Shedding from covid injected to non-injected thread per request


Oct 23, 2018
Thank you so much for sharing and I too, per my sharing on this thread, experienced profound effects to my menstrual cycles as also articulated by many thousands, may be hundreds of thousands of women, across the world. My Cycle Story: A Research Study
What can be done about this?

My gf is now experiencing the non-existence of her cycles which have been clockwork for years and years.

An ultrasound showed everything as "normal". Hormonal panel was for the most part in range except Progesterone practically being undetectable.

Last month she started taking Progest-E, which helped slightly, but this month doesn't seem to be doing much.

I have mentioned trying IVM, which we have on hand, but have not tried this yet.

What have other women done to correct these newfound issues?


Dec 11, 2020
copying this from another thread where a debate ensued and i told people to come over here on this issue:



JoinedSep 3, 2017Messages136

My chiropractor got the covid vax and became ill. He came to work in spite of not feeling well. I had an appointment at that time and had skin contact when he worked on my head / neck. A day later I had migraine and nausea, subsequently came down with a breakout of molluscum contagiousum on my neck; a surface vein burst in my leg; my histamine sensitivity worsened; got heart flutters; and now have constant bloodshot eyes.

The spike protein phenom is real, as far as I can tell.

Had two ex-supervisors who took the vax. One died suddenly age 56, the other started getting heart attacks and so retired.

The environment we're in is toxic. I recall Ray saying smarter people are more sensitive re: environmental factors, including food.


Dec 11, 2020
What can be done about this?

My gf is now experiencing the non-existence of her cycles which have been clockwork for years and years.

An ultrasound showed everything as "normal". Hormonal panel was for the most part in range except Progesterone practically being undetectable.

Last month she started taking Progest-E, which helped slightly, but this month doesn't seem to be doing much.

I have mentioned trying IVM, which we have on hand, but have not tried this yet.

What have other women done to correct these newfound issues?
All of the things we have learned here are in order- thyroid, progesterone, aspirin etc. how are her pulse and temps? thyroid could help if warranted. Also Dr. Peat advised that extra vitamin K is protective against shedding. I have also been using methylene blue the last couple of years and it is known to be effective against covid as an antimalarial so would seem to have protective effects as well. So i would say to consider adding in thyroid possibly, vitamin K and methylene blue. After the five month episode i reported, my cycles were restored. Although this last month i had an 11 day menstruation and interestingly came down with some cold symptoms- i definitely am suspecting shedding again from the gym- the timing adds up. I try to keep my distance from people i dont know and avoid touching but happens sometimes- getting change from a store clerk, someone helping me unload a bar from my back at gym etc. crazy world but i dont shake hands anymore due to shedding concern unless i know the person is non injected.


Jan 25, 2014
My husband got Moderna and my leg/feet went numb after intimacy.
Something was transferred thorough fluid, but I view it as a venomous bite.
If you ever have been bitten by a snake, poisonous spider, or wasp type of feeling.
It is not the same as having the shots.
I think this might be a common thing. But it doesn't mean the "Spike Protein" is the mechanism of action.

There is a study out there showing that components of the vaccines are present and detectable in bodily fluids for up to 48 hours after vaccination. This isn't unique to the shots, pretty much any drug will be detectable in bodily fluids for about 2-3 days. Possibly longer as well.
Jul 17, 2021
Thank you and per the December 1 article and interview with Dr. McCullough posted above, he has expanded his views, opined the possibility that the shedding could be permanent and revised his recommendation to avoidance for 90 days minimum. in light of the possibility of permanence, he said may go beyond that.
As to the “permanency“of the shedding, I can only speak to this anecdotally, but both my parents are vaxxed and double boosted. They have promised me they won’t get any more jabs. I have been in contact with them several times since their last booster, which was last year. I do not seem to experience any effects after being in their presence.

So, if they are still shedding, I haven’t experienced any effects that I am aware of. Also, I still take supplements as “insurance” especially when in contact with them. But my point is, I haven’t experienced anything noticeable when around them as of late.


Oct 23, 2018
All of the things we have learned here are in order- thyroid, progesterone, aspirin etc. how are her pulse and temps? thyroid could help if warranted. Also Dr. Peat advised that extra vitamin K is protective against shedding. I have also been using methylene blue the last couple of years and it is known to be effective against covid as an antimalarial so would seem to have protective effects as well. So i would say to consider adding in thyroid possibly, vitamin K and methylene blue. After the five month episode i reported, my cycles were restored. Although this last month i had an 11 day menstruation and interestingly came down with some cold symptoms- i definitely am suspecting shedding again from the gym- the timing adds up. I try to keep my distance from people i dont know and avoid touching but happens sometimes- getting change from a store clerk, someone helping me unload a bar from my back at gym etc. crazy world but i dont shake hands anymore due to shedding concern unless i know the person is non injected.
She takes thyroid, Progesterone, and occasional MMS, which would eradicate anything viral.

