The Cure To Old Age - Dr. Peat September 1995


Aug 17, 2016
I suppose, the first 'inner' steps to conquering stress is cultivating unbending willpower, holistic resilience (mentally, emotionally ie no self pity, sentimentality) and... 0 self importance. (ie who cares what I think. With nothing to defend, any attacks inherently fail/backfire.)

Then... sunshine, salicylic acid salts (such as CalciumSali or MagnesiumSali), Methylene Blue, some cannabinoids & terpenes (to customise the therapeutic experience), Carbs & Gelatin...

Also... Cacao, Kava root... Agmatine, Caffeine, Theanine, sea salt...& a sense of humour...


Mar 29, 2016
A summary of the newsletter from Dr. Peat:

I don't think aging is necessary...

Alexis Carrel found isolated cells could reproduce long as they were bathed in fresh nutritive substances.

Hans Selye found isolating cells from the nutrition of a young rat body would cause the cells to become senescent, quite obviously the cells you see in a very old animal.

Carrel felt that the organism's fluids were what caused or largely caused aging.

A 21 year old heals twice as fast as a 40 year old. Largely due to modified proteins in older person's blood serum...chiefly it is the fats that act on cells and diminish the capacity of the cells.

Skin from old rats, transplanted to young rats, becomes young skin. Attaching an old animal to a young one makes the old one live to a very advanced age.

(Ugh these experiments were terrible weren't they, but we must learn from them.)

So this gives us a clue as too aging. We have closed systems with fatty livers imperfectly filtering out blood, but what if we had a better mechanism to replace the old tired blood with new and young?

What are thee modified proteins in older person's blood serum? I think you can hone in on albumin, the most abundant protein in blood. Albumin takes many forms, you have unoxidized albumin, and then you have the various forms of it becoming oxidized. Replacing old blood with new blood is a temporary solution. I think that making sure there is less oxidative stress would be key. This way, albumin isn't oxidized as much. Albumin is important for its role in transporting many nutrients to cells, as well as for transporting waste products out of cells.

Being metabolically sound is important to reduce oxidative stress. A good complement to it is being biologically sound, and that means we minimize oxidative stresses arising from infection that exists internally.


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Dec 3, 2016
I have no money, I have a portfolio, that doesn’t have much. I saved. I was raised with old money. Traveling and going to private schools in Delray and Santa Cruz. The thing about the ocean water pumped in. That’s what my grandmother did in one of her houses in Maine. This is not to show off at all. I’ve seen money and poverty. I choose money. But it seems that money hasn’t dropped in my lap. And my mother has spend one mil on a house she’s building in Maine. That was a big chunk of what she had.

My sister loves money, and status. It makes her so happy. She’s failing physically but she doesn’t care about that. She cares about her dock that she’s building and nightbird (a sailboat we had up in Maine and she’s absconded with it...because she has a place to put it.) I’m not jealous at all (well a little of me is). The reason why I’m mentioning a little part of my life is that all the people with old money up in Maine are wonderful people, the Guinness family that has a house up there and has a mooring for their yacht. And then the people in Delray with the new money, those are wonderful people. In the right context.

I’m from old money (I really have 0 money), my name carries a lot, because they know my grandparents. The thing is they’re wonderful people with a huge but: if I were not OF them they probably would have nothing to do with me. And they are aware of social structures. Can’t step out line there. If I had a black boyfriend that would be very interesting taking him up to Maine.

My mother went out to dinner with Annie and Annie remarked oh I wish I had another million. She’s downsizing, she has to sell her home up in Maine. It’s obliviousness. They do not want to see hear or touch the stuff that working class people are struggling with. Obviously when I was young money didn’t mean anything. I had so much fun playing pool in uncle Al’s upstairs billiard room while the after thanksgiving feast smoked their cigars.

They’re never gonna see, because why would you if you were having that much “fun”? They guard their money like it’s nobody’s business.

I would like a simple life. I want an awesome car, Tesla or sporty bmw. And my cats, and the gym, and friends and health. Should have said that the health first. I don’t know why people are so greedy that they need a couple cars a couple houses. It’s status and security.

What I see is a problem with the whole social structure. I wish we could all have the benefits of money: no stress, time for ourselves and our interests, quality healthcare, teeth (lol, but I’m not joking). The issue is the bottleneck of the billionaires. If they weren’t so f ucking greedy then I think everyone could have what we as people deserve. Why is it that Jeff bezos keeps upping prices on Amazon? He’s one of the richest billionaires in the world. He gave a piddling of his wealth to charities, and people applauded. He really could make Amazon non-profit, totally wipe out the structure of this odd world we live in. Amazon stock would of course plummet. But oops.

