SPEAK THE TRUTH! And Redeem This World From Hell

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Talking about female beauty in the modern feminist West and to snap you out of your yawns, here's a nugget of insight you can ponder (my emphasis in bolded):

"As I’ve argued here before, female economic self-sufficiency like we have now in the West creates massive negative feedback loops in the Male Commitment-Female Commitment Worthiness relationship. And as williamK notes, female independence (in which women can feed, house, and clothe themselves) not only pushes women to emphasize fulfillment of their desire for sexy cads, but it pushes men to DE-EMPHASIZE their beta provider skills. Men don’t feel inspired to wife up self-sufficient women; men DO feel inspired to provide for and protect vulnerable women. And in en environment of female dependence, men will be careful to choose the prettiest women they can get, because they will be investing a lot in her. In contrast, an environment of female independence encourages men to spread their seed indiscriminately, because the pressure to provide for careergirl yaass queen shrikes has diminished. Executive summary: The West is currently selecting against the efflorescence of female Beauty and selecting FOR the effluvia of female Ugliness. Literally feminism means more ugly women and fewer beautiful women. Feminism is the ideology of Ugliness."

What Produces Female Beauty?
What Produces Female Beauty?
Thank god and goddess I am pretty and understand the beauty in submissiveness (in judo the person on the bottom needs less force to overcome the person on the top)


Jan 23, 2017
So what is probably the most important facet of female value and success in society, historically speaking, physical beauty, is ignored, omitted by your Women's Studies professors? I will refrain from making certain comments on what I think about this.

Hafiz likely is talking about the death of the "blameworthy self", nafs amara, I think this is the Arabic or something close, as the condition of annihilation in God to attain marifah, divine gnosis or knowledge. The "beauty" here is seeing the evidence of total submission to God. Dead flower is a symbol of totality of that submission.

Ha well at least our philosophical meandering leads to sleep and relaxation (I hope).
We never discussed conventional beauty and I don’t subscribe to the idea of conventional beauty. Was it Hafiz who brought a dead flower to represent the most beautiful flower in his garden?


Jan 23, 2017
Well then you are blessed. A hadith shows Muhammed saying, "“Of the things of this world, women and perfume have been made dear to me.” Sufi Islam is very open to transcendent states attained through the vehicle of the senses.

Thank god and goddess I am pretty and understand the beauty in submissiveness (in judo the person on the bottom needs less force to overcome the person on the top)

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Well then you are blessed. A hadith shows Muhammed saying, "“Of the things of this world, women and perfume have been made dear to me.” Sufi Islam is very open to transcendent states attained through the vehicle of the senses.
Again, I’m grateful for the book recommendation. I’d like to become a whirling dervish.


Jan 23, 2017
Whirling dervish Sufism likely originated from Rumi. Until you get your dancing lessons in it, reading his poetry is next best thing.

Again, I’m grateful for the book recommendation. I’d like to become a whirling dervish.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Whirling dervish Sufism likely originated from Rumi. Until you get your dancing lessons in it, reading his poetry is next best thing.


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Jan 23, 2017
Have you ever heard of Rabia Basri? If not, you may find her interesting.



Jan 23, 2017
Now just a few days ago in post below, I mentioned I found a long article in the 1990's showing that the "mother of feminism" Gloria Steinem was connected to CIA. Well, I was not hallucinating the memory of that find. Our Danny Roddy on his Twitter account has just posted a video interview of Steinem where she openly admits it. Look at short video in Tweet here: https://twitter.com/dannyroddy/status/961284637921292288

So there you go Seraphim, as you said, "radical feminism was subverted by liberal feminism which is most likely an intelligence agency construction making people everywhere ugly and asexual." They did!!! Ask Gloria, she knows...

Reminds me of something novelist and essayist Ed Abbey, a favorite writer of mine, did once to Gloria. In early years of Ms magazine, he wrote a letter to the editor, addressing Ms. Steinem, and wrote in the style of a mock hillbilly raconteur of sorts, and said "I've seen men and I've seen women, but I ain't never seen a person."

