Taurine More Effective Than Finasteride For Hair Loss

Feb 25, 2019
I'm 100% sure that taurine is slowing down my mpb but I'm still trying to figure out the mechanism
There's a study that says taurine is a vasodilator/vasorelaxant. But to be honest, the explanations of mechanism go way above my head. Elevated extracellular potassium leads to calcium influx and overload? Taurine prevents that by potassium channel opening? (Is that how taurine is decalcifying?)

Don't know what to really make of it, but it sounds like it could be relevant.:laughing:



I just take the powder in my mouth and wash it down with water. Should i mix it first? will that make a difference? its just pure powder

I believe it would be worth a try to mix it first, especially in warm liquid like a warm tea or coffee. I'm not certain of other mechanisms that could cause your bloating, but if it's something as simple as, your digestive system is struggling to digest it, then dissolving it in warm liquid first will definitely help with the bloating.

You could also try the topical route, dissolve it in water in a spray bottle and spray on your skin throughout the day.


Nov 29, 2017
Pretty sure taurine doesn’t absorb very well topically. It’s probably better ingested for systemic benefits (but it also can’t hurt to try it out). I’m testing a concentrated msm solution topically.


Pretty sure taurine doesn’t absorb very well topically. It’s probably better ingested for systemic benefits (but it also can’t hurt to try it out). I’m testing a concentrated msm solution topically.

I'm not certain if it does or doesn't, but it dissolves fully and near instantly in water. Something that dissolves that easily in water should be quite bioavailable in skin should it not?


Jun 2, 2017
I've used some shampoo's with it in and noticed a reduction, but that's about it.
Yeah, that's about the extent of it that I've heard. Nothing really miraculous.


Jul 13, 2014
Pretty sure taurine doesn’t absorb very well topically. It’s probably better ingested for systemic benefits (but it also can’t hurt to try it out). I’m testing a concentrated msm solution topically.
Msm also amazing for hair. Taurine equally good. Did you see my post about both of them helping?


Dec 17, 2020
Listen, if anyone found a legitimate cure for male pattern baldness (not talking about other hair disorders). And I mean a legitimate cure that doesn't turn you into a woman (or harming your health severely, a little harm is ok) and that actually REVERSES baldness, then you'd hear it on baldtruth the next day. All the hair loss forums would be cheering and whomever found it would become the world's first trillionaire, since pretty much no man wants to go bald.

Since that is not the case and since there is pretty much ZERO evidence on anything except spironolactone (female hormones) and hair transplants curing balding areas such as the temples and making hair actually REGROW, then we can safely and logically conclude that such cure pretty much does not exist.

Just trust me on this. I've been in this field for a decade. I've tried everything. Experimental treatments, huge courses of various vitamins, anti androgens and so far the best thing for hair I found is Dutasteride. Think of it as finasteride but stronger. It helped me maintain hair for 8+ years and actually it became thicker on crown and top of my head. The corners (temples) are still completely barren. There is nothing available in the world right now that would regrow them. If there was, I'd be throwing money at it immediately, so the researcher behind it would be on Times magazine and swimming in cash.

There is stuff that works, true. One such thing is Lomatin aka oral minoxidil. But the bad side is that it will retain water and mess up your heart, potentially killing you.

The other stuff is spironolactone, the problem is it will render you infertile and turn you into a woman.

If there was stuff that actually properly regrew hair with little to no sides men around the world would be throwing money at it, since nobody wants to go bald.

Again, this is only for MALE PATTERN BALDNESS. Female baldness and alopeciate totalis can be treated with certain means. But males are for some reason destined to go bald.
Peat always tells the same story of a dude falling into a fireplace and getting bad burns and regrowing his hair.

Roddy uses thyroid pictures from like almost a hundred years ago to prove it’s all thyroid lol but if that’s the case, people could just take thyroid and poof hair regrow.
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