SSRI Drugs Linked To At Least 28 Murders, Including Mass Shootings In USA


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I posted a number of threads on the dangerous "side" effects of the SSRI class of drugs. The reason I put "side" in quotes is that considering their pro-serotonergic profile these are not really side effects but expected results along the main known mechanism of action of those drugs. Serotonin has been known to cause psychosis and homicidal/suicidal behavior for almost a century, but only now its role is beginning to be taken seriously given the recent wave of mass shootings. The article below only quotes the Colorado mass shooting but I suspect in most/all cases involving mass shootings in the USA and the Western world (i.e Norway, UK, etc) the perpetrator was on at least one mind altering drug (usually of the SSRI kind or a dopamine antagonist with similar effects).

The FULL lowdown on new BBC documentary A Prescription For Murder

"...England’s most popular antidepressants have been linked to at least 28 murders, an investigation reveals. It also uncovered a further 32 reports of users suffering from murderous thoughts since the 1980s. National Health Service medics dole out more than 40 million prescriptions for SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) annually. Prozac and Paxill are two of the most popular brand-name SSRIs."

"...The BBC turned its investigation into a documentary called “A Prescription for Murder?” which focuses on Aurora, Colorado theater killer James Holmes, who murdered 12 people and injured another 70 in 2012. He had been taking sertraline, an SSRI, for anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Psychiatrist Professor David Healy, who was an adviser to Holmes’s defense team, said: “I believe if he hadn’t taken the sertraline he wouldn’t have murdered anyone.”

Sunny Jack

Mar 24, 2017
I must admit I was surprised to read the BBC article on James Holmes yesterday, and see the dangers of SSRIs discussed so openly. The antidepressant, anti-anxiety drug he was prescribed did seem to only worsen his mania. He became more 'confident' by becoming more numb to feelings, for example texting inappropriately suggestive comments to a female classmate. I think some SSRIs do seem to have the effect of almost demonic possession on sone people. Like there is a part of our brains that operates on pure darkness, a kind of mirthless, manic evil, which is activated by excess serotonin supplementation. A number of people.have noticed almost all of these modern 'random' killers have been on, or have suddenly stopped taking, antidepressants.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm beginning to see this most vile side of serotonin. This is the drug of learned helplessness, and very much of hopelessness as well. So many drugs in use produce serotonin that I just wonder WTF is wrong with the system. As long as drugs are manufacture that make people manufacture violence, there will always be a police state to keep us safe. And we will be eternally thankful to our protectors. Sigh.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I must admit I was surprised to read the BBC article on James Holmes yesterday, and see the dangers of SSRIs discussed so openly. The antidepressant, anti-anxiety drug he was prescribed did seem to only worsen his mania. He became more 'confident' by becoming more numb to feelings, for example texting inappropriately suggestive comments to a female classmate. I think some SSRIs do seem to have the effect of almost demonic possession on sone people. Like there is a part of our brains that operates on pure darkness, a kind of mirthless, manic evil, which is activated by excess serotonin supplementation. A number of people.have noticed almost all of these modern 'random' killers have been on, or have suddenly stopped taking, antidepressants.

Not sure if you saw this other post, but it fits the narrative perfectly.
SSRI Drugs Impair Judgment, Wisdom, Understanding, Love And Empathy


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm beginning to see this most vile side of serotonin. This is the drug of learned helplessness, and very much of hopelessness as well. So many drugs in use produce serotonin that I just wonder WTF is wrong with the system. As long as drugs are manufacture that make people manufacture violence, there will always be a police state to keep us safe. And we will be eternally thankful to our protectors. Sigh.

I think at this point it is not being done on purpose. Even the people in power gobble up SSRI, PPI, and finasteride like candy. Peat said once that the Western world may reach a tipping point where people in it becomes so dumb from PUFA and drug exposure that they won't be able to hurt the rest of the world and will turn on each other. Maybe that point has been reached already...


Sep 3, 2017
Re: SSRI drugs from Thorburn Addiction Report April/May 2007

An Addict's Rage--Mass Murderer Cho

Until recently I often said, "Not every mass murderer in U.S. history has been an alcohol or other-drug addict. For example, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh may not have been one. On the other hand, I wouldn't be shocked. By far the vast majority, no doubt, have been addicts."

