sick from birth and recently disabled - slighlty improving with peating

Dec 4, 2020
Hi, thought I'd introduce myself since I've been lurking on this forum for the past few weeks. Big thanks for all the content by the way, amazing stuff.

Quick summary of health:
Overweight/fat, Asperger's like social interaction difficulty, very bad anxiety (not the panic kind, more the personality kind), depression, insomnia allergies, all since a very young age (child/toddler). Was weaned off animal foods and dairy by vegan dad at a young age, lots of PUFAs in diet (margarine, peanut butter, etc.). Lived in an extremely moldy house for most of my high school years.
In early high school years was put on Sertraline for 6 months, don't recall feeling very different from it. I was left with PSSD (post-ssri sexual dysfunction, basically I can't orgasm and my pp doesn't feel good to the touch) My memory isn't great nowadays but I think it was around this time that all the muscle on my body melted off (my arms and legs are sticks but my abdominal muscles aren't visible), leaving me skinnyfat, I'm 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 140lbs.
Was put though severe stress though forced sports in high schools, with 3 hour long training sessions 3 times a week and games against other schools with bigger kids, would always dread the games and try weasel my way out of them always crying, was the most stressful period of my life. In later high school after moving to a quieter school began going to the gym, committed 6 months but gained 0 muscle/weight so quit.
After this (about a year ago), got a flu shot which made me very ill for few weeks, and when I emerged from that I started getting nerve and joint problems. One of the biggest annoyances was my ulnar nerve in both elbows had thickened, making it pop out upon bending, so I've been unable to bend my elbows for a year now.
Discovered 'alternative' health through "Dr. Berg" on YouTube, followed his advice religously because made so much sense at the time. Was on a low carb diet, emphasizing vegetables, and things like eggs, starting taking ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, alpha-lipoic acid, inositol, benfotiamine. I got a lot worse after this, didn't realize change in diet and supplements could have been contributing.
Fast forward to now, about a year after discovering 'alternative' health, my symptom picture is really too long to list, but among the worse are: severe chronic non-stop derealization/depersonalisation, extreme brain fog, adhd, ocd, feel like I've lost 20 iq points, inability to visualize, alexythmia (inability to identify and describe emotions), anhedonia, fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, gut issues, joint and nerve pain, inability to exercise, extremely poor memory, trouble finding words, so on and so forth.
I've been a part of virtually every alternative health community, tried every diet (was on carnivore for the longest, except I would always cheat and eat sugar, guess my body knew what it needed), with no improvements in any symptoms. Spent about $2000 on silly supplements that did nothing (or perhaps made me worse). Basically lost my last year of high school, because instead of doing homework/studying I spent what little left brainpower I had left researching every singly day on how to improve my health. I'm 19 years old now, although I look 16, my growth seems to have been stunted.

I discovered Ray Peat and this forum because I started looking into elevated serotonin. I seemed to be getting mild symptoms of serotonin syndrome from paticular foods I ate and some supplements which upon research all seemed to be serotonergic. It was always the same, I would get extremely hot, agitated, nausea, and weirdest of all twitching all over and in my body, My elbows, stomach, neck, eyes, unidentifiable areas inside my gut and chest would be dancing for hours among the other symptoms.
I read about Peat's dietary recommendations, and on the first day drank a lot of milk, orange juice, coconut oil, etc. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed for the first time in a year, a few of my symptoms completely disappeared and a few had improved. I am nowhere near healed though, I'd say I'm about 5% better, which is more than I've got from anything before, so I know I'm heading in the right direction at least.

