Rheumatoid Arthritis Managed With Fruit And Protein Diet


May 16, 2016
Hi everybody on this forum,

I've been lurking here for a long time. I've decided to write a post about my condition in case it might be useful for some in similar situation. I've suffered from excruciating joint pain since I was. 17 (I am 47 right now). For many years the attacks were occasional. My bloodwork for years didn't show anything wrong. According to the labs I was in perfect health. Several years ago I went paleo for over a year, and during that time I didn't experience a single incidence of joint pain. I thought paleo cured me ( although I started suffering from insomnia) One day I craved good old capuccino. I had 3 cups that day ( first time after more than a year). After 3 days I developed terrible inflammation in my joints. Then I connected the dots. I thought it was either coffee or milk. I waited several days until the inflamation subsided and made a provocation with fresh raw milk.. After 3 days it all started again. The pain was killing me. I landed in hospital for an injection since oral painkillers did noting. The injection didn't help neither. After some time I made another provocation, but this time with goat milk, but the situation repeated : inflamed, swallen joints. It would attack any joints in the whole body - big and small ones : feet, hands, arms, knees, jaw, even pubic bone. Finally I stopped all dairy and was fine for over a year. In the meantime I discovered Ray Peat and his work. I was reading his articles, searching forum, listening to all interviews. I was fascinated. I started implementing many things into my diet (except dairy of course). After some time I developed joint pain again. I was devastated. Since the inflamation stars after 3 days from consumption, it took me 3 months to discover it was carrot this time. I couldn't believe it. Carrot?!!! So I stopped it, and again everything returned to normal... for some time. After some time symptoms came bak. This time it was gelatin. The list of acceptable foods was becoming more and more restricted and the diet became very repetitive, especially if you take into account things unacceptable from Peat's perspective. After long time I discovered the pattern - anything that I ate more than once daily for a period of time was becoming an offending food for me. However, when I realized it, it was already too late. My RA (already officially diagnosed with bloodwork) became chronic. I suffered from constant debiliating pain. No matter how I manipulated my diet, nothing helped. As if I got intolerant to every single food on the earth. The only relief was after appendectomy, when I fasted for 3 days.
As soon as I started eating again, after 3 days symptoms reapeared. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't function. I was terribly depressed. I didn't want a life in constsnt pain. I was suicidal. Finally, i decided that from historical perspective the least offending foods for human beings are fruts and animal protein. So i started a diet made up strictly of all kinds of fruits and meat, fish and seafood. At the beginning nothing changed, but the diet was so friendly, easy and satisfying, that I carried on. I lost my hope for recovery. However, after 3,4 weeks I felt better. I started having days without pain. After about 6 weeks my joint pain subsided. I couldn't believe it. I started this diet in July last year. I am still fine. After some time I reintroduced egg without adverse effects. So now I basically eat fruits, meat, fish, seafood and eggs. I use beef tallow as my fat for preparing my meat or fish. I supplement with some eggshell calcium, K2-mk4 and occasional magnesium glicynate. From time to time I tried to reintroduce things like mushrooms, spinach or potatoes, but each time the symptoms came back. So now I stick to carnivore/frutarian diet. I am totally starch free. I am doing fine. I am grateful for having my life back. The added bonus is that last fall/winter seaon I didn cach any infection first time in my whole life. Noramally I had to go through 2 or 3 courses of antibotics during season. Another bonus is my liver health. Recently I had an ultrasound of my abdomen. The doctor asked what I was doing that I had such a liver.He said that it looked like it was never used at all. Like totally new one. He said he had never seen such liver in a person after 40.
If i had recognized the pattern earlier, I wouln't have gone in such trouble. It would be enough to diversify my diet and not to eat the same food too often. I have no idea if it is revesible. I do not care about it now. I am just happy that I have a painfree life again. I am not cured by any means, i just mange my condition without doctors and killing madications. I believe, there are many people just like me out there, who will not be lucky enough to discover the reason of their debiliating conditions. I think it may concern many of so called "autoimmune diseases. What helped me, doesn't have to help everybody. But it is so easy, safe and quite healthy, that I would give it a try if somebody told me about it in times, when I had no clue what was wrong with me.
I feel great, energetic and happy. I wanted to share my story. Maybe it might be helpful for someone.
Sorry for it be so long and chaotic. There are so many more details, but it would become a book rather than a post. Also, forgive me my English, I did my best. In case someone has questions, I'll be happy to answer.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
So now I stick to carnivore/frutarian diet.
This is where I am leaning towards. Been all fruit for a few months, just introduced beef back in. I am thinking maybe this combination might be the most optimal for health.

I couldn't believe it. Carrot?!!!
Yes, I can believe it.

I feel great, energetic and happy. I wanted to share my story. Maybe it might be helpful for someone.
Sorry for it be so long and chaotic. There are so many more details, but it would become a book rather than a post.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It truly looks like we are onto something Big here.
There are so many more details, but it would become a book rather than a post.
We love details here. Feel free to share all you want. :ss2
Also, forgive me my English, I did my best.
You did Great.
Last edited:


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
nice. the marriage of carnivore & fruitairianism seems to be the ticket for a lot of people. I am seeing more and more success stories of a basic meat & fruit diet around here. Only thing that surprised me is that you can't even tolerate gelatin. I have to have gelatin as a main protein source alongside meat. Meat bothers me on its own, due to the problematic amino acids and lack of glycine, proline etc.