I was wrong. An astute reader passed along a link with brief biographies of the three main perpetrators of the bombing, which disavowed me of the notion that McVeigh was the exception to the rule. Most interesting is that the biography of McVeigh includes no mention of drug use--more evidence that biographers lack an understanding of the importance of addiction in explaining the behavior of their subjects. Instead, the fifth paragraph in the biography of Michael Fortier, who was aware of the plot and turned state's witness, mentions that "Fortier, a heavy drug user, introduced McVeigh to marijuana and crystal meth." The prosecutor in McVeigh's trial didn't ask about drug use until 3/4ths of the way into the trial testimony, which runs over 71 pages when pasted into a Word document (page 56 for anyone inclined to cut and paste).

Bizarre behaviors, "barely concealed" anger, incoherent statements, rambling writings, blaming others for problems, false accusations, anti-social classroom behavior, violence and the singular statement, "You made me do this!" are each in themselves superb behavioral indications of alcohol or other-drug addiction. A compelling case for addiction can be made when all of these are found in one individual who happens to be on numerous prescription medicines. Yet, not one pundit, talk show host or caller-in to such shows I heard suggested the possibility that the root cause of mass murderer Cho Seung-Hui's anger might be drug addiction. Instead one talking head after another said he was "mentally ill."

Mental illness in itself usually is not an adequate explanation as the primary cause of tragedy. In arguably most cases something goes haywire in the brain that sets off what appears to be a mental illness, or triggers one. When practicing addicts are given the psychological test known as the MMPI, they usually score high on the sociopathic deviancy scale or can be diagnosed as having another Personality Disorder such as Narcissism. After only a few months of sobriety few of those formerly identified as having a Disorder can be so pegged, proving that most such Disorders are manifestations of an underlying psychotropic drug addiction. (You'll find a lot more on this and related topics in my books, especially Chapter 5 of Drunks, Drugs & Debits under the heading "Addiction and therapists," and Myth # 64: "Personality Disorders are more common than alcoholism" in Alcoholism Myths and Realities.)

Some of the behavioral indications of problems-to-come in the case of Cho are now legend, including those cited above. But a few would have been more troubling to the addiction-aware than to others. His writings were so twisted and filled with profanities and macabre violence that they horrified other students. It's no coincidence that many of the greatest horror writers, including Edgar Alan Poe and Stephen King, were alcoholics (with King reportedly in recovery). Who other than an addict could drum up a Jack Torrance (played by Jack Nicholson) in The Shining? And Cho reportedly never removed his sunglasses, even indoors. What drug or drugs might we have identified based on pupil size? Unfortunately, Virginia Tech has so far remained silent on what medicines Cho may have been prescribed due to "privacy" concerns, which is incredible considering he is a mass murderer and dead.

The New York Times
reported that prescription medicines were found among Cho's effects, in particular anti-depressants, which contrary to some are unlikely to impel violent behavior by themselves. The odds are there were other drugs on board, even if alcohol was not among them. (Unfortunately because the Virginia Office of the State Medical Examiner will not release the toxicology report or autopsy results we may never have proof one way or the other.) Bob Unruh's article entitled, "Are meds to blame for Cho's rampage?" [click here], is typical in suggesting that anti-depressants cause some people to commit mass murder, listing a plethora of school shootings in which the perpetrator was on one or more of these drugs, including Luvox and Prozac (SSRI's, or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, a class that also includes Paxil and Zoloft). However, while it's possible that anti-depressants in some act as psychotropics (and far more likely that they may trigger violent rage when used in conjunction with other drugs), he misses the boat in omitting the fact that of 20 school shooters listed, at least eight were heavy alcohol users (i.e., alcoholics--and not mentioned by him) or on Xanax or Valium (alcohol in pill form for the alcoholic). He mentions that another three were on Ritalin, a form of speed used by many addicts including actress Judy Garland, as if it were just another anti-depressant. A 12th was described as being on "a variety of prescriptions" and at least seven more were easily old enough to be using alcohol.