These things that I see, why is it that no one in power sees them? I think they are living in distractions, and not realizing the pure feeling of what it feels like to be true to life. A good friend of mine died of alcoholism; he was a trust baby, travelled anywhere he wanted, the world was open to him. Lots of cars, I think one of his cars was a Lamborghini. The curious thing is that he struggled within himself (alcoholism). Rich or poor we all struggle with basically the same problems; fear, anxiety, non-security and division within ourselves.

Freedom and laughter and joy and love are free; I feel that you have to look inside and get your ***t straight and then things will fall into place. The world likes order and our brain needs order. Look at the symmetry of nature, a leaf has ridges that are so exact, even chaos is in order.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I have no money, I have a portfolio, that doesn’t have much. I saved. I was raised with old money. Traveling and going to private schools in Delray and Santa Cruz. The thing about the ocean water pumped in. That’s what my grandmother did in one of her houses in Maine. This is not to show off at all. I’ve seen money and poverty. I choose money. But it seems that money hasn’t dropped in my lap. And my mother has spend one mil on a house she’s building in Maine. That was a big chunk of what she had.

My sister loves money, and status. It makes her so happy. She’s failing physically but she doesn’t care about that. She cares about her dock that she’s building and nightbird (a sailboat we had up in Maine and she’s absconded with it...because she has a place to put it.) I’m not jealous at all (well a little of me is). The reason why I’m mentioning a little part of my life is that all the people with old money up in Maine are wonderful people, the Guinness family that has a house up there and has a mooring for their yacht. And then the people in Delray with the new money, those are wonderful people. In the right context.

I’m from old money (I really have 0 money), my name carries a lot, because they know my grandparents. The thing is they’re wonderful people with a huge but: if I were not OF them they probably would have nothing to do with me. And they are aware of social structures. Can’t step out line there. If I had a black boyfriend that would be very interesting taking him up to Maine.

My mother went out to dinner with Annie and Annie remarked oh I wish I had another million. She’s downsizing, she has to sell her home up in Maine. It’s obliviousness. They do not want to see hear or touch the stuff that working class people are struggling with. Obviously when I was young money didn’t mean anything. I had so much fun playing pool in uncle Al’s upstairs billiard room while the after thanksgiving feast smoked their cigars.

They’re never gonna see, because why would you if you were having that much “fun”? They guard their money like it’s nobody’s business.

I would like a simple life. I want an awesome car, Tesla or sporty bmw. And my cats, and the gym, and friends and health. Should have said that the health first. I don’t know why people are so greedy that they need a couple cars a couple houses. It’s status and security.

What I see is a problem with the whole social structure. I wish we could all have the benefits of money: no stress, time for ourselves and our interests, quality healthcare, teeth (lol, but I’m not joking). The issue is the bottleneck of the billionaires. If they weren’t so f ucking greedy then I think everyone could have what we as people deserve. Why is it that Jeff bezos keeps upping prices on Amazon? He’s one of the richest billionaires in the world. He gave a piddling of his wealth to charities, and people applauded. He really could make Amazon non-profit, totally wipe out the structure of this odd world we live in. Amazon stock would of course plummet. But oops.

These things that I see, why is it that no one in power sees them? I think they are living in distractions, and not realizing the pure feeling of what it feels like to be true to life. A good friend of mine died of alcoholism; he was a trust baby, travelled anywhere he wanted, the world was open to him. Lots of cars, I think one of his cars was a Lamborghini. The curious thing is that he struggled within himself (alcoholism). Rich or poor we all struggle with basically the same problems; fear, anxiety, non-security and division within ourselves.

Freedom and laughter and joy and love are free; I feel that you have to look inside and get your ***t straight and then things will fall into place. The world likes order and our brain needs order. Look at the symmetry of nature, a leaf has ridges that are so exact, even chaos is in order.
I guess the reality to me is you can’t live a decent and dignified life without money. Some people, like the alcoholic friend you mention, struggle with dignity and decency with money. No one wins with extreme income disparity. Maybe the billionaires win much more, like George Carlin says, you can never enter the big club. There’s got to be security in that, knowing everyone wants to be like you. The social structure is based on you’re poor because you are bad, you are lazy, you didn’t try hard enough. Peat has mentioned people who were considered fat and lazy and unproductive and Barnes discovering they had underfunctioning thyroid. There is an almost religious zealousness to the worship the wealthy receive regarding their uprightness that is just complete bull****. If you’ve ever been around people who came from poverty and then came up in America you will see the disgust with which they treat other poor people, people who are like themselves but only a decade or so removed from extreme poverty. The only thing worse than being an immigrant is being a poor immigrant. People have so much self loathing simply for who they are and the circumstances they were born into.


