year its gone even lower to roughly 0g-2.5g average of fat a day,

Im noticing now im really starting to respond to carbohydrates better, for example i used to eat an entire 600g bag of frozen fruit and get no metabolic response and be shivering, now a bit of white rice or just same thing bag of frozen fruit and im noticing im heating up like a furnance,

Theres other things im doing obviously to support the metabolic rate to work more efficiently however,

Im curious to know what all of you have experienced on fat free eating style (if you have done it) for how long and what things you noticed etc. Or even just any experiences on low fat like 5g-10g daily etc.

Whats everyones thoughts and experiences?
Does anyone see a fat free diet as a problem even if nutrition status is very good (like vitamins minerals macros)
Aside from fat soluble vitamins, fat free may be hard on the gut especially with starches but i seem to be fine with white rice no fat,

So lets hear it!

PS i tried to ask Ray about this before but it seems he is somewhat reluctant to answer that for the reason im assuming he doesnt want people to think he’s promoting an orthorexic type diet which is perfectly understandable,

But it could be the way to go for being healthier, not thee way but one possible way that could have some really unexplored benefits,
Itd be nice to see some actual studies in humans on biomarkers for fat free
Are you still low fat?
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