Slippery Slope SUPPLEMENTS

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Throughout the world’s blue zones and their diets, people traditionally eat the whole food. They don’t throw the yolk away to make an egg-white omelet, or spin the fat out of their yogurt, or juice the fiber-rich pulp out of their fruits. They also don’t enrich or add extra ingredients to change the nutritional profile of their foods. Instead of vitamins or other supplements, they get everything they need from nutrient-dense, fiber-rich whole foods.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Just wanted to everyone know that I am creating my own site where all my “Peaty” recipes will be well organized. I hope to see you there when I get some content in. Leave me a message at the email address below so I can put you on my mailing list and contact you when it is ready to go!

My website is:


Email me at [email protected]
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Labels are not real accurate. The label on this juice says zero fiber yet I could tell by the thickness something was amiss. So I mixed my juice with half water and put it through a strainer and pictured below is what I kept myself from ingesting. This is one of my ways of getting my, blood clotting, vitamin K1, and other valuable vitamins and minerals as well…





Apr 19, 2020
G'day all. Just to add this excipient Magnesium Stearate back into the matrix of Not Beneficial Extra Ingredients included in most supplements. For those who do not know, it is/was added to help the machines not get clogged up when making capsules, etc.. (Think injectors and micronized powder going through tiny apertures.)
I received this below as part of Thorne Research's emails to practitioners 12 years ago, I just found it. They have never used Magnesium Stearate (up to this point, 2012). The last paragraph at the bottom says it all - From Thorne itself: No Unnecessary additives. Thorne was bought about this time by a larger company, and they have done business a bit differently I noticed. I have been buying and using and prescribing their products since 1991. One of my mentors at that time stressed the importance of using only supplements from known (approved by him) suppliers. At that time it was Thorne, Pure Encapsulations and Swanson, with a few other smaller players like Durk and Sandy... Life Extensions I believe.

Also of note is this comment - and others - on the Toxinless page
I would not put it past the 'manufacturing industry' to promote "inert ingredients" that make the machines work but in Actuality make the product #$% you up. Most notably your intestines. MagSt is waxy, and so may add more wax to people's shellac -ed intestinal walls. Just my opinion.
Bullet points below from this toxinless page.

  • Any pill or capsule I take that contains magnesium stearate results in a severe headache and depressive feelings. My guess is that these side-effects occur because I do not have the proper enzymes to break down this lubrication agent quickly and flush it from my system. I say if you have the proper enzymes (an individual issue) you can eat rat poison without ill effects. One person's nutrient can be another person's poison. I think it should be removed from all pills, drugs and vitamins included.

  • 8 years ago edited
    spot on mate, I take my hat off to you. Also all the cheaper vits and supps contain it. Thus the problem that people have may not be the supplements them self's as they are harmless to the human body if derived from plants, but over chemical ingredients ie Magnesium Sterate among others which are making people sick. Magnesium Sterate is toxic to the human body and should be avoided!!!!

  • magicbindi10 years ago
    Hi there, I'd just like to say I have been taking a lot of supplements for a long time, because of immune system disfunction, digestive problems IBS etc. Since reading about the apparent dangers of magnesium stearate which is in most of what i take I panicked and stopped taking 95% of them only to find that my IBS dramatically improved and my immune system seems much healthier, I have more energy my skin has improved etc etc. The pills that I was taking for the symptoms were actually causing them, so of course I put it down to the magnesium stearate which I still believe to be the case especially in large pills as that is mostly what you are ingesting.

Below from Thorne to all practitioners in 2012:

World Health Officials Question Safety of Magnesium Stearate

World Health Officials Question Safety of Magnesium Stearate​

The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have recently made the determination to investigate whether or not the use of magnesium stearate is safe. JECFA, as part of the international Codex Alimentarius Commission's effort to harmonize the food and supplement regulations of member countries, is evaluating data on food additives, and it has found some gaps in the existing data on magnesium stearate.

Magnesium stearate is the most commonly used excipient in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. Magnesium stearate in powder form is used as a flowing agent – when it is added to another powder magnesium stearate changes the physical characteristics of the combined powder such that it flows easier. This makes the manufacturing process of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements much more efficient – and less costly.

Although magnesium stearate has been widely used for decades, there is only minimal data to support its safety and toxicology. Thorne Research is not saying magnesium stearate is unsafe; however, without adequate toxicology and safety data, pharmaceutical and dietary supplement manufacturers doing business in Europe might be forced to stop using it if JECFA takes action against it.

During its entire existence of 28 years, Thorne Research has manufactured the highest quality dietary supplements WITHOUT using magnesium stearate. Not because it is unsafe, but because it is unnecessary, AND, because magnesium stearate can significantly affect the physical characteristics of any powdered nutrient to which it is added.

For a manufacturer, the addition of magnesium stearate is a good thing, because it makes their production processes that much more efficient. However, Thorne Research has determined that adding even a small amount of magnesium stearate (as little as one percent) can significantly decrease nutrient dissolution. What does this mean? A powder that is 99-percent nutrient content and one-percent magnesium stearate content has a much lower propensity to dissolve in solution than does a 100-percent nutrient content of that same powder without magnesium stearate.

In one unpublished study, the addition of only one-percent magnesium stearate to pure ascorbic acid powder reduced the dissolution of the combined powdered mixture at one hour's time by 65 percent (see the chart below). Can this affect absorption in the body? Thorne Research believes that it does. At the very least, we believe it makes absorption of the nutrient unpredictable.


