Robert F. Kennedy Jr banned from Instagram



Jun 13, 2019

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, said:

“Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical industry and its captive regulators use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any factual assertion that departs from official pronouncements about vaccine health and safety, whether true or not. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.

“The pharmaceutical industry is hastily creating vaccines using taxpayer money and untested technologies. These include a rash of risky new products that are exempt from liability, from long-term safety testing and that have not received FDA approval. Emergency Use Authorization is a mass population scientific experiment. If it has any prayer of working, it will require extraordinary scrutiny from the press and the public.

“Instead, the mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square. They are punishing, shaming, vilifying, gaslighting and abolishing individuals who report their own vaccine injuries.

“Anyone can see that this is a formula for catastrophe and a coup d’état against the First Amendment, the foundation stone of American democracy.”


Jan 27, 2021

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, said:

“Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical industry and its captive regulators use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any factual assertion that departs from official pronouncements about vaccine health and safety, whether true or not. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.

“The pharmaceutical industry is hastily creating vaccines using taxpayer money and untested technologies. These include a rash of risky new products that are exempt from liability, from long-term safety testing and that have not received FDA approval. Emergency Use Authorization is a mass population scientific experiment. If it has any prayer of working, it will require extraordinary scrutiny from the press and the public.

“Instead, the mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square. They are punishing, shaming, vilifying, gaslighting and abolishing individuals who report their own vaccine injuries.

“Anyone can see that this is a formula for catastrophe and a coup d’état against the First Amendment, the foundation stone of American democracy.”
No bueno. Big time.


Jun 13, 2019
No bueno. Big time.
i think they needed to ban him now cause they're planning on the yearly vaccine soon.

they probably figure they'll get rid of him now so his ideas don't gain momentum. they're trying to normalize a yearly covid vaccine along with the flu ASAP


Jan 27, 2021
i think they needed to ban him now cause they're planning on the yearly vaccine soon.

they probably figure they'll get rid of him now so his ideas don't gain momentum. they're trying to normalize a yearly covid vaccine along with the flu ASAP
I could see that.
Might be time to move to Idaho, South Dakota, or the Moon.


May 7, 2017
I mean, we all saw this coming from a mile away.

Curious if he’ll take any legal action.


Feb 13, 2016
It has nothing to do with First Amendment. It's Instagram's platform, they can do what they want. Maybe conservatives should make a social media network as hot as Twitter, Instagram, etc. (without relying on Amazon servers like Parler) and then they can say what they want?


Jan 25, 2014
It has nothing to do with First Amendment. It's Instagram's platform, they can do what they want. Maybe conservatives should make a social media network as hot as Twitter, Instagram, etc. (without relying on Amazon servers like Parler) and then they can say what they want?

Robert Kennedy Jr. isn't a "conservative."

Also, considering companies like Facebook (who owns Instagram), Twitter and Amazon were founded based off technology from DARPA, they are hardly the product of a "Free Market." All of those companies are basically monopolies at this point, falling more into the category of "utility" than private business.

Old Irenaeus

Dec 24, 2020
Robert Kennedy Jr. isn't a "conservative."

Also, considering companies like Facebook (who owns Instagram), Twitter and Amazon were founded based off technology from DARPA, they are hardly the product of a "Free Market." All of those companies are basically monopolies at this point, falling more into the category of "utility" than private business.

Why it doesn't work to build your own Twitter:



Feb 18, 2016
It has nothing to do with First Amendment. It's Instagram's platform, they can do what they want. Maybe conservatives should make a social media network as hot as Twitter, Instagram, etc. (without relying on Amazon servers like Parler) and then they can say what they want?

It’s discriminatory, what do you think would happen if they banned black lives matter.........


Jun 13, 2019
banning RFK could be a good thing long term. Theyre gonna end up banning so many people on both sides of the aisle that eventually people will wake up that this has never been a left vs right issue. Its already beginning with people like tulsi going on tucker, there's gonna be a new wave of skeptics who don't think in the 2 party system game. meanwhile, faucis been paying nearly every big youtuber to make a "fun" video debunking coronavirus myths, its become so corny.

