Tesla Cybertruck

What do you think about the Cybertruck?

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Apr 5, 2016
Curious as to what peoples thoughts are on Tesla's new CyberTruck.

I think that from a purely aesthetically and the technical capabilities it is a very impressive car. The look is definitely polarising and it looks like it should be in Blade Runner or roaming on an alien planet in Mass effect but I personally love it. I already live in a place with a landscape that looks like Mars (volcanic island) and feel like this car was made for it.

I know there are issues with regards to electric cars when it comes to EMF emissions and the fact that they are no way near as environmentally friendly as they claim due to the energy and resources required to produce them and the fact that is very messy to dispose of the batteries.

With regards to EMF I watched a video recently where they measured the EMF levels of the different tesla models and they all had very low EMF readings throughout the vehicle both whilst stationary and driving. The only exception was right next to where the auto pilot computer is stored there was high EMF. However on the newer more advanced models the auto-pilot computer emitted very low EMF throughout the whole vehicle even on the floor right next to the battery. Check out the video here.

What I have always been concerned about with regards to electric cars is the fire risk of the batteries. Tesla claims that you are far more likely to die from a fire in a traditional combustion engine car then a tesla car and that non-electric cars often face massive recalls due to issues with catching fire. However I think this is somewhat misleading as there are obviously a lot more combustion engine cars on the road then Tesla and depending on how you present the data Tesla cars can either be significantly more or less likely to catch fire.

The design of the Cybertruck however potentially greatly reduces the risk of a fatality caused by a fire because of its exoskeleton design. If you watch the Cybertruck announcement you would have seen that the cybertruck body and chassis have been designed in a totally different way to almost all other cars. Whereas normally you build the chassis and mount a frame on top, the cybertruck has made the frame one giant exokeloten so it functions as the both the frame and the chassis. This has also allowed them to make the car incredibly strong. They claim it is bullet proof up to a 9mm round (however the glass might need some work:tearsofjoy:). See below.


The reason I think this all greatly reduces the fire hazard risk is depending on the placement of the battery pack the exoskeleton could act as a very potent shield to both the battery pack from being damaged in the event of a collision (which is the main cause of fires in battery cars) and also protect the passengers in the event of a fire. Given that fires from lithium ion batteries can burn very hot and fast due to the amount of energy stored the exoskeleton likely will not be strong enough to protect fully in the event of a fire but it might give the occupants more time to escape from the vehicle.

I've pre-ordered one, the pre-order only costs 100 dollars and is fully refundable and requires no commitment. Although the top-spec model I've ordered likely won't be available until 2022/2023.

Anyway would love to know everyone's thoughts on the CyberTruck. Love it or hate it? Beautiful or Ugly? Is it more Blade Runner or back to the future? Either way you can't deny it is daring and something different.


Jun 9, 2018
My first thought was....wow this cant be real, the f*ck is that thing ugly....I absolutly need one.

Pre-ordered one without even thinking about it.

Offensive, counter culture, a big f*ck you to the established car companies, the biggest design jump in automotive in decades.

Suddenly every truck and almost every car I look at seems old and boring compared to the cyber truck.

The amount of free press Tesla is getting from that ugly thing is ridiculous.

They will write case studies about the cybertruck in business schools in a couple years.

I can't remember anything that even comes close to the shock wave that are going around right now.

Literraly the whole internet no matter the niche is talking about it.

An iPhone 1 moment.
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Apr 5, 2016
My first thought was....wow this cant be real, the f*ck is that thing ugly....I absolutly need one.

Pre-ordered one without even thinking about it.

Offensive, counter culture, a big f*ck you to the established car companies, the biggest design jump in automotive in decades.

Suddenly every truck and almost every car I look at seems old and boring compared to the cyber truck.

The amount of free press Tesla is getting from that ugly thing is ridiculous.

They will write case studies about the cybertruck in business schools in a couple years.

I can't remember anything that even comes close to the shock wave that are going around right now.

Literraly the whole internet no matter the niche is talking about it.

An iPhone 1 moment.

I very much share this sentiment. I think the iphone 1 reference is particularly apt. When the first iphone was announced there were so many negative headlines attacking the product predicting it would be either inconsequential or a massive failure.

TechcCrunch "That virtual keyboard will be about as useful for tapping out emails and text messages as a rotary phone. Don’t be surprised if a sizable contingent of iPhone buyers express some remorse at ditching their BlackBerry when they spend an extra hour each day pumping out emails on the road."

Nokia: "I don't think that what we have seen so far (from Apple) is something that would any way necessitate us changing our thinking when it comes to openness, our software and business approach"

Blackberry: "It's kind of one more entrant into an already very busy space with lots of choice for consumers. But in terms of a sort of a sea-change for BlackBerry, I would think that's overstating it."

Where are blackberry and Nokia now? Not doing so well last time I checked.


Sep 29, 2017
They will write case studies about the cybertruck in business schools in a couple years.

Maybe it will be in the same chapter as the Tesla bankruptcy. Tesla is an unprofitable, very badly organized company led by a hyper-estrogenic, deranged maniac. Apple actually makes very good (if overpriced) products, Tesla just sells mediocre junk that will be replaced by superior products from other companies, in a few years.