I read some of Mary Daly sporadically years ago. I recall she seemed to many to be famous primarily for being a Catholic academic female who admitted to being a lesbian, a first at the time, and shocking as she was at a prominent Catholic college. She didn't really write for any but a female audience, I think, as she didn't really give a poop about what men thought of her ideas. Know nothing about her stance on sex change. Would have been a hoot, which I would have paid for, to have seen her in a public debate with Camille Paglia, another lesbian but much smarter than Daly ever was. Unlike the impression I got of Daly with her aggressive diatribes against the Patriarchy, she does not hate men. It won't happen, though, as Daly died in 2010.

"I believe that radical feminism was subverted by liberal feminism which is most likely an intelligence agency construction making people everywhere ugly and asexual." Nutritionist author and Internet podcaster Gary Null, considering himself a feminist, offers a slightly different way of distinguishing it: spiritual feminists and liberal/political feminists. The latter would be the group that puts out the most feminist claptrap and putting feminism in the worst light. Idea the latter group is an intel agency creation is utterly plausible, in my opinion. In late 1990s, I found on the net an extensive, lengthy article documenting Gloria Steinam's connections to CIA, which, the article showed, supported her feminist activism very early in her career.

"I hope you are glad to learn that not all women’s studies classes in America promote abortion and hair dye." Indeed, I am! Do such classes, I am curious to know, ever show and discuss images of women who are beautiful in the conventional sense, that is, the way most hetero men would regard as beautiful women?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Whirling dervish Sufism likely originated from Rumi. Until you get your dancing lessons in it, reading his poetry is next best thing.
Now just a few days ago in post below, I mentioned I found a long article in the 1990's showing that the "mother of feminism" Gloria Steinem was connected to CIA. Well, I was not hallucinating the memory of that find. Our Danny Roddy on his Twitter account has just posted a video interview of Steinem where she openly admits it. Look at short video in Tweet here: https://twitter.com/dannyroddy/status/961284637921292288

So there you go Seraphim, as you said, "radical feminism was subverted by liberal feminism which is most likely an intelligence agency construction making people everywhere ugly and asexual." They did!!! Ask Gloria, she knows...

Reminds me of something novelist and essayist Ed Abbey, a favorite writer of mine, did once to Gloria. In early years of Ms magazine, he wrote a letter to the editor, addressing Ms. Steinem, and wrote in the style of a mock hillbilly raconteur of sorts, and said "I've seen men and I've seen women, but I ain't never seen a person."
She is def CIA. I met her a few weeks ago. She also dated spooky characters and has CIA written all over her.

Anyway in the words of a great nonCIA affiliated female (thank you):

You know of the how, but I know of the how-less.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Now just a few days ago in post below, I mentioned I found a long article in the 1990's showing that the "mother of feminism" Gloria Steinem was connected to CIA. Well, I was not hallucinating the memory of that find. Our Danny Roddy on his Twitter account has just posted a video interview of Steinem where she openly admits it. Look at short video in Tweet here: https://twitter.com/dannyroddy/status/961284637921292288

So there you go Seraphim, as you said, "radical feminism was subverted by liberal feminism which is most likely an intelligence agency construction making people everywhere ugly and asexual." They did!!! Ask Gloria, she knows...

Reminds me of something novelist and essayist Ed Abbey, a favorite writer of mine, did once to Gloria. In early years of Ms magazine, he wrote a letter to the editor, addressing Ms. Steinem, and wrote in the style of a mock hillbilly raconteur of sorts, and said "I've seen men and I've seen women, but I ain't never seen a person."
I asked Gloria why so many black women in NY have abortions and she said “they don’t have access to contraceptives”
Obviously she’s never been to a bodega.


Jan 23, 2017
In the video she says something about how US population seems to misunderstand the CIA, and that they are really good guys. Good "Company" girl, she looks out for it!

She is def CIA. I met her a few weeks ago. She also dated spooky characters and has CIA written all over her.

Anyway in the words of a great nonCIA affiliated female (thank you):

You know of the how, but I know of the how-less.


Jan 23, 2017
You said, "I don’t subscribe to the idea of conventional beauty." According to item below I copied/pasted, it appears there is an objective standard of beauty for women that crosses all cultures (my bolding):

"Which of these two women is more attractive? (UPDATE below.)


