Super bloated belly since childhood


Oct 22, 2018
Yeah, the story was a bit longer than "just" a moxibustion, but it was a turning point.
First I have tried to get help in Europe for around a year. Neurologists, ENTs, chiro, physio, acupuncture - all useless. I was offered a pill with radio built-in to distract me from the noise when I fall asleep. And I was told I "need to learn to cope with it". All tests were normal.
Then I went to Moscow and booked a consultation with otoneurologist (or neuroENT as they are sometimes called) and that's when everything started to move.
He did some tests, the most important one being electrocochleography, which shown some kind of swelling in the inner ear. Diagnosis was "labyrinthine hydrops", which is, once again, sort of fluid retention in the inner ear. Otoneurologist gave me some recommendations (potassium up, sodium down, no excess carbs to keep fluid retention under control, avoiding any strain and even massage on the neck/upper back, very very very gentle head movements as "exercise" for the area) and he also referred me to the manual therapist. In Russia its a bit different system and at least in the past they have to be medical doctors first before being trained as manual therapists. The guy I was referred to was neurologist as well.
He first asked me about any dental treatments in the past 12-15 months and said it was the most typical cause for this kind of stuff. Others being whiplash-like injuries, and not even injuries, but just sudden stop of a car when head goes forward-backward in a fraction of a second and person forgets about it shortly after. I didn't have dental work prior to that, but had a chiro treatment which started all that.
He was then examining mostly upper vertabrae - C0-C1-C2. Said I did have some kind of "block" there. He did something to release it - there was a pop sound and some movements, but it was very different from chiro. He said one should never go to chiro or any similar "hard" techniques. In subsequent sessions he started doing moxa on my ears and also navel. As I mentioned earlier, first moxa session gave me instant relief from the noise, first time in more than a year it was all quiet.
Couple of days ago noise came back, and then slow improvement phase started. I had to fly back home (not in Russia at that time) and continued to do moxa by myself. I also found that gentle heating massage of the neck with warming creams was very helpful. I used those creams with snake poison, not sure if they are available in EU/ES, should be. After talking to that guy about what the heck that moxa was about I read a lot about Chinese and Tibetan medicines and started to implement those principles. Changed what I ate - from mostly "cold" to mostly "warm" foods, avoiding winds - I lived in a very windy Norway near sea coast then and wind is the kind of causative force for these issues in TCM. As a side effect of changing my food habits I lost 10 kilos in a month then without any dieting, had to buy all the new smaller clothes. The shift was so dramatic and visible to others, even though I was probably eating even more than before.
Went back to otoneurologist and manual therapy guy in about 6 months, repeated elecrtochochleography, there was clear improbement, but issue was still present. Oto gave me a course of acetazolamide and cinnarizine. I took the pills, they were somewhat helpful, while I was taking them (about a month), but not sure about their effect long term. Went to manual therapy guy again, he repeated the "unblocking" and said that to his surprise the issue kind of came back, even though my muscles reacted very well initially.
Went home again, moxas, food, proper exercise again - noise gradually going down. Went back to docs in 6 months - cochleography even better, though still not perfect. One round again, back in 6 months - all normal. Noise went down. Since then it has been an issue which would bother me when I get super stressed and tense. Several years later, when noise went up for about 2 months after I have been through significant stress and I got scared that its all coming back, I went to neuroENT in London Harley street and he was very proud that his clinic was one of the few offering electrocochleography in Europe. He mentioned also that from my description the one I was getting in Moscow was better and less invasive, I believe it was some high end machine made in the US. That neuroENT despite all his diplomas couldn't say what's going on (or what was going on before), took 1k worth of useless blood tests and told me that tinnitus is sometimes caused by vitamin D deficiency. Noise went down when I stopped stressing and started to once again be more mindful about what and how I eat.
There has been one thing however which was not properly understood. As I mentioned, neurologist in Russia said that despite great initial reactions my muscles and fascia keep tightening on the right at the C0/C1 level. He told me to check with dentists if some filling could cause it, though it was impossible to find a dentist who would bother about that. My bite is very bad, and have been like that since I was a child, and that guy said that I should think twice before doing any adjustments. His logic was that I somehow adapted to all this and when teeth will start moving no one can predict what's the final result will be. Still, even for him, teeth and improper filling didn't explain why structural issue keeps coming back. He also said that he sees clear correlation between sore throats and this kind of fascial tension, but for him tension was the root cause, not the throat infection.
Next few years I wasn't doing much specifically for ears/neck, but I found a surprisingly effective was to remove neck and shoulder tension. I discovered what is call "active rest position" or Pete Egoscue psoas release techniques. You basically get psoas into a position where it is neither stretched nor tense and after 20-30 minutes it lets go of lots of accumulated tension. And then whole fascial line going from hips to the neck relaxed. These exercises are so great that if I don't do them a day or two I feel lots of tension built up everywhere.
After doing this for a year or two regularly (I didn't need any motivation to do that, they just feel great), I went to that neurologist/manual therapist and, to our surprise, he said that my neck was all fine. Seen him couple of years later - still good.
The only issue then was that exercise didn't fix the problem, they were just symptom management. Only several years later I started to connect the dots between my constant sore throats as a child, frequent herpes eruptions on my lips, kind of lump in the neck on the right side (been there forever), receding gums, and then tension and tinnitus. Now its clear that some kind of background infection (I think its candida plus herpes, but its a long story why I think so), causes fascial tension, then fluid build up, then tinnitus. These days its much easier for me to be tension-free in my neck and shoulders by controlling and outgrowing whatever infection is there in the mouth and oesophagus. If tension builds up, it takes some few capsules of antifungals (sf722, propolis etc) dissloved slowly in the mouth, to get a relief I'd usually get from 30 minutes psoas exercise. I see a clear connection between this tension and food I eat and multiple other symptoms, such as tissues swelling, general feeling of sluggishness etc. I read some time ago that endotoxins cause muscle tension, so in a way its not surprising that infection, or dysbiosis, would cause local tension which then propagates to nearby areas. As I mentioned earlier, no physical therapist, or massage therapist, or chiro, etc etc could do anything with this neck/shoulder tension, though each gave me "tension of the year" award.