Examples of the vids im talking about:

complete PR push, funded by taxpayer money too


Robert Kennedy Jr. isn't a "conservative."
You are right, he is not. In his mind he is "one of them." And regardless of your party or political philosophy , if your opinion doesn't match the accepted speech prepare to be silenced. Always ends up working out this way in any totalitarian setup where you must be controlled supposedly for your own good and leaves the liberal person that is being suppressed shocked because they think " Wait, don't you know I am not a conservative? You made a mistake here. I am not some lukewarm independent or nasty republican or conservative. I am one of you-----the good guys." So, they think ,my opinion will be protected, accepted, tolerated and carry some weight.

Instead , this extreme ostracism will be applied evenly to independents who don't have a party affiliation, or liberals and conservatives at the moment you even dare to have a differing opinion. Use the accepted speech or be punished and banished.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It has nothing to do with First Amendment. It's Instagram's platform, they can do what they want. Maybe conservatives should make a social media network as hot as Twitter, Instagram, etc. (without relying on Amazon servers like Parler) and then they can say what they want?

They did. Look at what happened to Parler - it got "deplatformed" at the provider level. Amazon cut their cord and refused to provide access to backups. That's why Parler was offline for several weeks until Russian (can you believe it??) companies offered hosting so it can get back online.
At this point, if you want to be online and saying unpopular things, you'll have to become an ISP and even then it is not guaranteed because the big IPS can decide to not route traffic from/to you and you are still dead in the water. That's what happened to 8Chan - they became a de-facto ISP and it still did not save them.


They did. Look at what happened to Parler - it got "deplatformed" at the provider level. Amazon cut their cord and refused to provide access to backups. That's why Parler was offline for several weeks until Russian (can you believe it??) companies offered hosting so it can get back online.
At this point, if you want to be online and saying unpopular things, you'll have to become an ISP and even then it is not guaranteed because the big IPS can decide to not route traffic from/to you and you are still dead in the water. That's what happened to 8Chan - they became a de-facto ISP and it still did not save them.
And like Parler , if you try to seek recourse for the injustice of it all by turning to our court system you sometimes run into a legal brick wall because many judges have an extreme political agenda they follow instead of backing your constitutional rights under the law.

And look at poor Patrick Timpone kicked off of youtube. Could there be a nicer less offensive broadcaster than him? On what planet is he considered to be so dangerous and controversial that he had to be silenced . Really bothers me.

Who would have ever conceived that in the USA we would now find ourselves fighting to keep something as basic as our right to freedom of speech? I guess the legal nuance would be that you still do have the freedom of speech. Just no viable access to a way to effectively disseminate it.

Hopefully, Parler can make some progress in their legal battles.

We live in dark times.
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Oct 21, 2013
How long before your computer doesn't have open access to the internet? But will come out of the box with access to certain approved sites installed - much like your tv nowadays.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How long before your computer doesn't have open access to the internet? But will come out of the box with access to certain approved sites installed - much like your tv nowadays.

It is already happening indirectly - ISP's throttle your bandwidth depending on which site you go to. So far, they have been doing it for financial reasons to speed up access to their own content and their partners' but there is nothing preventing them from implementing the same procedures if you go to an anti-vaxx website or...even this forum. If somebody complains/sues, the ISP just says "we did not block access, they can still get to it, but we reserve the right to prioritize other websites". Of course, if they throttle your access to the point you are waiting 5min for a page to load, it is as good as a ban. In fact, it is more effective and nefarious than a ban, because it frustrates the user without directly blocking access. So, it will be harder to fight in court (as you'd have to prove malicious intent about specific websites) and the frustration of the user can lead to them simply avoiding certain sites out of fear the throttling will escalate into full-blown deliberate punishment for even legit websites the user depends for their life on. Basically, the ISPs saying "you go to that antivaxx website again, we will not only throttle your connection there but will start throttling your access to your bank, online shopping sites, health/insurance sites, etc. think whether you visit that antivaxx site ever again". That's why they are pushing for creating "risk profiles" on users (I bet they already exist actually) and then using those to decide what quality of service (QoS) you get for ANY online destination/site. The framework for that already exists due to the ISPs using it to fight downloading pirated movies/music, but there is nothing stopping them to expand the risk profile development criteria to any site the govt deems not-Kosher.
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Apr 6, 2018
This is very reminiscent of the kind of censorship that swept through Russia during and after the Bolshevik Revolution, time to hit the history books and read up on that and what else happened to see the parallels to today. The acceleration of censorship will not stop.
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