Snake Diet Cole Robinson promotes low protein


Dec 17, 2020
Interestingly enough, Cole Robinson (Snake Diet dude) has been promoting low protein recently. He is still promoting his electrolyte fasting approach but with a twist. I have been sporadically watching him for years, and he has gone from anywhere from junk food buffet rolling 72/48s to raw carnivore to eat whatever. A new thing he is promoting is basically just therapeutic ketosis levels of macros (80 to 90 percent of calories from fat). I might be incorrect on my understanding of those levels. But some key takeaways if you are interested and don't want to listen to his videos as they are loud and contain lots of swearing.

- drink Snake juice (potassium, salt, magnesium, optional boron electrolyte mix)
- periodically eat high fat, high salt, low protein snacks under 400 calories. protein should not be more than 20 percent of the snack. he says periodically as in every 2 to 4 hours to avoid getting satiably hungry.

If I misinterpreted his recent videos, maybe someone can correct me.

But it is interesting how Peat has recently been talking about low protein and now Cole is doing the same.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2019
I used to fast and watched Cole's videos a lot but unfortunately i lost a lot of muscle with the weight. I started following Ray principles 3 years ago and my health is so much better. More energy and so much better sleep. More carbs is key to keep most of our muscles and i have learned that we does not need too much protein. Probably around .5 grams for Lb of weight is more than enough. And keep stress under control is also very important. I think a ot of members of the Ray peat community got shoked listening to Ray change his perspective on protein.


Dec 17, 2020
I used to fast and watched Cole's videos a lot but unfortunately i lost a lot of muscle with the weight. I started following Ray principles 3 years ago and my health is so much better. More energy and so much better sleep. More carbs is key to keep most of our muscles and i have learned that we does not need too much protein. Probably around .5 grams for Lb of weight is more than enough. And keep stress under control is also very important. I think a ot of members of the Ray peat community got shoked listening to Ray change his perspective on protein.

That's great you're feeling healthier.

It seems I can never adapt to using carbs as a main source of energy. I always gravitated towards eating more fat.
Today I tried doing low protein, more fat, and no carbs and feel great. I'll probably have some carbs at the end of the day to get sleepy.


Interestingly enough, Cole Robinson (Snake Diet dude) has been promoting low protein recently. He is still promoting his electrolyte fasting approach but with a twist. I have been sporadically watching him for years, and he has gone from anywhere from junk food buffet rolling 72/48s to raw carnivore to eat whatever. A new thing he is promoting is basically just therapeutic ketosis levels of macros (80 to 90 percent of calories from fat). I might be incorrect on my understanding of those levels. But some key takeaways if you are interested and don't want to listen to his videos as they are loud and contain lots of swearing.

- drink Snake juice (potassium, salt, magnesium, optional boron electrolyte mix)
- periodically eat high fat, high salt, low protein snacks under 400 calories. protein should not be more than 20 percent of the snack. he says periodically as in every 2 to 4 hours to avoid getting satiably hungry.

If I misinterpreted his recent videos, maybe someone can correct me.

But it is interesting how Peat has recently been talking about low protein and now Cole is doing the same.

He's probably doing it for a different reason than Ray Peat. Eating mostly fat might keep someone in ketosis whereas high protein would surely kick them out.


Dec 17, 2020
He's probably doing it for a different reason than Ray Peat. Eating mostly fat might keep someone in ketosis whereas high protein would surely kick them out.

Yeah, he does mention that eating a bunch of meat is like eating a bunch of sugar and criticizes carnivores a bit.

But he does go on about longevity and low protein though, which makes me think they're coming from the same angle just coming to different conclusions.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
Cole Robinson seems incredibly stressed. Even if it's a persona, such frequent performance probably ages a person.


May 18, 2020
Cole seems to eat raw liver a lot, maybe that was stressing his psyche. I wonder if fasting (and maybe ketosis) would be a way of mitigating vitamin A consumption?
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