With regards to what you (and I) said about food, eating less or more, that's not that simple. I didn't mean one should simply eat less or fast and get healthy immediately. Long fasting, for example, would generate "inner wind" in TCM and is not recommended. I don't fast often. I was just saying that system needs some kind of balance, and not simply increased flow of nutrients, and that excess can be as harmful as deficiency. Red receding gums, for instance, with some other symptoms, which include tension in the facial muscles, could be a sign of "stomach heat" in TCM and red meat and otherwise dense food would aggravate it, so it is temporarily avoided. Food composition has dramatic effect of microbiome and just eating less or more for some time can change bugs profile. Fasting promotes growth of many species, while others are inhibited. So, while there will be some cortisol and stress while fasting, net long term effect might be beneficial.
For many years I was much into vitamins, minerals, supplementing, adjusting what my body does, as if I was smarter. Things were definitely "helping" but I had to constantly supply lots of things otherwise I'd crash. Even half a year ago I could not imaging not taking coenzymated B1 three times daily, B2 daily, magnesium baths daily, not eating tons or red meat etc. All that went away and now I don't feel any difference if I take vitamins or not (I actually do feel some, but its negative). I can't know what is good for you, but sometimes it might be good to changed some habits if you are stuck and no progress is made.
So much to say here but bullet points are the following (and note that I have worked the last 4-plus years on all this, a lot of it during the middle of the night in bed when I could not return to sleep after waking up at 3am):
My "Thyroid Meltdown Feb 2016" (see my other posts about that) brought numerous symmetry issues to the fore and it was like my attempts to fix thyroid issues made the symmetry issues start to 'fix themselves':
* Legs/ankles were first (childhood braces to try to 'correct' my turned-in ankles made me look more 'straight' but the overcorrection had forced me to jog with excessive supination for years);
* Knees became affected as legs began to become more symmetrical and evened-out;
* I worked on knees and hips as the results from prior levels traveled up and sciatic issues worsened;
Progress and improvement (utilizing a lot of dietary, Peat-inspired-thinking work by day and massage, stretching and various exercise regimes by night) proceeded to the midriff area ;
-- and although the ileocecal and pyloric valves are basically said to be right-side and a little off-center respectively, mine seemed to be way off to the sides and my ileocecal was much lower right-side almost on my back and the pyloric was high left side under ribs, so there seemed to be a disconnect big-time in their coordination and 'communication' so to speak (LIFELONG digestive IBS issues, big family thing too, everybody manifesting those on both sides of my family including all the histamine symptoms, with hypothyroid and autoimmune conditions abounding not to mention colds nonstop, allergies, etc.);
* Next came a rehash of the 7 years of orthodontia age 11-16 but without braces this time: teeth, jaw and tongue issues of longstanding nature cropped back up but this time I met the challenge with 'mewing' and similar information from this forum (thank goodness);
** THEN the real fun began where my EYES and BRAIN tried to get more symmetrical and evened-out; let's just say I've had lifelong issues along the vision front (no 3-D/ no depth perception and eye operations at age 5 or 6 made me look less 'cross-eyed' but I still had 'double vision') and the ultimate unbelievable realization so far was that I think my RIGHT SIDE was not really 'mapped' at all and basically did not exist as far as true perception / full use of it. (I am supposedly right-handed but left-hands and feet are larger and stronger, and I always used to doodle in elementary school using my left-hand and writing upside down and backward, etc.)

