Soreness On Bottom Of Feet

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
OK: so I need to precipitate this by noting that I was in a traumatic car accident five years ago, where I broke both of my legs. During said incident I had many surgeries and had MRSA in one of my legs. Since that time I have both recovered and gotten back to exercise, etc. I also typically walk to and from work daily, about 1.5 miles roundtrip. Since Peat-eating, when I cut starch, I have gotten sensitivity in my feet, which I realize is sometimes a diabetic symptom. At its worst, I was reduced to a near limp while walking, and sometimes I would be required to switch shoes. My question is that if I feel pretty well otherwise, including better temps and increased energy, what could I make of this symptom if I did not experience it before?
In addition a pretty solid diet of mostly high carb milk/ fruit juice/ gelatin and moderate protein, I sometimes consume a soda with lunch and take various supplements. (e.g. b1; b2; b7; Vitamin C; K2; Vitamin E; 325 mg Aspirin x 1 daily or every other, and occasional pregnenolone and Taurine, as well as b3.) I also often eat Trader Joe's candies, like lollipops or Gummy Bears between meals, but I try not to go crazy with that type of stuff. $0.02 appreciated.


Aug 17, 2016
OK: so I need to precipitate this by noting that I was in a traumatic car accident five years ago, where I broke both of my legs. During said incident I had many surgeries and had MRSA in one of my legs. Since that time I have both recovered and gotten back to exercise, etc. I also typically walk to and from work daily, about 1.5 miles roundtrip. Since Peat-eating, when I cut starch, I have gotten sensitivity in my feet, which I realize is sometimes a diabetic symptom. At its worst, I was reduced to a near limp while walking, and sometimes I would be required to switch shoes. My question is that if I feel pretty well otherwise, including better temps and increased energy, what could I make of this symptom if I did not experience it before?
In addition a pretty solid diet of mostly high carb milk/ fruit juice/ gelatin and moderate protein, I sometimes consume a soda with lunch and take various supplements. (e.g. b1; b2; b7; Vitamin C; K2; Vitamin E; 325 mg Aspirin x 1 daily or every other, and occasional pregnenolone and Taurine, as well as b3.) I also often eat Trader Joe's candies, like lollipops or Gummy Bears between meals, but I try not to go crazy with that type of stuff. $0.02 appreciated.
I think it is the lowered cortisol. There are some others who have mentioned it in other threads to search through.
I am getting it too. But it is a trade-off for me (or rationalisation. I'm not sure). My joints feel AWESOME which means I can train aikido (which I love to do). Nothing hurts at all except my feet when I get up and down from the kneeling position we often do. There is the sore feet and also training NOT running on adrenaline and FFA. I hope to find a solution to these challenges.


Jul 20, 2014
I have what might be plantar fasciitis occasionally. Heat lamps will lower the pain short term, infrared LEDs will make it go away. I use a 96 LED 850nm IR Illuminator, it's about 90m@/cm2. Use it for about 6 minutes a couple of times a day and see good improvement in 2-3 days.


Aug 17, 2016
I have what might be plantar fasciitis occasionally. Heat lamps will lower the pain short term, infrared LEDs will make it go away. I use a 96 LED 850nm IR Illuminator, it's about 90m@/cm2. Use it for about 6 minutes a couple of times a day and see good improvement in 2-3 days.
Hi Sucrates, Have you also tried Vitamin K2 (MK-4) for your plantar pain too?


Jul 20, 2014
Hi Sucrates, Have you also tried Vitamin K2 (MK-4) for your plantar pain too?

I take a lot of aspirin and usually take 6mg mk4 to cover 1800mg.
Do you think aspirin might cause it without adequate km4?
I don't know what the connection is.
Arnold Grape

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
TY - I will try and find the additional threads. It's difficult to understand because it invariably coincided with the implementation of dietary changes or shortly thereafter. At its worst, it is a scary symptom and when it goes away I cannot trace the relief to anything specific. Previously I was not sure if I might have an increased sensitivity on the legs and feet because of the aforementioned traumatic incident. Currently I am attempting to up Biotin to see if that has any discernible effect because I have read that it can prevent diabetic situations in certain circumstances. I've also noted a certain reaction in lower extremities with specific supplements, but that might all be relative and not worth noting.


Aug 17, 2016
I take a lot of aspirin and usually take 6mg mk4 to cover 1800mg.
Do you think aspirin might cause it without adequate km4?
I don't know what the connection is.
Hi. Ummm I'm not sure. I have not had the "plantar fasciitis" issue. But it is rampant in my dojo. Many people wear a neoprene foot support wrap to train. These same people feel fibrotic when I pin them. They don't have to tap out because you can really feel their stopping point. I used to not be able to take pins and locks any where near where I can since high dosing kuinone. But, maybe I am making the wrong assumption that plantar pain comes from soft-tissue calcification or a bone spur where the plantar tissue attaches at the heel. I was pretty glutinous with the kuinone though. More like 45mg daily for 3 bottles. I'm not suggesting people be a maniac like me when I get a bee in my bonnet.
The foot pain I have now is more like the all the foot bones ache. But after a few minutes on the mat, it goes away. I think it is low cortisol but aikido gets the cortisol going once the intensity ramps up. (for better or worse).
I'm still having a horrendous time getting through a class though. So weird. Zero muscle or joint pain. No recovery time. But during class, I feel like a bloodless asthmatic.
Nov 21, 2015
I had sore feet for a long time. I used red light and they aren't sore anymore. A little sometimes in the morning but not bad. I think this just gets better on its own.


Mar 2, 2015
Probably, you have more energy to activate all muscles more powerfully, but you have an abnormal posture, so now your feet has to widthstand more forces in an abnormal position
Are your feet pointing inwards, or outwards, are you toes straight? Feet placement is dependent on hips, so might have to look there for signs. How's you feet arch
Do you have tight calves or muscle knots here? then you feet has extra work from that area

Have a look at Anatomy Trains Meridians for where else you might have tightness
My suggestion is to film yourself walking, and then try to pinpoint, what might be going differently than a normal gait cycle.
You can find many other links if you seach gait pathologies.
Arnold Grape

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
My posture has improved since eating Peat. (How is that possible?) For some reason when I take Pregnenolone, I feel like I walk tall as trees. My feet feel terrible today, however.


Mar 2, 2015
Yeah the difference is amazing! Postural muscles are rich in slow twitch, mitochondria heavy fibers.
My stamina has not limits on androsterone.

But I don't think peating alone can fix a postural problem. Once a muscle is tight, there is reduced blood flow, lactic acid build and fascia changes to keep the muscle from recieving added peat benefits., So identifying and correcting via stretching I would say is necessary.

Do you think it's muscle soreness or bone/ligaments? Muscle then it's probably going through extra forces to perfom its function, ligaments then there is some weakness or tightness a place, causing you to not land correctly on the area.
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