Strenuous Exercise Can Have The Same Effects As Sepsis


Nov 9, 2012
burtlancast said:
Apprently, exercise stimulates neurogenesis:

There is a number of alleged benefits for cellular health derived from moderate physical exercise. The other day I cited a study which looked at insulin. What surprises me is that moderate physical exercise seems to be one of the only "easy" options available as treatment for some metabolic problems. I think this might all be related to making some cells get back to work slowly, maybe cells like adipocytes which may become dysfunctional and clogged after years of inappropriate diets, those cell need to re-learn how to distribute fatty acids and glucose again.

Antioxidants and physical exercise


Oct 3, 2016
@haidut this post interests me because I struggle with absolutely debilitating gut issues and I have noticed sometimes if I do parkour which is my form of exercise (backflips frontflips etc) I notice that my gut issues become far more severe and usually stay that way for a few days post exercise but its usually a couple of hours at a time, I believe because there's many foods im limited to my cortisol is usually high so exercising + high cortisol is horrible, im assuming even light exercise can be damaging ONLY if cortisol is chronically elevated, I notice a jaundiced look to my skin or almost anemic look following the exercise at times so im convinced this could be related to my issues.

What would be some things one could do maybe with supplements as a sort of bio-hack to prevent the sepsis like effect or leaky gut?

assuming anything that reduces cortisol or lowers free fatty acids (niacinamide, aspirin, sugar) or a mild anti-biotic?

I think I've heard you mention before in a study you posted showing aspirin was very effective in the case of sepsis if I am not mistaken.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I would be exercising little to none at all if you're suffering from any degree of hypothyroid. Just about the only "exercise" I do anymore is light walking for no longer than 30 minutes. On the weekends in particular I try to be as sedentary as possible. Once I get my temps and pulse perfect I may start to SLOWLY introduce some more frequent light-moderate weight lifting. Weight lifting for just 30 minutes for one day made me lose almost a week of healing. The healthier you are the more you can handle. Food matters too. But how healthy you are is actually more important than how much food you eat. You can be eating 5000 calories a day, but if you're severely hypothyroid, a single exercise session can still be devastating to your health (trust me, I know from experience).

I would agree being sedentary all the time probably is not ideal, but the problem is if you have healing to do, sometimes you have no choice. I get problems if I even WALK for longer than 30 minutes personally.

I personally wouldn't recommend "hacks" to be able to exercise longer, but that's just my 2c.

This comes from someone who used to be a non-competitive powerlifter BTW. I used to love doing that, but absolutely trashed my health to the point where I can't even really weight lift at all anymore.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut this post interests me because I struggle with absolutely debilitating gut issues and I have noticed sometimes if I do parkour which is my form of exercise (backflips frontflips etc) I notice that my gut issues become far more severe and usually stay that way for a few days post exercise but its usually a couple of hours at a time, I believe because there's many foods im limited to my cortisol is usually high so exercising + high cortisol is horrible, im assuming even light exercise can be damaging ONLY if cortisol is chronically elevated, I notice a jaundiced look to my skin or almost anemic look following the exercise at times so im convinced this could be related to my issues.

What would be some things one could do maybe with supplements as a sort of bio-hack to prevent the sepsis like effect or leaky gut?

assuming anything that reduces cortisol or lowers free fatty acids (niacinamide, aspirin, sugar) or a mild anti-biotic?

I think I've heard you mention before in a study you posted showing aspirin was very effective in the case of sepsis if I am not mistaken.

Any exercise that stretches he intestine can strongly increase endotoxin/serotonin levels in the blood. So, if you must keep this regimen up then maybe taking some charcoal before workout or some cypro would help limit the negative effects of intestinal irritation.


Aug 17, 2016
Any exercise that stretches he intestine can strongly increase endotoxin/serotonin levels in the blood. So, if you must keep this regimen up then maybe taking some charcoal before workout or some cypro would help limit the negative effects of intestinal irritation.
Since I first began my aikido training, I had come to the conclusion that boys are just kinda gross beings ;). Until afters many years of training-when they get a dark skirt to wear over their white uniform pants-they nearly ALL have large skid marks (sometimes bloody) on the back of their pants. I literally thought it must just be a guy thing.
But, clearly it is an issue they just tolerate because aikido can be really cool and an addictive endeavour. The pressure sometimes comes off the upper ranked members, so I don't know if they still get "skid marks" that the hakama (skirt) hides.
Last night I trained with a super serotonergic 3rd degree black belt who recently "recovered" from colon cancer. (He's in his late 30's). He went through the chemo and is right back on the mat. Stiff, unmmovable, intolerant, must be right, rank-obsessed immature man. I hate to speak ill of someone who went through such a horrible ordeal with colon cancer. But this personality is fairly typical of upper-ranked members. If the doors of perception were cleansed.....
There's no way for me to bring this up; that it doesn't need to be this way. We could train smarter; but it will never happen.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I had come to the conclusion that boys are just kinda gross beings ;). Until afters many years of training-when they get a dark skirt to wear over their white uniform pants-they nearly ALL have large skid marks (sometimes bloody) on the back of their pants.