Dec 3, 2016
The only thing worse than being an immigrant is being a poor immigrant. People have so much self loathing simply for who they are and the circumstances they were born into.
I think looking at the self in any context is a privilege for middle class and the wealthy. My ex-boyfriend is Cuban, his parents are poor immigrants. They don’t know how to deal with money, Daisy (Joaquin’s mother) orders really silly things off of Fingerhut. She doesn’t need them. She’s having eyelifts, based on taxpayer’s money, and varicose vein removal. She has cable up the butt. And if you come down to it, she doesn’t have any idea of self loathing any more than others. Just my experience. I know she hates being poor, but I don’t think she goes much deeper than that. Member she has cable up the butt, and she loves her Facebook.

Edit: she’s proud to be Cuban, I believe. I’ve been to their pig roasts and they are proud Cubans with big genuine smiles. (I’ve been to very posh dinners and parties but the smiles were rarely that genuine and the laughter not so much.) No salad forks and three glasses; white wine, Bordeaux and port, at that pig roast.
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yeah I mean if rich people were high metabolism I think things would be a lot better. High metabolism tends to bring out the selfless nature of humans and would make people be more apt to help each other. I always find it strange tho that even rich people oftentimes are stuck in low metabolism. Actually I guess it does make some sense. They still often get the same treatments that average joes get like SSRI's, chemo, and still get told to take their fish oil and all that fun stuff. I really think chasing a way to make more people into high metabolic states would fix a lot of our problems. Socialism, capitalism, all that is a smokescreen, chasing certain political systems by force and at the barrel of a gun, or whatever, does not change anything. All politics does is polarize people further. Long lasting change comes from within (metabolism) not from outside (trying to change political systems). Truly high metabolic humans are naturally somewhat "socialist" (and I say this being primarily a conservative/capitalist political leaning), but the problem is, trying to force a socialist type society on a population that is low metabolic rate will fail literally 100% of the time and we see this everywhere its been attempted to be forced on the populace. It doesn't help that most of the time that such a system has been tried, even the people in power implementing it were low metabolism. Knowing this, its more realistic to keep a balance between capitalism and socialism, but working on restoring the metabolic rate of average joe, and if that can be achieved, then even if the system is still somewhat capitalist, people will gladly help each other out (I think anyway) if anyone is truly in need. This utopian society, I think, is usually what people envision when they speak of socialism, but I don't think we can have such a society while everyone is in this low metabolic, selfish, cut-throat competition mindset (this cut-throat competition mindset exists in socialism too BTW which we see in people in power in places like Venezuela for example, the people in power win at the expense of the entire population). I read somewhere else that the ideal capitalist society would look more like a "Mentor-Mentee" type of relationship structure rather than "Employer-Employee" mindset. Thinking in mentor-mentee terms makes humans more or less level on the playing field, whereas employer-employee implies more control and subservience.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I think looking at the self in any context is a privilege for middle class and the wealthy. My ex-boyfriend is Cuban, his parents are poor immigrants. They don’t know how to deal with money, Daisy (Joaquin’s mother) orders really silly things off of Fingerhut. She doesn’t need them. She’s having eyelifts, based on taxpayer’s money, and varicose vein removal. She has cable up the butt. And if you come down to it, she doesn’t have any idea of self loathing any more than others. Just my experience. I know she hates being poor, but I don’t think she goes much deeper than that. Member she has cable up the butt, and she loves her Facebook.
You think she would have eye lifts and vein removal if she didn’t hate herself?


Dec 3, 2016
You think she would have eye lifts and vein removal if she didn’t hate herself?
Yes she hates herself, but no more than the people of good old US of A. She doesn’t have to be a poor immigrant to have that luxury.


Jul 19, 2018
I think largely these structures are self-supporting. I doubt anyone with or without money is inherently more good or evil for it. No one individual is responsible for an entire cultural trend.

If Jeff Bezos redistributes his wealth, does this really solve the inequality issue?

Automation will be the tipping point, IMO. Suddenly you have a global population with no source of income, and thus, nothing to pour back into your big shiny economy.

So money becomes so scarce it's virtually unobtainable, and people start trading with other stuff. Then the whole shared concept of money (which is all it actually is) becomes meaningless to all but the select few who still use it.