Unruh completely ignores alcohol as a precipitator of violence in several very obvious cases. He writes, "Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old of Springfield, Ore., in 1998 murdered his parents and proceeded to his high school where he went on a rampage killing two students and wounding 22 others. Kinkel had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin." However, among Kinkel's ramblings, we find a tell-all passage unmentioned by Unruh: "Today of all days, I ask her to help me. I was shot down. I feel like my heart has been ripped open and ripped apart. Right now, I'm drunk, so I don't know what the hell is happening to me." Bear in mind that due to potentiation, a small dose of any of two or more psychotropic drugs, including Ritalin and alcohol, is all that's needed for one heck of a high.

In citing Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, responsible for the Columbine school massacre in Littleton, Colorado in 1999, Unruh writes, "Harris had been taking Luvox," as if that might be the sole cause of the tragedy that followed. He failed to mention that Harris had also been consuming plenty of liquor and that his favorite drugs were vodka and whiskey. Unruh follows up his list of 20 school-related killings with nine more gruesome examples of murderers, including Dr. Deborah Green who in 1995 set her home on fire, killing her two young children while on "four medications including Prozac." Unruh ignores Dr. Green's own court testimony of heavy alcohol use that helped “set the stage for this tragedy." He also implies that Prozac impelled Kurt Danysh,18, to murder his father in commenting that the murder occurred just "17 days after his first dose." He overlooked a psychiatrist's testimony that Danysh "had a history of drug abuse" and had admitted to using marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens.

I don't mean to pick on Bob Unruh. He is, however, a typical example of a reporter who seemingly hasn't a glimmer of understanding of the importance of the drug alcohol or its real look-alikes (not the anti-depressants) in explaining mass murder. Since 80-90% of convicts are alcohol or other-drug addicts and it's so darned difficult to obtain actual evidence of use even on the Internet, the idea that only 11 of 20 mass murderers were such addicts stretches credulity. If journalists understood the role of alcoholism in such stories, they would look for it--and report it in the 1st paragraph rather than the 27th, if at all. If we don't suspect alcohol or other-drug addiction, we never find it. Suspicion in the case of mass murderers is essential if we are to understand the root cause of such tragic acts. And understanding the cause is half the solution.

Postcript: I have previously (September-October 2006 and August 2005) argued the likelihood that suicide bombers--mass murderers of a different stripe--are high on a cocktail of drugs. This includes an amphetamine-tranquilizer combo given to children as young as seven in Sierra Leone's civil war to turn them into little killing machines. Hitler used amphetamines and barbiturates. Uppers and downers, especially in combination, can really mess up a brain.


Jul 13, 2014
I posted a number of threads on the dangerous "side" effects of the SSRI class of drugs. The reason I put "side" in quotes is that considering their pro-serotonergic profile these are not really side effects but expected results along the main known mechanism of action of those drugs. Serotonin has been known to cause psychosis and homicidal/suicidal behavior for almost a century, but only now its role is beginning to be taken seriously given the recent wave of mass shootings. The article below only quotes the Colorado mass shooting but I suspect in most/all cases involving mass shootings in the USA and the Western world (i.e Norway, UK, etc) the perpetrator was on at least one mind altering drug (usually of the SSRI kind or a dopamine antagonist with similar effects).

The FULL lowdown on new BBC documentary A Prescription For Murder

"...England’s most popular antidepressants have been linked to at least 28 murders, an investigation reveals. It also uncovered a further 32 reports of users suffering from murderous thoughts since the 1980s. National Health Service medics dole out more than 40 million prescriptions for SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) annually. Prozac and Paxill are two of the most popular brand-name SSRIs."

"...The BBC turned its investigation into a documentary called “A Prescription for Murder?” which focuses on Aurora, Colorado theater killer James Holmes, who murdered 12 people and injured another 70 in 2012. He had been taking sertraline, an SSRI, for anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Psychiatrist Professor David Healy, who was an adviser to Holmes’s defense team, said: “I believe if he hadn’t taken the sertraline he wouldn’t have murdered anyone.”
after the most recent shooting even Joe Rogan is saying SSRI's and big pharma are primarily to blame !!


Mar 29, 2016
Ban psychiatry and their drugs. Better to be a Scientologist!

