Severly compromised healt - please help


Jun 22, 2020

I would like to help a girl friend of mine who`s health is severely compromised
( had 3 chemos after ovarian cancer was surgically removed, very slowly growing lung cancer,
chronic irritation of stomach and the intestines,
paranoid shizophrenia, very obese, very high IQ, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrom;
quite a list, I know )

I was thinking to first heal her gut by administering
Cascara Sagrada. She took it 3 times; every time her energy dropped so much
that she barely couldn`t move at all. My conclusion to that is that her body was
most likely running solely on cortisol which was efficiently opposed by the Emodin in Cascara ).

Since her reaction to a harmless drug like Cascara was so intense,
I don`t know what to do. For example I am fearing to overburden her liver with PUFA
if she were to take Pregnenolone / DHEA daily to burn off her fat storage.....

Her diet becam quite good by my adivce ( high ratio of calcium to phoshor,
very low Pufa, around 90g high quality protein per day, fruit instead of starch,
sometimes masa harina, milk, cheese, 1-2 eggs per day, once per week liverwurst / cooked mussels,
salt to taste, magnesium glycinate supplement, D3/K2 supplement, low stress.... )

So besides healing the intestines so that she can get all the nurtritions from food
I know that she needs to lower estrogen and cortisol and have to bring up her levels
of pregnenolone, progesteron and DHEA.
Her body is way to cold so T3/T4 is needed as well.
Docors are saying she has a problem with to high Testosteron but I am pretty sure
that all of her Testo is aromatized into Estrogen since every cell in the body can turn Testo in Estrogen,
especially adipose tissue ( she got a lot of it ).

So I really dont`t know what to do.
Help and a strategy is needed.....


Aug 17, 2018

I would like to help a girl friend of mine who`s health is severely compromised
( had 3 chemos after ovarian cancer was surgically removed, very slowly growing lung cancer,
chronic irritation of stomach and the intestines,
paranoid shizophrenia, very obese, very high IQ, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrom;
quite a list, I know )

I was thinking to first heal her gut by administering
Cascara Sagrada. She took it 3 times; every time her energy dropped so much
that she barely couldn`t move at all. My conclusion to that is that her body was
most likely running solely on cortisol which was efficiently opposed by the Emodin in Cascara ).

Since her reaction to a harmless drug like Cascara was so intense,
I don`t know what to do. For example I am fearing to overburden her liver with PUFA
if she were to take Pregnenolone / DHEA daily to burn off her fat storage.....

Her diet becam quite good by my adivce ( high ratio of calcium to phoshor,
very low Pufa, around 90g high quality protein per day, fruit instead of starch,
sometimes masa harina, milk, cheese, 1-2 eggs per day, once per week liverwurst / cooked mussels,
salt to taste, magnesium glycinate supplement, D3/K2 supplement, low stress.... )

So besides healing the intestines so that she can get all the nurtritions from food
I know that she needs to lower estrogen and cortisol and have to bring up her levels
of pregnenolone, progesteron and DHEA.
Her body is way to cold so T3/T4 is needed as well.
Docors are saying she has a problem with to high Testosteron but I am pretty sure
that all of her Testo is aromatized into Estrogen since every cell in the body can turn Testo in Estrogen,
especially adipose tissue ( she got a lot of it ).

So I really dont`t know what to do.
Help and a strategy is needed.....
I am completely not competent to comment since I know next to nothing about cancer. Perhaps, reaching directly to Ray Peat might help. One thing that pop us a lot on the forum related to cancer is aspirin. Aspirin diluted in warm water. I think it should be taken with baking soda and gelatin since some people can develop stomach sensitivity to aspirin. Research on how to take it. Also b17 found in apricot kernels. Quality Vitamin E. You mentioned she doesn't do good with cascara but perhaps Lapodin would help since it gets absorbed through skin.

Look at this thread: When Is It Too Late To Treat Cancer With (Peatish) Supplements?


Jun 22, 2020
Thanks for your reply; very much appreciated.
I have exchanged some Emails with Dr. Peat; he is very friendly and helpful but I think that I need like a step by step instruction
which Dr. Peat most likely won`t give; it`s just not how he operates, imo.
Currently it is not so much about treating cancer directly since the cancer is not active or let`s call it slow growing.
It is more about restoring the whole body in way that the "bad" hormones like estrogen and cortisol are opposed by high levels
of pregnenolone and progesterone and to a smaller degree dhea, depleteing PUFA safely, loosing weigth,
restoring glucose metabolism, lowering lactate and all these things.
Basically I would like to restore mitochondrial energy production to a high degree which should solve all the problems aka symptoms
of energy deficiency like cancer.
I remember Dr. Peat writing about B17; that it just doesn`t work and is detrimental to healt.
Aspirin is always a go.