So far I've incorporated:
Diet: low-fat milk, OJ, low-fat cheese, coconut oil, daily raw carrot, coffee (I am able to handle 2 cups a day), gelatin, 1-2 eggs a day, liver a few times a month, lots of salt
Supplements/pharmaceuticals: stopped taking most of them (was taking about 25 a day), aspirin 450mg at night, niacinamide 125mg 3x a day, 0.8mg cyproheptadine at night (supplements that I was taking before that I didn't stop: ginkgo biloba, tmg, b1, vitamin e, milk thistle, adrenal cortex, magnesium, taurine) have ordered pregnenolone to try
Other: been red-lighting for months, getting more sunlight, bag breathing

My TSH was 6.5, so I've just started on NDT, 1/6th a grain in the morning with OJ and milk, will increase dosage slowly. I actually knew I had hypothyroidism since the beginning of this year, but didn't bother treating it until now becuase 1. I though simply by taking ashwagandha and increasing TSH would suffice (facepalm) 2. I began getting extremely hot instead of cold all the time.

I really associate with these personality traits The High Serotonin Personality » MENELITE I hope through what I am doing will be able to improve these things to live a happier life.

Thanks for reading
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Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
The good news is you're still young. You will turn around quickly. You sound like somebody who tends go all in, when he (or she?) discovers something new. A good advice would be to go easy and take your time.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hi, thought I'd introduce myself since I've been lurking on this forum for the past few weeks. Big thanks for all the content by the way, amazing stuff.

Quick summary of health:
Overweight/fat, Asperger's like social interaction difficulty, very bad anxiety (not the panic kind, more the personality kind), depression, insomnia allergies, all since a very young age (child/toddler). Was weaned off animal foods and dairy by vegan dad at a young age, lots of PUFAs in diet (margarine, peanut butter, etc.). Lived in an extremely moldy house for most of my high school years.
In early high school years was put on Sertraline for 6 months, don't recall feeling very different from it. I was left with PSSD (post-ssri sexual dysfunction, basically I can't orgasm and my pp doesn't feel good to the touch) My memory isn't great nowadays but I think it was around this time that all the muscle on my body melted off (my arms and legs are sticks but my abdominal muscles aren't visible), leaving me skinnyfat, I'm 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 140lbs.
Was put though severe stress though forced sports in high schools, with 3 hour long training sessions 3 times a week and games against other schools with bigger kids, would always dread the games and try weasel my way out of them always crying, was the most stressful period of my life. In later high school after moving to a quieter school began going to the gym, committed 6 months but gained 0 muscle/weight so quit.
After this (about a year ago), got a flu shot which made me very ill for few weeks, and when I emerged from that I started getting nerve and joint problems. One of the biggest annoyances was my ulnar nerve in both elbows had thickened, making it pop out upon bending, so I've been unable to bend my elbows for a year now.
Discovered 'alternative' health through "Dr. Berg" on YouTube, followed his advice religously because made so much sense at the time. Was on a low carb diet, emphasizing vegetables, and things like eggs, starting taking ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, alpha-lipoic acid, inositol, benfotiamine. I got a lot worse after this, didn't realize change in diet and supplements could have been contributing.
Fast forward to now, about a year after discovering 'alternative' health, my symptom picture is really too long to list, but among the worse are: severe chronic non-stop derealization/depersonalisation, extreme brain fog, adhd, ocd, feel like I've lost 20 iq points, inability to visualize, alexythmia (inability to identify and describe emotions), anhedonia, fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, gut issues, joint and nerve pain, inability to exercise, extremely poor memory, trouble finding words, so on and so forth.
I've been a part of virtually every alternative health community, tried every diet (was on carnivore for the longest, except I would always cheat and eat sugar, guess my body knew what it needed), with no improvements in any symptoms. Spent about $2000 on silly supplements that did nothing (or perhaps made me worse). Basically lost my last year of high school, because instead of doing homework/studying I spent what little left brainpower I had left researching every singly day on how to improve my health. I'm 19 years old now, although I look 16, my growth seems to have been stunted.

I discovered Ray Peat and this forum because I started looking into elevated serotonin. I seemed to be getting mild symptoms of serotonin syndrome from paticular foods I ate and some supplements which upon research all seemed to be serotonergic. It was always the same, I would get extremely hot, agitated, nausea, and weirdest of all twitching all over and in my body, My elbows, stomach, neck, eyes, unidentifiable areas inside my gut and chest would be dancing for hours among the other symptoms.
I read about Peat's dietary recommendations, and on the first day drank a lot of milk, orange juice, coconut oil, etc. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed for the first time in a year, a few of my symptoms completely disappeared and a few had improved. I am nowhere near healed though, I'd say I'm about 5% better, which is more than I've got from anything before, so I know I'm heading in the right direction at least.

