So Covid Vaccine Will Probably Contain Crispr Gene Editing


Jan 25, 2014
I should have made clearer that I am not saying conspiracies do not exist; but I think even their existence is the result of systemic issues. Do you think the campaign was to make people sicker, or was it simply a business move? This is why I mentioned capitalism. I would argue the people behind this campaign actually believed themselves that pufas are more healthy. Facts are made and do not exist in a vacuum.

Well, as soon as you get into government mandates of something like "Iron Fortification" or governments using food subsidies, that isn't capitalism anymore.

I agree that there are systemic issues, but that doesn't rule out sinister forces. Long term planners of an operation would likely put systems in play to achieve their goals over a very long period of time. As far as the anti saturated fat campaign, I don't think it's an "either/or" type of deal. So called "vegetable oils" were traditionally though of as waste products, so someone thought it was a great idea to come up with a campaign to feed waste products to people. That's at best a complete disregard for people's health, at worst, an attempt to make people sicker. Those people may have hired stooges like George McGovern and Ancel Keys, who may truly have believed the ideas they were selling, but they weren't the leaders, only the public face.

I've been reading some of Jon Rappoport's Matrix collections, and in his interviews with Ellis Medavoy (a former PR expert), you get the idea of how these campaigns are crafted. There's certainly more to the picture than you are assuming.
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Nov 21, 2019
I follow this lady on instagram, and she always posts extremely informative stuff that I never even considered before. One of her latest posts talks about cloning and how rampant it is in Hollywood and the elite society. Ever wonder why bill and Melinda gates suddenly look like completely different people? The same can be said about many other celebrities and news hosts etc. They have glitches on live tv too...think Al Roker and Hillary Clinton, but there are tons of examples if you search YouTube or the web.

So this lady is saying that these clones are controlled by AI software and so they can't really think for themselves or have real personalities or anything, and that they are made with designer genes being inserted in place of natural ones.

So on to my point, this crispr gene editing technology has the ability to select certain parts of human DNA and basically cut it out, and replace it with manmade dna. Bill gates is funding and pushing for the crispr technology to be included in this vaccine for covid. A quick web search will come up with tons of articles. So I'm thinking the covid vaccine will genetically engineer the population and perhaps that is what the 5g will be in place for. The 5g will be able to control these zombie type people and also the gene editing will include something that makes the vaccinated somewhat immune to the 5g radiation?! I don't know, but there are so many mainstream articles about this technology and how certain people or groups want it included in the covid vaccine.

If this is the case, humanity will never be the same. We will no longer be created by God, but rather engineered by psychopaths.

Ray Peat mentioned something quickly in one of his latest interviews about humanity being genetically engineered if they receive an mRNA vaccination.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I'm not super knowledgeable about DNA and genetics etc, but I know enough to be concerned about this and its potential for altering humanity permanently.

CRISPR gene editing - Wikipedia

Chinese Scientist Says He's First To Create Genetically Modified Babies Using CRISPR

The Ethics of Cloning and Gene Editing

Bill Gates says it would be a 'tragedy' to pass up a controversial, revolutionary gene-editing technology

So let me try to raise some doubts about what you are bringing up

A lady posts on instagram, so she might have an agenda that is not truth (followers, exposure, whatever)

nstagram is big tech, which is part of many conspiracy theories of course. Why are they giving her a platform if she is correct?

If they looked like completely different people, people would notice. Do they look different? Sure. I also look different than 5 years ago. It's called aging and changing style like growing a beard. Insert all the cosmetic possibilities the elites have and you get greater differences. Insert that what you see of them is mediated through technological channels that only paint a picture of reality (lenses, pixels etc.) and you get greater discrepencies.

The glitches again could be a technological issue. I have seen "eye glitches" on tv before, but take into account that eyes are really complex for lenses to get with all the reflections going on. Also take into account that most people do not have cameras on them all the time, so when they "glitch" no one would actually see. People have "brainfarts", especially if old.

Youtube, same example. I know there is some censoring going on, but why give a platform for those videos at all? Why not censor everything? You would not be here if not for those videos, most likely.

I am going to stop here and not go into the gene thing, but as you can see, you can make a lot of points here that have some validity to them.
And this goes for a lot of conspiracies.


Mar 15, 2014
Why do you think Soybean Oil, for example, is "cheap?" It's actually more expensive to produce than tallow or butter. The reason? Soy subsidies. The makes it cheaper as a raw material to manufacturers, even though the total cost to produce is more expensive.

