Strength And Libido Quest


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
No, androsterone is a direct precursor to DHT so it should have an effect on its levels. It is all explained in the respective threads, so I suggest you go through them.

Do people notice any inability to get erection with these pro hormones?


Oct 15, 2016
I think 3a-androstanediol glucuronide is the most reliable biomarker of tissue DHT levels. User @Wagner83 can confirm that last part.
I don't have enough knowledge to make any conclusions but here is the study I had found:
Dihydrotestosterone Is a Peripheral Paracrine Hormone
"However, a number of studies suggest that blood DHT or 3 alpha diol are not reliable indicators of peripheral DHT formation. This is particularly suggested by discrepancies in the specific activity of DHT in blood and urine following infusion of labeled DHT, suggesting that total body DHT formation is not reflected by blood levels. Thus, DHT should be thought of as a paracrine hormone formed and acting primarily in target tissues. 3 alpha androstanediol glucuronide (3 alpha diol G) is a major metabolite of DHT. An important site of its formation is the skin. Levels in blood and urine are increased in hirsutism and acne, and blood levels closely parallel pubertal development. 3 alpha diol G levels are especially increased in adrenal disorders of androgenicity such as andrenogenital syndrome; it is also a good marker of response to therapy. Levels are reduced in various forms of male pseudohermaphroditism. 3 alpha androstanediol glucuronide appears to be the best marker available of DHT formation in target tissues such as skin."
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Jul 13, 2014
I think free T has a value as far as suggesting that SHBG was lowered. I think both free T and total T give useful information. Total T gives indication of gonadal function, while free T gives an idea of estrogenicity. If free T goes up, this suggests SHBG has gone down and since SHBG goes up and down together with estrogen, it suggests estrogen also went down. By estrogen, I mean total estrogenic reserves, as SHBG rises or falls to reflect systemic estrogenic tone, not only what's in the blood.
haidut sorry just to clarify does this mean as SHBG goes up, total estrogenic reserves goes down...and vice versa...?


Sep 1, 2017
Hi all
Rat was moved to a more prosperous and less stressful cage.
Also being experimenting for about a month or two with oysters, about 10 to 20 a week.
Applied 11-Keto DHT (@haidut) to the area right below his glans and in frenulum. Two drops AM each day.
Did 1 gram Aspirin, coffee on and off.
Libido has increased significantly few days ago.
Less masturbation also needs to be reported. Rat is busier in his new cage.
Also caloric need seems to be increasing, rat finishes bigger meals and still willingly to eat more.
Sadly, didn't tried oysters on its own, neither applied 11-Keto DHT alone. Abstinence might also be another important factor. Rat seemed to be using masturbation as a stress release.
Blood tests are now way more expensive. Next ones might be posted in a few months


Sep 1, 2017
Hi all. Few things have happend:
I moved out of the country. I have more purchasing power.
I've being drinking milk (liquid, UHT, whole) about 2 months ago. At first, I was pretty sensitive to it, farting a lot from it and cramps, but started as low as 50 ml with each food, increasing until about 300-350 ml with food. I'm also drinking hot milk when I can (this climate is colder) and have observed that I can drink hot milk between foods sipping a glass of it in about two hours with coffee. Quite, I kinda developed resistance to milk.

I had a problem with excessive gas for weeks, turmeric seems to be taking care of it since a about 3 or 4 days. Nice.

I'm noticeably gaining weight, and although I've being doing dips and chin ups, I recently joined a gym to start weightlifting. First day was hell, months without working out legs and got lactic acid pain even before finishing squatting.

My heigh as I said is about 1.83 m
64.4 Kg at 11 March 2.018
67.5 Kg at 09 April 2.018
And I'm certainly with at least one or two extra kilos for 18 May 2.018, but haven't measured yet.

Overall, I feel better, sometimes get some slight anxiety (maybe related to loneliness), but improving. I've being having fun with cocoa, coffee. Ate lots of oysters (about 30 oysters a week, specially weekends).