So far I've incorporated:
Diet: low-fat milk, OJ, low-fat cheese, coconut oil, daily raw carrot, coffee (I am able to handle 2 cups a day), gelatin, 1-2 eggs a day, liver a few times a month, lots of salt
Supplements/pharmaceuticals: stopped taking most of them (was taking about 25 a day), aspirin 450mg at night, niacinamide 125mg 3x a day, 0.8mg cyproheptadine at night (supplements that I was taking before that I didn't stop: ginkgo biloba, tmg, b1, vitamin e, milk thistle, adrenal cortex, magnesium, taurine) have ordered pregnenolone to try
Other: been red-lighting for months, getting more sunlight, bag breathing

My TSH was 6.5, so I've just started on NDT, 1/6th a grain in the morning with OJ and milk, will increase dosage slowly. I actually knew I had hypothyroidism since the beginning of this year, but didn't bother treating it until now becuase 1. I though simply by taking ashwagandha and increasing TSH would suffice (facepalm) 2. I began getting extremely hot instead of cold all the time.

I really associate with these personality traits The High Serotonin Personality » MENELITE I hope through what I am doing will be able to improve these things to live a happier life.

Thanks for reading
Make sure you get your temps to 98.7 during the day with thyroid. I'd also add in Lapodin to increase the NAD:NADH ratio, lowering cortisol, improving redox status, increase serotonin uptake by platelets, etc. Lapodin has made a very noticeable difference for me.
Then focus on easy to digest foods, such as milk and fruit juice. Adding in oysters or organ meat will give you the rest of the minerals and vitamins you might be lacking from the milk and fruit juice.
Dec 4, 2020
The good news is you're still young. You will turn around quickly. You sound like somebody who tends go all in, when he (or she?) discovers something new. A good advice would be to go easy and take your time.
Thanks, man
Dec 4, 2020
Make sure you get your temps to 98.7 during the day with thyroid. I'd also add in Lapodin to increase the NAD:NADH ratio, lowering cortisol, improving redox status, increase serotonin uptake by platelets, etc. Lapodin has made a very noticeable difference for me.
Then focus on easy to digest foods, such as milk and fruit juice. Adding in oysters or organ meat will give you the rest of the minerals and vitamins you might be lacking from the milk and fruit juice.
Will do. I'll look into Lapodin. Appreciate it


May 3, 2015
Diet: low-fat milk, OJ, low-fat cheese, coconut oil, daily raw carrot, coffee (I am able to handle 2 cups a day), gelatin, 1-2 eggs a day, liver a few times a month, lots of salt

Hi Incen,

How much milk, OJ and cheese do you eat each day?

It would be good to see it in chronometer to see total calories and nutritional breakdown.
Dec 4, 2020
Hi Incen,

How much milk, OJ and cheese do you eat each day?

It would be good to see it in chronometer to see total calories and nutritional breakdown.
I drink 3L of milk a day, switched back to full cream because low-fat was very hard on my digestion. Anywhere from 1-2L OJ, cheese not very often, usually a few hundred grams. I calculated the macros on my own and it comes to about 225g carbs, 100g fat, 110g protein a day. I also don't often have eggs because I don't crave them, I mainly crave starch and OJ, but starch like potatoes is really hard on my digestion so I avoid them now...
Dec 4, 2020
Make sure you get your temps to 98.7 during the day with thyroid. I'd also add in Lapodin to increase the NAD:NADH ratio, lowering cortisol, improving redox status, increase serotonin uptake by platelets, etc. Lapodin has made a very noticeable difference for me.
Then focus on easy to digest foods, such as milk and fruit juice. Adding in oysters or organ meat will give you the rest of the minerals and vitamins you might be lacking from the milk and fruit juice.
I can't afford Lapodin, especially because of international shipping. Would cascara on its own do the trick?

