Ritanserin - Serotonin Antagonist For R&D Use Only

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Would this or Lisuride be good in combating high levels of serotonin caused by high levels of endotoxin or would it be better to treat the high levels of endotoxin directly, with charcoal for example?

I get a profound sensation of relief each week by taking a couple table spoons of Activated Charcoal with some cascara. Also a definite mood increase from some anti-biotic for a few days. But no great sensation from the raw carrots, only a headache.

Still experimenting with Ritaserin, but it has had a positive effect on sleep and mood so far. Looking forward to trying Lisuride. :2cents:


Apr 5, 2016
I get a profound sensation of relief each week by taking a couple table spoons of Activated Charcoal with some cascara. Also a definite mood increase from some anti-biotic for a few days. But no great sensation from the raw carrots, only a headache.

Still experimenting with Ritaserin, but it has had a positive effect on sleep and mood so far. Looking forward to trying Lisuride. :2cents:

Thanks greg. What is cascara? Never heard of it.

What do you mean when you say a 'profound sense of relief'? Improvements in sleep, digestion, well-being?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Would this or Lisuride be good in combating high levels of serotonin caused by high levels of endotoxin or would it be better to treat the high levels of endotoxin directly, with charcoal for example?

I haven't tried Haidut's Lisuride yet, but I plan to order it today or tomorrow. However, I have massive issues with endotoxin frequently due to my lack of gallbladder & appendix. I took a serotonin prescription in college that sent me on a negative trajectory for years (but only realized it after discovering RP's work).

If I were you, I would work first on the endotoxin and then add in the Ritanserin. This is what I have done and I'm getting mixed results, but over all felt much better just by reducing endotoxin - the ritanserin is helping my mood a lot (though sometimes it flip flops). I finally broke down and just bought tetracyclines and have been using moderate doses of those, paired with activated charcoal and small amounts of cascara. Wow! I feel much better than a few weeks ago. I've also had to lower my protein intake temporarily because I think it was a case of gelatin & bacteria that escalated my endotoxin issue. Though I plan to add back in gelatin this week. And I eat a lot of aged cheese (mostly from sheeps milk).

I'm not going to lie - I could get by on charcoal and oregano oil for awhile, but the tetracyclines have made a much bigger difference. I plan to continue them through my vacation because I don't want to get sick while out of the country.

The good thing about Ritanserin is it's effects on mood (without drowsiness) and sleep. I've had more deep sleep the past few days while applying it topically. The mood yo-yo'ed once or twice, but is overall better. And combined with Cypro, it had a better effect on digestion. However, Cypro makes me sleepy sometimes, so I don't like to take it.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Thanks greg. What is cascara? Never heard of it.

What do you mean when you say a 'profound sense of relief'? Improvements in sleep, digestion, well-being?

Cascara Sagrada is a herbal supplement made from aged bark [lots of posts on this forum].. it lowers endotoxin, absorb oestrogen and stimulates peristalsis. The quicker the bowl movements happen the better as this will lead to increase endotoxin. I feel improved mood, less edgy/ anxious, clear headed and energised. It's a nice combo once or twice a week.


Apr 5, 2016
I haven't tried Haidut's Lisuride yet, but I plan to order it today or tomorrow. However, I have massive issues with endotoxin frequently due to my lack of gallbladder & appendix. I took a serotonin prescription in college that sent me on a negative trajectory for years (but only realized it after discovering RP's work).

If I were you, I would work first on the endotoxin and then add in the Ritanserin. This is what I have done and I'm getting mixed results, but over all felt much better just by reducing endotoxin - the ritanserin is helping my mood a lot (though sometimes it flip flops). I finally broke down and just bought tetracyclines and have been using moderate doses of those, paired with activated charcoal and small amounts of cascara. Wow! I feel much better than a few weeks ago. I've also had to lower my protein intake temporarily because I think it was a case of gelatin & bacteria that escalated my endotoxin issue. Though I plan to add back in gelatin this week. And I eat a lot of aged cheese (mostly from sheeps milk).

I'm not going to lie - I could get by on charcoal and oregano oil for awhile, but the tetracyclines have made a much bigger difference. I plan to continue them through my vacation because I don't want to get sick while out of the country.

The good thing about Ritanserin is it's effects on mood (without drowsiness) and sleep. I've had more deep sleep the past few days while applying it topically. The mood yo-yo'ed once or twice, but is overall better. And combined with Cypro, it had a better effect on digestion. However, Cypro makes me sleepy sometimes, so I don't like to take it.

Thanks lindsay. I didn't know gelatin could lead to an increase of endotoxin, I thought gelatin was supposed to be pretty good for the gut, and anything that is good for the gut generally leads to a decrease in endotoxin. What form of oregano do you take, is it in a pill or do you just buy it and consume it in food?

