

New Member
Aug 26, 2020

I've been having skin issues since 2020. I'm a woman, 59 years of age.
It started with itching esp around ears, hairline, scalp, then the skin started to peel. Two small pear shaped dark spots appeared at the sides of the mouth and then the area around the mouth, outside the jaw near the tenors, and forehead blackened. I saw a specialist, and he gave me a facial cream which did nothing for me.
I started to increase protein by taking milk with maple syrup, cheese and more fruit and the condition cleared to some extent. I also took some vit B, and pogest E.
But, my cholesterol shot up and the doctor increased the statins.
When my gut acts up, the patches get prominent again.
They itching has started again. I've upped the protein and have gone off gluten. I'm vegetarian.
My sleep is off, I have anxiety issues now and then.
Please advise.


Have you looked into pellagra? I know you take b vitamins perhaps b3 is not adequate

Do you get enough vitamin C?


Mar 21, 2021
I would dive deeper into this forum and ray peats work.

Statins reduce coq10 and k2 which are vital for cellular metabolism and you can use thyroid to lower cholesterol.

Carrots and possibly activated charcoal and or antibiotics for your gut health. Which probably has some connections to your skin condition.

A serotonin antagonist like cypro could also help with gut health.

It’s says you are a new member so I don’t know how familiar you are with ray peat work but researching this site and getting the basics to improve your metabolism, removing all polyunsaturated fats out of your diet and replace them with saturated fats and would look into not being a vegetarian any more because plants have many compounds that plants use to keep bacteria, animals from eating them and can become toxic to us.


New Member
Aug 26, 2020
Thank you for your response.
I have read Peat, unfortunately I find him very hard to understand. To my mind, he is not like a clear text book. I somehow lack the technique to decipher him. I’ve tried the podcasts, the articles, youtube. It’s very frustrating and I feel really bad.

i would really like to know more about why we should do things, rather than just do it.
I am hypothyroid, I take a thyroid pill every morning. I agree that it is all a metabolism issue.
my strategy is to cleanse the blood via the liver, so need to give it lots of protein. I tried to clean up the LPS by taking activated charcoal and magnesium, the last time this happened, but something was off because I would get awful headaches and I had to stop that. I am seeing some improvement with increasing the protein. I am not sure what my baseline is, something absurdly minimal. I do plan to increase it to 60 g. I weigh about 130 lbs. I am trying to eat the carrot salad everyday now.
i use only coconut oil for cooking, but have been snacking on nuts and cookies a lot lately. It could have increased the PUFA. I think my gut is pretty vulnerable, I can’t travel without feeling a bad reaction in my stomach. I think that if it can get fixed, a lot of improvements can follow.
I do agree that my stress hormones are probably up, but instead of diving into supplements and such, I feel the better thing would be to align the diet first and then take it from there.
I can’t eat meat. I have read about plants and their potential harm to the human body, but I cook it very well before consuming. We mostly eat mung beans squash stew, some cruciferous veg (which I don’t eat because 1) of the thyroid, and 2) I hate them also very much) or other vegs. I love eating fruits and A2 milk and maple syrup was just fabulous. Even my husband remarked that I seemed happier. But because of the inc in cholesterol, I stopped.

thanks again for taking the time to write. I certainly feel encouraged after reading it.


Aug 17, 2018
And why is it that you cant eat meat? Plant protein is not great.

Maybe you can incorporate seafood like oysters? What's your diet like? What supplements are you currently taking? Be mindful about excipients that can damage gut.

Slippery elm is good to heal the gut as well as gelatin (zint or great lakes). Have you done any hormonal bloodwork recently?
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