Also, my midday temp today was 98.7, but only on 1/6th a grain of thyroid, still extremely symptomatic...
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Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I can't afford Lapodin, especially because of international shipping. Would cascara on its own do the trick?

Also, my midday temp today was 98.7, but only on 1/6th a grain of thyroid, still extremely symptomatic...
Cascara might help with overall bowel health for sure and can also give you small amounts of emodin. But oral absorption of emodin is small, that's why I do sublingual dosing.
I'd also add pau d'arco tea as it's a good source of beta-lapachone, which is the other ingredient in Lapodin.


Dec 8, 2016
Hi, thought I'd introduce myself since I've been lurking on this forum for the past few weeks. Big thanks for all the content by the way, amazing stuff.

Quick summary of health:
Overweight/fat, Asperger's like social interaction difficulty, very bad anxiety (not the panic kind, more the personality kind), depression, insomnia allergies, all since a very young age (child/toddler). Was weaned off animal foods and dairy by vegan dad at a young age, lots of PUFAs in diet (margarine, peanut butter, etc.). Lived in an extremely moldy house for most of my high school years.
In early high school years was put on Sertraline for 6 months, don't recall feeling very different from it. I was left with PSSD (post-ssri sexual dysfunction, basically I can't orgasm and my pp doesn't feel good to the touch) My memory isn't great nowadays but I think it was around this time that all the muscle on my body melted off (my arms and legs are sticks but my abdominal muscles aren't visible), leaving me skinnyfat, I'm 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 140lbs.
Was put though severe stress though forced sports in high schools, with 3 hour long training sessions 3 times a week and games against other schools with bigger kids, would always dread the games and try weasel my way out of them always crying, was the most stressful period of my life. In later high school after moving to a quieter school began going to the gym, committed 6 months but gained 0 muscle/weight so quit.
After this (about a year ago), got a flu shot which made me very ill for few weeks, and when I emerged from that I started getting nerve and joint problems. One of the biggest annoyances was my ulnar nerve in both elbows had thickened, making it pop out upon bending, so I've been unable to bend my elbows for a year now.
Discovered 'alternative' health through "Dr. Berg" on YouTube, followed his advice religously because made so much sense at the time. Was on a low carb diet, emphasizing vegetables, and things like eggs, starting taking ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, alpha-lipoic acid, inositol, benfotiamine. I got a lot worse after this, didn't realize change in diet and supplements could have been contributing.
Fast forward to now, about a year after discovering 'alternative' health, my symptom picture is really too long to list, but among the worse are: severe chronic non-stop derealization/depersonalisation, extreme brain fog, adhd, ocd, feel like I've lost 20 iq points, inability to visualize, alexythmia (inability to identify and describe emotions), anhedonia, fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, gut issues, joint and nerve pain, inability to exercise, extremely poor memory, trouble finding words, so on and so forth.
I've been a part of virtually every alternative health community, tried every diet (was on carnivore for the longest, except I would always cheat and eat sugar, guess my body knew what it needed), with no improvements in any symptoms. Spent about $2000 on silly supplements that did nothing (or perhaps made me worse). Basically lost my last year of high school, because instead of doing homework/studying I spent what little left brainpower I had left researching every singly day on how to improve my health. I'm 19 years old now, although I look 16, my growth seems to have been stunted.

I discovered Ray Peat and this forum because I started looking into elevated serotonin. I seemed to be getting mild symptoms of serotonin syndrome from paticular foods I ate and some supplements which upon research all seemed to be serotonergic. It was always the same, I would get extremely hot, agitated, nausea, and weirdest of all twitching all over and in my body, My elbows, stomach, neck, eyes, unidentifiable areas inside my gut and chest would be dancing for hours among the other symptoms.
I read about Peat's dietary recommendations, and on the first day drank a lot of milk, orange juice, coconut oil, etc. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed for the first time in a year, a few of my symptoms completely disappeared and a few had improved. I am nowhere near healed though, I'd say I'm about 5% better, which is more than I've got from anything before, so I know I'm heading in the right direction at least.