Thanks @Greg says for the info, do you know if Cascara and charcoal have the same method of action or do they work synergistically via different pathways?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Thanks lindsay. I didn't know gelatin could lead to an increase of endotoxin, I thought gelatin was supposed to be pretty good for the gut, and anything that is good for the gut generally leads to a decrease in endotoxin. What form of oregano do you take, is it in a pill or do you just buy it and consume it in food?

Gelatin, in it's perfect food form, is probably fantastic. But store bought gelatin (even the most expensive ones), don't always sit well with some people. In my case, there was probably another factor and the gelatin gummies I ate (or something else), just irritated it further. That's the thing with endotoxin - some foods are worse for people than others. For instance, certain proteins really bother my gut, while other ones are fine. It's very individual, so I wouldn't avoid gelatin unless it bothers you.


Apr 5, 2016
Gelatin, in it's perfect food form, is probably fantastic. But store bought gelatin (even the most expensive ones), don't always sit well with some people. In my case, there was probably another factor and the gelatin gummies I ate (or something else), just irritated it further. That's the thing with endotoxin - some foods are worse for people than others. For instance, certain proteins really bother my gut, while other ones are fine. It's very individual, so I wouldn't avoid gelatin unless it bothers you.

Funny you should say that because there were certain proteins that my body used to hate that slowly changed over time as I started implementing a more metabolically healthy style of eating. I mainly avoid muscle meats and get 95% of my protein from milk protein, eggs and gelatin.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Funny you should say that because there were certain proteins that my body used to hate that slowly changed over time as I started implementing a more metabolically healthy style of eating. I mainly avoid muscle meats and get 95% of my protein from milk protein, eggs and gelatin.

Yes - I tolerate eggs and most cheeses very well, though eggs gave me issues before having my appendix removed. Gelatin is good if cooked properly and if there isn't any endotoxin much to begin with. I eat turkey lunchmeat sometimes, but tend to avoid most meat like beef, lamb & pork - they are occasional for me. Lamb is a big no no. At least, it hasn't gone well every time I've tried to eat it.

Regarding oregano oil, you can buy capsules online, but I found it much cheaper to buy the actual essential oil (Native American Nutritionals brand) and then dilute it with olive oil. There's lots of info. on the interwebs about using oregano oil. However, Tetracyclines are far more effective. I have only taken antibiotics twice in the last ten years, so I'm not super pro into using them all the time, but I was desperate last month. My stomach was in knots and feels much better these days.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Would this or Lisuride be good in combating high levels of serotonin caused by high levels of endotoxin or would it be better to treat the high levels of endotoxin directly, with charcoal for example?

Both should help, especially in combination as I pointed out in another thread.


Mar 29, 2014
Thanks @Greg says for the info, do you know if Cascara and charcoal have the same method of action or do they work synergistically via different pathways?

Cascara, energy, cancer and the FDA's laxative abuse.

Serotonin: Effects in disease, aging and inflammation:
Ray Peat said:
Activated charcoal can absorb many toxins, including bacterial endotoxin, so it is likely to reduce serotonin absorption from the intestine. Since it can also bind or destroy vitamins, it should be used only intermittently.


Aug 9, 2013
Hehe is my rat the only that is doing well on ritanserin? He feel so freaking so smart and confident all the time on ritanserin.

He applied to a job (yeah rats these days :D). He got a job. He is now making real money for the first time in his life.

And I didn't tell my boss about the rats ADHD, and autistic like behaviour in the past. As far as I can tell, he didn't notice. I still live with my parents, and I think that is very good for me in my current situation, but yeah I'm getting better and better. I can't thank you enough haidut. For the first time in god knows how long, I feel like I'm not failing in life. My parents are now at holiday for two weeks, and normally, if I would live alone I would make some freaking chaotic mess here. Just food and stuff everywhere. Now I'm working 8 hours a day, and I keep everything is clean, I feel structured, smart and just very happy :)

Congrats @Mufasa


Aug 9, 2013
Soren said:
Thanks @Greg says for the info, do you know if Cascara and charcoal have the same method of action or do they work synergistically via different pathways?

Cascara, energy, cancer and the FDA's laxative abuse.

Serotonin: Effects in disease, aging and inflammation:

I took a big spoon of Charcoal yesterday evening along with 2 Cascara capsules and feel FANTASTIC today.

I often take 1 cascara to keep things moving but the double dose + charcoal seemed to have really helped.

EDIT: Seeing Greg Says' posts.... I have the same feeling today as he describes


Jul 3, 2014
Fever, chills, fatigue, feeling completely beat after a day at work - these are all usually symptoms of rising serotonin. Not sure if you have noticed but adults and children usually feel very tired after intense emotional event and infants often fall asleep after an event that left them disturbed. This is also serotonin at work. Wired but tired feeling at night is also serotonin (and cortisol, which serotonin greatly promotes).
Just my 2c, but I'd also like to hear about other rat symptoms of high serotonin.