Nov 14, 2013
@Simba1992 Thought you might be interested if you're still around these parts


Nov 14, 2013
nice. the marriage of carnivore & fruitairianism seems to be the ticket for a lot of people. I am seeing more and more success stories of a basic meat & fruit diet around here. Only thing that surprised me is that you can't even tolerate gelatin. I have to have gelatin as a main protein source alongside meat. Meat bothers me on its own, due to the problematic amino acids and lack of glycine, proline etc.

Gelatin can cause severe problems for people with certain types of bacteria in their microbiome. Sometimes the almost universally acclaimed 'healing foods' can be very bad.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Gelatin can cause severe problems for people with certain types of bacteria in their microbiome. Sometimes the almost universally acclaimed 'healing foods' can be very bad.

I guess it's true then when RP says in the absence of a good metabolism, anything can be dangerous.

Man, this is why fixing a broken metabolism is so hard... when even the very foods that are meant to restore your metabolism make you worse lol


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jan 1, 2013
You need to read about the high Vit D COIMBRA protocol: it puts into total remission a host of AI diseases, rheumatoid arthritis being one of them.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
You need to read about the high Vit D COIMBRA protocol: it puts into total remission a host of AI diseases, rheumatoid arthritis being one of them.
I disagree. Low vitamin A foods will most likely do the same. While I do appreciate the break that high vitamin D gave me of my "auto-immune" condition so I could figured out what the problem actually was, vitamin A toxicity. I would not recommend high vitamin D to others with what I know now.



May 16, 2016
Interesting. What fruits and meats do you eat on a regular basis?
I eat practiacally any fruits available. The only exception is grapefruit. I eat mangoes, bananas, papayas, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, grapes, plums, nectarines, kiwis, berries. If some of them are not ripe enough, i ripe them at home for several days. I know it is not the same as tree-ripen fruits, but you cant have It all. I live in Poland, so it is fantastic that I have access to many tropical fruits all year round. For meat I usually have beef, lamb, but also occasional pork or turkey just for variety. I also eat cod, scallops, shrimps. Fresh oysters are hardly available here unfortunately. I eat my eggs row on daily basis.


May 16, 2016
This is where I am leaning towards. Been all fruit for a few months, just introduced beef back in. I am thinking maybe this combination might be the most optimal for health.

Yes, I can believe it.

Thank you for sharing your experience. It truly looks like we are onto something Big here.

We love details here. Feel free to share all you want. :ss2

You did Great.
Thanks Charlie,

I was observing you transformations with interest. I tried both frutarianism and carivore and none was sustainable for me for longer period. On carnivore I suffered from insomnia and tiredness, on fruits only I was weak and hungry all the time.When mixed, the diet seem prfect for the time being. I sleep like a log, and have planty of energy during the day.


May 16, 2016
nice. the marriage of carnivore & fruitairianism seems to be the ticket for a lot of people. I am seeing more and more success stories of a basic meat & fruit diet around here. Only thing that surprised me is that you can't even tolerate gelatin. I have to have gelatin as a main protein source alongside meat. Meat bothers me on its own, due to the problematic amino acids and lack of glycine, proline etc.
It bothers me too. I wuld become intolerant to anything if I ate it more than once daily for about 2 weeks. I just overdid on gelatin. That is why I supplement a few grams of glycine a day.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The only exception is grapefruit.
Any reason why not grapefruit?

.When mixed, the diet seem prfect for the time being. I sleep like a log, and have planty of energy during the day.
That is so wonderful. So happy to hear this!!! :discoboogie


May 16, 2016
You need to read about the high Vit D COIMBRA protocol: it puts into total remission a host of AI diseases, rheumatoid arthritis being one of them.
I am familiar with his procotol. I went through anything I could find. I tried if for 3 months. Probably too short. But I was nit convinced it was absolutely safe. I started loosing hair like crazy. So i stopped and my hair stopped shedding.


Jun 9, 2018
The success stories of carnivores are incredible and cannot simply be brushed off.

But the carnivore diet has its own downsides, some people complain about dull emotions and a lack of energy.

Welcome to carnivore 2.0....carnivore meets frutarian.

Beef and tallow for fat and protein, some fruits for energy and metabolism.

I'm personally doing great on this diet as well.

It cuts out most of the problematic foods and still covers all macros and micros. It's what humans evolved to eat.

I think it's a winner!
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May 16, 2016
The success stories of carnivores are incredible and cannot simply be brushed off.

But the carnivore diet has its own downsides, some people complain about dull emotions and a lack of energy.

Welcome to carnivore 2.0....carnivore meets frutarian.

Beef and tallow for fat and protein, some fruits for energy and metabolism.

I personally doing great on this diet as well.

It cuts out most of the problematic foods and still covers all macros and micros. Its what humans are supposed to eat.

I think its a winner!
Thanks Sebastian,
It is so comforting to hear, that there are people who are doing graet on very similar diet. In real life among people who have no interest in diet and health we are just weirdoes. But I do not care. Thanks for feedback.
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