Spot (pun intended) on. Here is more on the topic if you are interested. It seems to be accepted as unavoidable price for men to to pay on the way up to...not even sure what. Anyways, largely due to chronic stress it seems.
"...For most spectators, seeing a huge dude like former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall waddle onstage, bend down and deadlift 1,102 pounds is enough. The size of this competitor, shaped like a beer barrel during his competitive days, probably occupies whatever thoughts you aren’t giving to the enormity of the feat he’s about to perform. The last things you’re likely thinking about are the strongman’s knuckle-sized hemorrhoids, his chronic irritable bowel syndrome or the fact that he might be wearing an adult diaper along with anal tampons to prevent the leakage of blood and feces."

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Any exercise that stretches he intestine can strongly increase endotoxin/serotonin levels in the blood. So, if you must keep this regimen up then maybe taking some charcoal before workout or some cypro would help limit the negative effects of intestinal irritation.
Do you know which exercises that does this? Need to know what to avoid...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Aug 17, 2016
Spot (pun intended) on. Here is more on the topic if you are interested. It seems to be accepted as unavoidable price for men to to pay on the way up to...not even sure what. Anyways, largely due to chronic stress it seems.
"...For most spectators, seeing a huge dude like former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall waddle onstage, bend down and deadlift 1,102 pounds is enough. The size of this competitor, shaped like a beer barrel during his competitive days, probably occupies whatever thoughts you aren’t giving to the enormity of the feat he’s about to perform. The last things you’re likely thinking about are the strongman’s knuckle-sized hemorrhoids, his chronic irritable bowel syndrome or the fact that he might be wearing an adult diaper along with anal tampons to prevent the leakage of blood and feces."
Wow. Wow wow wow.
I feel so incredibly fortunate to have found this forum!
Just before I quit training, (I only drop by and putz around/pretend to be really old at my old dojo) I had reported here some mild bowel distress on the mat. That was at a huge dojo with 100's of members. In one class, I knelt down and stopped training and excused myself. Afterwards, I told a high-raking female member who is also a nurse for a living what had happened. She had asked, "why did you leave the mat? It didn't look like you were dying." I told her I felt like I might poop my pants. She snapped back, "Just wear diapers! Part of aikido is learning how to push through these challenges." wtf lol. I'm just going to have to accept that my former colleagues think I am weak and a quitter.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
weak and a quitter

Sounds like people pooping their pants from entirely self-imposed torture may fit this description better:):
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sounds like people pooping their pants may fit this description better:):
Wow! @Regina, I'm definitely with you on this one. Incontinence of bowel or bladder is a serious and concerning issue that I personally hope to avoid at all costs! I think some medical workers become desensitized to it because it's so common but it isn't normal or healthy imo.


Aug 17, 2016
Wow! @Regina, I'm definitely with you on this one. Incontinence of bowel or bladder is a serious and concerning issue that I personally hope to avoid at all costs! I think some medical workers become desensitized to it because it's so common but it isn't normal or healthy imo.
Yep. This lil doll of a nurse (good aikidoist too) seemed like 'we all wear diapers. No big deal' . What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger attitude.
I've definitely smelled it on some of the older udanshas (black belts). They seem like sweet older (poop smelling) men and then you go out for beers and learn that they are 47 yrs old. :nailbiting:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
They seem like sweet older (poop smelling) men and then you go out for beers and learn that they are 47 yrs old. :nailbiting:
Yikes! I was having a conversation with a coworker about what thing commonly seen in aging would be hardest for us to accept/live with. She said no longer being able to drive and I said having to wear diapers. I guess everyone has their own perspective. I don't think less about anyone who needs to wear them it's just something I personally think I'd struggle with especially if I could do something as simple as avoiding certain types of exercise and not develop the issue in the first place.


Aug 17, 2016
Yikes! I was having a conversation with a coworker about what thing commonly seen in aging would be hardest for us to accept/live with. She said no longer being able to drive and I said having to wear diapers. I guess everyone has their own perspective. I don't think less about anyone who needs to wear them it's just something I personally think I'd struggle with especially if I could do something as simple as avoiding certain types of exercise and not develop the issue in the first place.
They might not see the direct correlation. All that cortisol, estrogen, endorphins and serotonin makes them thick-headed too.
About the time I left, that same nurse was looking into genetic reasons her knees were ruined.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
They might not see the direct correlation. All that cortisol, estrogen, endorphins and serotonin makes them thick-headed too.
About the time I left, that same nurse was looking into genetic reasons her knees were ruined.
Sadly that sounds typical.


Aug 17, 2016
Sounds like people pooping their pants may fit this description better:):
Well, it is people with a sadistic relationship with themselves. But for this, they are always congratulated how great their perseverance is.
Instead, why don't you go be an astronaut? Maybe you die in space....


Jul 8, 2015
Spot (pun intended) on. Here is more on the topic if you are interested. It seems to be accepted as unavoidable price for men to to pay on the way up to...not even sure what. Anyways, largely due to chronic stress it seems.
"...For most spectators, seeing a huge dude like former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall waddle onstage, bend down and deadlift 1,102 pounds is enough. The size of this competitor, shaped like a beer barrel during his competitive days, probably occupies whatever thoughts you aren’t giving to the enormity of the feat he’s about to perform. The last things you’re likely thinking about are the strongman’s knuckle-sized hemorrhoids, his chronic irritable bowel syndrome or the fact that he might be wearing an adult diaper along with anal tampons to prevent the leakage of blood and feces."

you had me at anal tampons.
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