Thanks for the info. Maybe that's why I have to keep my dosage of ritanserin low before I get negative side effects. As far as those lists of serotogenic symptoms go, I would say I pretty much never have them.

An interesting anecdote is that last night I went to dinner with a friend for his birthday party at a Chinese restaurant. Chinese food is pretty much all PUFA as we know and I rarely if never eat something like a lot of PUFA. It was fairly cold last night and I would say that the cold very very rarely makes me uncomfortable. I was shivering in the cold last night though, so I'm guessing it was the PUFA load from the meal or the fact that I had some wine and MJ post dinner or a combination of all of that.

For a varicose vein, I would venture that a combination of lisuride/ritanserin applied topically, plus all of the other Peaty strategies such as oral tocovit, progestene, pansterone would be good strategies? Sorry to cover a few different topics on this thread here, but I guess the common theme here is still ritanserin, but in combination with lisuride.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks for the info. Maybe that's why I have to keep my dosage of ritanserin low before I get negative side effects. As far as those lists of serotogenic symptoms go, I would say I pretty much never have them.

An interesting anecdote is that last night I went to dinner with a friend for his birthday party at a Chinese restaurant. Chinese food is pretty much all PUFA as we know and I rarely if never eat something like a lot of PUFA. It was fairly cold last night and I would say that the cold very very rarely makes me uncomfortable. I was shivering in the cold last night though, so I'm guessing it was the PUFA load from the meal or the fact that I had some wine and MJ post dinner or a combination of all of that.

For a varicose vein, I would venture that a combination of lisuride/ritanserin applied topically, plus all of the other Peaty strategies such as oral tocovit, progestene, pansterone would be good strategies? Sorry to cover a few different topics on this thread here, but I guess the common theme here is still ritanserin, but in combination with lisuride.

Yeah. anything anti-estrogenic would be great. I think a combination of antihistamine and anti-serotonin, combined with a strong androgen would be best. So, applying 11K-DHT or another androgen known to inhibit aromatase would be best.


Sep 16, 2014
Only a quite high dose (at least 6 drops at a time) appears to have any efficacy in my experiments so far.


Apr 17, 2013
I took a big spoon of Charcoal yesterday evening along with 2 Cascara capsules and feel FANTASTIC today.

I often take 1 cascara to keep things moving but the double dose + charcoal seemed to have really helped.

So...you took the AC at the same time as the cascara?
The charcoal doesn't absorb the effects of the cascara and limit it's effects when doing that?


Jul 27, 2016
I'm interested in lowering serotonin. If I apply a bottle of Ritanserin then stop, will my serotonin levels go below my baseline level? Thanks


Jul 3, 2014
Yeah. anything anti-estrogenic would be great. I think a combination of antihistamine and anti-serotonin, combined with a strong androgen would be best. So, applying 11K-DHT or another androgen known to inhibit aromatase would be best.

Thank you!


Jan 7, 2016
Just wanted to make a note that uridine supplementation seems to prevent headaches test subject was getting from ritanserin. I'm not clear on the exact mechanism of action. Uridine is purported to increase glycogen storage, but low blood sugar seems unlikely as a cause of the headaches given the subject was very well fed, and large amounts of caffeine do not cause headache, although large doses of niacinamide do, so perhaps there is something to that. Uridine seems to prevent headaches subject had from large doses of niacinamide too, so the mechanism seems to be the same as with ritanserin. Still experimenting, but wanted to share in case anyone else had any thoughts about this. Haven't experimented much since this discovery, so not clear yet if the ritanserin results will be the same with uridine being supplemented. Still leary of causing subject headaches, as they have been strong and long lasting in prior experiments.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Just wanted to make a note that uridine supplementation seems to prevent headaches test subject was getting from ritanserin. I'm not clear on the exact mechanism of action. Uridine is purported to increase glycogen storage, but low blood sugar seems unlikely as a cause of the headaches given the subject was very well fed, and large amounts of caffeine do not cause headache, although large doses of niacinamide do, so perhaps there is something to that. Uridine seems to prevent headaches subject had from large doses of niacinamide too, so the mechanism seems to be the same as with ritanserin. Still experimenting, but wanted to share in case anyone else had any thoughts about this. Haven't experimented much since this discovery, so not clear yet if the ritanserin results will be the same with uridine being supplemented. Still leary of causing subject headaches, as they have been strong and long lasting in prior experiments.

Anti-serotonin drugs, and especially ritanserin and cyproheptadine do drop blood sugar due to their effect on lowering cortisol. I think that is the most likely mechanism.
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