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
This is an old thread. I am wondering if the media has been controlled not to report on the SSRI connection. Although I did find this recent story.

If the SSRI connection if real (and I think it is), then as more people lose their jobs and health insurance one might expect that the current rise in mass shootings to continue.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is an old thread. I am wondering if the media has been controlled not to report on the SSRI connection. Although I did find this recent story.

If the SSRI connection if real (and I think it is), then as more people lose their jobs and health insurance one might expect that the current rise in mass shootings to continue.

Yep, there is a well-documented link between economic downturns and violence. However, I think in this case the shootings would continue because SSRI drug usage will increase, not decrease. If someone is on antidepressants, most states have plans that allows the person to get "lifesaving" drugs even if they are unemployed/poor for a long time. So the (worsening) depression from the economic downturn combined with continued SSRI usage is just a recipe for disaster. To make matters worse, more often than not psychiatrists would increase the dosage of the SSRI if they think the person is worsening or not responding properly. It would be quite eye-opening to see a study not only on how many violent offenders and/or mass shooters were on psychotropic drugs, but how many got their doses increased shortly before committing those acts of violence. If the results of such a study show what I expect, it legally cements the case of Big Pharma being direct accessory to murder or whatever crime the person on those drugs committed.


Apr 17, 2017

School Shootings​




The Story

School ShootingProzac WITHDRAWAL2008-02-15Illinois** 6 Dead: 15 Wounded: Perpetrator Was in Withdrawal from Med & Acting Erratically
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant2005-03-24Minnesota**10 Dead: 7 Wounded: Dosage Increased One Week before Rampage
School ShootingPaxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant2001-03-10Pennsylvania**14 Year Old GIRL Shoots & Wounds Classmate at Catholic School
School ShootingZoloft Antidepressant & ADHD Med2011-07-11Alabama**14 Year Old Kills Fellow Middle School Student
School ShootingZoloft Antidepressant1995-10-12South Carolina**15 Year Old Shoots Two Teachers, Killing One: Then Kills Himself
School ShootingMed For Depression2009-03-13Germany**16 Dead Including Shooter: Antidepressant Use: Shooter in Treatment For Depression
School Hostage SituationMed For Depression2010-12-15France**17 Year Old with Sword Holds 20 Children & Teacher Hostage
School Shooting PlotMed For Depression WITHDRAWAL2008-08-28Texas**18 Year Old Plots a Columbine School Attack
School ShootingAnafranil Antidepressant1988-05-20Illinois**29 Year Old WOMAN Kills One Child: Wounds Five: Kills Self
School ShootingLuvox/Zoloft Antidepressants1999-04-20Colorado**COLUMBINE: 15 Dead: 24 Wounded
School StabbingsAntidepressants2001-06-09Japan**Eight Dead: 15 Wounded: Assailant Had Taken 10 Times his Normal Dose of Depression Med
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL1998-05-21Oregon**Four Dead: Twenty Injured
School StabbingMed For Depression2011-10-25Washington**Girl, 15, Stabs Two Girls in School Restroom: 1 Is In Critical Condition
School ShootingAntidepressant2006-09-30Colorado**Man Assaults Girls: Kills One & Self
School Machete AttackMed for Depression2001-09-26Pennsylvania**Man Attacks 11 Children & 3 Teachers at Elementary School
School Shooting RelatedLuvox1993-07-23Florida**Man Commits Murder During Clinical Trial for Luvox: Same Drug as in COLUMBINE: Never Reported
School Hostage SituationCymbalta Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL2009-11-09New York**Man With Gun Inside School Holds Principal Hostage
School ShootingAntidepressants1992-09-20Texas**Man, Angry Over Daughter’s Report Card, Shoots 14 Rounds inside Elementary School
School ShootingSSRI2010-02-19Finland**On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself
School Shooting ThreatMed for Depression*2004-10-19New Jersey**Over-Medicated Teen Brings Loaded Handguns to School
School ShootingAntidepressant?2007-04-18Virginia**Possible SSRI Use: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech
School ShootingAntidepressant?2002-01-17Virginia**Possible SSRI Withdrawal Mania: 3 Dead at Law School
School Incident/BizarreZoloft*2010-08-22Australia**School Counselor Exhibits Bizarre Behavior: Became Manic On Zoloft
School/AssaultAntidepressant2009-11-04California**School Custodian Assaults Student & Principal: Had Manic Reaction From Depression Med
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant1992-01-30Michigan**School Teacher Shoots & Kills His Superintendent at School
