Robert F. Kennedy Jr as democratic nominee?


Mar 21, 2021
That's a no for me. Although I love his stance on big Pharma and Vaccines, I am not for reparations.
Those actions are “less likely to contribute to polarization between blacks and whites because it benefits everybody. Everybody, even people who are Trumpers … everybody wants business to work and to flourish,” Kennedy Jr. told YouTuber Math Hoffa in a July interview.

He is basically saying we are going to support poorer community of all colors. So your choices are trump or Biden who used tax dollars to create a vaccine and tries to force you take it.

So you are saying you would rather have your tax dollars go to Pfizer and mandates then your tax dollars go to help poorer communities.
That’s a strong stance you would rather take a poison shot and give billions to Pfizer then help poor people.


Aug 17, 2016
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Aug 13, 2020
Scott Ritter Talks About RFK Jr.

October 23, 2023

Well, first of all, I don't think you can lean towards the Palestinians. I don't think that you can support Palestinians more than you support Israel. It's one or the other.

It's black and white, because it's a black and white issue.

So it's not about, well, I support both. You can't, because if you support both, you support the one committing genocide and the one having genocide committed against them.

So I think RFK is lined up totally on the side of Israel, right or wrong, support them. Here's the thing about RFK.

I mean, you're allowed to believe whatever you want. I mean, you know, he's RFK, he's his old man.

I don't know why Dennis Kucinich left. We can speculate why he left. We can, you know, we know Dennis Kucinich's background is a promoter of peace. We know that he was a supporter of Palestine.

And so therefore, there would arguably be underlying tension. They aren't talking about it. Dennis is a gentleman. He's a professional. And he didn't leave trying to sink the ship. He left wishing him the best of luck.

He was
replaced by a daughter-in-law who has a CIA covert operator background.

This is a
man who claims the CIA killed his uncle.

This is a man who
claims he wants to dissolve the CIA, and he brings in one of them to work.

Now, I know she's a daughter-in-law, but what the hell is going on, Bobby? I mean, here's the thing. I will probably continue to support Bobby Kennedy, but I'll tell him straight to his face.

You are as wrong as the day is long on Israel. But you're saying the right things about Russia.

I have to question now whether or not you really believe it, Bobby, because you're supposed to be a man of principle, but you just flushed all your principles down the toilet when it comes to Israel.

So I have to question, are you simply just playing a game here? Because Bobby knows he can't be president unless he's different.

Bobby has to provide an alternative to the Republicans and the Democrats. And on Russia, on nuclear arms, he was doing that.

He is exactly the same as Republicans and Democrats are on Israel. There's no space between them. In fact, he's more fanatic than many of the Republicans and Democrats out there.

And there's people right now, you know, his base is a base of people that believe in peace. They're people that feel betrayed by the Republicans and the Democrats. They're people that people that feel that they were lied to by the about the covid mandates. These are people are looking to him because he is different.

And now that he's the same on Israel and let me just make it clear, this Israeli problem is not going away anytime soon. Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. That is a problem that will not be on the front burner come November 2024, because it will have already been solved. Then it's Bobby's position on how we make peace with Russia that counts.

But most people will be looking at what's going on in Israel and Bobby provides no difference. He's the same. There's nothing special about Bobby on this. And people will leave him in droves. I may be the only person voting for him.

You know, if he gets his name on the ballot because he has betrayed the cause of peace that he claimed to represent every word he said about his uncle's American University speech.

You know, Bobby went to New Hampshire and on the 60th. I think it was the 60th anniversary of the American University speech, one of the greatest speeches given in modern American political history.

Bobby gave a speech. It was the peace and diplomacy speech where he talked a lot about his uncle speech and about how he believed in those ideals and those values.

Bobby, you're a lying sack of manure.

All right, I can't believe a word you said because everything you claim to stand for in that speech you have thrown into the trash by your support for Israel.

You stand for nothing. You can't even explain why you support Israel. You haven't been able to come out and say because you are not a Jew Bobby.

You didn't go live in a kibbutz and work in the kibbutz as a Jew. I know you did a kibbutz tour like many Americans do. They go over there and pretend to be one with the people but you know what the kibbutz is don't you Bobby?

It is a militarized society designed and created exclusively for the theft of land from the Palestinians.

That's what a kibbutz is Bobby.

And if you're proud to have been a member of the kibbutz Bobby then shame on you.

You disgust me.

You need to change your position on Israel if you want to get sufficient support to become president United States.

Otherwise, you are simply more of the same and we don't want the same Bobby. We're done with the same.

If we're going to do the same at least we're going to get the real deal Bobby.

We'll get a Democrat or Republican because we know they are programmed to screw us.

You pretend you want to be on our side, but you're going to screw us just the same because you stand for nothing.

And the only way you're going to change my mind and the millions of other people that could have voted for you Bobby is by changing your stance on Israel or explaining in great detail why you believe and be prepared to take the heat for it Bobby, but you're a coward you sit there and you tweet that you're in support and then you back off.

That's what the CIA does Bobby.

Maybe that's why you brought your daughter-in-law in because this is the kind of secrecy that people wrap themselves in.

They aren't honest. You're supposed to be the honest guy Bobby. You're supposed to lay it all out on the table.

Be honest with you're one of us the people you're not Bobby.

You're part of the establishment because you've taken the establishment position on Israel.

I'll vote for you because I believe that nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to mankind and I believe that you have an honest held position on nuclear weapons, but I can't say you're a good man.

I can't say you stand for things that I believe in Bobby because your position on Israel.

It's an indefensible position.

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Aug 13, 2020
Scott Ritter "RFK Has LOST My Support"

December 6, 2023

I have to say that I was a big fan of RFK Jr. I bought into it.