There are 'midbrain' and cross-body polarization work mentioned on certain specialist websites and it has helped me A LOT to do some of the exercises mentioned on those.

After all this: vast improvement on all fronts from bottom of feet to top of head and everything in between but it has been a physical struggle and a dietary revamp. I urge everybody who reads this to just literally physically touch/grab/tackle/whatever level -- and trust me those valves can take a lot of wrestling and need it! their own areas of concern and with the eyes shut, begin to get SMA Sensory Motor Awareness of what the issues are -- if self-healing gets going you all may find yourselves having to deal with all this -- I never expected 4 years doing all this!

All I wanted in February 2016 was some medical doctor to prescribe me some natural thyroid medication, and when that did not happen and I had to quit taking the horrible synthetic T-4, well, all the above ensued rapidly, but in the long run and in hindsight it's been worth it all.

The leg and facial symmetry are outwardly noticed as improved but more importantly I have become more internally symmetrical and it is amazing how that seems to help all the systems inside do their own thing in the proper way that only those systems really 'know how to do.'
I'm new to doing the 'quote' thing in this forum, so if Moderator(s) detect my doing it wrong and/or excessively / redundantly, please fix!

I wanted to try to just 'point' to my August 2020 commentary but was not sure how to get it to 'underline-link' in here.

@Sergey thank you so much for your post, what you said is so meaningful to my situation, that I had to respond. (Note: Not to make light of your remark there, but I thought it was I who had the '(neck/shoulder) tension award' of all time myself!)

I have been able to improve my sleep (more of it, and better quality, for one thing) since undertaking my own self-muscle-awareness mission as mentioned in my earlier RPF quote from August 2020. By that time I'd been at it since February 2016 and work continues of course, to this day. The night time parts I call my "remedial work" since if I do wake up and can't go back to sleep I consider it means I have the time, motive, opportunity and reason to do whatever stretching and twisting and manipulating-the-innards needs to be done to "remedy" my condition.

In going through all this, I've become able to sleep in different, better positions than I have ever been able to, in my entire life. Due to improvements in flexibility and so on, in back, neck, shoulder, arms and legs, I can turn my head to the side (!) -- yes a new thing; sleep on my stomach, not get a sore throat and a lot of post-nasal drip or drool (ick! but were lifelong issues) and get those pesky valves (see quote from August 2020 above) in better order. NOTE: that last bit is immensely helping combat SIBO and tummy "bloat" look, plus my better posture is vastly helping out there too, I believe.)

