Spinal Infection Possibly E.Coli Please Help


Apr 5, 2016
Need treatment advice for a spinal infection that is possibly E-coli

A family member of mine was recently taken to the hospital after waking up with an agonoizing back and unable to move. He is currently in significantly less pain but after an MRI the doctor (who is one of the top neurological doctors in the country) believes that he has a bacterial infection in his spine that was probably caused by surgery he had recently. The surgery was unrelated to his spine but he had a UTI after surgery and they believe that it might be the cause of the spinal infection. They have had samples taken to see what it is but the doctor believes that it is likely e-coli.

Before this incident he woke up with a severely bad back about three months ago, this time he said he was very close to calling an ambulance also. I have a red light from red light man and I brought it round to his house, he placed it on his back for about ten minutes and immediately felt better and then a lot better soon after. However, a few days later whilst out on holiday his back was bad again and he was administered injections for the pain (I do not know if this included antibiotics but I do not think so). If the infection is e-coli I am not sure if LLLT is wise as this study shows that while LLLT helps fight some bacteria it actually increases the growth of e-coli in vitro, Effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) of 810 nm upon in vitro growth of bacteria: relevance of irradiance and radiant exposure. One thing to note, this study could have been wildly different if it was performed in-vivo and if anyone has a study that demonstrates LLLT fighting e-coli in-vivo please send it my way.

Before the MRI I was of the belief that his bad back was due to muscle wasting that had been caused by the Statins and warfarin that he is currently taken. I have been trying to get him off them for months but he is reluctant to come off these outright. I would assume that these two drugs could somehow be implicated in his infection as the lowering of Cholesterol reduces the bodies ability to fight off infection.

He has been told that he will likely need to go on antibiotics for a few weeks (I don't currently know which kind), aside from that what do you think would be good supplements/treatments that could aid in his recovery?

Also could you please send me any studies you might have to backup your recommendations because I'll have to convince his doctor not just him.

Many thanks.


Sep 19, 2016
Theres much to say as theyres many a solution, so ill just surmize things to a minimum with some advice id originally had given myself before going down the rabbit hole.

Structure and energy must be equal to grow.

Nutrition is to calories as diet and rest is equal to physical/mental exertion. To overdo one is to cause damage or atrophy.

Personally the idea that every situation requires a vastly different solution isnt very true in a lot of respects as they all stem from a very small list of issues fixed usually from various similar things.

Heres a little checklist to help you on your journey as im not sure how much youve read so far.

Going straight into sugar, uric acid, and co2 articles, and looking into interpreting bloodwork from a peat perspectibe would be great to do first before going down the list. (Take a lot of notes! This is self study.)

1) vitamins and minerals in proper forms (including salt in the form of sea instead of sodium chloride so on and so on and so forth)

Possibly reduce phosphorus and iron.

2) calories calories calories calories

3) Removal or limiting use of drugs such as cigarettes, and alcohol or atleast taking precaution such as using saturated fat to protect liver from alcohol, or more particularly coconut oil to help replace fatty lining of lungs (using ideally less than 1tbsp)

reducing vegetables and starches in exchange for fruits and sugars such as sucrose, honey, and maple syrup is more desirable in the case of compromised health as to avoid causing gut inflammation.

Removal of compounds that increase serotonin/ NO/ Acetylcholine

Reduction of polyunsaturated fats. (And keeping fats low in general)

<hopping into metabolic enhancment and advanced forms of therapy without regard to diet and proper nutrition will lead to stressful reactions and leaving one worse off in most cases. But if covered adequately and jumped into slowly;>

4) Metabolic enhancment in the form of coffee, aspirin, and sugar (clean calories requiring adequate nutrition from step one if used)

5) Exogenous hormones such as progesterone for women, and a high ratio of pregnenolone to low dhea for men/very active women. (Basically downstream products of vitamin a, e, and cholesterol which is normal otherwise with proper nutrition and prior steps unless of older age such as 50>)

5) advanced methods of therapy; CO2, Red light/ light therapy in general, cyproheptadine

A lot of people including myself started from the end and go straight to pregnenolone and red light and such, but to do that will really mess up and confuse results at times.. especially since these things are complicated; atleast to me.

Best of luck to your friend, and hoping for a quick recovery.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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