Aug 17, 2018
I do have some experience with both pregnenolone (health natura ) and progesterone (idealabs). I take progesterone two weeks on, two weeks off according to my menstrual cycle. The first two weeks I don't take progesterone, I take pregnenolone. I feel pregnenolone has very nice cortisol lowering effect at least for me. I take about 210mg a day. If I take more, makes me super sleepy.

When it comes to progesterone, it's a different beast. According to my blood work, my estrogen came within range but I did store a lot of it in my tissues. When I started with progesterone, it was slowly withdrawing estrogen from my tissues into my bloodstream and excarcerbate my already high prolactin levels and what not. Basically, for a month I wasn't feeling good at all. I did read that's good to start slow with hormones like progesterone which I did (like 10 drops a day). But I also read if one is estrogen dominant it's better to take more progesterone because with smaller amounts one can have more estrogen effects at the beginning of taking it. I definitely had those symptoms but I didn't have a courage to take too much of the hormone.

Today, it's a fourth cycle I am taking progesterone and definitely I can see the improvements. Anyway, what I am trying to say be careful. Haidut's progesterone is bells and whistles :).

When it comes to lowering lactate/lactic acid, again I am going to speak from my experience, abstain from the fermented foods (i.e. yogurt, kefir) and anything cultured including cultured meats, cultured butter etc. Perhaps, some probiotics are good like the soil ones.

Also I like taking Vitamin E like tocovit. It's good for depleting PUFA.

Read this on glucose metabolism: The Ultimate Guide to Restoring Glucose Metabolism » MENELITE
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Jun 22, 2020
I do have some experience with both pregnenolone (health natura ) and progesterone (idealabs). I take progesterone two weeks on, two weeks off according to my menstrual cycle. The first two weeks I don't take progesterone, I take pregnenolone. I feel pregnenolone has very nice cortisol lowering effect at least for me. I take about 210mg a day. If I take more, makes me super sleepy.

When it comes to progesterone, it's a different beast. According to my blood work, my estrogen came within range but I did store a lot of it in my tissues. When I started with progesterone, it was slowly withdrawing estrogen from my tissues into my bloodstream and excarcerbate my already high prolactin levels and what not. Basically, for a month I wasn't feeling good at all. I did read that's good to start slow with hormones like progesterone which I did (like 10 drops a day). But I also read if one is estrogen dominant it's better to take more progesterone because with smaller amounts one can have more estrogen effects at the beginning of taking it. I definitely had those symptoms but I didn't have a courage to take too much of the hormone.

Today, it's a fourth cycle I am taking progesterone and definitely I can see the improvements. Anyway, what I am trying to say be careful. Haidut's progesterone is bells and whistles :).

When it comes to lowering lactate, again I am going to speak from my experience, abstain from the fermented foods and anything cultured including cultured meats, butter etc. Perhaps, some probiotics are good like the soil ones.

Also I like taking Vitamin E like tocovit. It's good for depleting PUFA.

Read this on glucose metabolism: The Ultimate Guide to Restoring Glucose Metabolism » MENELITE
Super helpful.

I am very much under the impression that her body is running solely on Cortisol which was so efficiently opposed by the Emodin in Cascara Sagrada that she had no energy left a all. Since
Pregnenolone opposes Cortisol way more efficiently thant Emodin she would worsen her
situation by taking Pregnenolone.

Thank you so much for the article about restoring glucose metabolism.
So would she best first restore glucose metabolism, then ramp up Pregnenolone,
after that use rogesterone to withdraw strogen from tissue through Progesterones
anti-fibrotic effect?

Doctors are saying that at time of ovulation she is producing way to much Testo which
in my opinion is totally converted to estrogen via aromatase ( she has got a lot of aromatizing fatty tissue ).
What would happen if she were to block that conversion of Testo to Estrogen?
I mean she is feeling pretty sick at the time of ovulation but what would happen
if she would block the aromatization of esto? Wouldn`t that cause another problem?
I know that Testo opposes Estrogen and Cortisol which is desirable. But what does a very high ammount of Testo do to an ovulating woman?