Because you can grow more soy on a fixed amount of land than you can grow animal fat. Assuming the land is suitable for crops of course. If this is more expensive, it gives the trade off benefit of more food security. It's also easier to transport, less perishable (compare shipping tallow/butter to dried soybeans)

Also, Western countries can't grow coconuts. This was a major reason behind demonizing saturated fat and phasing out Coconut Oil from snacks in 1940s, as mentioned by Ray Peat.


Nov 21, 2019
Because you can grow more soy on a fixed amount of land than you can grow animal fat. Assuming the land is suitable for crops of course. If this is more expensive, it gives the trade off benefit of more food security. It's also easier to transport, less perishable (compare shipping tallow/butter to dried soybeans)

Also, Western countries can't grow coconuts. This was a major reason behind demonizing saturated fat and phasing out Coconut Oil from snacks in 1940s, as mentioned by Ray Peat.
who would have thought there are valid business motives to bring up...
I am in shock
Apr 22, 2019
The transhumanist movement is full speed ahead. Impending vaccinations stink to high heaven and much of the world will revolt because they're not that asleep to think COVID is what it's being propagandized to be.

A mark to buy and sell will come soonafter which edits our genes, for the life extension or not... Regardless, the universal mark will take our life as a human created of God away by changing what fundamentally makes us human via DNA editing. It's why the flood happened before... Noah was the only pure blood line left of God's Creation which was preserved so Christ could be birthed later.

It's written in Revelation that some people will want to die but death will flee them. Seems like a result of transhumanism but who knows.


Oct 1, 2019
You are not getting a vaccine because lizard jesuits want to control earth, but because people want to move on from this pandemic and get back in to their usual lifestyle paradigm; and their is money to be made as well. Which does not mean that vaccines are GOOD; I am not getting one either for that matter, if possible. But it sure as **** does not mean it's an conspiracy rather than the result of a broken system.

I think you underestimate how bad some people are. We are definitely not getting the vaccines because "people want to move on from this pandemic", we are getting them because the manufaturers want to sell them. Peat and many others have talked about this non stop the past months. Big pharma does this every few years. Stirr the fear of a "new" virus, get the media, governments and people riled up. And sell a ***t ton of unnecessary untested vaccines and meds with speedy trials. They routinely get called out and punished for it, but people forget. These people don't have the same morals as you. Just think about how they knowingly changed the perfectly good thyroid diagnosis in the last century to something useless. This results in lots of downstream diseases in millions of people which could easily be prevented (Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud). Or the estrogen industry knowingly selling estrogen as a healthful supplement while being fully aware of it's toxic and carcinogenic effects.

This happened in 2009:
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic
"The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."
Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax."

WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”
"Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they wrote. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO"

So let me try to raise some doubts about what you are bringing up
A lady posts on instagram, so she might have an agenda that is not truth (followers, exposure, whatever)
nstagram is big tech, which is part of many conspiracy theories of course. Why are they giving her a platform if she is correct?

Youtube, same example. I know there is some censoring going on, but why give a platform for those videos at all? Why not censor everything? You would not be here if not for those videos, most likely.

It doesn't matter what is true and what not, there are so many false conspiracies being spread that they don't have to care about something real circulating. The only danger are actual eye witnesses. And they routinely get murdered before they can speak out. Sometimes dozens of witnesses in a single case "commit suicide" or suddenly "die in their sleep" in middle age. Look up the Dutroux case where 26 witnesses "mysteriously" died during the case (what a coincidence....).

Dutroux and the 26 dead witnesses. Documentary into the cover-up of an alleged child abduction ring in Belgium. : conspiracy
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Nov 21, 2019
I think you underestimate how bad some people are. We are definitely not getting the vaccines because "people want to move on from this pandemic", we are getting them because the manufaturers want to sell them. Peat and many others have talked about this non stop the past months. Big pharma does this every few years. Stirr the fear of a "new" virus, get the media, governments and people riled up. And sell a ***t ton of unnecessary untested vaccines and meds with speedy trials. They routinely get called out and punished for it, but people forget. These people don't have the same morals as you. Just think about how they knowingly changed the perfectly good thyroid diagnosis in the last century to something useless. This results in lots of downstream diseases in millions of people which could easily be prevented (Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud). Or the estrogen industry knowingly selling estrogen as a healthful supplement while being fully aware of it's toxic and carcinogenic effects.

