Stop recommending Ivermectin, it inhibits Importin α/β, an esential protein for cellular processes


Sep 15, 2017
Before jumping on any experimental prophylaxis protocol for C0V1D I think its important to take into consideration the actual mortality rate of C0V1D for anyone below the age of 65, especially if marginally healthy.

All this talk about prophylaxis protocols for something arguably on par with the flu in that demographic. Prior to this C0V1D situation everyone was just fine taking vit C, zinc, Vit D3, olive leaf, elderberry, etc. for the flu and colds prophylactically, if they even did that. Now we supposedly need to take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, claritin, famotidine, and other drugs mentioned in the flemming protocol for something seemingly on par with regular flu and colds, I dont get it?

I'd say more pertinent topics to focus on would be:
•the regulatory measures being imposed around this C0V1D situation
• the degredation of the food supply
• the implosion of supply chains
• the coming collapse of "wall street" and shift to federal reserve digital currencies
• the already collapsed "main street"
• the wiping out of the middle class and small business
• the absolute decimation of rationale discourse online and elsewhere
• the blatant distortion of culture, intersexual dynamics, the family structure, and the economy
• the brewing race, and culture wars being stirred up and antagonized by our own governments.
• the cyber attacks being perpetrated by our own governments to shut down our infrastructures
• the massive increases of actual diseases across all generations including the young
• the absolute garbage mental frameworks being injected into childrens minds by the school systems
• the declining birth rates and increased infertility

I won't be making any statements on the vaccine besides to do your own research there.


Nov 22, 2017
You guys have no idea how ivermectin works or what importin even does in cells and yet your recommending others to take it

Well, based on the evidence people who are sick with these symptoms get better with ivermectin, so yeah it seems like a good recommendation for treatment.


Nov 22, 2017

For sure, the simple things like vitamin D have been known to prevent the vast majority of covid mortality since April 2020 but I think that's not going to be taken seriously as a therapy by most of the world.


Sep 15, 2017

For sure, the simple things like vitamin D have been known to prevent the vast majority of covid mortality since April 2020 but I think that's not going to be taken seriously as a therapy by most of the world.

There in lies the problem though. It seems peoples thought processes are centered on a quick fix to work directly with the virus, rather than addressing the actual function of the body, which seems to be fully capable of handling most pathogens with enough resources at its disposal.

This is the same mindset with most western medical practices; dont strengthen the body or address underlying root cause, attack the "pathogen" or the "disease" and rationalize any negative outcome as risk vs. reward. This constant mindset of "attack", "attack", "attack" is pathogenic in of itself, in my opinion. While some "attack" may be needed for certain situations, there are many other strategies outside of that paradigm that can optimize the body so "attacking" becomes irrelevant or at the minimum not needed quite as much.

Furthermore, the shift of focus onto the virus itself and its "danger", creates a fear based mindset that induces tunnel vision, atleast in my experience. This fear based tunnel vision induces people to accept strategies and solutions that they normall wouldn't consider, based on questionable risk vs. reward thought processes. This fear based mindset is merely a mental frame that people are being thrown into and subsequently subconsciously accepting. In order to make sound decisions I think its important to control your own frame.

I think this is why Ray's recommendations seem to be centered around the modalities like progesterone, vit D3, thyroid, etc. The goal is to strengthen the body, so theres no need to focus on individual reductionist pathways to "attack" with obscure synthezised compounds that tend to have risks associated with them.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
There in lies the problem though. It seems peoples thought processes are centered on a quick fix to work directly with the virus, rather than addressing the actual function of the body, which seems to be fully capable of handling most pathogens with enough resources at its disposal.

This is the same mindset with most western medical practices; dont strengthen the body or address underlying root cause, attack the "pathogen" or the "disease" and rationalize any negative outcome as risk vs. reward. This constant mindset of "attack", "attack", "attack" is pathogenic in of itself, in my opinion. While some "attack" may be needed for certain situations, there are many other strategies outside of that paradigm that can optimize the body so "attacking" becomes irrelevant or at the minimum not needed quite as much.

Furthermore, the shift of focus onto the virus itself and its "danger", creates a fear based mindset that induces tunnel vision, atleast in my experience. This fear based tunnel vision induces people to accept strategies and solutions that they normall wouldn't consider, based on questionable risk vs. reward thought processes. This fear based mindset is merely a mental frame that people are being thrown into and subsequently subconsciously accepting. In order to make sound decisions I think its important to control your own frame.

I think this is why Ray's recommendations seem to be centered around the modalities like progesterone, vit D3, thyroid, etc. The goal is to strengthen the body, so theres no need to focus on individual reductionist pathways to "attack" with obscure synthezised compounds that tend to have risks associated with them.

This is spot on Clash.

IVM is a magic bullet. Forget the rest.

A is for Apple.


Mar 29, 2016
B is for Better.