So far I've incorporated:
Diet: low-fat milk, OJ, low-fat cheese, coconut oil, daily raw carrot, coffee (I am able to handle 2 cups a day), gelatin, 1-2 eggs a day, liver a few times a month, lots of salt
Supplements/pharmaceuticals: stopped taking most of them (was taking about 25 a day), aspirin 450mg at night, niacinamide 125mg 3x a day, 0.8mg cyproheptadine at night (supplements that I was taking before that I didn't stop: ginkgo biloba, tmg, b1, vitamin e, milk thistle, adrenal cortex, magnesium, taurine) have ordered pregnenolone to try
Other: been red-lighting for months, getting more sunlight, bag breathing

My TSH was 6.5, so I've just started on NDT, 1/6th a grain in the morning with OJ and milk, will increase dosage slowly. I actually knew I had hypothyroidism since the beginning of this year, but didn't bother treating it until now becuase 1. I though simply by taking ashwagandha and increasing TSH would suffice (facepalm) 2. I began getting extremely hot instead of cold all the time.

I really associate with these personality traits The High Serotonin Personality » MENELITE I hope through what I am doing will be able to improve these things to live a happier life.

Thanks for reading

As said above- you’re young- you’ll heal well and quickly if you nourish yourself and edge your metabolism and hormones out of their chaotic state.

These young years are a time of serious physical and hormonal growth- and you were starved and overwhelmed. A true stressed state.

You’re body is looking for balance and a way to heal- hence your list of symptoms.
If I was your Mom the first thing I would tell you: you are not disabled. Your body is amazing and is looking for ways to handle the stress.

I would also say- no more supplements. They haven’t helped you- nor do you know what good or bad they are doing. You need to start from a clean slate.

No more orthorexia- meaning restrictive diets.
Your calories should be around 3200+. Please try to balance your macros. 40/30/30. Carbs/protein/fat.
You need to do this to calm your adrenals down. If your blood sugar is erratic- the adrenals kick in to help.

A lot more to say and address- but you are simply hypothyroid and undernourished.
Don’t label yourself. You’re better off than many your age. It will all slowly turn around for you as you heal.
Reply here or inbox me if you have any questions or disagreements.
I wish you the best.


May 3, 2015
Your calories should be around 3200+. Please try to balance your macros. 40/30/30. Carbs/protein/fat.

So that would be at least 320g carbs, 240g protein and 107g fat.

Perhaps the OP should go to 2 litres OJ, 3 litres of half cream milk, 2 eggs and maybe 400g beef?

“I would also say- no more supplements. They haven’t helped you- nor do you know what good or bad they are doing. You need to start from a clean slate.”

Without supplements what foods would you recommend to get sufficient vitamins and minerals?


Dec 8, 2016
So that would be at least 320g carbs, 240g protein and 107g fat.

Perhaps the OP should go to 2 litres OJ, 3 litres of half cream milk, 2 eggs and maybe 400g beef?

“I would also say- no more supplements. They haven’t helped you- nor do you know what good or bad they are doing. You need to start from a clean slate.”

Without supplements what foods would you recommend to get sufficient vitamins and minerals?
Thanks for the help. I didn’t make it clear.
40/30/30 at every meal. Also- smaller meals 5-6 times a day to keep the stress response down and blood sugar steady. This is essential.

In terms of the foods you listed- they are all perfect and nutritious. But- for someone undernourished and probably a weak digestion- I say all those liquids are too hard digestion wise and really wont support his temperature- hence not heal his metabolism this early in the journey.
Foods are better. Solid foods.

Which leads to the last question- vitamins and minerals.
At this point- solid foods will put him back on solid ground.
Once he gets out of a chaotic stressed state- the body will heal and be able to use the food and lquids better - and then when we look at nourishment, calories, temperature, symptoms etc- we can address possibilities of vitamin minerals tweaking- but that is tertiary to me.
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Dec 4, 2020
As said above- you’re young- you’ll heal well and quickly if you nourish yourself and edge your metabolism and hormones out of their chaotic state.