This happened in 2009:
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic
"The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."
Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax."

WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”
"Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they wrote. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO"

It doesn't matter what is true and what not, there are so many false conspiracies being spread that they don't have to care about something real circulating. The only danger are actual eye witnesses. And they routinely get murdered before they can speak out. Sometimes dozens of witnesses in a single case "commit suicide" or suddenly "die in their sleep" in middle age. Look up the Dutroux case where 26 witnesses "mysteriously" died during the case (what a coincidence....).

Dutroux and the 26 dead witnesses. Documentary into the cover-up of an alleged child abduction ring in Belgium. : conspiracy

quality post, thanks. I will go through some of the links later
that being said, there is probably not a single event of global magnitude that does not have a conspiracy behind it. Undoubtedly, some of those are not true while some probably are. We should keep this in mind, because it also tells us something about human nature. It is extremely unlikely, I think, that every single event is actually a conspiracy. I would imagine even most conspiracy theorists would agree with that (heck, I am probably one myself if compared to mainstream).

The truth is, we simply do not know (as we know 1+1=2) which are true. There would not be a conspiracy if there were no conflicting sources.

I agree with what you say about the comitting suicide thing.
Pedo conspiracies are what I looked into the most out of any conspiracies, and there is no doubt something is going on, although the conspiracies might still be wrong in some of their details.

I am just skeptical about things of this magnitude, and the whole 5g thing sounds similarly stupid to me as nazis on the back side of the moon.

But I am not close minded enough to rule anything out 100%. I just would not bet any money on it being true.


Jan 25, 2014
I am just skeptical about things of this magnitude, and the whole 5g thing sounds similarly stupid to me as nazis on the back side of the moon.

Question- Are you only skeptical because of the magnitude? On small levels, conspiracies happen all the time (say, targeting something from $10,000 to $1 Million in value). I think there is quite good evidence that conspiracies also happen on much bigger levels, going into tens or billions of dollars, often over very long periods of time (say, decades). Is it that hard to believe that there might be long term conspiracy to affect several trillions of dollars and world assets?

The idea of Nazis on the Moon, is pretty incredible, so it would need incredible proof, or quite a bit of speculation. But, if you think there is conspiracy among some of the world's most elite bankers to concentrate and control all the world's wealth, and then you look into entities like the DTCC and Cede & Company...... well, there is a much bigger and provable trail there.


Nov 21, 2019
Question- Are you only skeptical because of the magnitude? On small levels, conspiracies happen all the time (say, targeting something from $10,000 to $1 Million in value). I think there is quite good evidence that conspiracies also happen on much bigger levels, going into tens or billions of dollars, often over very long periods of time (say, decades). Is it that hard to believe that there might be long term conspiracy to affect several trillions of dollars and world assets?

The idea of Nazis on the Moon, is pretty incredible, so it would need incredible proof, or quite a bit of speculation. But, if you think there is conspiracy among some of the world's most elite bankers to concentrate and control all the world's wealth, and then you look into entities like the DTCC and Cede & Company...... well, there is a much bigger and provable trail there.

so if its provable, it has been proven, right?

where is the proof?

I am thinking about something like the pizzagate archive that collected all the evidence in one archive. most of it was circumstancial evidence, but still. that archive was powerful enough to show that there was pedo stuff going on in elite circles.

Journalists would have to fear for their life, obviously.

What about whistleblowers, wiki leaks style?

We live in the internet age.

There are undoubtedly forces out there that would have something to gain from exposing this, altruism aside even.

Yet all you find on topics like this is
-articles that are solid in their sources but do not draw a bigger picture (you have to draw one yourself with several)
-holistic articles that lack any proof whatsoever about basic assumptions (jews, banking; whatever)

the argument being if there was massive conspiring of this magnitude, we had some ed snowden exposing at least part of it with hard proof

and even if we had no whistleblower, the people conspiring still have to fear this, which begs the question if the risk is worth it for them

if you are on top, you have more to lose than to win. that is, if we assume they are not serving some dark force or some weird ***t like that

i am skeptical because of the magnitude, and because it does not sound reasonable to me.
vaccine, and then control via 5g signals. how does that not need incredible proof? who has historically been showed to be mind controlled through invisible sources?


Jan 25, 2014
so if its provable, it has been proven, right?

where is the proof?