DHT felt pretty great, but I got some strange sensations in a zone that seems to be prostate, urethra and bladder. Seems like an UTI but urine culture came negative...but after increasing milk intake and caloric intake, and also stopping masturbation, things seems to feel better down there, but I can't tell you exactly what it is. DHT feels GREAT, at dosage from 2 mg to 4 mg on foreskin. But I stopped until I have a clear idea of what are those sensations or at least if everything start feeling right down there. Also, I think masturbation is detrimental to my energy, health and mind, so, I'm cutting patterns that might increase probability of masturbation.
Also, since increasing milk and calories, I've being seeing a more substained 80+ pulse, specially after 3 to 5 pm.

Now I'm starting to experiment with methylene blue. I'll start about 1 mg a day to see what it does.

Hope y'all doing great
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Sep 1, 2017
Experimenting with Cabergoline .125 mg twice a week.
So far, face skin feels sometimes hotter, I feel more relaxed when going to sleep, but sometimes I have a slight headache sensation, like the same that cyproheptadine gives me, specially after sleeping on cypro.
Also, I think it increases libido and ease to get erections. Still have some days more to observe.


Sep 1, 2017
Well, short entry:
Bodyweight is at 71.6 Kg
I have gained about 4 kg in the last 3 months.
I tried cabergoline, nothing great to report.
I tried methylene blue, seems to help, specially in the first weeks, with cold climate.
Still with some ED problems.

Soon I'm gonna try to implement a low dose HCG + T3 supplementation
I'll try to get LH and T values before and after.


Sep 1, 2017
Well, finally got this.
What do you guys think? Does the proviron look legit?
Box was almost open when unpacked but serials seems ok and matches.

@haidut @RisingSun

I'm planing (if money allows) to get a T and LH blood test. Only thing I told that might interfere: 5 mg for two days of 11-keto DHT and 5 mg DHEA and Pregnenolone before Tests.
I hope that starting on Mesterolone then introducing HCG a week or two later might be an interesting test: are my testicles capable of producing T on LH available? And I'm waiting for T3, that might increase HcG sensitivity.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Well, finally got this.
What do you guys think? Does the proviron look legit?
Box was almost open when unpacked but serials seems ok and matches.

@haidut @RisingSun

I'm planing (if money allows) to get a T and LH blood test. Only thing I told that might interfere: 5 mg for two days of 11-keto DHT and 5 mg DHEA and Pregnenolone before Tests.
I hope that starting on Mesterolone then introducing HCG a week or two later might be an interesting test: are my testicles capable of producing T on LH available? And I'm waiting for T3, that might increase HcG sensitivity.

It looks legit. I am not aware of any fake Bayer Proviron making the rounds. Not sure why the use of Mesterolone if the goal is to test gonadal function. Usually, this is done using only hCG. The mesterolone would suppress gonadal function, probably even with hCG administration.


Sep 1, 2017
It looks legit. I am not aware of any fake Bayer Proviron making the rounds. Not sure why the use of Mesterolone if the goal is to test gonadal function. Usually, this is done using only hCG. The mesterolone would suppress gonadal function, probably even with hCG administration.
I saw a study that with <150 IU doses of HcG they kept internal production of 75% of TT despite administration of exogeneous T for a few weeks, which is pretty more supressive than Mesterolone AFAIK. Seems low doses works pretty well, better than higher dosages that tends to raise estrogen and even decrease T with a few days-weeks of use.

I want to get Mesterolone effects on my rat along with T increase if possible because of HcG administration. I think it shouldn't be significantly supressive on 25 mg /day for some weeks.
I'm planning running my rat at least 2 weeks on Mesterolone then introducing HcG low dose along with MB + Mushrooms to reduce aromatization, I hope to get my T3 ASAP to use it along with HcG and then tappering on HcG to asses what happens. If T levels don't keep at a decent number, then I'll see if I start to use Mesterolone as a TRT or my rat if it works decently, maybe even combining it with T and some aromatase inhibitors.

Any suggestion is appreciated.


Sep 1, 2017


Sep 1, 2017
After about 2 hours of taking my first mesterolone dose (25 mg) I noticed:
- Slowly started to notice that my mood changed. I feel like I almost don’t worry or feel nervous about small things that usually triggered that. I work answering the phone to people I don’t know asking for help for things that sometimes I don’t know about and I have to deal with collecting info about these things. I noticed that I was like calmer at this and talking with higher hierarchy people on the company.
- I felt relaxed, like if I could take a nap or rest carelessly. Not sleepy, but like a small high.
- I have a pain in my ribs for coughing for days from a cold, now it seems like reduced (I think I read that DHT decreases pain sensitivity)

After taking this is easy to feel a difference vs my usual “me”, I feel a lot calmer and I wouldn’t say I don’t give a ****, but I just don’t feel worried, I do things and that’s it, I’m a lot less prone to get stressed about it.