Reader “potato” sent me a link to a story in the New York Times about a new software program known as a “beautification engine”:

The photograph on the right was doctored by the “beautification engine” of a new computer program that uses a mathematical formula to alter the original form into a theoretically more attractive version, while maintaining what programmers call an “unmistakable similarity” to the original. […]

Scientists took the data and applied an algorithm involving 234 measurements between facial features, including the distances between lips and chin, the forehead and the eyes, or between the eyes.

Essentially, they trained a computer to determine, for each individual face, the most attractive set of distances and then choose the ideal closest to the original face.

If you are honest in your assessment and not trying to score dorm room debate points on your not-so-humble narrator, then I predict 95% of my readers, male and female, will agree that the girl on the right is more attractive. The two photos are of the same woman. The girl on the right has been “beautified” by the software algorithm.

As I have been saying all along, beauty, especially female beauty, is not in the eye of the beholder. It is objectively measureable. And now, science is proving me right.

Studies have shown that there is surprising agreement about what makes a face attractive. Symmetry is at the core, along with youthfulness; clarity or smoothness of skin; and vivid color, say, in the eyes and hair. There is little dissent among people of different cultures, ethnicities, races, ages and gender.

Beauty is not only objective, it is universally agreed upon across cultures.

Yet, like the many other attempts to use objective principles or even mathematical formulas to define beauty, this software program raises what psychologists, philosophers and feminists say are complex, even disturbing, questions about the perception of beauty and a beauty ideal."
Beauty Is Not Mysterious
Beauty Is Not Mysterious

Note this from another study (my bolding) - beauty is not a social construct:

"A Daily Mail article (usually I’d say take the Mail with a flat of salt, but they did helpfully include sources so you could dig up the original study if you were so inclined) presents new research that female beauty has the same effect on male brains as cocaine. The study, conducted by Harvard University researchers, found the face of an attractive woman triggers the same reward centres in a man’s brain as [cocaine]. Test subjects were shown images of attractive females, and brain imaging scans revealed that reward circuitry fired off when they looked at comely faces. A prominent curved forehead, eyes, nose and mouth located relatively low, large eyes, round cheeks and a small chin were among the features men found most attractive.

A reader writes in response to the article: So, seeing this young lady’s face and body causes a cocaine-like effect on male viewers. We could show a large sample of men a large sample of images, and determine quantitatively how intense the response was. This would allow us to prove that beauty is not a social construct but is hardwired, and even to show which females have the goods, objectively. We could even show that fat females cause no brain squirt of coke-like nice-nice."

Ha well at least our philosophical meandering leads to sleep and relaxation (I hope).
We never discussed conventional beauty and I don’t subscribe to the idea of conventional beauty. Was it Hafiz who brought a dead flower to represent the most beautiful flower in his garden?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You said, "I don’t subscribe to the idea of conventional beauty." According to item below I copied/pasted, it appears there is an objective standard of beauty for women that crosses all cultures (my bolding):

"Which of these two women is more attractive? (UPDATE below.)


Reader “potato” sent me a link to a story in the New York Times about a new software program known as a “beautification engine”:

The photograph on the right was doctored by the “beautification engine” of a new computer program that uses a mathematical formula to alter the original form into a theoretically more attractive version, while maintaining what programmers call an “unmistakable similarity” to the original. […]

Scientists took the data and applied an algorithm involving 234 measurements between facial features, including the distances between lips and chin, the forehead and the eyes, or between the eyes.

Essentially, they trained a computer to determine, for each individual face, the most attractive set of distances and then choose the ideal closest to the original face.

If you are honest in your assessment and not trying to score dorm room debate points on your not-so-humble narrator, then I predict 95% of my readers, male and female, will agree that the girl on the right is more attractive. The two photos are of the same woman. The girl on the right has been “beautified” by the software algorithm.

As I have been saying all along, beauty, especially female beauty, is not in the eye of the beholder. It is objectively measureable. And now, science is proving me right.

Studies have shown that there is surprising agreement about what makes a face attractive. Symmetry is at the core, along with youthfulness; clarity or smoothness of skin; and vivid color, say, in the eyes and hair. There is little dissent among people of different cultures, ethnicities, races, ages and gender.

Beauty is not only objective, it is universally agreed upon across cultures.