In regards to the idea of concentrating wealth....... Cede & Company IS the proof that it's concentrated. That is the entity that technically owns title to 99.9% of all stocks in the world. You might think you "own" stock, but unless you have a stock certificate..... you don't. All the stock is owned by Cede & Company. Places like Fidelity keep track of your share on a ledger or in pools....... but the stock itself never changes hands.

You are all over the place with things you are alleging, my only comments are on the idea of international bankers concentrating and controlling all wealth/money on the planet.


Nov 21, 2019
In regards to the idea of concentrating wealth....... Cede & Company IS the proof that it's concentrated. That is the entity that technically owns title to 99.9% of all stocks in the world. You might think you "own" stock, but unless you have a stock certificate..... you don't. All the stock is owned by Cede & Company. Places like Fidelity keep track of your share on a ledger or in pools....... but the stock itself never changes hands.

You are all over the place with things you are alleging, my only comments are on the idea of international bankers concentrating and controlling all wealth/money on the planet.

well okay, but money only works because we believe in it. if they "withdrew" all of their money, so no one had any left, people would start supporting each other. They would still go to work, and stuff in supermarkets would be free and so on. We already saw stuff like this in the US in the last months.

concentrating or controlling money is no equivalent to concentrating wealth. but obviously this comes with a lot of power, no arguing there from my part
i guess cryptocurrencies are a nice topic here


Jan 25, 2014
well okay, but money only works because we believe in it. if they "withdrew" all of their money, so no one had any left, people would start supporting each other. They would still go to work, and stuff in supermarkets would be free and so on. We already saw stuff like this in the US in the last months.

They don't want to "withdraw" it. They want to "control" it. Paper has very little intrinsic value. Digits in a computer, even less. A car, piece of land, or house has real value in the world, as those things really exist. So, if you can use a system where you loan out paper (or don't really loan anything at all), and collect payments back in that same paper plus interest, and collect real assets like homes on defaults (through events which you can periodically create)...... Now you might see it a little different.

We are seeing tons of defaults and missed rent payments right now. There is lot's of potential for REAL asset collection, both thru foreclosure, short sales, and other emergency type fire sales (at pennies on the dollar) as these defaults continue in the coming months.........


Apr 3, 2013
The transhumanist movement is full speed ahead. Impending vaccinations stink to high heaven and much of the world will revolt because they're not that asleep to think COVID is what it's being propagandized to be.

A mark to buy and sell will come soonafter which edits our genes, for the life extension or not... Regardless, the universal mark will take our life as a human created of God away by changing what fundamentally makes us human via DNA editing. It's why the flood happened before... Noah was the only pure blood line left of God's Creation which was preserved so Christ could be birthed later.

It's written in Revelation that some people will want to die but death will flee them. Seems like a result of transhumanism but who knows.
This is what thinking and concerned about as well.


Nov 21, 2019
This is what thinking and concerned about as well.

why do you think DNA is what makes us human?
isn't that quite contradictory to your christian beliefs in the first place?

don't christians believe that our bodies and our soul (mind/consciousness) are fundamentally seperable, and that our soul is devine and godly, while our bodies aren't?

so we are merely playing with the earthly, and we come up with that through our minds, ironically.

also, what makes dna editing fundamentally different from supplements, exogenous hormones and so on? where do you cut the line?

technology as a whole is the monstrosity here, and it started dehumanizing us decades ago. just look at zoomers. tik tok, parasocial interactions, indoctrination, drugs, hedonism and so on.

idk why people focus on this virus so much
Apr 22, 2019
why do you think DNA is what makes us human?
isn't that quite contradictory to your christian beliefs in the first place?

don't christians believe that our bodies and our soul (mind/consciousness) are fundamentally seperable, and that our soul is devine and godly, while our bodies aren't?

so we are merely playing with the earthly, and we come up with that through our minds, ironically.

also, what makes dna editing fundamentally different from supplements, exogenous hormones and so on? where do you cut the line?

technology as a whole is the monstrosity here, and it started dehumanizing us decades ago. just look at zoomers. tik tok, parasocial interactions, indoctrination, drugs, hedonism and so on.

idk why people focus on this virus so much

I'll start with Leviticus 17:11-14:

11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

12 Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood.

13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.

14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. (KJV)

It is affirmed in both verses 11 and 14 that the blood is the life of the flesh.

In verse 11 it states that the blood was given to us (as a gift* and) as an atonement (repair for wrongdoing towards God) which will be placed upon an altar of sacrifice.