We have both not had a cold or illness in over 6 years. So far, never got Covid or anything like that.

Knock on wood!


Dec 11, 2020
She takes thyroid, Progesterone, and occasional MMS, which would eradicate anything viral.
I would add the K and methylene blue. thats what i did and i resolved my cycles for the most part until this last one. interestingly, due to sensitivities, i took a break from my supplements for a couple of weeks just when this happened (other than thyroid and progesterone and asprin) so i stopped taking the K and methylene blue. i think they are protective from shedding. I started them up again- using the K on my skin rather than in my mouth though.

it could be that when i stopped mb and K or a couple weeks, i became more susceptible to the shedding again so im not going off of mb or k again. we live in a new world now and have to be superhuman- so may need things above and beyond what we did before as i know many here are not fond of supplements. But pure supplements can be very helpful and even necessary now.


Jan 25, 2014
What are your thoughts regarding unvaccinated women who have had abnormal menstrual cycles and other complications since the shots were rolled out?

Every unvaccinated woman at my Gf's work, who were willing to talk about it, all claimed to be experiencing abnormal cycles and other issues since the introduction of these shots. 30-40% of the workforce there is vaccinated.

My unvaccinated gf is still dealing with these issues unfortunately. And she is definitely not alone.

What do you think is causing this? Women worldwide have had these issues since the shots began to be administered.
First off, women having abnormal menstrual cycles itself is nothing new. It's not something that just started in December of 2020 or January of 2021. You can search the internet and find women having these types of issues dated before any of this pandemic nonsense ever started.

I think there are lots of medical experiments that have been conducted on the population at large that could have affected menstrual cycles of women. Including (but not limited to) experimental lockdowns, experimental mask mandates, forcing people into isolation, forcing people into unemployment and poverty, lack of certain foods, poor nutrition, increased serotonin/estrogen and such from all these experiments, disruption of birth control and/or other medications, general stress from all the propaganda, and yes, possible effects from the vaccine, and unvaccinated women syncing up (by whatever mechanism, morphic fields maybe?) with vaccinated women.

When you run dozens of medical experiments at one time, it's impossible to isolate a single variable and say "yep, THAT is the cause of this observed phenomenon." It could be any of the others, or a combination of several, that caused it.


Dec 11, 2020
First off, women having abnormal menstrual cycles itself is nothing new. It's not something that just started in December of 2020 or January of 2021. You can search the internet and find women having these types of issues dated before any of this pandemic nonsense ever started.

I think there are lots of medical experiments that have been conducted on the population at large that could have affected menstrual cycles of women. Including (but not limited to) experimental lockdowns, experimental mask mandates, forcing people into isolation, forcing people into unemployment and poverty, lack of certain foods, poor nutrition, increased serotonin/estrogen and such from all these experiments, disruption of birth control and/or other medications, general stress from all the propaganda, and yes, possible effects from the vaccine, and unvaccinated women syncing up (by whatever mechanism, morphic fields maybe?) with vaccinated women.

When you run dozens of medical experiments at one time, it's impossible to isolate a single variable and say "yep, THAT is the cause of this observed phenomenon." It could be any of the others, or a combination of several, that caused it
Thought provoking assertions as always; but i completely disagree in this case.

I was fine for over a year of this crap until the people on the ranch i lived on all started getting these shots in march and april of 2021. my cycles were great. then my chiropractor was getting the shots and adjusting me and people who had just gotten shots hugging me at events and thats when i started bleeding every 2 weeks for 5 months. everything else was the same and my diet did not suffer as lived on an organic ranch and had plenty of my same good diet, had a boyfriend i lived with and our community was still very much connected and i didnt live with any women and was a peatarian already for decades.

the only think that was the different was the rollout of the shots and the contact.

i upped my vitamin k per dr. peat's recommendation, switched to a non injected chiro and was more careful to stay away from people getting these shots and my cycles returned coinciding with these factors.

i am about to post another conglomerate of documents forwarded to me by my colleague Todd Callendar, Esq. one of the leaders of this movement whose family owns pharmajet and who knows firsthand what is going down here. He is all over the alternative media and probably everyone here knows who he is. I worked on the federal case on behalf of the military with him as well as the criminal initiative on Vaxxchoice. Very accomplished and brilliant attorney and an insider with 30 years worth of evidence due to his direct knowledge having worked in the family business and vaccine trials in Cuba and India with the Gates foundation. he witnessed children in polio trials being permanently incapacitated.