Yet, like the many other attempts to use objective principles or even mathematical formulas to define beauty, this software program raises what psychologists, philosophers and feminists say are complex, even disturbing, questions about the perception of beauty and a beauty ideal."
Beauty Is Not Mysterious
Beauty Is Not Mysterious

Note this from another study (my bolding) - beauty is not a social construct:

"A Daily Mail article (usually I’d say take the Mail with a flat of salt, but they did helpfully include sources so you could dig up the original study if you were so inclined) presents new research that female beauty has the same effect on male brains as cocaine. The study, conducted by Harvard University researchers, found the face of an attractive woman triggers the same reward centres in a man’s brain as [cocaine]. Test subjects were shown images of attractive females, and brain imaging scans revealed that reward circuitry fired off when they looked at comely faces. A prominent curved forehead, eyes, nose and mouth located relatively low, large eyes, round cheeks and a small chin were among the features men found most attractive.

A reader writes in response to the article: So, seeing this young lady’s face and body causes a cocaine-like effect on male viewers. We could show a large sample of men a large sample of images, and determine quantitatively how intense the response was. This would allow us to prove that beauty is not a social construct but is hardwired, and even to show which females have the goods, objectively. We could even show that fat females cause no brain squirt of coke-like nice-nice."
If you want to read about fascistic conventions of human beauty then yea starting with the NYT is an excellent first step.


Jan 23, 2017
So the identical preferences of the vast majority of men-kind is, as you say, "fascistic"? And the NYT, owned by Jews, are primary purveyors of fascist conventions??? As my good friend xray peat says, "is that what you mean by "inspired and critically thought out?"

If you want to read about fascistic conventions of human beauty then yea starting with the NYT is an excellent first step.
Dec 25, 2014
Thank god and goddess I am pretty and understand the beauty in submissiveness (in judo the person on the bottom needs less force to overcome the person on the top)

I don't understand the beauty is submissiveness

Maybe you could enlighten me :kissingheart:
Dec 25, 2014
Talking about female beauty in the modern feminist West and to snap you out of your yawns, here's a nugget of insight you can ponder (my emphasis in bolded):

"As I’ve argued here before, female economic self-sufficiency like we have now in the West creates massive negative feedback loops in the Male Commitment-Female Commitment Worthiness relationship. And as williamK notes, female independence (in which women can feed, house, and clothe themselves) not only pushes women to emphasize fulfillment of their desire for sexy cads, but it pushes men to DE-EMPHASIZE their beta provider skills. Men don’t feel inspired to wife up self-sufficient women; men DO feel inspired to provide for and protect vulnerable women. And in en environment of female dependence, men will be careful to choose the prettiest women they can get, because they will be investing a lot in her. In contrast, an environment of female independence encourages men to spread their seed indiscriminately, because the pressure to provide for careergirl yaass queen shrikes has diminished. Executive summary: The West is currently selecting against the efflorescence of female Beauty and selecting FOR the effluvia of female Ugliness. Literally feminism means more ugly women and fewer beautiful women. Feminism is the ideology of Ugliness."

What Produces Female Beauty?
What Produces Female Beauty?

Ah yes hearstiststrwste

Truly one of the greatest thinkers of our generation

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
So the identical preferences of the vast majority of men-kind is, as you say, "fascistic"? And the NYT, owned by Jews, are primary purveyors of fascist conventions??? As my good friend xray peat says, "is that what you mean by "inspired and critically thought out?"
Leading German Journalist Admits CIA 'Bribed' Him and Other Leaders of the Western 'Press'

The New York Times and “disinformation”

Maybe you could borrow his xray machine? Or you guys could take a parachute to Germany and talk about all the things you have in common on your way there.


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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I don't understand the beauty is submissiveness

Maybe you could enlighten me :kissingheart:
If you’re on the bottom you need less physical force to rise up. The closer to the ground the more compact and forceful you are in terms of fighting or rising against the opponent.

Now in terms of romance well...I can’t imagine how boring all these missionizing men must be in bed...
Dec 25, 2014
If you’re on the bottom you need less physical force to rise up. The closer to the ground the more compact and forceful you are in terms of fighting or rising against the opponent.

Now in terms of romance well...I can’t imagine how boring all these missionizing men must be in bed...

Take it from me they're very boring

What they need is a hot little firecracker spice things up

Preferably eastern European
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