Supplementing Amino Acids for Chronic Insomnia


New Member
Aug 24, 2014
Hello Folks....I'm new to the group after reading Ray's perspective on tryptophan toxicity. I have been trying it with Gaba (2nd time around) for chronic insomnia, while mixing it with bone broth now, in the hopes that both aminos will have a better shot at crossing the blood brain barrier. I am convinced that after dealing with very poor sleep for more than 3 years, that my brain chemistry must be altered to induce more restful sleep. I am not willing to go on SSRI's, or other meds.

I slept very well prior to a medical misdiagnosis, which involved my heart and sleep apnea. After 4 sleep studies and a cpap machine, I do not have sleep apnea, but now wake up every 2 hours or so, and have difficulty going back to sleep.

I'm going to ask my GP to run another blood panel (especially) for thyroid but they always come back pretty good except for some amemia.

I have tried every pharmaceutical, and western herb said to target insomnia without much success. I am in my mid-forties, not over weight, and reasonably healthy, and try to exercise everyday.

Any feedback or life experience which might help wold be much appreciated. Blessings and thank you.

See ref: ... ging.shtml


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I have found a bedtime snack helpful. There are a variety of options but something with sugar(generally speaking) and salt seems particularly effective. The sugar should help keep blood sugar adequate during sleep and some salt should help lower adrenaline. I had insomnia for over a decade and took a variety of pharma drugs as well as over the counter natural supplements with limited results (and many side effects). After discovering Peat's work and learning about the stress of darkness I have finally been cured of insomnia. Every night I have a bedtime snack. I don't think it is just the bedtime snack but the whole approach to healing that has made the difference. Initially the bedtime snack helped but I would still wake about once a night. When I would wake up I would have a little juice and a small pinch of salt and be able to go back to sleep. I'm not 100% sure if this will help you but it has helped many of us on the forum so it might be worth a try. I'm pretty amazed that my insomnia problem had such a simple solution and I only wish I had known to try it sooner. I suppose doctors and pharmaceutical companies don't make money though when people solve their own problems that easily.


Jan 22, 2013
I have recent experience overcoming insomnia -suffered for about 3 months. Originally I believed it to be caused by using parlodl/bromocrpitine. After much research. And trial and error I realized that I was over supplementing with biotin at the same time. I believe this caused an imbalance with b-vitamins and this caused my insomnia. I only discovered this after experimenting with Niacinamide and doing a lot of research about b vits. I recently started taking a b-complex, and am finally sleeping again without any anxiety associated with it. I'm back to my old sleeping routines with no problems.

Some of the things that really helped me with the insomnia until I figured out what the cause was:
Drawing a deep breath in lungs until can't hold any more-then release and keep releasing until feel like lungs are deflated-repeat until you literally pass out. I have to say that this has been the MOST effective sleep inducing method I have ever encountered. The key is to keep inhaling until you just can't stand it any more and then exhaling until you can't stand it any more. Do this when you are in bed and ready to sleep.
Niacinamide works-beware that you can throw your bs out of balance and caused me hair loss at high doses of 500 mgs. You can try 100mgs at a time. Can also cause headaches.

Seriphos or phosphylated serine -this really helped me at first. Great at lowering cortisol. I now use it as a pre-performance tool-it really helps with anxiety. Helped me a lot with getting to
I used t3 cynomel for about a week and it worked for a week but stopped working.
I still use magnesium before bed and that always helps but in a small way.
I agree with Blossom about the snack before bed-mine are usually salty/sweet.
Good luck. Insomnia is nothing to joke about. It's debilitating and sucks on a major scale.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Haidut has posted that taurine might be better than GABA, it is a similar structure and/or supports GABA. 3-5 grams was suggested.

The basic mechanism is glycogen storage in the liver, if that is low the stress hormones kick in. My $.02.


Nov 9, 2012
indigo said:
I slept very well prior to a medical misdiagnosis, which involved my heart and sleep apnea. After 4 sleep studies and a cpap machine, I do not have sleep apnea, but now wake up every 2 hours or so, and have difficulty going back to sleep.

I'm going to ask my GP to run another blood panel (especially) for thyroid but they always come back pretty good except for some amemia.

What happened that suddenly caused you insomnia?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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