SPEAK THE TRUTH! And Redeem This World From Hell

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Re: Arabi, this is why female beauty is vitally important:

Female beauty is a central theme in Islam, which regards it as “the most direct visible manifestation of God's beauty, gentleness, mercy and forgiveness”. This theme is developed most famously in Islamic mysticism or Sufism. In her work The Mystical Dimensions of Islam, Annemarie Schimmel records the position of Ibn ʿArabī – who is generally regarded as the greatest Sufi – on “perceiving the divine through the medium of female beauty and seeing the female as the true revelation of God's mercy and creativity” as follows:

“The closing chapter of the Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam, that on the Prophet Muhammad, centers around the famous tradition according to which the Prophet was given a love for perfumes and women and joy in prayer. Thus, Ibn 'Arabī could defend the idea that 'love of women belongs to the perfection of the gnostics, for it is inherited from the Prophet and is a divine love' (R 480). Woman reveals, for Ibn Arabī, the secret of the compassionate God. The grammatical fact that the word dhāt, 'essence', is feminine offers Ibn Arabī different methods to discover this feminine element in God.” Women in Islam | Wikiwand

The best book ever written on sexual mysticism (my copy, which I read years ago, is highlighted with my comments and notes all over the place), is Julius Evola's The Metaphysics of Sex. Nothing better ever written on the topic, and he discusses Arabi's ideas about sacred, mystical sex.
Well I think we agree on a lot more than once presumed. I am led to believe you think post modern academic writing is a bunch of babble and to some extent it is like the literary oroborous but I will say that baudrillard makes a strong case for why hiding the female form and playing with revealing it is much more beautiful than liberation ( in his book Seduction, which was introduced by a female professor).
I just got Sufism & Taoism and am excited to begin it.

What do you think about the notion that ISIS is an ex KGB and CIA product of pseudo Marxist revolutionaries radicalized to play out a worldwide terror game? I don’t think ISIS has anything to do with Islam, but I also think the name in and of itself (Egyptian Mother goddess) is a major sort of mockery.


Jan 23, 2017
"we agree on a lot more than once presumed."
I thought we probably did agree on more from the get-go. Perhaps - maybe - the only significant difference is that while I don't ignore the abuses and dark side of institutional religion, I'm not - as you seem to be - willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Institutional religion has its place and real value, despite its dark side, which I would not want to minimize, but without it, there would be no "spirituality." Institutional and formal religion are like a river bed in a desert that gets no rain, and the only way to get water into the desert of this world is when water - spirit- flows through the riverbed (religion).

"I am led to believe you think post modern academic writing is a bunch of babble and to some extent it is like the literary oroborous."
Oh yes, I do. The books offer an interesting head trip at times, but if that's all they offer, head trips with little or no connection to reality, they will sooner or later, ironically, rot the brain.

"I just got Sufism & Taoism and am excited to begin it."
Great! I was just looking at my copy of it a couple of days ago.

"baudrillard makes a strong case for why hiding the female form and playing with revealing it is much more beautiful than liberation"
I agree with him, but he is not the first to notice this.

"What do you think about the notion that ISIS is an ex KGB and CIA product of pseudo Marxist revolutionaries radicalized to play out a worldwide terror game? I don’t think ISIS has anything to do with Islam, but I also think the name in and of itself (Egyptian Mother goddess) is a major sort of mockery."

Am not sure where you got this theory about KGB/CIA pseudo-revolutionaries, I never heard of it before. ISIS is a creation of the governments of the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, plus some minor contributions from other countries. See these excellent resources for proof or very compelling evidence:
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria

ISIS is a more grotesque, deeply ugly and even more savage and ignorant version of its predecessors, Wahhabism and Salafism, which themselves are demonic, fraudulent and horrific distortions of mainstream Islam. I'm no fan of misguided immigration policies that bring into the US Muslims who follow these execrable forms of Islam. If they just let in Sufis and genuinely sane Muslims, such as many I met in Turkey on various trips, I'd be all for it. Bringing in Wahahbis and Salafis is some type of suicide for the West.

Well I think we agree on a lot more than once presumed. I am led to believe you think post modern academic writing is a bunch of babble and to some extent it is like the literary oroborous but I will say that baudrillard makes a strong case for why hiding the female form and playing with revealing it is much more beautiful than liberation ( in his book Seduction, which was introduced by a female professor).
I just got Sufism & Taoism and am excited to begin it.

What do you think about the notion that ISIS is an ex KGB and CIA product of pseudo Marxist revolutionaries radicalized to play out a worldwide terror game? I don’t think ISIS has anything to do with Islam, but I also think the name in and of itself (Egyptian Mother goddess) is a major sort of mockery.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
"we agree on a lot more than once presumed."
I thought we probably did agree on more from the get-go. Perhaps - maybe - the only significant difference is that while I don't ignore the abuses and dark side of institutional religion, I'm not - as you seem to be - willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Institutional religion has its place and real value, despite its dark side, which I would not want to minimize, but without it, there would be no "spirituality." Institutional and formal religion are like a river bed in a desert that gets no rain, and the only way to get water into the desert of this world is when water - spirit- flows through the riverbed (religion).