So in the short term...mass poverty and depression, then civil unrest, and eventually, revolution through strength in numbers. A few overthrown governments later and we eventually get something resembling what we started with. Small self-sustaining communities with fair distribution of resources. (Give or take a few variables)

Obviously that whole series of events could take centuries to all play out, globally. And that's if we succeed in dodging a few nuclear wars and preventing AI's from taking over the world.

That's just my theory, anyways. Feel free to poke holes in it.

Live for today people! Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


Feb 13, 2016
Well what can you really do in terms of improving blood/fluid quality aside from donating blood and if you somehow have access to this, implanting a young liver or infusing fresh blood into yourself? Aside from purely theoretical speculations, like engineering a blood filtration device (a second liver/kidney) and putting it inside yourself.

Isn't financial stress is a more actionable topic to discuss when it comes to slowing aging?
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Jul 6, 2013
You think she would have eye lifts and vein removal if she didn’t hate herself?

Does having a cosmetic procedure on yourself to remove something you consider ugly, or a sign of aging that you don’t like, mean you hate yourself necessarily?


Jul 31, 2015
Well what can you really do in terms of improving blood/fluid quality aside from donating blood and if you somehow have access to this, implanting a young liver or infusing fresh blood into yourself? Aside from purely theoretical speculations, like engineering a blood filtration device (a second liver/kidney) and putting it inside yourself.

Isn't financial stress is a more actionable topic to discuss when it comes to slowing aging?
The Clintons and other elites just call 1800jeffyepsteinbaby

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Does having a cosmetic procedure on yourself to remove something you consider ugly, or a sign of aging that you don’t like, mean you hate yourself necessarily?
I don’t know. I guessing that’s a rhetorical question and you already have your answer.

My mom started with a nose job in her 30s then she got her under eye fat vacuumed out. Then they took too much fat out so 10 years of fillers and fat grafting. Then a tummy tuck and lip injections and god knows what else. I get it if someone is ugly but my mom was miss flea market 1979 and got Arnold Schwarzenegger’s number in an elevator when she was an accountant for Simon and Schuster. But yes let’s stay on topic since money and stress and social status have nothing to do with aging.


Dec 3, 2016
“But yes let’s stay on topic since money and stress and social status have nothing to do with aging.”

Nov 21, 2015
It’s about Dr. Peat’s article. Ain’t it?

I think the implication of the article *is* that there will be some sort of filtration system that doesn’t limit us to our existing fluids and liver. I mean, they showed with the old rat sewn to the young rat that this is possible.


Dec 3, 2016
Stress is aging, sure. I guess you'll never cure aging while there is stress, but the concept is necessary to have even a fighting chance.
I think this is the whole thing, stress.
I looked up stress and one thing it said was “anxiety is stress that continues after the stressor is gone.” For me that is really important. Silly me I didn’t realize that anxiety and stress are flip sides to the same coin. I have anxiety, rarely do I not.

But physically I look ok, my right eyebrow has almost fully grown in, etc. But emotionally I have this weird thing, anxiety. I think Cirion was spot on with metabolism. When my metabolism is high (little sweat under the arms, higher pulse rate, at least 98.6 f) I feel so damn good. Joviality is my middle name. Anxiety is gone. So high metabolism = anxiety gone.

And anxiety is stress after the stressor is gone. So great metabolism means no stress. And if someone backends your car, with a high metabolism ideally you’d not yell and argue, you’d negotiate the deal. But of course it takes two “sane” (metabolism high) people.

For me a high metabolism is stress free living. And I do think, as Cirion said, the metabolism is step one. And then there will be no stress. But it’s not the stress it’s the low-metabolism (hypothyroid) looks like it causes stress and anxiety. So the stress (aging) doesn’t happen when you have a great metabolism.

That’s why we live in an anxiety ridden stressful society, because most are low metabolism.
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Dec 3, 2016
Being currently in a low metabolic state, and being perfectly 100% honest, I probably would be willing to step on a few toes if it meant getting me financial freedom quicker and thus finally breaking free from my stress and learned helplessness
Well that’s a personal thing. I don’t think that has to do with metabolic state. Cause as sad and annoyed as I get with my body fluctuating between high and low, I would never step on a few toes.
Nov 21, 2015
The article specifically speaks to the point that if we could cleanse our blood we could stay forever young. That’s what I think it says.


Dec 3, 2016
Ok so you want us to talk about the blood? New blood, younger blood. Maybe vampires...jk
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