School Shooting ThreatsCelexa Antidepressant2010-01-25Virginia**Senior in High School Theatens to Kill 4 Classmates: Facebook Involved: Bail Denied
School Violence/MurderAntidepressants*1998-05-04New York**Sheriff’s Deputy Shoots his Wife in an Elementary School
School Knifing/MurderMeds For Depression & ADHD2010-04-28Massachusetts**Sixteen Year Old Kills 15 Year Old in High School Bathroom in Sept. 2009
School StabbingWellbutrin2006-12-04Indiana**Stabbing by 17 Year Old At High School: Charged with Attempted Murder
School ThreatAntidepressants2007-04-23Mississippi**Student Arrested for Making School Threat Over Internet
School SuspensionLexapro Antidepressant2007-07-28Arkansas**Student Has 11 Incidents with Police During his 16 Months on Lexapro
School ShootingAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2007-11-07Finland**Student Kills 8: Wounds 10: Kills Self: High School in Finland
School ShootingPaxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant2004-02-09New York**Student Shoots Teacher in Leg at School
School ThreatProzac Antidepressant2008-01-25Washington**Student Takes Loaded Shotgun & 3 Rifles to School Parking Lot: Plans Suicide
School Shooting PlotMed For Depression1998-12-01Wisconsin**Teen Accused of Plotting to Gun Down Students at School
School/AssaultZoloft Antidepressant2006-02-15Tennessee**Teen Attacks Teacher at School
School Shooting ThreatAntidepressant1999-04-16Idaho**Teen Fires Gun in School
School Hostage SituationPaxil & Effexor Antidepressants2001-04-15Washington**Teen Holds Classmates Hostage with a Gun
School Hostage SituationAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2006-11-28North Carolina**Teen Holds Teacher & Student Hostage with Gun
School Knife AttackMed for Depression2006-12-06Indiana**Teen Knife Attacks Fellow Student
School Massacre PlotProzac Withdrawal2011-02-23Virginia**Teen Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Columbine Style Plot
School ShootingCelexa & Effexor Antidepressants2001-04-19California**Teen Shoots at Classmates in School
School ShootingCelexa Antidepressant2006-08-30North Carolina**Teen Shoots at Two Students: Kills his Father: Celexa Found Among his Personal Effects
School ShootingMeds For Depression & ADHD2011-03-18South Carolina**Teen Shoots School Official: Pipe Bombs Found in Backpack
School Shooting ThreatAntidepressant2003-05-31Michigan**Teen Threatens School Shooting: Charge is Terrorism
School Stand-OffZoloft Antidepressant1998-04-13Idaho**Teen [14 Years Old] in School Holds Police At Bay: Fires Shots
School ShootingAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2007-10-12Ohio**Teen [14 Years Old] School Shooter Possibly on Antidepressants or In Withdrawal
School ThreatAntidepressants2008-03-20Indiana**Teen [16 Years Old] Brings Gun to School: There Is a Lockdown
School Suicide/LockdownMed For Depression2008-02-20Idaho**Teen [16 Years Old] Kills Self at High School: Lockdown by Police
School ThreatsProzac Antidepressant1999-10-19Florida**Teen [16 Years Old] Threatens Classmates With Knife & Fake Explosives
School StabbingMed For Depression2008-02-29Texas**Teen [17 Year Old GIRL] Stabs Friend & Principal at High School
School Hostage SituationProzac/ Paxil Antidepressants2001-01-18California**Teen [17 Years Old] Takes Girl Hostage at School: He is Killed by Police
School Knife AttackTreatment For Depression & Strattera2009-03-10Belgium**Three Dead in School Day Care: Two Children & a Caregiver: Happened Jan 23, 2009
School Shooting PlotAntidepressants2009-09-22England**Two English School Boys Plot to Blow Up High School
School Arson IncidentsPaxil2002-04-12Michigan**Unusual Personality Change on Paxil Caused 15 Year Old to Set Fires inside High School
School Bomb ThreatMed For Depression2009-06-29Australia**Vexed Father Makes Bomb Threat Against Elementary School
School ViolenceAntidepressant2005-11-19Arizona**Violent 8 Year Old GIRL Handcuffed by Police at School
School ViolenceCelexa Antidepressant2002-01-23Florida**Violent 8 Year-Old Boy Arrested At School
School Threat/LockdownLexapro*2008-04-18California**Violent High School Student Shot to Death on Campus by Police
School / Child EndangermentAntidepressants2008-02-27Canada**Wacky School Bus Driver Goes Berserk: Also Involved Painkillers
School ViolencePaxil2004-10-23Washington DC**Young Boy, 10 Year Old, Has Violent Incidents at School
School ThreatWellbutrin Antidepressant2007-04-24Tennessee**Young Boy, 12, Threatens to Shoot Others at School
School Hostage SituationMed for Depression2006-03-09France**Young Ex-Teacher Holds 21 Students Hostage
School Shooting/SuicideCelexa2002-10-07Texas**Young Girl [13 Years Old] Kills Self at School With a Gun
School Hostage SituationPaxil2001-10-12North Carolina**Young Man Holds Three People Hostage in Duke University President’s Office
School Murder AttemptMed For Depression1995-03-04California**Young Woman Deliberately Hits 3 Kids with Her Car at Elementary School: Laughed During Attack