Talking about PUFA depletion.
If she were to deplete her PUFA stores by a very low fat, very high carb diet over 30 days or so,
she were to liberate all that stored PUFA into her bloodstream which could overburden her liver.
How would she safely deplete her PUFA stores.

I myself "peating" for quite some time but I have never been really sick.
So my issues were very easy to solve.

First do no harm....


Oct 21, 2013
Start small. If you have never read Broda Barnes book on Hypothyroidism, do so. He does have step-by-step instructions to dose thryoid. It is good that she can tolerate a good diet. Lapodin, as someone else suggested, applied to the skin is also a good idea. In fact, almost any supplements can be absorbed through the skin at some level if the intestines are really sensitive, at least at the start. Aspirin and niacinamide are first-line supps, just remember to add Vitamin K with the aspirin. Since she still has active cancer, maybe her oncologist could be persuaded to prescribe some exemastane? She could take 1/4 to 1/2 to start with on that even. Pyrucet is also a great supplement for cancer and metabolic disruptions.

One thing I have found to be hugely helpful is fixing sleep. Going to bed at the same time every night and sleeping the same amount of hours every night. No weekend exceptions as it takes a week to recover from one late night. Also, stress hormones rise at night, so Peat has recommended bright light and something to eat first thing in the morning to stop the rise of hormones. Laying awake in the dark is very stressful.

If you (or she) really want step-by-step guidance, have you considered doing some consultations with the Herb Doctors or Danny Roddy or someone in the Peat realm? It's nice to have support from someone who is experienced with helping people heal.


Jun 22, 2020
Start small. If you have never read Broda Barnes book on Hypothyroidism, do so. He does have step-by-step instructions to dose thryoid. It is good that she can tolerate a good diet. Lapodin, as someone else suggested, applied to the skin is also a good idea. In fact, almost any supplements can be absorbed through the skin at some level if the intestines are really sensitive, at least at the start. Aspirin and niacinamide are first-line supps, just remember to add Vitamin K with the aspirin. Since she still has active cancer, maybe her oncologist could be persuaded to prescribe some exemastane? She could take 1/4 to 1/2 to start with on that even. Pyrucet is also a great supplement for cancer and metabolic disruptions.

One thing I have found to be hugely helpful is fixing sleep. Going to bed at the same time every night and sleeping the same amount of hours every night. No weekend exceptions as it takes a week to recover from one late night. Also, stress hormones rise at night, so Peat has recommended bright light and something to eat first thing in the morning to stop the rise of hormones. Laying awake in the dark is very stressful.

If you (or she) really want step-by-step guidance, have you considered doing some consultations with the Herb Doctors or Danny Roddy or someone in the Peat realm? It's nice to have support from someone who is experienced with helping people heal.
I have never read Broda Barnes Books. Thanks for that adive.
I am going to order it today.
I remember Ray mention that it does not matter if one adds
K1 or K2 to Asprin. I am wondering if that is really the case
since K1 is clotting whereas K2 is anti-clotting.
Niacinamide is not only used to assist ATP production but also
to mitigate fatty acids in the bloodstream. Is that true?

Blocking aromatase by examastane would lead to having her high Testo
at ovulation ( her oncoligst has diagnosed hi Testo at ovulation
and contributed her problems to high Testo; never even have thought about
the fact that every cell in the body is able to aromatize Testo... )

Thanks for all your other suggestions.

I would very much like to have a consultation by Georgi.
I have emailed him to his idealabs adress but have gotten
a reply that idealabs does not give personal recommandations
which I totally understand. Does he even do private consultations?

Besides that I appreciate Danny very much but don`t know
anything about the Herb Doctors.


Oct 21, 2013
I am curious how she is still ovulating after 3 chemo rounds and surgery for ovarian cancer? Was just one ovary involved? (you don't have to answer if that is tmi and violates her privacy) Still, exemastane would lower estrogen, and estrogen is the suspect behind all these problems. High testosterone is usually associated with PCOS, but I think estrogen is really behind PCOS (Estrogen directly causes polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – To Extract Knowledge from Matter)

The Herb Doctors, Andrew and Sarah Murray, have a radio show on KMUD ( where they have done an interview with Peat monthly for over a decade. They are well versed in Peat's philosophy and approaches, besides being licensed medical herbalists (trained in England). They have a website - Western Botanical Consultations

haidut has said he doesn't do consults, he doesn't have time for that.