Dec 11, 2020
Some more from Todd Callendar, Esq:


  • Contagious Vaxxes Covid Everyone is Exposed.pdf
    4.6 MB · Views: 19
  • Pfizer pre EUA report on SAE adverse events VRBPAC-12.10.20-Meeting-Briefing-Document-Sponsor.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 10
  • There was no regulation of mRNA clinical trials prior to RNA vaccines.pdf
    357.2 KB · Views: 11
  • The Power of Graphene - 6 Protons 6 Neutrons 6 Electrons or 666 The Mark of the Beast.pdf
    7.6 MB · Views: 15
  • Design-and-Analysis-of-Shedding-Studies-for-Virus-or-Bacteria-Based-Gene-Therapy-and-Oncolytic...pdf
    124.8 KB · Views: 13
  • Full-Risk-Assessment-and-Risk-Management-Plan (1) (1).pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 11


Dec 11, 2020


May 2, 2021
Ill have to analyze more specifically when more at leisure but I very much trust and respect both Dr. Peat who has discussed shedding continuously and Dr. McCullough who has a 300 page resume ( i have it) and over 1000 peer reviewed publication. They both disagree with your contention that there is no established shedding and that it could not cause adverse events for non injected people. i myself shared my own experience - bleeding every two weeks for 5 months with periods so painful a few times i could not walk. this is no joke. And, per my email to Dr. Mccullough this coincided exactly with exposure to freshly injected people touching me and breathing on me. My body and innate knowing are my best evidence and i know shedding is real no matter what studies you critique. but please keep it up tankasnowgod- you are helping prepare me for my legal battles!
1. I have not read the studies, but I am concerned with study in general. We all know that there were people injected with a placebo. Who else to experiment on than medical personnel? If they received placebo, there obviously will be no shedding.

2. My oldest daughter was vaccinated and boosted. No on else in my family has had a vax. When she has visited, my wife, daughter-in-law and my 2 other daughters all have irregular periods and the time in-between periods have all varied greatly from normal for several months after the visit. Never happened with these women before the vaccinations started


Dec 11, 2020
1. I have not read the studies, but I am concerned with study in general. We all know that there were people injected with a placebo. Who else to experiment on than medical personnel? If they received placebo, there obviously will be no shedding.

2. My oldest daughter was vaccinated and boosted. No on else in my family has had a vax. When she has visited, my wife, daughter-in-law and my 2 other daughters all have irregular periods and the time in-between periods have all varied greatly from normal for several months after the visit. Never happened with these women before the vaccinations started
yep. per my responses to @Sumbody here, adding vitamin K and methylene blue can be protective for them i believe.


Jun 18, 2016
This thread is quite interesting.

A researcher on Bitchute has been speculating that their # 1 agenda was population control/sterilization.

He is convinced they put "porcine zona pellucida" in the shots (used to sterilize horses). He thinks that was their main focus on shots 1 and 2.

Borda (Pfizer head) is a Veterinarian. Look up "Spay Vax." Needs to be kept at the exact same temps as the Covid vaccine. Lipo nanoparticle delivery. Spay Vax requires boosters to make it permanent (hence the booster push). If it is given before a species is fully developed, it may be permanent (why they are pushing the children vaccine so hard).


This may be why there have been so many female period issues. "Covid" (or whatever it was) knocked me into immediate menopause (and really was solidified with my husbands vaccine). I am now 52, so not really a big deal, but at age 50-it was really immediate (not gradual like one would expect). I can imagine this is horrifying for younger women.
Last edited:


Jan 25, 2014
Some more from Todd Callendar, Esq:
Have you completely read and understand all the things that you are posting?

First doc- Infowars article about that Antibody study. Not proof in itself, and again, the antibody study measured antibodies, not the alleged "Spike Protein."
Second doc- The Pfizer EUA report. This has been posted, and discussed, elsewhere on the forum. It does nothing to support (or refute) the idea of the alleged "Spike Protein" shedding. In fact, the thread that tried to fear monger about this deliberately misrepresented the report. I am not a fan of Pfizer, or their actions, but the report doesn't offer any evidence either way.
Third Doc- The same non-study "Hypothesis" that McCullogh referred to in that Substack article, which does nothing to prove or refute shedding either way.
Forth Doc- Slides from a presentation on Graphene (not the mythical "Spike Protein.")
Fifth Doc- A report on "Bacterial" and "Viral" shedding from 2015. Acknowledges a possibility, but does nothing to prove that the current drugs, which didn't even exist in 2015, "shed" the alleged "Spike Protein."
Sixth Doc- A risk assessment report, that may again acknowledge the possibility of shedding, but certainly does nothing to prove it.