Just LAST NIGHT, I woke briefly to find I was in yet another novel sleep position, and I think I woke up due to a sudden sciatic-type pain rocketing forth on the left, so I figured my recent focus on sciatic-nerve, in yoga work, done in daytime, was making progress there. Anyhow I shifted a bit and this pain subsided immediately, and I went back to sleep. Feel fine today.

On the yoga and qui gong front I recommend Jane Adams for yoga, and Christopher Wei for "Eight Brocades" -- currently available videos, and to take it slow and easy but the key is "just do it," as the slogan goes.


Oct 6, 2020
Yeah, the story was a bit longer than "just" a moxibustion, but it was a turning point.
First I have tried to get help in Europe for around a year. Neurologists, ENTs, chiro, physio, acupuncture - all useless. I was offered a pill with radio built-in to distract me from the noise when I fall asleep. And I was told I "need to learn to cope with it". All tests were normal.
Then I went to Moscow and booked a consultation with otoneurologist (or neuroENT as they are sometimes called) and that's when everything started to move.
He did some tests, the most important one being electrocochleography, which shown some kind of swelling in the inner ear. Diagnosis was "labyrinthine hydrops", which is, once again, sort of fluid retention in the inner ear. Otoneurologist gave me some recommendations (potassium up, sodium down, no excess carbs to keep fluid retention under control, avoiding any strain and even massage on the neck/upper back, very very very gentle head movements as "exercise" for the area) and he also referred me to the manual therapist. In Russia its a bit different system and at least in the past they have to be medical doctors first before being trained as manual therapists. The guy I was referred to was neurologist as well.
He first asked me about any dental treatments in the past 12-15 months and said it was the most typical cause for this kind of stuff. Others being whiplash-like injuries, and not even injuries, but just sudden stop of a car when head goes forward-backward in a fraction of a second and person forgets about it shortly after. I didn't have dental work prior to that, but had a chiro treatment which started all that.
He was then examining mostly upper vertabrae - C0-C1-C2. Said I did have some kind of "block" there. He did something to release it - there was a pop sound and some movements, but it was very different from chiro. He said one should never go to chiro or any similar "hard" techniques. In subsequent sessions he started doing moxa on my ears and also navel. As I mentioned earlier, first moxa session gave me instant relief from the noise, first time in more than a year it was all quiet.
Couple of days ago noise came back, and then slow improvement phase started. I had to fly back home (not in Russia at that time) and continued to do moxa by myself. I also found that gentle heating massage of the neck with warming creams was very helpful. I used those creams with snake poison, not sure if they are available in EU/ES, should be. After talking to that guy about what the heck that moxa was about I read a lot about Chinese and Tibetan medicines and started to implement those principles. Changed what I ate - from mostly "cold" to mostly "warm" foods, avoiding winds - I lived in a very windy Norway near sea coast then and wind is the kind of causative force for these issues in TCM. As a side effect of changing my food habits I lost 10 kilos in a month then without any dieting, had to buy all the new smaller clothes. The shift was so dramatic and visible to others, even though I was probably eating even more than before.
Went back to otoneurologist and manual therapy guy in about 6 months, repeated elecrtochochleography, there was clear improbement, but issue was still present. Oto gave me a course of acetazolamide and cinnarizine. I took the pills, they were somewhat helpful, while I was taking them (about a month), but not sure about their effect long term. Went to manual therapy guy again, he repeated the "unblocking" and said that to his surprise the issue kind of came back, even though my muscles reacted very well initially.