Jun 22, 2020
I am curious how she is still ovulating after 3 chemo rounds and surgery for ovarian cancer? Was just one ovary involved? (you don't have to answer if that is tmi and violates her privacy) Still, exemastane would lower estrogen, and estrogen is the suspect behind all these problems. High testosterone is usually associated with PCOS, but I think estrogen is really behind PCOS (Estrogen directly causes polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – To Extract Knowledge from Matter)

The Herb Doctors, Andrew and Sarah Murray, have a radio show on KMUD ( where they have done an interview with Peat monthly for over a decade. They are well versed in Peat's philosophy and approaches, besides being licensed medical herbalists (trained in England). They have a website - Western Botanical Consultations

haidut has said he doesn't do consults, he doesn't have time for that.
Yes, only one ovary was involved. Besides that many aspects within her system seem strange to me, but I am really no expert yet.
I agree that Estrogen is most likely the problem behind all of her symptoms; thank for that article.

Thank you for pointing me to the Herb Doctors.
I am going to contact them.

All of your input has been so helpful. Thanks


May 13, 2015

I would like to help a girl friend of mine who`s health is severely compromised
( had 3 chemos after ovarian cancer was surgically removed, very slowly growing lung cancer,
chronic irritation of stomach and the intestines,
paranoid shizophrenia, very obese, very high IQ, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrom;
quite a list, I know )

I was thinking to first heal her gut by administering
Cascara Sagrada. She took it 3 times; every time her energy dropped so much
that she barely couldn`t move at all. My conclusion to that is that her body was
most likely running solely on cortisol which was efficiently opposed by the Emodin in Cascara ).

Since her reaction to a harmless drug like Cascara was so intense,
I don`t know what to do. For example I am fearing to overburden her liver with PUFA
if she were to take Pregnenolone / DHEA daily to burn off her fat storage.....

Her diet becam quite good by my adivce ( high ratio of calcium to phoshor,
very low Pufa, around 90g high quality protein per day, fruit instead of starch,
sometimes masa harina, milk, cheese, 1-2 eggs per day, once per week liverwurst / cooked mussels,
salt to taste, magnesium glycinate supplement, D3/K2 supplement, low stress.... )

So besides healing the intestines so that she can get all the nurtritions from food
I know that she needs to lower estrogen and cortisol and have to bring up her levels
of pregnenolone, progesteron and DHEA.
Her body is way to cold so T3/T4 is needed as well.
Docors are saying she has a problem with to high Testosteron but I am pretty sure
that all of her Testo is aromatized into Estrogen since every cell in the body can turn Testo in Estrogen,
especially adipose tissue ( she got a lot of it ).

So I really dont`t know what to do.
Help and a strategy is needed.....
Mitochondrial function is the key to recovery. There's thyroid supplementation. There's also thiamine supplementation. Thiamine gets depleted and the deficiency blocks mitochondrial function, similar to low thyroid. Surgery and chemo would deplete thiamine.
Here is a video to consider: Thiamine hcl is the most common, easy to find. Always take magnesium with thiamine. Take it with orange juice (for the potassium). Start with small dose (100mg), slowly increase over a few days/weeks. Pregnenolone, progesterone, aspirin are all helpful. Use this search engine to find interviews on topic you choose: Ray Peat Search


Jun 22, 2020
Mitochondrial function is the key to recovery. There's thyroid supplementation. There's also thiamine supplementation. Thiamine gets depleted and the deficiency blocks mitochondrial function, similar to low thyroid. Surgery and chemo would deplete thiamine.
Here is a video to consider: Thiamine hcl is the most common, easy to find. Always take magnesium with thiamine. Take it with orange juice (for the potassium). Start with small dose (100mg), slowly increase over a few days/weeks. Pregnenolone, progesterone, aspirin are all helpful. Use this search engine to find interviews on topic you choose: Ray Peat Search

Great input.
Thank you!


May 13, 2015
Great input.
Thank you!
You're welcome. My friend went through a horrible accident a couple of years ago. Lots of pain and pain meds. She wasted away because she couldn't keep anything down. Lived on saltine crackers for months. She couldn't/wouldn't drink milk. She began to improve when we started putting hydrolized gelatin in whatever she was sipping on. Orange juice is best, for the potassium and anti-estrogens in it. Here's a link to the gelatin: Amazon product ASIN B005KG7EDU
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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