We have the same evidence we have had from the beginning...... some anecdotal reports, and a theoretical possibility, but nothing concrete and reproducible.


Jan 25, 2014
Ill have to analyze more specifically when more at leisure but I very much trust and respect both Dr. Peat who has discussed shedding continuously and Dr. McCullough who has a 300 page resume ( i have it) and over 1000 peer reviewed publication. They both disagree with your contention that there is no established shedding and that it could not cause adverse events for non injected people.
What evidence did Peat cite that established there is "shedding?" And again, specifically evidence of shedding of this alleged "Spike Protein? I never heard him make that claim (though he might have). I have only heard him acknowledge the possibility.
i myself shared my own experience - bleeding every two weeks for 5 months with periods so painful a few times i could not walk. this is no joke. And, per my email to Dr. Mccullough this coincided exactly with exposure to freshly injected people touching me and breathing on me. My body and innate knowing are my best evidence and i know shedding is real no matter what studies you critique. but please keep it up tankasnowgod- you are helping prepare me for my legal battles!
Well, that's a huge problem when it comes to proving said phenomenon. Not only that, but we have other testimonials from members that were around the freshly vaxxed, and never experienced any issues (CLASH reported his experiences working as a nurse, and with both patients and coworkers that had taken the vaccine, some just hours before, and he never noticed anything).

One question I have had for all the "shed" doctors....... why haven't any of them put together their own studies? Tenpenny, McCullogh, and their ilk love to warn of the dangers of shedding of this mythical "Spike Protein," but none have established this one way or another. Why don't they "do some science" on their own, and put together studies? You can't tell me they don't have the funds, if an independent, small business owner like Haidut can design, fund, and conduct studies with independent labs. They should have acceess to similar monetary resources, and they could always use their bitchute/rumble fame to crowdfund an animal study, to establish if this is happening to any degree. Richard Fleming even conducted a study on Covid treatments (although it was one of the most convoluted studies I have ever seen).


Dec 11, 2020
Have you completely read and understand all the things that you are posting?

First doc- Infowars article about that Antibody study. Not proof in itself, and again, the antibody study measured antibodies, not the alleged "Spike Protein."
Second doc- The Pfizer EUA report. This has been posted, and discussed, elsewhere on the forum. It does nothing to support (or refute) the idea of the alleged "Spike Protein" shedding. In fact, the thread that tried to fear monger about this deliberately misrepresented the report. I am not a fan of Pfizer, or their actions, but the report doesn't offer any evidence either way.
Third Doc- The same non-study "Hypothesis" that McCullogh referred to in that Substack article, which does nothing to prove or refute shedding either way.
Forth Doc- Slides from a presentation on Graphene (not the mythical "Spike Protein.")
Fifth Doc- A report on "Bacterial" and "Viral" shedding from 2015. Acknowledges a possibility, but does nothing to prove that the current drugs, which didn't even exist in 2015, "shed" the alleged "Spike Protein."
Sixth Doc- A risk assessment report, that may again acknowledge the possibility of shedding, but certainly does nothing to prove it.

We have the same evidence we have had from the beginning...... some anecdotal reports, and a theoretical possibility, but nothing concrete and reproducible.
Where did i ever represent that i would provide what you are saying is lacking? i said i would provide supporting data and evidence - have you every heard of circumstantial evidence? still considered evidence and used in cases. And many qualified experts disagree with your interpretation that these do not provide evidence supporting the shedding concept. OF course i know what i post and i still represent that it is all relevant information for people to have from which they can decide what weight to give it. I am building my thread here and there is more to come; but i am giving everything i feel is relevant to the topic. I never said "shedding of the spike protein" in any of my posts. I said "shedding" and that shedding could be of other components. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence and Dr. Peat often provided this as well to support some of his contentions. The anecdotal evidence of many thousands , maybe hundreds of thousands of women, from across the world coinciding with the exact timing of the release of these shots is definitely significant and salient. i never said or represented it was "conclusive". That is for the "trier of fact" to determine. i am simply providing information. As i stated to Thinpicking when he misquoted my posts as articulating that i basically affirmed 100 percent that shedding causes death, i feel you are mischaracterizing my offerings here and my intentions behind them. nowhere in any of my posts did i assert any definitive conclusions. i have merely provided information and relayed reports and observations received.