Went home again, moxas, food, proper exercise again - noise gradually going down. Went back to docs in 6 months - cochleography even better, though still not perfect. One round again, back in 6 months - all normal. Noise went down. Since then it has been an issue which would bother me when I get super stressed and tense. Several years later, when noise went up for about 2 months after I have been through significant stress and I got scared that its all coming back, I went to neuroENT in London Harley street and he was very proud that his clinic was one of the few offering electrocochleography in Europe. He mentioned also that from my description the one I was getting in Moscow was better and less invasive, I believe it was some high end machine made in the US. That neuroENT despite all his diplomas couldn't say what's going on (or what was going on before), took 1k worth of useless blood tests and told me that tinnitus is sometimes caused by vitamin D deficiency. Noise went down when I stopped stressing and started to once again be more mindful about what and how I eat.
There has been one thing however which was not properly understood. As I mentioned, neurologist in Russia said that despite great initial reactions my muscles and fascia keep tightening on the right at the C0/C1 level. He told me to check with dentists if some filling could cause it, though it was impossible to find a dentist who would bother about that. My bite is very bad, and have been like that since I was a child, and that guy said that I should think twice before doing any adjustments. His logic was that I somehow adapted to all this and when teeth will start moving no one can predict what's the final result will be. Still, even for him, teeth and improper filling didn't explain why structural issue keeps coming back. He also said that he sees clear correlation between sore throats and this kind of fascial tension, but for him tension was the root cause, not the throat infection.
Next few years I wasn't doing much specifically for ears/neck, but I found a surprisingly effective was to remove neck and shoulder tension. I discovered what is call "active rest position" or Pete Egoscue psoas release techniques. You basically get psoas into a position where it is neither stretched nor tense and after 20-30 minutes it lets go of lots of accumulated tension. And then whole fascial line going from hips to the neck relaxed. These exercises are so great that if I don't do them a day or two I feel lots of tension built up everywhere.
After doing this for a year or two regularly (I didn't need any motivation to do that, they just feel great), I went to that neurologist/manual therapist and, to our surprise, he said that my neck was all fine. Seen him couple of years later - still good.
The only issue then was that exercise didn't fix the problem, they were just symptom management. Only several years later I started to connect the dots between my constant sore throats as a child, frequent herpes eruptions on my lips, kind of lump in the neck on the right side (been there forever), receding gums, and then tension and tinnitus. Now its clear that some kind of background infection (I think its candida plus herpes, but its a long story why I think so), causes fascial tension, then fluid build up, then tinnitus. These days its much easier for me to be tension-free in my neck and shoulders by controlling and outgrowing whatever infection is there in the mouth and oesophagus. If tension builds up, it takes some few capsules of antifungals (sf722, propolis etc) dissloved slowly in the mouth, to get a relief I'd usually get from 30 minutes psoas exercise. I see a clear connection between this tension and food I eat and multiple other symptoms, such as tissues swelling, general feeling of sluggishness etc. I read some time ago that endotoxins cause muscle tension, so in a way its not surprising that infection, or dysbiosis, would cause local tension which then propagates to nearby areas. As I mentioned earlier, no physical therapist, or massage therapist, or chiro, etc etc could do anything with this neck/shoulder tension, though each gave me "tension of the year" award.

