Serotonin and oxytocin promote gullibility, trainability, and servility


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A great study, which while done with horses, will probably raise questions (unfortunately only in people with already-low serotonin) of whether the relentless promotion of serotonin (5-HT) as the "happiness hormone" and oxytocin as the "love and connection hormone" has any evidence in support. According to the study, the horses with the lowest serotonin levels showed the highest dominance while the ones with the highest ones were the most "trainable", which is euphemism in animal science for obedience, servility, and (social) defeat. This is by far not the only study on the topic and it is well-known in animal research circles that the so-called "social defeat" paradigm, which leads to the drop of an animal's social rank and subsequent development of depression and chronic disease, is driven by a rise in serotonin as a result of the stressful experience of "training" (usually outright torture). In fact, animal studies show that changes in serotonin levels are the primary driver of appearances of hierarchies in societies, and maintaining high serotonin levels (and thus servility/defeat) in the non-dominant social members is perhaps the primary mechanism through which the "elites" maintain their dominance over the "plebs". Now, think what that implies about SSRI drugs and their massive usage in most "developed" countries...

J Anim Sci Technol: Relationship between oxytocin and serotonin and the fearfulness, dominance, and trainability of horses

"...The plasma serotonin concentration in the high dominance group was significantly lower than those in the low and medium dominance groups. Interestingly, they said, there was no significant difference in the plasma serotonin concentration between the medium and low dominance group. The researchers said there was a significant positive correlation between the plasma oxytocin concentrations and the degree of trainability. Horses assessed by the professors as being highly trainable had significantly higher plasma oxytocin concentrations compared with those grouped in the medium trainability category."

"...“Although it was not statistically significant, a positive correlation between the concentration of serotonin in horse blood plasma and the trainability of horses appeared to be present. “Interestingly, in humans, the depletion of serotonin caused several problems such as decreasing the level of cooperation and being discredited between partners. “Combining the results in horses and humans, serotonin appears to play a positive role in cooperation and trust, leading to high trainability.”


Jun 5, 2019
Well this was exactly the plan, after the elite witnessed LSD making people impossible to enslave they quickly made a substance that will act in the complete opposite way, they made their ssri's while outlawing psychedelics, selling slave pills as happiness pills is probably the biggest crime ever committed in human history.


Jun 5, 2019
Well this was exactly the plan, after the elite witnessed LSD making people impossible to enslave they quickly made a substance that will act in the complete opposite way, they made their ssri's while outlawing psychedelics, selling slave pills as happiness pills is probably the biggest crime ever committed in human history.

The problem is that this will always be rejected as a conspiracy theory, and soon noone will remain because the system favours docile people while driving thinkers into extinction.

In a few generations slaves will be all that remains, the problem is that docile fools cannot produce art and technology, so civilization will collapse into anarchy and the tables will turn, thinkers will survive and docile people will die, and the cycle continues until we break it.
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Mar 12, 2017
I feel so fortunate to have discovered this forum. I've always been one to question authority but coming here has led me to conclusions I don't think I would have made on my own due to the amount of bad information out there. I feel like I've escaped the matrix and I feel very lucky for that. I only wish I could help more people but so many seem to almost want to believe lies. Apparently you may need low ish serotonin to even be type to put faith in something other than the mainstream narrative, even in the face of reasearch.
Jul 17, 2021
A great study, which while done with horses, will probably raise questions (unfortunately only in people with already-low serotonin) of whether the relentless promotion of serotonin (5-HT) as the "happiness hormone" and oxytocin as the "love and connection hormone" has any evidence in support. According to the study, the horses with the lowest serotonin levels showed the highest dominance while the ones with the highest ones were the most "trainable", which is euphemism in animal science for obedience, servility, and (social) defeat. This is by far not the only study on the topic and it is well-known in animal research circles that the so-called "social defeat" paradigm, which leads to the drop of an animal's social rank and subsequent development of depression and chronic disease, is driven by a rise in serotonin as a result of the stressful experience of "training" (usually outright torture). In fact, animal studies show that changes in serotonin levels are the primary driver of appearances of hierarchies in societies, and maintaining high serotonin levels (and thus servility/defeat) in the non-dominant social members is perhaps the primary mechanism through which the "elites" maintain their dominance over the "plebs". Now, think what that implies about SSRI drugs and their massive usage in most "developed" countries...

J Anim Sci Technol: Relationship between oxytocin and serotonin and the fearfulness, dominance, and trainability of horses

"...The plasma serotonin concentration in the high dominance group was significantly lower than those in the low and medium dominance groups. Interestingly, they said, there was no significant difference in the plasma serotonin concentration between the medium and low dominance group. The researchers said there was a significant positive correlation between the plasma oxytocin concentrations and the degree of trainability. Horses assessed by the professors as being highly trainable had significantly higher plasma oxytocin concentrations compared with those grouped in the medium trainability category."