PHARMACIST COMMENT: “The symptoms I see in patients who abuse serotonergic drugs of any form. ..could aptly be described as the “Hitler syndrome” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). I feel that in twenty years or less we will be confronted not with one Hitler but with thousands or millions… numbers so great that we will be forced to interact with their distorted thinking on a daily basis. (Littleton, CO. Riverton,KS., Jonesboro, AR., eventually little Hitlers in every town in America will grow up into BIG HITLERS) It is happening right now.

The most insidious factor about long-term serotonin abuse is that it enhances the individuals persona to the point that they are able to manipulate others into their way of thinking just as Hitler did. This causes the distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and loss of morality to spread like a contagion to otherwise normal people who have not even been exposed to the drugs. Those on the drugs are converted by the pharmacologic/physiologic processes into sociopathic demagogues.

Do you have any comments on these thoughts, Ann? Please respond. Tell me we are not the only ones who see what is happening to our world!”



May 26, 2021
Several of my friends have started taking these over the last year. The worst part is their inability to see their behavior changing.


Sep 3, 2017

School Shootings​




The Story

School ShootingProzac WITHDRAWAL2008-02-15Illinois** 6 Dead: 15 Wounded: Perpetrator Was in Withdrawal from Med & Acting Erratically
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant2005-03-24Minnesota**10 Dead: 7 Wounded: Dosage Increased One Week before Rampage
School ShootingPaxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant2001-03-10Pennsylvania**14 Year Old GIRL Shoots & Wounds Classmate at Catholic School
School ShootingZoloft Antidepressant & ADHD Med2011-07-11Alabama**14 Year Old Kills Fellow Middle School Student
School ShootingZoloft Antidepressant1995-10-12South Carolina**15 Year Old Shoots Two Teachers, Killing One: Then Kills Himself
School ShootingMed For Depression2009-03-13Germany**16 Dead Including Shooter: Antidepressant Use: Shooter in Treatment For Depression
School Hostage SituationMed For Depression2010-12-15France**17 Year Old with Sword Holds 20 Children & Teacher Hostage
School Shooting PlotMed For Depression WITHDRAWAL2008-08-28Texas**18 Year Old Plots a Columbine School Attack
School ShootingAnafranil Antidepressant1988-05-20Illinois**29 Year Old WOMAN Kills One Child: Wounds Five: Kills Self
School ShootingLuvox/Zoloft Antidepressants1999-04-20Colorado**COLUMBINE: 15 Dead: 24 Wounded
School StabbingsAntidepressants2001-06-09Japan**Eight Dead: 15 Wounded: Assailant Had Taken 10 Times his Normal Dose of Depression Med
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL1998-05-21Oregon**Four Dead: Twenty Injured
School StabbingMed For Depression2011-10-25Washington**Girl, 15, Stabs Two Girls in School Restroom: 1 Is In Critical Condition
School ShootingAntidepressant2006-09-30Colorado**Man Assaults Girls: Kills One & Self
School Machete AttackMed for Depression2001-09-26Pennsylvania**Man Attacks 11 Children & 3 Teachers at Elementary School
School Shooting RelatedLuvox1993-07-23Florida**Man Commits Murder During Clinical Trial for Luvox: Same Drug as in COLUMBINE: Never Reported
School Hostage SituationCymbalta Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL2009-11-09New York**Man With Gun Inside School Holds Principal Hostage
School ShootingAntidepressants1992-09-20Texas**Man, Angry Over Daughter’s Report Card, Shoots 14 Rounds inside Elementary School
School ShootingSSRI2010-02-19Finland**On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself
School Shooting ThreatMed for Depression*2004-10-19New Jersey**Over-Medicated Teen Brings Loaded Handguns to School
School ShootingAntidepressant?2007-04-18Virginia**Possible SSRI Use: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech
School ShootingAntidepressant?2002-01-17Virginia**Possible SSRI Withdrawal Mania: 3 Dead at Law School
School Incident/BizarreZoloft*2010-08-22Australia**School Counselor Exhibits Bizarre Behavior: Became Manic On Zoloft
School/AssaultAntidepressant2009-11-04California**School Custodian Assaults Student & Principal: Had Manic Reaction From Depression Med
School ShootingProzac Antidepressant1992-01-30Michigan**School Teacher Shoots & Kills His Superintendent at School
School Shooting ThreatsCelexa Antidepressant2010-01-25Virginia**Senior in High School Theatens to Kill 4 Classmates: Facebook Involved: Bail Denied
School Violence/MurderAntidepressants*1998-05-04New York**Sheriff’s Deputy Shoots his Wife in an Elementary School