With regards to what you (and I) said about food, eating less or more, that's not that simple. I didn't mean one should simply eat less or fast and get healthy immediately. Long fasting, for example, would generate "inner wind" in TCM and is not recommended. I don't fast often. I was just saying that system needs some kind of balance, and not simply increased flow of nutrients, and that excess can be as harmful as deficiency. Red receding gums, for instance, with some other symptoms, which include tension in the facial muscles, could be a sign of "stomach heat" in TCM and red meat and otherwise dense food would aggravate it, so it is temporarily avoided. Food composition has dramatic effect of microbiome and just eating less or more for some time can change bugs profile. Fasting promotes growth of many species, while others are inhibited. So, while there will be some cortisol and stress while fasting, net long term effect might be beneficial.
For many years I was much into vitamins, minerals, supplementing, adjusting what my body does, as if I was smarter. Things were definitely "helping" but I had to constantly supply lots of things otherwise I'd crash. Even half a year ago I could not imaging not taking coenzymated B1 three times daily, B2 daily, magnesium baths daily, not eating tons or red meat etc. All that went away and now I don't feel any difference if I take vitamins or not (I actually do feel some, but its negative). I can't know what is good for you, but sometimes it might be good to changed some habits if you are stuck and no progress is made.

Thank you for that extensive write up. What you describe has many similaritys to my story. My tinnitus actually started like 1 or 2 months into getting braces. What is interesting about it was not only the fact that it messed up my jaw but it changed muscular/fascial structurs in the throat. See, ever since i was a child, when i would get sick it was an inflamed trhoat where every form of swallowing resulted in extreme pain felt up to my ears. Had this basicly all my life, after the braces .... i never have this anymore, even if the throat is inflammed, not much issue with swallowing.

Now obviously i'd rather not have chronic tinnitus, but i've come a long way. From all the stuff i tried postural work/sleeping on the floor turns out to be the most effective intervention thus far. Even my chronic coated tongue now sees days without any coating (no antifungal or probiotic manages this) and my hair more and more enjoys good bloodflow and stability.

In that sense i got to try that psoas release. I actually was able to get warm ears from psoas stretches which was crazy but also awsome so theres defenietly work needed.

The thing about supplements and b vitamins ... it is so wierd that you write that because thats my experience/conclusion as of the last 1-2 weeks, they helped in the past but they dont now or make stuff a little worse. Wonder if someone could take them off my hands ... got so much stuff here ...

For tinnitus i found a selfhelp therapy with white or pink noice and a simple mp3 player with non-inear (oldschool) headphones extremely useful, allowed me to get rid of hyperacusis and significantly reduced the tinnitus volume, since then i can sleep without needing music.


Oct 22, 2018
@Vins7 you are probably asking @Sergey or @Ben. but I will chime in briefly here regarding progress I've made on the bloating front. I am still doing what I described above awhile back. I'd say my "cortisol tummy" is now half the size it had been about 6 months ago. (Note that I was around 140 pounds at 5' 5" but had gone from pear shaped to apple shaped, around 2017, and had begun to look like all my mother's aunts did, when they hit their sixties: bandy-legs but huge tummies.)

I've kept up that "remedial work" on those pesky valves and doing the Jane Adams Yoga videos -- all that is paying off in a major way, PLUS recently someone on here (@sugarbabe possibly but not sure who it was, but THANKS!!) posted the "BMJ" (British Medical Journal) article from 2000 I think it was, talking about primates' sleeping positions (Michael Tetley, physiotherapist was author) and let me tell YOU ALL, that has been WONDERFUL -- sleeping like a gorilla, in the last couple of weeks. (No pillow, it is so relaxing and comfortable, my first multi-nights in a ROW, lifelong I mean, actually sleeping all night through, and this is working on carpal tunnel syndrome issues, my chronic tension / shoulder pain / neck pain AND the pesky valves' alignments and improved functionality!).

"Instinctive sleeping and resting postures: an anthropological and zoological approach to treatment of low back and joint pain."


Oct 22, 2018
Oh, one more thing, I'm working on tinnitus myself now too; husband has had the condition for years and just accepts it I guess; however I'm all about trying to DO something. I used to (supervised) perform "ear-candling" for removing that horrible hypothyroid earwax buildup, and absolutely know it works (medical doctor inadvertently and unknowingly confirmed that) however not wanting to set my head on fire have held back on treating earwax that way these days. Therefore, I'm trying the couple of drops of coconut oil method and it seems to be working pretty well. (Prefer that to olive oil.) The aforementioned "gorilla sleeping" method is also helping my ears, sinuses and ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat) areas drain better so that is helping with the whole thing, I believe.

Recent purchase and initial use of a Sperti UVB Vitamin D light (along with a Red Light I've had awhile) seem to be aiding in the efforts to get my mitochondria on the mend, I do believe, but I'll be seeing how all that goes as time elapses.

Everyone, please keep on with your good efforts to hack your own health, take it slow and remember easy does it!!


Sep 13, 2012
@Vins7 you are probably asking @Sergey or @Ben. but I will chime in briefly here regarding progress I've made on the bloating front. I am still doing what I described above awhile back. I'd say my "cortisol tummy" is now half the size it had been about 6 months ago. (Note that I was around 140 pounds at 5' 5" but had gone from pear shaped to apple shaped, around 2017, and had begun to look like all my mother's aunts did, when they hit their sixties: bandy-legs but huge tummies.)

