The elite promote diversity...because it prevents unity (against them)



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It was established to favor the elite because large self-sufficient families are dynamically opposed to centralized control.

Thanks. You also said they view father-led families as a threat, so if I understanding correctly large, self-sufficient, father-led, non-monogynous families are a threat...probably because they are akin to mini-societies that do not really need or want external influence of any kind, right?


Mar 2, 2021
Thanks. You also said they view father-led families as a threat, so if I understanding correctly large, self-sufficient, father-led, non-monogynous families are a threat...probably because they are akin to mini-societies that do not really need or want external influence of any kind, right?
That is it precisely!


Sep 9, 2019
I think it’s ruinous and the elites that push these policies are drunk on their own power. I don’t think they know what they’re messing with, or maybe they do but don’t care because they figure they’ll be immune from consequences by virtue of their wealth.
It's probably not so much what they're messing with but what's messing with them. At least some of them know what it is and probably think it will spare them.

Either way, don't elevate them. We're not so different.


Feb 18, 2016

Can someone get Barbara to expand on how Jews will survive when surrounded by radical Muslims, her body language and facial expressions are common amongst left woke types, they are pathological. The psychotics at the ADL America were called out for their delusional hypocrisy around American and israeli immigration this week, they ignore the point made by Tucker Carlson and shout White supremacy instead, Carlson is a clown but he stated facts here.

Peter Sutherland was another delusional pumping the same narrative under the guise of humanitarianism, he was a big business man, tony Blair another example, this lot seen the markets as the direction governments should be focused on, forget about cultures within states, this is why multiculturalism is backfiring, folks want meaning, the economy is not meaning when most folks are not making enough money to care. Big business types want large populations for consumerism and this is what migrants are all about.
Its a human ponzi scheme.
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Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Can someone get Barbara to expand on how Jews will survive when surrounded by radical Muslims, her body language and facial expressions are common amongst left woke types, they are pathological. The psychotics at the ADL America were called out for their delusional hypocrisy around American and israeli immigration this week, they ignore the point made by Tucker Carlson and shout White supremacy instead.

Peter Sutherland was another delusional pumping the same narrative under the guise of humanitarianism, he was a big business man, tony Blair another example, this lot seen the markets as the direction governments should be focused on, forget about cultures within states, this is why multiculturalism is backfiring, folks want meaning, the economy is not meaning when most folks are not making enough money to care. Big business types want large populations for consumerism and this is what migrants are all about.
Its a human ponzi scheme.
I agree ! If i may add : Muslim immigration in Europe, America or Japan are 99.9% Sunni which means that they are ruled by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Israel will never fear these countries. Israel enemies are Chia countries such as Syria, Liban and especially Iran. Understanding politics with only "buisness, capitalism and consumerism goal" is not enough. Eschatological and religious understanding (whether true or not), is one big part of the puzzle. I mean Sorros, Bill Gates and Cie have already all the money they want.


Feb 18, 2016
I agree ! If i may add : Muslim immigration in Europe, America or Japan are 99.9% Sunni which means that they are ruled by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Israel will never fear these countries. Israel enemies are Chia countries such as Syria, Liban and especially Iran. Understanding politics with only "buisness, capitalism and consumerism goal" is not enough. Eschatological and religious understanding (whether true or not), is one big part of the puzzle. I mean Sorros, Bill Gates and Cie have already all the money they want.

I can see as usual the Catholic Church and jesuits are also quietly pumping and fueling migration, the MSM ignores their role, they are heavily involved, they were heavily involved with creating South America, they probably like societies with lots of corruption and crime, it’s good for their market, lots of funerals from murders and people looking for hope in religion etc ,oh and innocent kids for them to molest and no accountability because of a corrupt judiciary.

Most of the migrants surveyed in Europe said they want sharia law, this is in the younger age cohorts also, 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants, over 65% and up in some cases, maybe they expected what you mention but that’s not how it’s working, in London Muslims are on the street in some areas telling women to cover up their bodies, many Europeans countries now have no go zones full of Muslims. They have also attacked Synagogue.

It’s about power, money worship is the way to get it and maintain it.


Dec 12, 2019
Of course they do promote Diversity. A Unity against them could be a Real Threat (given the sheer Mass of the Population).
In our Country they are now going for ''Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated'' People. Vaccinated have more privilidges then Unvaccinated People


Aug 17, 2018
The article is seemingly about unions and corporations manipulating their employees, but the same ideas apply on the scale of societies/countries too. Diversity - in the workplace, in the arts, in science, in the govt, and in society as a whole - suddenly became a hot topic some time in the early 2000s and its "importance" has not waned since then. If anything, it has dramatically intensified over the last decade and has become a core principle of the "woke" segment of society. Yet, the fact that the elite corporatocracy is actively promoting/funding diversity in every aspect of society should give a pause to any sane human who knows how money works and what the elites spend their money on - i.e. things that give them more and more control over the "plebs" (us). I wonder if there is some critical value for that "diversity index" beyond which not only is there no unity of any sorts but the structure breaks down - i.e. a riot in the company store when applied to a specific corporation, and civil war when applied to society as a whole. Also, since rioting/wars are arguably disruptive for business, I wonder if there is some way for companies or govt. to control the diversity index and prevent it from going too high, when needed...