Dec 11, 2020
What evidence did Peat cite that established there is "shedding?" And again, specifically evidence of shedding of this alleged "Spike Protein? I never heard him make that claim (though he might have). I have only heard him acknowledge the possibility.

Well, that's a huge problem when it comes to proving said phenomenon. Not only that, but we have other testimonials from members that were around the freshly vaxxed, and never experienced any issues (CLASH reported his experiences working as a nurse, and with both patients and coworkers that had taken the vaccine, some just hours before, and he never noticed anything).

One question I have had for all the "shed" doctors....... why haven't any of them put together their own studies? Tenpenny, McCullogh, and their ilk love to warn of the dangers of shedding of this mythical "Spike Protein," but none have established this one way or another. Why don't they "do some science" on their own, and put together studies? You can't tell me they don't have the funds, if an independent, small business owner like Haidut can design, fund, and conduct studies with independent labs. They should have acceess to similar monetary resources, and they could always use their bitchute/rumble fame to crowdfund an animal study, to establish if this is happening to any degree. Richard Fleming even conducted a study on Covid treatments (although it was one of the most convoluted studies I have ever seen).
ditto to some of this per my last post. Dr. Peat has mentioned the shedding concept consistently - i put 2 examples in this thread. you yourself posted generative energy #70 for the life after death piece and after that piece he talked about shedding via exosomes in sweat , breath and skin contact. i have more from emails with him i will post- have to extract them and i will. And as i said i never used the phrase "shedding of spike protein"; i said "shedding".

In terms of your "well why do some people who were exposed to the injected people report nothing happened to them?", first of all just because one person does not react does not disprove the concept. maybe it will show up later as something else. Secondly, there is an explanation for that that has been explained by many of the experts in this movement (see latest Dr. Ryan Cole video i posted) in that there were discrepancies in the various lots and products. Jane Ruby has done much on this. SO not everyone got the same injection and some may have gotten something that was weaker or not even harmful. That is another possible explanation as to why some people would not experience shedding. notice my language here regarding "possible","maybe"; again i am not asserting definitive conclusion as some are twisting my posts to purport.

And things are coming out daily and i will continue to post and no doubt may satisfy your last point in your last paragraph. Why dont you contact them and ask them- sure they would answer you and perhaps tell you they are in process possibly. Dr Cole said he will have the results of the 130 vials they are analyzing in a few weeks. Stay tuned.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
In terms of your "well why do some people who were exposed to the injected people report nothing happened to them?", first of all just because one person does not react does not disprove the concept. maybe it will show up later as something else. Secondly, there is an explanation for that that has been explained by many of the experts in this movement (see latest Dr. Ryan Cole video i posted) in that there were discrepancies in the various lots and products.

There is also 3) how the injection was administered. They were designed to be administered subcutaneously (if I remember correctly), However, in the fevered rush to inject as many as possible as quickly as possible, it is likely that some unknown number were administered intravenously by careless or insufficiently trained persons, That would have resulted in quick spread throughout the body with increased shedding.


Dec 11, 2020
There is also 3) how the injection was administered. They were designed to be administered subcutaneously (if I remember correctly), However, in the fevered rush to inject as many as possible as quickly as possible, it is likely that some unknown number were administered intravenously by careless or insufficiently trained persons, That would have resulted in quick spread throughout the body with increased shedding.
yep. many possibilities. and again that is what this thread is about- to show the plausibility. i started this thread due to a conversation on the disappointed thread that was triggered when one member completely dismissed the idea as ridiculous and reprimanded someone else pretty harshly for even suggesting that shedding could be a factor is causing a death. I responded that the harshness was a bit demeaning and that the idea is not a fairy tale and could certainly be plausible. i relayed my own observations and reports i have received and said i would start this thread and post any information that could be relevant and could support the plausibility of such a thing. And, personally, the anecdotal evidence for me is very salient and would be material for me in any determination regarding shedding which i believe is real and believe i myself have experienced.

when i had a pregnancy scare once, dr. peat told me that progesterone can act as birth control. when i asked for support, he provided anecdotal evidence that women he knew who always took progest-e and never got pregnant, that when they forgot the progest-e while on vacation , they got pregnant. it happened multiple times leading him to the determination that it was more likely than not acting as birth control . this is just one example of many i referenced earlier where even Dr. Peat used anecdotal evidence re himself and others to support things he believed to be true or at least highly probable.
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