Apr 5, 2016
Maybe it will be in the same chapter as the Tesla bankruptcy. Tesla is an unprofitable, very badly organized company led by a hyper-estrogenic, deranged maniac. Apple actually makes very good (if overpriced) products, Tesla just sells mediocre junk that will be replaced by superior products from other companies, in a few years.

Apple certainly had some dark days financially, Amazon had losses for years before it started to make money there first ever quarterly profit came in 2001 for a measly 5 million dollars and did they not make a yearly profit until 2003 for 35 million. Youtube still doesn't make any money it only barely breaks even nine years after google bought it.

Tesla just posted back to back profits for the first time and with the increase in demand and production I think they are well on their way to sustained profitability. I'll admit that this would unlikely have been impossible without the government subsidies they have received so it has not truly succeeded because the government has been essentially subsidising it. However given that these subsidies do not seem to be going away and that world governments are continuing to push for electric cars I do not think it is going to be going bankrupt anytime soon.

It will reach escape velocity in terms of price and technology that will make it viable for the long term.

What makes you think he is hyper-estrogenic? I thought he had been pretty based and masculine given some of his not giving a toss way of tweeting but maybe there is something I'm unaware of. Although I am not a fan of the vegan interior for the cars though. Get me some leather!


Aug 6, 2019
With regards to EMF I watched a video recently where they measured the EMF levels of the different tesla models and they all had very low EMF readings throughout the vehicle both whilst stationary and driving. The only exception was right next to where the auto pilot computer is stored there was high EMF. However on the newer more advanced models the auto-pilot computer emitted very low EMF throughout the whole vehicle even on the floor right next to the battery. Check out the video here.

I'm interested in an EV because I'm wary and aware of the damage ICEs have to my health. A small oil leak under the hood, that resulted in burning oil every ride for some time had some lasting effects on me. Electric vehicles would be an easy fix. Good to see evidence that EMFs are probably a non-issue.

I'm sad they emphasize how heavy this will be. Peat mentions the harmful effects of tire abrasions particles and road wear on respiratory health, and car weight contributes to both of those.

As an aside, the first thing I think when I see the flat panels and sharp angles is that they probably gave up on trying to make flush curves because it was too hard/more expensive, and they decided to brand this easy cop out as "futuristic".


Oct 1, 2019
I would like to see some crash tests. Aren‘t modern cars designed to be soft and have special crush zones to minimize the force that will act on your body in an accident?

Also, just throwing this one in randomly ;) :
On Elon Musk projects:

RP: "They might be reasonable as part of a plan to destroy life on earth."


Jun 7, 2016

It looks way better than every other tesla car.

Men producing 7mg of testosterone a day would buy this one.

Ps I am very grateful you mentioned that its not a green car. Elon didn’t build these for the green movement or climate change.

James ardagna

Apr 5, 2016
every tradie (tradesman in Australia) will want one of these, not to mention bush bashers for fishing and pig hunting, then you've got farmers who'll use it for the farm. my wife says we should get one because its also family friendly (thanks for the emf info too btw) and I'll easily be able to fit the surfboards in the back without needing roof racks.


Mar 3, 2016
Maybe it will be in the same chapter as the Tesla bankruptcy. Tesla is an unprofitable, very badly organized company led by a hyper-estrogenic, deranged maniac. Apple actually makes very good (if overpriced) products, Tesla just sells mediocre junk that will be replaced by superior products from other companies, in a few years.
Tesla is hyperestrogenic and Apple isn't?


Sep 29, 2017
Tesla is hyperestrogenic and Apple isn't?

I just said Elon Musk is. He is a fat, balding , aggressive man that makes life hell for everyone around him.


Dec 1, 2014
Not gonna lie, highly jealous of all you in the economic position to be able to say that you're going to order one so easily


Jun 7, 2016
I just said Elon Musk is. He is a fat, balding , aggressive man that makes life hell for everyone around him.

The thread was about the truck not Elons micro penis or any other facts about his physical appearance, stay on the subject.


Mar 29, 2016
Is there mention of wind coefficient here? Is the shape this way due to this consideration, or is it because it's so much easier to fabricate because the material is harder to sculpt? I've had about done it with vehicles that are too sculpted it makes me long for those that are more angular, but this truck is overdoing the angle bit.

Perhaps some stealth paint would be an option?


Sep 24, 2016
150k Pre-Orders within 24h.
Let only 50% of those pull the trigger once the car is available and its already a massive success.
Elon Musk on Twitter

Yep. I’m clueless if this vehicle will forward automotive technology or how individuals will drive in the near future but it seems another good economical move by Tesla/Musk.
What deserves consideration though is how easily that is achieved. It’s conceived for effect. Is that not a bad thing about the economy? I think this will succeed in the US and countries with lots of Space like Oz. I will likely finally buy some Tesla shares now


Mar 29, 2016
Doesn't the design seem to incorporate a huge spoiler such that at high speeds it would keep the rear having lift, so all 4 wheels stay planted on the ground?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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