I toke pictures of my hair (for the ones that seems so worried about it) and made T, LH, Cholesterol and glucose tests right before first dose. As I said: I'm getting out of a cold if it's worth saying it. I'll keep 25 mg dosage at least for a few days and maybe I'll repeat T, LH, Cholesterol tests.


Mar 2, 2018
Im most interested in how it would effect libido, hair, energy, fat loss, muscle hardening... I heard the libido on proviron can become extremely intense.


Sep 1, 2017
Well, labs came, and I'm certainly not sure what to do right now, aside from trying Mesterolone until I get my new total T test and LH to asses if it is supressive.
I never expected my T to be that high. I've had more sex, certainly, but with erectile issues, I've gained weight, and felt overall fine. My TT (in labs) have never being higher despite blood was drawn while I was having a cold (in it's final stages).

I have three theories: lab tests aren't reliable, TT effects are cummulative (and gradual) or TT levels aren't that indicative for sexual function.

Cholesterol is a bit high, which as far as I understand might be useful if I use T3, which I'm waiting for.

Glycemia - 90 mg/dL REF 70-100
Total Testerone - 748 ng/dL REF 300-1200
LH - 6.00 mUI/mL REF 1.0 - 34.6
Total Cholesterol - 222 mg/dL REF up to 200

I've been historically "high" on cholesterol, from 190 to 222 mg/dL

I appreciate insights or analysis of this.
I certainly want to try T3, small doses to asses it's effects on cold feet and hands, and also libido and mood.

NOTICE my LH and TT is now in range and just a few months ago both were below range.


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Sep 1, 2017
Would be interesting to see DHT levels.
I don't find that interesting because it's well documented the impact of mesterolone on DHT levels (skyrocketing them).

@haidut @RisingSun how much would you wait to re-test LH to asses supression on 1 x 25 mg Proviron every day?
I was thinking in a week. But also I'm wondering about LH values variability also...

Another thing I'm noticing is sometimes a slight joint ache, it's not significant enought to care.


Mar 2, 2018
I don't find that interesting because it's well documented the impact of mesterolone on DHT levels (skyrocketing them).

@haidut @RisingSun how much would you wait to re-test LH to asses supression on 1 x 25 mg Proviron every day?
I was thinking in a week. But also I'm wondering about LH values variability also...

Another thing I'm noticing is sometimes a slight joint ache, it's not significant enought to care.

The more labs you can run the more useful. Any lab is critical to run DHT, cortisol, e2, prolactin, thyroid, CBC, etc. Although DHT isn't as important to test as some of those others.Its just guessing work when you dont...Even more importantly to test post cycle... If will be more interesting to see a full panel during and then post cycle.


Sep 1, 2017
The more labs you can run the more useful. Any lab is critical to run DHT, cortisol, e2, prolactin, thyroid, CBC, etc. Although DHT isn't as important to test as some of those others.Its just guessing work when you dont...Even more importantly to test post cycle... If will be more interesting to see a full panel during and then post cycle.
Resources are limited. I'm using my money on things I find as useful as possible, I just moved to another country and I'm pretty tight on budget for labs, and LH/T seems the most relevant to asses supression. If you'd like to see further lab tests I could offer you a bitcoin account to donate the cost of such labs, anymore than that is not possible for me right now.


Mar 2, 2018
Resources are limited. I'm using my money on things I find as useful as possible, I just moved to another country and I'm pretty tight on budget for labs, and LH/T seems the most relevant to asses supression. If you'd like to see further lab tests I could offer you a bitcoin account to donate the cost of such labs, anymore than that is not possible for me right now.
Trust me if i could fund ray peats work, hormones, hair loss, etc studies i would
I understand its not easy to obtain lab work, but at least your able to get some of the basics which should point you in the right direction. If bitcoins hits 1 million i will donate some
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