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod

"...Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a "diversity index" and determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."

From Business Insider, "Amazon-owned Whole Foods is quietly tracking its employees with a heat map tool that ranks which stores are most at risk of unionizing":

This should give you a clue as to why our Woke Capitalist rulers are so eager to preach the mantra of "diversity.
If you read this book: Atlantis, Edda & Bible by Wieland written 100 years ago, you will learn the real reason why diversity, freedom to all etc. has been promoted. These slogans have been in works for thousands of years.

I'm not religious but unfortunately the religion has been shaping the human history and problems we face nowadays.

I feel like about everything we have been taught is twisted. There is some truth wrapped up with bunch of lies.


Apr 28, 2018
If you read this book: Atlantis, Edda & Bible by Wieland written 100 years ago, you will learn the real reason why diversity, freedom to all etc. has been promoted. These slogans have been in works for thousands of years.

I'm not religious but unfortunately the religion has been shaping the human history and problems we face nowadays.

I feel like about everything we have been taught is twisted. There is some truth wrapped up with bunch of lies.
I wondered if this thread would get to here.
Has anyone else read the "theories" regarding 3 religions being created by Roman military thinkers to direct growing populations...all cross referenced with key characters for validation, presented to largely illiterate masses with stories drawn from bits of existing lore...designed to include "laws" traditions, and context for governance, er..control, plus income (tithes, taxes, resources and property controls) include removal of all prev knowledge of civilization...burning of libraries, rewrites as 1600s KJV... until the 1800s discovery of 20K cuneiform tablets in Egypt rushed to the basement of British Museum..expounded upon by books burned like "Antiquity Unveiled"? (A large collection of historical characters reciting events that are mirrored by theology and tales in Torah, Bible, and Quran... written and couched as received by "spirits" to blend with the "spiritualism" trend of the day, by an Archeologist who saw collegues die mysteriosly after findings in Egypt). It has been posited that author Roberts was possibly first to crack cuneiform code when none had a clue so that early access to 20K tablets gave him access to hidden history. The Apollonius story citing a healer traveler who spoke and healed from city to city is theorized the model for Jesus. Lack of other historical references by Greeks or other scholar texts of the time bolsters a Jesus myth theory and the reasons for book burning during the infantcy of archeology period.
A very old rabbit hole?


Aug 17, 2018
I wondered if this thread would get to here.
Has anyone else read the "theories" regarding 3 religions being created by Roman military thinkers to direct growing populations...all cross referenced with key characters for validation, presented to largely illiterate masses with stories drawn from bits of existing lore...designed to include "laws" traditions, and context for governance, er..control, plus income (tithes, taxes, resources and property controls) include removal of all prev knowledge of civilization...burning of libraries, rewrites as 1600s KJV... until the 1800s discovery of 20K cuneiform tablets in Egypt rushed to the basement of British Museum..expounded upon by books burned like "Antiquity Unveiled"? (A large collection of historical characters reciting events that are mirrored by theology and tales in Torah, Bible, and Quran... written and couched as received by "spirits" to blend with the "spiritualism" trend of the day, by an Archeologist who saw collegues die mysteriosly after findings in Egypt). It has been posited that author Roberts was possibly first to crack cuneiform code when none had a clue so that early access to 20K tablets gave him access to hidden history. The Apollonius story citing a healer traveler who spoke and healed from city to city is theorized the model for Jesus. Lack of other historical references by Greeks or other scholar texts of the time bolsters a Jesus myth theory and the reasons for book burning during the infantcy of archeology period.
A very old rabbit hole?
It would be nice to get hands on all these ancient manuscripts (whether burned or not). The book by 'John Lamb: Not in his image' is also a very good one. Perhaps should be read first before the Wieland's book. Yes, the rabbit hole is very old and goes very deep but I feel like it's starting to make a sense to me after all the zillion things I have read through my life.


Apr 28, 2018
It would be nice to get hands on all these ancient manuscripts (whether burned or not). The book by 'John Lamb: Not in his image' is also a very good one. Perhaps should be read first before the Wieland's book. Yes, the rabbit hole is very old and goes very deep but I feel like it's starting to make a sense to me after all the zillion things I have read through my life.
I feel the same. My library is enormous, and I find myself going back to the ones from 1800 more and more.
Yesterday I mused as how "The Seven Wonders of the World " list as taught when I was young placed the pyramids right next to natural Niagra if stone monolithic structures were no big deal. As an adult, I see clearly there are huge secrets in structures on every continent that are completely inexplicable. Nothing in OUR world can quarry and move 800 ton stones.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I feel like about everything we have been taught is twisted. There is some truth wrapped up with bunch of lies.

I guess that gives weight to both Jesus' and Buddha's saying "doubt everything, found your own light". Ancient Greeks like Aristotle and Heraclitus believed in the same credo - i.e. knowledge from other people is simply other people's memories. Real truth is a process...of continuously extracting knowledge from matter/reality. For a lack of a better word - interacting with reality/life all the time. Not a foolproof recipe for success, but the only tested method of evolving the human consciousness we have. Sadly, most people have been zombified to believe that this process can be outsourced to others and then the result be simply passively consumed.