"...“Although it was not statistically significant, a positive correlation between the concentration of serotonin in horse blood plasma and the trainability of horses appeared to be present. “Interestingly, in humans, the depletion of serotonin caused several problems such as decreasing the level of cooperation and being discredited between partners. “Combining the results in horses and humans, serotonin appears to play a positive role in cooperation and trust, leading to high trainability.”
Interesting thread. So, given this, I wonder if those who often tend to look at things with a healthy dose of skepticism, have less serotonin running through their synapses.


Mar 10, 2016
Wait, is oxytocin suspect now too?

I'm not talking about therapeutic oxytocin but about its presence in natural, biological amounts.


Mar 29, 2016
It seems that serotonin is also (meaning not just from poor diet) a product of the stress induced by the carrot and stick behavior molding process used on horses.

A horse raised to excel at the tracks would then need a different trainer than a horse that would be used by equestrians and by coach drivers and farmers.

A person raised with less religion training would just as well be more dominant than a person with. A person working his whole adult life in a large corporation would be more serotonin-driven than one who works for a smaller business or for himself (unless he is a contractor for that corporation). This, given the inane PC rules the HR department imposes on its rank and file. It followa then that a career corporate man who rises to the top of the corporation is there because he has the least serotonin and epitomizes the corporate culture. But that corporation would not survive with him at the helm, and that is why headhunters look from the outside to find a dominant, low-serotonin leader, who would fit perfectly with the servile rank and file who will be at his beck and call. If the leader possesses a good vision, he has a trained army to follow his command without question, and the company will thrive albeit not for the long term. This explains why no corporation lasts forever, even the Catholic Church.

This is why in working for a large corporation, one has to find an outlet for one to regain one's dominance, or else one goes home and continues to be servile, but as a spouse or partner. One has to find one's wild side. Being in a spectator sport and a couch potato further destroys a person. Finding an activity that rewards him with a peak experience in the company of low serotonin individuals will want him looking forward to the weekend to nurture his nature.

Yet, it his harder and harder to find such people to be with as society gets more civilized and the more educated one is, the more one is trapped into the Dear Miss Abby web. The COVID hoaxing should tell us all we need to know on this.

Compare the ancient Bhagavad Gita and the relatively new Ten Commandments. The former is contextual, the latter literal. Do you not disobey your parent, or general, when they tell you to do something against your idea of right or wrong just because you have to "honor your father and mother?" Do you not kill just because that tablet says so, even as your leaders kill indiscriminately, even as they look the other way to condone mass killers on their side? As they engage in continual assassination of men of courage, peace, and goodwill, to deprive us of worthy leaders to lead a just society? Is the Ten Commandments really progress over the very much older Bhagavad Gita, or even the more ancient Law of Hammurabi?
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Mar 29, 2016
It follows then that a career corporate man who rises to the top of the corporation is there because he has the least serotonin and epitomizes the corporate culture.

I meant "most sertonin."


Sep 26, 2022
'the more serotonin you have the more dominant you are'' lol
In a perverse way he is correct; but his take is under the assumption that being “dominating” is a good thing.

“If you believe being homicidal, violent, psychopathic, cruel, unloving, dumb, etc are good things then so be it. To me the evidence is clear.
SSRI Drugs Impair Judgment, Wisdom, Understanding, Love And Empathy
SSRI Make Organisms Demented, Violent & Homicidal, Even At Low Doses

Btw, his very statement gives it away - i.e. serotonin is crucial for establishing and maintaining "hierarchical structure". Those structure are the very bedrock of authoritarianism. Free human beings, with access to sufficient resources, do not form such structures. They only form under stress”-Haidut from thread Peterson lobster serotonin


Sep 26, 2022
There is a difference between being “dominant” and “assertive” (/confident)

I recall Haidut saying once that high testosterone is portrayed in the mainstream as causing aggression/violence, but he references a study in which high T males were “assertive” but not aggressive as rebuttal to this notion


Oct 6, 2021
@AllHailHaidut Yes high serotonin people are dominant but only in hierarchical structure. In other surcumstances they are ******* and have no authority unless is written on paper or a badge

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@AllHailHaidut Yes high serotonin people are dominant but only in hierarchical structure. In other surcumstances they are ******* and have no authority unless is written on paper or a badge
hi, i suggest you a perspective:

there is no dominance outside of hierarchy, dominance inherently involves being exercised over others, and hierarchy inherently involves dominance over other people

in other circumstances, they still have authority, what allows them this higher degree of authority is not the paper or the badge itself, it is that they are associated to some degree with a person or a group of people having a higher degree of physical power by their numbers and their tools / "weapons", so if you do not respect the highest degree of power granted to them, you will potentially suffer the consequences, the papers and badges are only one of the manifestations of this highest degree of power

i wish you fun
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