A better magic bullet than vaccination.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
A few small doses are not going to do long term damage most likely.

also it doesn’t seem like Ray is looking into the true dangers of the spike protein and the shedding threat the vaccinated pose. Yes, it’s true that the virus itself is nbd, the issue is the vaccine and shedding not the virus


Nov 22, 2017

I agree with everything that you said, but it's not easily implementable in the world. Ray's perspective is so fundamental but in the context of this current madness, people need a simple solution and to me vitamin D for prevention + Ivermectin for treatment is as straightforward as it comes.

From my life experience there is a huge barrier to entry to seeing life experience from Ray's perspective and most people are so far removed from ideas of metabolism and energy and hormones that it would nearly impossible to implement a change in dynamic at that fundamental level.


Nov 22, 2017
Ivermectin as a depopulation strategy makes literally no sense. There's been like 5 billion doses used since the 1970s in Africa and fertility is still sky high.


Oct 19, 2019
I think this is why Ray's recommendations seem to be centered around the modalities like progesterone, vit D3, thyroid, etc. The goal is to strengthen the body, so theres no need to focus on individual reductionist pathways to "attack" with obscure synthezised compounds that tend to have risks associated with them.
This is where I started and have pretty much ended back up at (although I have Ivermectin on hand in an emergency).

In between everything went haywire with talk of the spike protein and an incoming zombie apocalypse due to prion disease. I’m still not sure how much truth there is in that stuff, only time will tell I suppose.


Mar 18, 2017
I think this interview will help people discern what should be taken at which phase. Don't mind the interviewer's English, she's asking some of the questions most reporters are told not to ask:



Mar 29, 2016
Ivermectin as a depopulation strategy makes literally no sense. There's been like 5 billion doses used since the 1970s in Africa and fertility is still sky high.
I think so too, but if the choice is simply boiling it down to taking IVM or taking vaccination, it still leaves the general population to depopulation outcomes that are between bad and worse. Since this hoax has no end in sight - with imaginary variants continuing to pop up left, right, and center - we could just distill this down to continual long-term use of IVM vs. twice yearly booster shots of experimental vaccines. The media will keep having its way in fooling the general population into doing what it wants done, and in time people may just become infertile as the best outcome, with the other being dying, and the dead will also be infertile for sure.

I can't see myself preaching the gospel of being extremely healthy (the way I am, high bp aside) as it's a useless John the Baptist kind of endeavour. People are already programmed to follow their pied piper doctor, and will keep barreling down the IVM or vaccine train. Tell them to change their lifestyle and yada yada and you will just see them turn off your channel.

I may already sound like a broken record, but if you can have optimal sugar metabolism, you already have an amulet to ward off the evil spirits of COVID, just like those who have garlic to ward off mythical bloodsuckers. Yet, it's simple to say that, but we in this forum know how difficult it is to get our members to achieve that. And if we're lost ourselves, what more those outside this forum.


Mar 27, 2018
Ivermerctin is one of the safest drugs out there.

I don't think you could kill yourself with Ivermectin even if you wanted to.


Mar 29, 2016
Ivermerctin is one of the safest drugs out there.

I don't think you could kill yourself with Ivermectin even if you wanted to.
Still a pharma drug. Cannot be without side effects. And those drugs used as prescription medication only end up causing the need for more and more drugs. Start one and if you live long enough, your health will definitely not prosper, as you are addicted to a cocktail of a dozen drugs.

All prescription maintenance medication are gateway drugs. Ivermectin is no exception.

The only reason we are talking about IVM is because a worse alternative is forced upon us by a big bad wolf of an infectious disease that can't even be isolated and had to be imagined like a movie made by Pixar.


Jun 10, 2020
A few small doses are not going to do long term damage most likely.

also it doesn’t seem like Ray is looking into the true dangers of the spike protein and the shedding threat the vaccinated pose. Yes, it’s true that the virus itself is nbd, the issue is the vaccine and shedding not the virus
Yes, and the fact that Ray (and many other doctors and smart people against the vaccine, many in favor of ivermectin) isn’t looking into the shedding dangers is kind of a relief—like, maybe the shedding thing is being blown out of proportion.

Still, there’s a small chunk of very smart people online (like Adam Gaertner, who was nominated for a Nobel prize for his work on ivermectin, and Dr. Lee Merritt, just to make a few) who hold that shedding is a real threat. And the altered menstrual cycles in unvaxxed women is alarming. But does it just shed through saliva, sex, breast milk?

The shedding thing has become like ghosts to me. I don’t know how real it is, I’m not willing to write it off, but I’m not going to move out just because my house might be haunted (ie my roommates are vaxxed). It’s a reassurance that Ray doesn’t take shedding that seriously, because I trust him, but this is potentially a brand new type of threat that might navigate outside his metabolic and biophysical knowledge.


Sep 15, 2017
This is spot on Clash.