Apr 5, 2016
Mike Tyson, aside from his anger issues (due to childhood abuse), also has similar behavior/swagger and remarkably rich expressiveness in language. There are several sites out there collecting his more notable quotes for posterity. My personal favorite - "You get old too soon and smart too late".
Reminds me of Dylan's song My Back Pages,

"I was so much older then I'm younger than that now"

He was reflecting on all the things he thought he new when he just started and how he came to realise that much of it was a lie and he was "old" enough to realise this even though he was actually still very young.

The last verse is very relevant today in my opinion,

"Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now"

Kind of sums up how the elites manipulate people today, "abstract threats" (systemic racism, transphobia, sexism take your pick) "too noble to neglect" (if you ignore these noble causes you are evil and wicked. This combination deceives so many into being pawns
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Apr 28, 2018
Reminds me of Dylan's song My Back Pages,

"I was so much older then I'm younger than that now"

He was reflecting on all the things he thought he new when he just started and how he came to realise that much of it was a lie and he was "old" enough to realise this even though he was actually still very young.

The last verse is very relevant today in my opinion,

"Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now"

Kind of sums up how the elites manipulate people today, "abstract threats" (systemic racism, transphobia, sexism take your pick) "too noble to neglect" (if you ignore these noble causes you are evil and wicked. This combination deceives so many into being pawns
Excellent extraction of artistic philosophy to demonstrate autonomy of discernment!
Thankyou very much for your share.


Jul 29, 2020
Reminds me of Dylan's song My Back Pages,

"I was so much older then I'm younger than that now"

He was reflecting on all the things he thought he new when he just started and how he came to realise that much of it was a lie and he was "old" enough to realise this even though he was actually still very young.

The last verse is very relevant today in my opinion,

"Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now"

Kind of sums up how the elites manipulate people today, "abstract threats" (systemic racism, transphobia, sexism take your pick) "too noble to neglect" (if you ignore these noble causes you are evil and wicked. This combination deceives so many into being pawns
amazing post, I love that song and often play it myself


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Reminds me of Dylan's song My Back Pages,

"I was so much older then I'm younger than that now"

He was reflecting on all the things he thought he new when he just started and how he came to realise that much of it was a lie and he was "old" enough to realise this even though he was actually still very young.

The last verse is very relevant today in my opinion,

"Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now"

Kind of sums up how the elites manipulate people today, "abstract threats" (systemic racism, transphobia, sexism take your pick) "too noble to neglect" (if you ignore these noble causes you are evil and wicked. This combination deceives so many into being pawns

Amazing song! Apparently, many artists intuitively know when they are being misled by the authorities and are much more open minded than the average Joe on the street. No wonder the govt tries to always portray most of the smart and politically active artists as "useless junkies" - i.e. same discrediting tactic they invented for politically dangerous LSD users back in the 1960s.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I guess that gives weight to both Jesus' and Buddha's saying "doubt everything, found your own light". Ancient Greeks like Aristotle and Heraclitus believed in the same credo - i.e. knowledge from other people is simply other people's memories. Real truth is a process...of continuously extracting knowledge from matter/reality. For a lack of a better word - interacting with reality/life all the time. Not a foolproof recipe for success, but the only tested method of evolving the human consciousness we have. Sadly, most people have been zombified to believe that this process can be outsourced to others and then the result be simply passively consumed.

not directly related to diversity, but just how much do you think is fake/untrue or exaggerated with regards to historical events? whether its dinosaurs, the crusades or slavery, confederate war, the world wars, down to modern events in the last 20 years. some people get pissed at me for doubting certain events but the thing is, there is so much fake misinfo out there and based on the lies you can see present in every industry, there is just no way historical events occurred in the way they are told by modern day school systems. didnt Ray himself mention how a lot of what weve been told about world war 2 or Russia is false.

regarding diversity, for the last 30+ years you have official government statistics giving us a breakdown of the numbers and types of races who have been killed by cops, yet you still have huge segments of the population behaving as if only one race is being killed by cops and only donating to/protesting for victims of certain crimes or police violence if they belong to a specific race. if we cant even get to the truth of modern day historical events as they are occurring then it seems there is no way to know the truth about events that occurred 50 years, 100 years, or thousands of years ago.


Apr 28, 2018
not directly related to diversity, but just how much do you think is fake/untrue or exaggerated with regards to historical events?
With so many categories of
It would be nice to get hands on all these ancient manuscripts (whether burned or not). The book by 'John Lamb: Not in his image' is also a very good one. Perhaps should be read first before the Wieland's book. Yes, the rabbit hole is very old and goes very deep but I feel like it's starting to make a sense to me after all the zillion things I have read through my life.
You may be aware of the series on youtube by Ewaranon, episode 13 speaks to "lost" books throughout our history, the content of which is repeated in multiple ancient cultures whether in art, oral myth/legend, or actually taught within spiritual treatise. At any rate, the overview is tremendous towards connecting the dots of human origins and information witheld.
here is #13

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