*Gifts of God are not to be perverted, defiled, etc

In Romans 12:1, Paul ushers to those who have received Circumcision with the Holy Spirit to present their bodies as a living sacrifice:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (KJV)

The blood of Christ is the sacrifice (atonement) of all sins. It is one of the most important aspects of the entire Bible, because by the (shedding of the) blood of Christ there has already been victory over the kingdom of Satan. We are to use it in order to purify, sanctify, and purge any and all malicious physical manifestations as they are born of the spiritual realm. Paul describes this in Ephesians 6:12:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (KJV)

When we are washed in the blood of Christ, we are renewed unto the straight and narrow path of Salvation.

I speak about the blood of Christ in order to... put emphasis and draw a correlation that our blood also has a sacrificial significance. Christ sacrificed His blood as an atonement for our transgressions against God (sins), and in return, we will sacrifice ours as an offering of thanks for His sacrifice.

why do you think DNA is what makes us human?
Insomuch as the DNA is the blueprint by which our body is renewed (via cellular replication), this is also the same blueprint by which our very mind is built & renewed upon. I suppose there could be a debate about the brain vs. the mind stating that regardless of how the DNA of the brain is altered, this does not change that there is a conscious mind present... However, in Romans 12:2, we are called to renew our minds in accordance with the will of God:

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (KJV)

Interestingly enough, I draw attention to the first seven words of this verse: "And be not conformed to this world"
If we are to change the baseline blueprint by which our bodies (and thereby thoughts) are rebuilt in light of an alteration made by the hand of man who is attempting to play God, then I cannot see how this isn't an inherent conformation to the world.
You might be thinking, 'Well then by this passage, is aspirin a conformation to the world, too?'

Maybe it is. There's food for thought there.

I rest on a belief that anything which doesn't reorient what proteins our DNA originally transcribes only poses a risk insomuch that it is a defiling of the body as a temple of Christ. But then there are seemingly positive supplements like isolated amino acids and vitamins which give benefit to people despite being a tether to the world from a Biblical viewpoint. I digress here.

don't christians believe that our bodies and our soul (mind/consciousness) are fundamentally seperable, and that our soul is devine and godly, while our bodies aren't?

The core belief is this:
When we first come out of the womb, we are born with a body and a soul only. We are only 2/3s complete. 2 divided by 3 = 0.666

A gift that God gave man is free will. God does not rescind gifts, and so we may choose to either:
a) receive God as our Creator and outsource our will & glory to Him OR
b) ignore God as our Creator whereby we replace Him and thereby act as our own Creator, taking all of the glory for ourselves in light of the prideful claim that there was nothing which sparked our very existence in the first place... And thus an ignorance of God is rooted in a circumstantial belief that everything came from nothing... Yet in order to now have everything, you first must've had something... And where did the something come from? Nothing? Something can't come from nothing unless there is an outside force which acts upon it. This is the scientific principle of inertia, yet somehow an eternal singularity that went on forever for all of time 'exploded' randomly "at 1PM on a Tuesday" as R.C. Sproul puts it. The big bang theory and evolution are only substantiated by a belief in something coming from nothing which gives us permission to create ourselves... And when we, as God's Creation, create ourselves (worship the flesh, the world), we bring God's wrath upon ourselves:

John 3:36
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (KJV)

When we choose option A. we receive an indwelling of the Holy Spirit by which we are sealed. At this time we proceed forth in faith with an understanding that every moment, every pleasure, and every heartache is a gift of God by which we are to receive with understanding... And when we do not understand, we pray for understanding. 1 Corinthians 14:15:

"What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." (KJV)

^ The context of the passage surrounding this verse is on the subject of speaking in tongues, however it still affirms the point I am trying to convey.

With a receiving of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by believing on the miracles of Christ and His sacrifice, our soul is now joined (and thus intends towards) the Holy Spirit to the exclusion of the body. The body is the flesh is the world. These things are not wicked, only the act of willingly binding ourselves to them in the interest of their desires being fulfilled is. It's not about what lustful desires we want to imbibe in or what everyone else expects from us, but rather only what we are obligated to do (in accordance with what is written) in sacrificial return to the Lord for His gracious gift of eternal, abundant life:

[Christ speaking with regard to Satan]
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

so we are merely playing with the earthly, and we come up with that through our minds, ironically.