I drank that Kool-Aid as quick as I could because that guy was saying the right things about Russia and Ukraine.

And to me it was a breath of fresh air because I was talking till I was blue in the face about the reality of Russia.

And just nobody gets it, you know, he will speak, and he was sitting there and he said, I get it.

I mean, we talked a lot. I'm not going to give away too much, but he would call me frequently and we would talk about Russia.

And I found that a lot of things that I was telling them would find its way into what he was saying.

I went, OK, I'm team Bobby. I'm there. And then Israel. I'm like, what the hell happened here?

You know, and it doesn't make any sense because Bobby is a thinking man.

I mean, I watched his brain work as he worked through the Russia problem.

I saw him ask the right questions and demand answers and challenge preconceived notions.

And I'm like, if he just took that approach to Israel, man, this would be so easy.

But no, he's a blind, blind, blind supporter of Israel, which means he stands for nothing.

Because now I have to ask myself, does he say what he says about Russia because he believes in it?

Or does he believe that it positions him for a political advantage?

Meaning that with both Republicans and Democrats having staked out an anti-Russian stance, if he's going to shoot that middle gap to try and become president, to take the disaffected people and be the candidate of peace, that this is the stance he took, not because he believes in it, but because he's using the American people to position himself to victory.

And that's what I think is happening here, because then you listen to him. This is the peace guy.

Listen to him, not just about Israel. Listen to him about China. Listen to him about Iran.

This man doesn't believe in peace. This man is a dyed-in-the-wool American supremacist.

That's it. And the Russia thing is a topic of convenience for him.

He doesn't believe in anything he's saying, and he proves it every time he opens his mouth about Israel.

Bobby Kennedy has sold out, and I'm no longer on Team Bobby.

I don't know, because, you know, we seem to be a nation that accepts this criminality.

I mean, Bobby Kennedy Jr. is defending war criminals.

Bobby, get a lawyer, get a lawyer and just talk about the law of war.

Talk about collective punishment. Talk about the Dahiya doctrine that Israel has enshrined as its official policy.

Talk about the statements made by the Israeli government.

All of this is cognizable under international law as a war crime.

It's not even a debate, Bobby. There wouldn't be a trial.

They'd be found guilty just on prima facie.

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May 22, 2021
I think posts like these demonstrate why RFK Jr brought his daughter in law on as campaign manager. She's quite articulate and knowledgeable.

It was stated that the campaign asked Kucinich to step down when RFK Jr went independent. Who knows, maybe it was over Israel -- maybe they couldn't have a campaign manager that didn't support all of his siginificant positions IDK. The reason was vague but it happened when he went Independent so I'm sure there was a rethink of everything. He's stated repeatedly that the problems with the CIA are at the top and that most are hard-working patriotic Americans. He's stated that from the beginning and referenced his daughter in law often.

I've heard Scott's rants and I disagree with him. As an unquestioning Pro-palestinian person since my college days (30+ years) I can see that this is not a black and white issue and there are compelling arguments on both sides. I think calling it black and white dissuades logical inquiry (either you support 'genocide' or you don't, etc). I also think some of the critiques of the University system have some merit because while people will call something "Zionist propaganda," I have not considered these points and arguments before now because I was not exposed to them when I studied the conflict (or presented in an wholly unconvincing or biased way. I can't remember exactly now.). I was satisfied that "Israel is a terrorist state" and everything I read about them was colored by that thinking. As we all know, media sources deserve scrutiny so now I'm trying to get varied opinions and perspectives and information to judge for myself, but I'm not dissuaded by the argument "Zionist propaganda" alone until I figure that out for myself as right now I see at least as much Palestinian propaganda.

I have to say for RFK Jr I think he stands on principle and he holds his ground on his convictions. He's done it with vaccines and his other endeavors. I have no reason to believe he's beholden to anyone or capitulating to get elected. I have to say his candidacy has gotten me to read, research and think more than any other. Who knows, I may end up back where I started and/or disagree with him on Israel. I still think he's the best candidate I've seen in my lifetime and I want to hear him out on it and think for myself. I would hope if he's in error he will come to see it, and he's the best statesman we could have for foreign affairs and ending the war machine, especially given the options, and I do believe he is a humanitarian.

Edit to add: I don't think recognizing that we presently have national interests somewhere like the Middle East is the same as perpetuating the war machine. I want someone to keep our country safe as number one and refocusing our national interests within,while working to change our overall foreign policy to be non-aggressive. That's probably a run-on sentence. What I'm trying to say is we DO have enemies and a president must also be concerned with national security in the present moment as things stand now.

BTW, RFK Jr has said that he has worked with/in Israel on water projects or something or other. It may have been with Riverkeeper IDK, but I just saw the clip recently.

I also think it is important to pay attention to our own country and the division that is tearing it apart, and for that he's definitely our best hope.
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May 22, 2021
He goes on Breaking Points to talk about Israel. To me, he makes some valid points worth considering, and some of which I had read elsewhere from other sources. I found myself wishing that she would do a little more listening and less interrupting so that he could complete an argument, but overall it gives you a sense of his perspective. Of course you get all of the usual comments like he's sold out, not a peace candidate, Zionist and so on, and I think some his comments are debatable but I have yet to see a convincing rebuttal, but I'm sure we'll be hearing more on this.


Some people took offense to him calling Palestinians "the most pampered" with humanitarian aid, but they do receive a significant amount and the question has been asked before about where the money goes when Hamas leaders are wealthy and they have plenty of money to wage war against Israel and bulld an infrastructure for themselves but not the Gazan people. I provide this article not as 'proof' of anything obviously, but as information for consideration:

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