These young years are a time of serious physical and hormonal growth- and you were starved and overwhelmed. A true stressed state.

You’re body is looking for balance and a way to heal- hence your list of symptoms.
If I was your Mom the first thing I would tell you: you are not disabled. Your body is amazing and is looking for ways to handle the stress.

I would also say- no more supplements. They haven’t helped you- nor do you know what good or bad they are doing. You need to start from a clean slate.

No more orthorexia- meaning restrictive diets.
Your calories should be around 3200+. Please try to balance your macros. 40/30/30. Carbs/protein/fat.
You need to do this to calm your adrenals down. If your blood sugar is erratic- the adrenals kick in to help.

A lot more to say and address- but you are simply hypothyroid and undernourished.
Don’t label yourself. You’re better off than many your age. It will all slowly turn around for you as you heal.
Reply here or inbox me if you have any questions or disagreements.
I wish you the best.
Hey, thanks very much for replying.

I don't like the label myself but the most accurate way to describe me at the moment truly is - disabled. I can barely talk to strangers, I can't work, etc... I really hope I start improving soon because I need to start earning money as I have very little left.

I agree about the supplements, but I think I know enough about ginkgo biloba, magnesium, vitamin e, and taurine to know that they're safe, and I have reduced my intake of them to vitamin e every 4th day, only 1 magnesium a day as opposed to 3, and less taurine, plus I'm emptying the capsule contents into a glass and throwing the cellulose away. Ginkgo even has a seal of approval from Peat himself, I've dropped the TMG and milk thistle though. I also received pregnenolone yesterday, which at 100mg didn't seem to have any perceivable effect, but I suppose taking it once a week would be beneficial, as Peat gives it so much praise?

I'm currently getting in about 2250 calories a day... I had to reduce my intake of milk from 3L to about 1.5L as it was too hard on my digestion, unfortunately the only brand that agrees with me is full-cream, but it's worth it since it's grass-fed and raw. I don't really know how to get those extra 1000 calories in, I guess I could start with upping my OJ from 1L to 2L a day, which would put me at 2700 kcal a day. If it means anything, those calorie calculator websites say 2200 calories is my "maintenance" level, so hopefully at least I'll be at a caloric surplus?

I truly do hope that hypothyroid and undernourished is all that's wrong with me, this has been a really tough year for me. I truly appreciate the thoughtful reply, thanks for being in contact.
Dec 4, 2020
So that would be at least 320g carbs, 240g protein and 107g fat.

Perhaps the OP should go to 2 litres OJ, 3 litres of half cream milk, 2 eggs and maybe 400g beef?

“I would also say- no more supplements. They haven’t helped you- nor do you know what good or bad they are doing. You need to start from a clean slate.”

Without supplements what foods would you recommend to get sufficient vitamins and minerals?

I'll definitely up my OJ intake from 1L to 2, but I can't really do any more milk as it's full cream and the fat is hard on my digestion in excessive amounts. Beef might be a good idea, I've been craving steak recently, being young and growing (I hope) I think the cysteine, methionine, and tryptophan shouldn't be as much of a problem for me. The eggs I buy a very good quality, maybe could go up to 4 a day.
None of my supplements are vitamins and minerals, except for the magnesium, but I'm pretty sure that the milk+eggs covers basically all that I need for the day. Liver once a week as a bonus.

Appreciate the reply!
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Dec 4, 2020
Thanks for the help. I didn’t make it clear.
40/30/30 at every meal. Also- smaller meals 5-6 times a day to keep the stress response down and blood sugar steady. This is essential.

In terms of the foods you listed- they are all perfect and nutritious. But- for someone undernourished and probably a weak digestion- I say all those liquids are too hard digestion wise and really wont support his temperature- hence not heal his metabolism this early in the journey.
Foods are better. Solid foods.