"I am led to believe you think post modern academic writing is a bunch of babble and to some extent it is like the literary oroborous."
Oh yes, I do. The books offer an interesting head trip at times, but if that's all they offer, head trips with little or no connection to reality, they will sooner or later, ironically, rot the brain.

"I just got Sufism & Taoism and am excited to begin it."
Great! I was just looking at my copy of it a couple of days ago.

"baudrillard makes a strong case for why hiding the female form and playing with revealing it is much more beautiful than liberation"
I agree with him, but he is not the first to notice this.

"What do you think about the notion that ISIS is an ex KGB and CIA product of pseudo Marxist revolutionaries radicalized to play out a worldwide terror game? I don’t think ISIS has anything to do with Islam, but I also think the name in and of itself (Egyptian Mother goddess) is a major sort of mockery."

Am not sure where you got this theory about KGB/CIA pseudo-revolutionaries, I never heard of it before. ISIS is a creation of the governments of the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, plus some minor contributions from other countries. See these excellent resources for proof or very compelling evidence:
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria

ISIS is a more grotesque, deeply ugly and even more savage and ignorant version of its predecessors, Wahhabism and Salafism, which themselves are demonic, fraudulent and horrific distortions of mainstream Islam. I'm no fan of misguided immigration policies that bring into the US Muslims who follow these execrable forms of Islam. If they just let in Sufis and genuinely sane Muslims, such as many I met in Turkey on various trips, I'd be all for it. Bringing in Wahahbis and Salafis is some type of suicide for the West.
thanks badger I’ll look up wahahbis and salafis a bit later.
Well now I’m turning my par-annoya onto post structuralism and poetry as destroying and piercing the veil of all female mysteries. I think all women have is their mystery (all as in those mysteries are more than sufficiently “empowering”)


Jan 23, 2017
Eliade wrote on what he called "women's mysteries." Good one for that here:
Rites and Symbols of Initiation
"I think all women have is their mystery." Yes, and men too.

thanks badger I’ll look up wahahbis and salafis a bit later.
Well now I’m turning my par-annoya onto post structuralism and poetry as destroying and piercing the veil of all female mysteries. I think all women have is their mystery (all as in those mysteries are more than sufficiently “empowering”)

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Eliade wrote on what he called "women's mysteries." Good one for that here:
Rites and Symbols of Initiation
"I think all women have is their mystery." Yes, and men too.
will check it out, thank you.

i feel compelled to share a paragraph by Ray on the topic of metaphor. it makes me wonder about the writings of mystics and their use of mostly metaphorical language. it also makes me think about "dissociative disorders" and diagnoses such as schizophrenia, and the pathologies that come with "disordered speech or thinking", as well as delusions of grandiosity. i've often thought of psychiatry as a war against spirituality or intentionality in thought and experience.

Metaphoric thinking--using comparisons, models, or examples--is our natural way of gaining new understanding. Ordinary language, and culture, grow when insightful comparisons are generally adopted, extending the meaning of old categories. Although the free growth of insight and understanding might be the basic law of language and culture, we have no institutions that are amenable to that principle of free development of understanding. Institutions devoted to power and control are naturally hostile to the free development of ideas.



Jul 2, 2017
How much truth? What kind of socially-acceptable, politically-correct, non-offensive truth that won't land you in a government daycare facility? Truth-like and half-truth platitudes that distract from real, deeper truth which the majority can safely agree upon? "Truth" that's used to pacify the masses and keep them from prying into matters that are far beyond them? The truth that everyone already knows but doesn't feel the neurotic desire to confidently share unless it's fun and trending?
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2014
Henry Ford wrote a book called The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem, which can be found here:

Here's a quote from it:
“(...)the question of the Jews has come to the fore, but like other questions which lend themselves to prejudice, efforts will be made to hush it up as impolitic for open discussion. If, however, experience has taught us anything it is that questions thus suppressed will sooner or later break out in undesirable and unprofitable forms.”
- Henry Ford, The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem

And of course, it certainly doesn't mean it's true because he wrote the book, but since we cannot know for sure it's important to remain open to the possibility.

Interestingly, somebody wrote to my inbox the other day on this subject:
"Everyone says it's the Illuminati, Bilderbergers, communists, New World Order, elite, Israel, Zionists, deep state, etc. All those really mean, "It's the Jews who worship Lucifer." But if you say who is doing the evil, the ADL will attack you. Judaism follows the Talmud. The Talmud says it is okay for a Jew to kidnap, enslave, rape, sodomize, torture, kill, lie to, cheat, break a contract with, etc. a non-Jew. Not all Jews follow the Talmud, and not all Jews push for a New World Order. So it is not their race, but their religious and political agenda that is a problem. Jews worship Lucifer. The god of the Talmud is Lucifer."

View: https://twitter.com/bambkb/status/1766190540368863664?t=OsUvsOGvIaBpOmLcIRmjrA&s=19


Jan 23, 2017
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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