School Knifing/MurderMeds For Depression & ADHD2010-04-28Massachusetts**Sixteen Year Old Kills 15 Year Old in High School Bathroom in Sept. 2009
School StabbingWellbutrin2006-12-04Indiana**Stabbing by 17 Year Old At High School: Charged with Attempted Murder
School ThreatAntidepressants2007-04-23Mississippi**Student Arrested for Making School Threat Over Internet
School SuspensionLexapro Antidepressant2007-07-28Arkansas**Student Has 11 Incidents with Police During his 16 Months on Lexapro
School ShootingAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2007-11-07Finland**Student Kills 8: Wounds 10: Kills Self: High School in Finland
School ShootingPaxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant2004-02-09New York**Student Shoots Teacher in Leg at School
School ThreatProzac Antidepressant2008-01-25Washington**Student Takes Loaded Shotgun & 3 Rifles to School Parking Lot: Plans Suicide
School Shooting PlotMed For Depression1998-12-01Wisconsin**Teen Accused of Plotting to Gun Down Students at School
School/AssaultZoloft Antidepressant2006-02-15Tennessee**Teen Attacks Teacher at School
School Shooting ThreatAntidepressant1999-04-16Idaho**Teen Fires Gun in School
School Hostage SituationPaxil & Effexor Antidepressants2001-04-15Washington**Teen Holds Classmates Hostage with a Gun
School Hostage SituationAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2006-11-28North Carolina**Teen Holds Teacher & Student Hostage with Gun
School Knife AttackMed for Depression2006-12-06Indiana**Teen Knife Attacks Fellow Student
School Massacre PlotProzac Withdrawal2011-02-23Virginia**Teen Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Columbine Style Plot
School ShootingCelexa & Effexor Antidepressants2001-04-19California**Teen Shoots at Classmates in School
School ShootingCelexa Antidepressant2006-08-30North Carolina**Teen Shoots at Two Students: Kills his Father: Celexa Found Among his Personal Effects
School ShootingMeds For Depression & ADHD2011-03-18South Carolina**Teen Shoots School Official: Pipe Bombs Found in Backpack
School Shooting ThreatAntidepressant2003-05-31Michigan**Teen Threatens School Shooting: Charge is Terrorism
School Stand-OffZoloft Antidepressant1998-04-13Idaho**Teen [14 Years Old] in School Holds Police At Bay: Fires Shots
School ShootingAntidepressant WITHDRAWAL2007-10-12Ohio**Teen [14 Years Old] School Shooter Possibly on Antidepressants or In Withdrawal
School ThreatAntidepressants2008-03-20Indiana**Teen [16 Years Old] Brings Gun to School: There Is a Lockdown
School Suicide/LockdownMed For Depression2008-02-20Idaho**Teen [16 Years Old] Kills Self at High School: Lockdown by Police
School ThreatsProzac Antidepressant1999-10-19Florida**Teen [16 Years Old] Threatens Classmates With Knife & Fake Explosives
School StabbingMed For Depression2008-02-29Texas**Teen [17 Year Old GIRL] Stabs Friend & Principal at High School
School Hostage SituationProzac/ Paxil Antidepressants2001-01-18California**Teen [17 Years Old] Takes Girl Hostage at School: He is Killed by Police
School Knife AttackTreatment For Depression & Strattera2009-03-10Belgium**Three Dead in School Day Care: Two Children & a Caregiver: Happened Jan 23, 2009
School Shooting PlotAntidepressants2009-09-22England**Two English School Boys Plot to Blow Up High School
School Arson IncidentsPaxil2002-04-12Michigan**Unusual Personality Change on Paxil Caused 15 Year Old to Set Fires inside High School
School Bomb ThreatMed For Depression2009-06-29Australia**Vexed Father Makes Bomb Threat Against Elementary School
School ViolenceAntidepressant2005-11-19Arizona**Violent 8 Year Old GIRL Handcuffed by Police at School
School ViolenceCelexa Antidepressant2002-01-23Florida**Violent 8 Year-Old Boy Arrested At School
School Threat/LockdownLexapro*2008-04-18California**Violent High School Student Shot to Death on Campus by Police
School / Child EndangermentAntidepressants2008-02-27Canada**Wacky School Bus Driver Goes Berserk: Also Involved Painkillers
School ViolencePaxil2004-10-23Washington DC**Young Boy, 10 Year Old, Has Violent Incidents at School
School ThreatWellbutrin Antidepressant2007-04-24Tennessee**Young Boy, 12, Threatens to Shoot Others at School
School Hostage SituationMed for Depression2006-03-09France**Young Ex-Teacher Holds 21 Students Hostage
School Shooting/SuicideCelexa2002-10-07Texas**Young Girl [13 Years Old] Kills Self at School With a Gun
School Hostage SituationPaxil2001-10-12North Carolina**Young Man Holds Three People Hostage in Duke University President’s Office
School Murder AttemptMed For Depression1995-03-04California**Young Woman Deliberately Hits 3 Kids with Her Car at Elementary School: Laughed During Attack