Which leads to the last question- vitamins and minerals.
At this point- solid foods will put him back on solid ground.
Once he gets out of a chaotic stressed state- the body will heal and be able to use the food and lquids better - and then when we look at nourishment, calories, temperature, symptoms etc- we can address possibilities of vitamin minerals tweaking- but that is tertiary to me.
Hmm. Even though there are lots of variables, I feel a lot better being on this mainly liquid diet compared to the mainly solid diet I was on before, which was lots of eggs, beef, vegetables, and starch. I have been trying to eat more solid fruit rather than increase my OJ intake though, I'll carry on experimenting.
One thing I'm confused about is that my temperature is already normal during the day (98.7), and I am also excessively hot... is temperature truly an accurate way to determine metabolism and health?


Dec 8, 2016
Hmm. Even though there are lots of variables, I feel a lot better being on this mainly liquid diet compared to the mainly solid diet I was on before, which was lots of eggs, beef, vegetables, and starch. I have been trying to eat more solid fruit rather than increase my OJ intake though, I'll carry on experimenting.
One thing I'm confused about is that my temperature is already normal during the day (98.7), and I am also excessively hot... is temperature truly an accurate way to determine metabolism and health?
Peat (or Barnes) wants the morning temperature- then to eat breakfast- then temperature after breakfast.

A high temp could be driven by adrenaline. Or it could be a false temperature if you’re simply fueling yourself with T3 T4.
But, generally speaking- yes- temperature is a great tool.

You said you feel better on more liquid- and you said it was hard on your digestion. Which one is it.

You’re orthorexic- if you’re not considering pizza or burgers or a sub etc to get your calories- you’re orthorexic.
If I was unable to work and have a rich social life and have anxiety and have those labs etc- I would eat my way to health- and worry about heathy eating and foods later.

Are you familiar with the Minnesota Starvation Experiment?
Healthy men eating 3200 calories a day ( they were older than you so you could benefit from more) - starved on 1600 calories a day.
Read about them and their symptoms.
Some being anxiety, social struggles, food focused, etc.


May 3, 2015
Maybe occasional sourdough bread with butter is ok, but commercial pizza dough is made with cheap vegetable oils... I think Dominos pizza base uses soybean oil!

There are lots of delicious high-calorie foods out there. You don’t need to embrace cheap vegetable oils in pizza, junk breads, biscuits and fried foods to avoid starvation.


Dec 8, 2016
Maybe occasional sourdough bread with butter is ok, but commercial pizza dough is made with cheap vegetable oils... I think Dominos pizza base uses soybean oil!

There are lots of delicious high-calorie foods out there. You don’t need to embrace cheap vegetable oils in pizza, junk breads, biscuits and fried foods to avoid starvation.
Yes. I know that.



Dec 8, 2016
Dec 4, 2020
Peat (or Barnes) wants the morning temperature- then to eat breakfast- then temperature after breakfast.

A high temp could be driven by adrenaline. Or it could be a false temperature if you’re simply fueling yourself with T3 T4.
But, generally speaking- yes- temperature is a great tool.

You said you feel better on more liquid- and you said it was hard on your digestion. Which one is it.

You’re orthorexic- if you’re not considering pizza or burgers or a sub etc to get your calories- you’re orthorexic.
If I was unable to work and have a rich social life and have anxiety and have those labs etc- I would eat my way to health- and worry about heathy eating and foods later.

Are you familiar with the Minnesota Starvation Experiment?
Healthy men eating 3200 calories a day ( they were older than you so you could benefit from more) - starved on 1600 calories a day.
Read about them and their symptoms.
Some being anxiety, social struggles, food focused, etc.

Excessive milk is hard on my digestion, that's all. 1.5L a day is fine, usually having more will upset my stomach.

I think there's a clear distinction between orthorexia and common sense, I don't think eating pizzas or burgers would put me on a path to health, especially because they are probably loaded with seed oils. If I can get my calories from healthy foods, what's the problem?

Plus I do literally eat almost every 1-2 hours, I honestly don't think I could fit much more food in me, I'm never hungry and if my body needed more calories than I'm currently getting surely it would tell me!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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