The mind is a gift of God by which we use as a tool to act in the interest of our own glory or God's glory, as previously mentioned. The Bible repeatedly asserts that we are to don the mind of Christ, walk in the Holy Spirit, and thereby act in the light of spiritual discernment, here are a few verses, all KJV:

1 Corinthians 2:13-16
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.
15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Philippians 2:5 - Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

[Christ speaking]
John 5:30 - "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

1 John 2:6 - He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

Romans 8:1-39 - [There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

technology as a whole is the monstrosity here, and it started dehumanizing us decades ago. just look at zoomers. tik tok, parasocial interactions, indoctrination, drugs, hedonism and so on.

"Science + technology = power without God" - Stephen Darby

idk why people focus on this virus so much

Maybe because it's raping the world with fear and famine for no plausible reason despite all cumulative understanding of science and medicine in known human history? What kind of ten ton rock are you sleeping under?

I'll add a few other things for consideration:

- Microsoft released a commercial with Marina Abramovic during the... Second week of April, I think it was, during the height of the lockdown in America. The commercial was an advertisement for how to make art with your mind. It received a 95%+ downvote rating and was removed within 24 hours.

If you search the words, "Marina Abramovic spirit cooking," you will find several blatant pictures of her posed next to mock human corpses, pools of blood, human heads on dinner tables and other ghastly stuff. You'll find a celebrity connection with a dark rabbit hole of unspeakable actions.

- If you search the word, "adrenochrome," you'll find the most powerfully psychedelic substance known. It is oxidized adrenaline that is sourced in the pineal gland with a very short half life.
I won't say anything more about that, however I will note that bringing ourselves away from a sound & sober mind (as God states many times) is a fundamental tethering to the flesh. Intentionally shifting consciousness is akin to binding oneself to the world, and this is the ultimate shift of consciousness which, by no coincidence, is achieved through the most heinous act of all time.

- Microsoft owns a patent for a cryptocurrency system based on your bodily activity. Search, 'MS2020060606'

*About a week ago I started working in city which had mask laws and these thoughts dawned on me:

- If the mouth, nose, and eyes are each 1/3 of the face, currently we are covering our mouth and nose as 2/3s. As mentioned earlier in this post, 2/3 = 0.666

- If we are covering our mouths, I see this to be an attempt at silencing our sword given to us by God. We are born fallen and in darkness but we are given our tongue as a sword by which we may use to illuminate our path, the path of others, and to both break and adhere to any covenants, whether they be of light or darkness. The [spoken] Word is where our authority comes from and it is also God. Here are several verses which relate to these last few sentences:

[Word is the sword]
Ephesians 6:17 (KJV)
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:"

[Word is the sword]
Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

[Tongue is the rudder of the vessel]
James 3:4-5 (NKJV)
4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.
5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.

- Secondly, the Word came before the light and the Word IS God. The Word (sound, speech) has authority over light. Repeat: sound came before light. Lucifer = root word of 'lucent...' basically he is like the most worldly man the world can know. Of the utmost beauty, charisma, wisdom. He is referred to as the "Son of the morning." We see the world but we hear God. Here are several passages that again relate to these aforementioned sentences:

John 1:1-5 (KJV)
"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

Romans 10:17 (KJV)
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

As a final note, one of the names for Christ/God is the "morning star" while Lucifer is the "Son of the morning." Some translations call Lucifer the former title which is like calling Lucifer God. Yikes

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
If you have the time, this thread from March might be of interest to you:

There Are No Giant Conspiracies

This line of thinking is along the same lines of thinking that almost everyone today has: the idea that everyone acts reasonably and rationally in general. It really couldn’t be further from the truth. And even when it can be said that we are acting “reasonably” our focus and worldview is so narrow that although we may technically be behaving reasonably we aren’t following the path of Truth.

If people do bad things in lower social classes (mafias and cartels), why is it so hard to imagine that same thing also happens at the highest social class (“elites”) especially since they are virtually above the law?


Nov 21, 2019
This line of thinking is along the same lines of thinking that almost everyone today has: the idea that everyone acts reasonably and rationally in general. It really couldn’t be further from the truth. And even when it can be said that we are acting “reasonably” our focus and worldview is so narrow that although we may technically be behaving reasonably we aren’t following the path of Truth.

If people do bad things in lower social classes (mafias and cartels), why is it so hard to imagine that same thing also happens at the highest social class (“elites”) especially since they are virtually above the law?

don't conspiracy theorists think of themselves as (often times the only ones) acting reasonably and rationally?
would it not be more reasonable to say that this or that conspiracy might be true, but that we can not know with absolute certainty?
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