PHARMACIST COMMENT: “The symptoms I see in patients who abuse serotonergic drugs of any form. ..could aptly be described as the “Hitler syndrome” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). I feel that in twenty years or less we will be confronted not with one Hitler but with thousands or millions… numbers so great that we will be forced to interact with their distorted thinking on a daily basis. (Littleton, CO. Riverton,KS., Jonesboro, AR., eventually little Hitlers in every town in America will grow up into BIG HITLERS) It is happening right now.

The most insidious factor about long-term serotonin abuse is that it enhances the individuals persona to the point that they are able to manipulate others into their way of thinking just as Hitler did. This causes the distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and loss of morality to spread like a contagion to otherwise normal people who have not even been exposed to the drugs. Those on the drugs are converted by the pharmacologic/physiologic processes into sociopathic demagogues.

Do you have any comments on these thoughts, Ann? Please respond. Tell me we are not the only ones who see what is happening to our world!”

11-12 is around the age life-long alcoholics start using, which can easily lead to symptoms of depression, since alcohol is a depressant. One of the Columbine shooters email handles was 'vodka' - Because they're juveniles subject to privacy laws, and because of HIPAA, we may never know the full picture. re the school bus driver - I worked as one for 11 years - enough of them are alcoholic (and that includes the staff managing, at least where I worked - fairly common). Many are retirement age and possibly on painkillers.
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