IVM is a magic bullet. Forget the rest.

A is for Apple.



I agree with everything that you said, but it's not easily implementable in the world. Ray's perspective is so fundamental but in the context of this current madness, people need a simple solution and to me vitamin D for prevention + Ivermectin for treatment is as straightforward as it comes.

From my life experience there is a huge barrier to entry to seeing life experience from Ray's perspective and most people are so far removed from ideas of metabolism and energy and hormones that it would nearly impossible to implement a change in dynamic at that fundamental level.

No disagreement on my end as far as vit D3 for prophylaxis and IVM for treatment if neccesary.

This is where I started and have pretty much ended back up at (although I have Ivermectin on hand in an emergency).

In between everything went haywire with talk of the spike protein and an incoming zombie apocalypse due to prion disease. I’m still not sure how much truth there is in that stuff, only time will tell I suppose.

Horse paste dewormer for all, I have some as well lol. Just not taking it for prophylaxis.

I think theres a reality point between the "mad cow zombies" that people talk about, and the ardent vaccine supporters who want booster shots every 6 months to prevent a cold lol. Both groups dont realize they are coming from the same perspective but opposite side of the coin.

Ivermerctin is one of the safest drugs out there.

I don't think you could kill yourself with Ivermectin even if you wanted to.

I want to clarify, I'm not telling anyone anything against Ivermectin. I'm questioning the perspective around its use. If pretty sick, could it help, the studies seem to say no doubt. However for prophylaxis in people younger than 65 that have some basic health? Thats where I start to wonder.


Mar 27, 2018
Still a pharma drug. Cannot be without side effects. And those drugs used as prescription medication only end up causing the need for more and more drugs. Start one and if you live long enough, your health will definitely not prosper, as you are addicted to a cocktail of a dozen drugs.

All prescription maintenance medication are gateway drugs. Ivermectin is no exception.

The only reason we are talking about IVM is because a worse alternative is forced upon us by a big bad wolf of an infectious disease that can't even be isolated and had to be imagined like a movie made by Pixar.
I don't buy that argument that it's a "Pharma Drug" therefore it's harmful.
Poison Ivy is all natural but harmful.
Ivermectin is extracted from a natural bacterium, it's not synthetic. It's not addictive, so no it's not a gateway drug.

If Covid is the reaon people are discussing Ivermectin, that's a good reason because the amount of organisms Ivermectin can kill is impressive and makes the medication worth taking. My dog and I go for walks in muddy forests and he drinks the stale muddy water in the forest, definitely infecting himself with rare nematodes/parasites/worms. When we get home, my licks my face (and my lips) and I am sure I have acquired various parasites from my dog that he picked up on our walk. Antibiotics don't work on whatever organism he acquired on his walk, because they're not bacteria. But Ivermectin once in a while helps cull and de-worm any organism it's given to.


Mar 27, 2018
Yes, and the fact that Ray (and many other doctors and smart people against the vaccine, many in favor of ivermectin) isn’t looking into the shedding dangers is kind of a relief—like, maybe the shedding thing is being blown out of proportion.

Still, there’s a small chunk of very smart people online (like Adam Gaertner, who was nominated for a Nobel prize for his work on ivermectin, and Dr. Lee Merritt, just to make a few) who hold that shedding is a real threat. And the altered menstrual cycles in unvaxxed women is alarming. But does it just shed through saliva, sex, breast milk?

The shedding thing has become like ghosts to me. I don’t know how real it is, I’m not willing to write it off, but I’m not going to move out just because my house might be haunted (ie my roommates are vaxxed). It’s a reassurance that Ray doesn’t take shedding that seriously, because I trust him, but this is potentially a brand new type of threat that might navigate outside his metabolic and biophysical knowledge.
We're constantly shedding biological material, some of it DNA.
This viral exchange is how animals exchange DNA with their environment so it seems to be a naturally benign process, but I'm not sure how the DNA we shed is supposed to be harmful. Is it the belief that there would be spike protein in that cellular material? If so, I can't imagine it being any different than natural infection.


I don't buy that argument that it's a "Pharma Drug" therefore it's harmful.
Poison Ivy is all natural but harmful.
Ivermectin is extracted from a natural bacterium, it's not synthetic. It's not addictive, so no it's not a gateway drug.

If Covid is the reaon people are discussing Ivermectin, that's a good reason because the amount of organisms Ivermectin can kill is impressive and makes the medication worth taking. My dog and I go for walks in muddy forests and he drinks the stale muddy water in the forest, definitely infecting himself with rare nematodes/parasites/worms. When we get home, my licks my face (and my lips) and I am sure I have acquired various parasites from my dog that he picked up on our walk. Antibiotics don't work on whatever organism he acquired on his walk, because they're not bacteria. But Ivermectin once in a while helps cull and de-worm any organism it's given to.
Good comments....
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