Notwithstanding the recent JECFA admission on magnesium stearate's safety profile, Thorne Research's position on magnesium stearate will remain what it has always been: it is an unnecessary additive and it offers no benefit whatsoever to the patient. Using magnesium stearate simply makes it easier for the manufacturer to make the product. Thorne Research has been manufacturing its dietary supplements for 28 years without using magnesium stearate. Whatever action JECFA might take regarding magnesium stearate, JECFA's action will have no impact on Thorne Research because Thorne Research has never used magnesium stearate – and we never will.

December 5, 2012
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Besides avoiding foods containing fermentable fibers and starches that resist quick digestion, eating fibrous foods that contain antibacterial chemicals, such as bamboo shoots or raw carrots, helps to reduce endotoxin and serotonin. Activated charcoal can absorb many toxins, including bacterial endotoxin, so it is likely to reduce serotonin absorption from the intestine. Since it can also bind or destroy vitamins, it should be used only intermittently.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"The founder of the current iodine cult, Guy Abraham, was promoting iodine along with their radiation devices to protect against electromagnetic pollution. I couldn’t decide whether he really believed those things, or just used them to sell his product." -Ray Peat

"No, I have never recommended several milligram doses of iodide, and I have often pointed out the damage to the thyroid gland that even moderate iodide supplements can cause to the thyroid gland." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Liver is another rich source of the B vitamins as well as the oily vitamins, but it can suppress thyroid function, so usually one meal a week is enough.“ -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I made myself up a batch of vitamin k1, and it is so much cheaper AND better than if I bought a supplement. In a blender I just blended a head of fresh picked kale with some water and poured it into a non-metallic pot, brought it to a boil and simmered it on medium low heat for a few minutes. I let it cool and poured everything through a sieve and poured the green water into ice cubes trays and froze it. I put the leftover fiber in my composter. All of this value for less than $2. It is these kind of things that I do that let afford my grass-fed raw milk and better eggs.



Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Low cholesterol is very commonly involved in the diseases of stress, and--like inadequate dietary protein--will make the system less responsive to supplementary thryoid hormone.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Cooked greens, milk, cheese, and eggs are very good sources of K. The solvents used to extract vitamin K, for example from natto, often cause problems. The present vitamin K culture is the creation of marketing campaigns, and is causing a lot of harm." -Ray Peat


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Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
I've just put away ALL my supplements last night. Every single one. What a waste of money.

Need to try my best to focus on the BEST food I can get. If God or whatever is out there gave us all these natural animals, plants and mushrooms to eat why should we ever need supplements? I don't think I've ever really felt that much better from a supplement EVER as I have from a really good piece of food.

It seems to me like there's substances in the food that help it work better in our bodies for some reason. Aren't supplements just rocks? Who ever felt better from rocks? Of course didn't Dr Peat himself only really recommend maybe vitamin E and thyroid?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
It seems to me like there's substances in the food that help it work better in our bodies for some reason.
It is like you said here above, food was made with the vitamins and minerals in the balance they are suppose to be in, while supplements are usually just a concentration of one. Then of course there is the difference in them being synthetic verses alive.


Forum Supporter
Oct 2, 2023
It is like you said here above, food was made with the vitamins and minerals in the balance they are suppose to be in, while supplements are usually just a concentration of one. Then of course there is the difference in them being synthetic verses alive.
It’s such a big difference it’s not even funny. I have made myself so sick with synthetic supplements that I am worried at this point. Going to stay far far away now.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Of course didn't Dr Peat himself only really recommend maybe vitamin E and thyroid?
You are right again!

"For many years, I have been seeing more symptoms relieved by stopping all the chemical supplements, than by using them." -Ray Peat

"Because of contaminants in supplements I seldom recommend the oral use of any of them, except aspirin, which can be dissolved in warm water to remove most of the additives. In the winter I use vitamin D, but only on my skin in an oil. Using a thyroid supplement temporarily might help to lower your estrogen." -Ray Peat

Rinse & RePeat:
"I know you caution against supplements being toxic, and endorse niacinamide, do you recommend supplementing it?"

"Only when there's a specific need, because of the trace impurities."
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Do you still think bee pollen is good? not sure if you consider that to be a "supplement" that harmed or helped long term.
Bee pollen has helped me for thirty years. I bought it in a bottle back then, but now I buy it fresh in the refrigerator section. I have it occasionally in milk with sugar and it is delicious. What I consider supplements are things that come in a bottle. Eating fresh nettles and bee pollen are food to me. With that being said, bee pollen in a bottle made those horrible cramps disappear. Who knows whether it accumulated with the rest of everything I was taking over the years to cause me negatives. We just have to weigh the positives against the negatives. Fresh is always going to be best…

“When a person uses a drug there is generally an awareness that the benefit has to be weighed against the side effects, but things treated as a nutrient, especially an essential nutrient, has an implication that it won’t produce undesirable side effects.” -Ray Peat


Mar 21, 2014
Bee pollen has helped me for thirty years. I bought it in a bottle back then, but now I buy it fresh in the refrigerator section. I have it occasionally in milk with sugar and it is delicious. What I consider supplements are things that come in a bottle. Eating fresh nettles and bee pollen are food to me. With that being said, bee pollen in a bottle made those horrible cramps disappear. Who knows whether it accumulated with the rest of everything I was taking over the years to cause me negatives. We just have to weigh the positives against the negatives. Fresh is always going to be best…

“When a person uses a drug there is generally an awareness that the benefit has to be weighed against the side effects, but things treated as a nutrient, especially an essential nutrient, has an implication that it won’t produce undesirable side effects.” -Ray Peat
ok thanks, hoping to try bee pollen again soon. never noticed anything on it years ago but maybe have more luck this time.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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