I've kept up that "remedial work" on those pesky valves and doing the Jane Adams Yoga videos -- all that is paying off in a major way, PLUS recently someone on here (@sugarbabe possibly but not sure who it was, but THANKS!!) posted the "BMJ" (British Medical Journal) article from 2000 I think it was, talking about primates' sleeping positions (Michael Tetley, physiotherapist was author) and let me tell YOU ALL, that has been WONDERFUL -- sleeping like a gorilla, in the last couple of weeks. (No pillow, it is so relaxing and comfortable, my first multi-nights in a ROW, lifelong I mean, actually sleeping all night through, and this is working on carpal tunnel syndrome issues, my chronic tension / shoulder pain / neck pain AND the pesky valves' alignments and improved functionality!).

"Instinctive sleeping and resting postures: an anthropological and zoological approach to treatment of low back and joint pain."
It wasn't me, but thanks for tagging me! I realized I sleep like a gorilla every night except I use a small pillow, so I decided to sleep without it last night and I think I slept better!


Oct 22, 2018
It wasn't me, but thanks for tagging me! I realized I sleep like a gorilla every night except I use a small pillow, so I decided to sleep without it last night and I think I slept better!
Same here inasmuch as I'd been evolving (pun intended) toward the "baby ["travel"] pillow" -- known in the Household as "BP" -- as my sole-pillow approach anyway (down from the "heights of Pillow Mountain" and tons of money spent on various fiasco pillow-shapes / heights for several years).

Anyhow, once I ditched even BP despite merriment ensuing from the other remaining "Pillow Mountain" (husband) it's been a whole new sleeping experience!

Too bad M. Tetley's advice in the article (on others adding to the research on primate sleeping positions) apparently went unheeded or perhaps the Pillow Inventors and Physiotherapy Interests thought it was a bad idea ... ($$$ you know).


Sep 13, 2012
Same here inasmuch as I'd been evolving (pun intended) toward the "baby ["travel"] pillow" -- known in the Household as "BP" -- as my sole-pillow approach anyway (down from the "heights of Pillow Mountain" and tons of money spent on various fiasco pillow-shapes / heights for several years).

Anyhow, once I ditched even BP despite merriment ensuing from the other remaining "Pillow Mountain" (husband) it's been a whole new sleeping experience!

Too bad M. Tetley's advice in the article (on others adding to the research on primate sleeping positions) apparently went unheeded or perhaps the Pillow Inventors and Physiotherapy Interests thought it was a bad idea ... ($$$ you know).
Haha my husband uses a pillow mountain too, though it's because he has huge shoulders and says he needs it or would pinch his shoulder.


May 30, 2018
Increasing protein intake, trying to hit at least 160g most days (I'm 5'11"), with more being better. Balancing that with extra glycine.
Making sure any fluid I drink is more hypertonic (salt, potassium, and sugar being some of the key things).
Doing a no starch diet (I do tend to cook french fries in either beef tallow or HCO once a week, but otherwise, nothing).
Eating lots of sugar (fruit is good, but I get more from juice, soda, simple syrup, and honey). I'm at the point where I basically feel like, the more, the better.
Keeping the gut clean (I have some antibiotics and flowers of sulfur, also use carrot).
Using CA inhibitors, like acetazolamide and thiamine.
Are you still carrying out your experiment?

I wonder if fructose couldn't be counterproductive (in the context of a varied diet) regarding edema reduction.



Sep 13, 2012
Are you still carrying out your experiment?

I wonder if fructose couldn't be counterproductive (in the context of a varied diet) regarding edema reduction.

Cool study, I definitely think fructose is great at storing fat at least in the liver, but apparently choline protects from fructose induced fatty liver. I have been switching to more starches than sugars.


May 30, 2018
Cool study, I definitely think fructose is great at storing fat at least in the liver, but apparently choline protects from fructose induced fatty liver. I have been switching to more starches than sugars.
Same for me, I'm drastically reducing my fructose intake to see where it leads me.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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