The Elite's Endgame - Piecing together the puzzle and their final solution - Your future as a cyborg slave


Jun 22, 2021
The following are all excerpts from

Human Augmentation: the Dawn of a New Paradigm - A strategic implications project

posted by the UK's Military of Defense in partnership with Germany's Bundeswehr office of defense planning

This is a public document that aligns with much of Schwaab's Fourth Industrial Evaluation, GATES Patents, and the general goal of a Technocratic future written about extensively in the past 100 years by the NWO

I would highly recommend reading the entire document - This is the future of the human race after all:


Conceptualizing humans as a "platform"

They can no longer have people acting in their own interests, with their own freedoms and making their own decisions. The Human Race must become a system and all decisions must be made for what's best for the collective, not for you.


" It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline"

There you go - the elites spell out what one of their motives were for mandated vaccines - to prepare the public for the first step in accepting mandated human augmentation (AKA a chip in your brain). "But mate, you already accepted a gene cell therapy to change your DNA, a brain chip is basically the same thing!" and the public will eat it all up



Brain Chips and 5G

MK-Ultra was just the beginning - mind-control will take a physical form and biological thinking will begin to cease existing

Oooh. Did you still think that Brain Chips that control your thinking was just a conspiracy ? Why do you think the elites cared so much about installing 5G towers everywhere ? They are preparing to make the Human Race one big collective network of cyborgs and for that they need fast and strong connections across the globe.


"Human Rights and property law are examples of legal fields which may need to adapt as technologies become integrated with, rather than merely used by, people"

You will own nothing and be Happy. Your property will be stripped from you and your "Human Rights" need tweaking. They will slowly but surely change all laws regarding this until you indeed have nothing.


"Societies may seek to gainfully employ the elderly, but this could impact on the young and jobless: will the elderly be seen to take more than their 'fair share' of resources and opportunities"

Uh-Oh. Another justification of depopulation again and how will they go about this to keep the population nice and low ? By convincing the young generation that there are "limited resources" and that the elderly shouldn't be allowed to have it - guess what this spells ? it's a dark future for the elderly


It's not about the money

They already have the money - it's about biological control. Shaping the next stage of evolution is their next step and it doesn't work out so well for you and me.


"Without Intervention, human augmentation is likely to exacerbate inequality and could lead to social tensions"

There you go. Now you know what "diversity and inclusion" is really all about. Now you know why 9/11 was planned for the invasion into the Middle East. They can't have poor people lagging behind in the middle of nowhere- they need everyone on the same cyborg slave page and to do that they need every country/region under their control and they need inequality to go away

"Human Augmentation may challenge or offend religious views and appear to give credence to other belief systems - such as Transhumanism"

Now you see why the elites hate religion so much. It gives people the belief that you have "rights", that you are in fact, human. The Transhumanism agenda future doesn't mesh well with your religion so your religion has to be proven wrong and trashed at every turn in order for the Transhumanism agenda to succeed.

Have you ever wondered why the elites push (in museums and science/history books) have been so aggressive with the age of earth, The Big Bang theory, the existence of giants, and so on and so forth ?

It's all part of the same plan! These are all small steps to brainwash you into establishing doubt in all religious documents and religion itself. They NEED PEOPLE to stop believing in your religions (i.e. that you actually matter) in order for the Transhumanist agenda to succeed.


"The idea of helping your family and group, respecting others possessions and returning favors are deep-routed altruistic tenets that helped our ancestors form successful social groups"

The destruction of the nuclear family is one of their biggest goals

Don't you find it incredibly coincidental that the rise of
- dating apps/sexual selection - this move was made to sterilize the vast majority of men who would have otherwise formed a family
-LGBTQ rights/movement (which Soros funds by the way)
-100+ genders and gender identity (Soros)

All rose at the same time? Before the 2000's and Occupy Wall Street Movement, NONE of these movements had much steam.

It seems there was a collective effort to STOP people from making children and forming a family. They must destroy all your sense of belonging for the Transhumanism agenda to succeed. Your relationships with family and friends MUST be destroyed for their plan to work, people cannot have a sense of belonging for the agenda to succeed

The Transhumanist agenda is the final solution. Everything bought/paid for and planned leads to this one basic idea:

The collapse of society is planned

The stripping of your money/property is planned

The destruction of nuclear family is planned

The brainwashing in our education systems is planned

The sterilization of males and females is planned

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Dec 8, 2016
The beheading of Christians is planned...

Here come the critical comments stating we have “doom and gloom” thinking.
But I actually think James has only skimmed the surface unfortunately.

Especially for us who live in the West (the US) and have understood very very little of our privileges and freedoms here; and or the atrocities done unto man in other corners of the world.


Dec 8, 2016


Jan 23, 2017
Who needs crisis actors for the next crisis when AI is ready willing to create them for you? "Go get 'em!' as Biden would say.

Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 04-11-42 Are we witnessing Western Mass pyschosis .png


Jun 22, 2021

GATES and Zuckerberg making 'predictions' we will soon begin leaving reality for the metaverse.

This is the continuation of the depersonalization mission - to demolish in-person connections. If no one is meeting up in person with friends or forming relationships (especially sexual relationships) - they don't have to worry about anyone having babies or forming a family - Unironically every person in society will live their life just "plugged in"

This begs the question:

How long can a person live if they have a device shooting EMF to their brain 24/7 - this is a 24/7 hypometabolic state - will this be sustainable ? It seem like it would kill us all quiet fast


Oct 19, 2019


Jun 22, 2021
The propaganda for brain chips has started:


15/23 monkeys had to be euthanized and some monkeys ripped off their own fingers and toes after the operation but don't worry! It's completely safe for people


Jul 31, 2020
Can't wait to have a chip release extra serotonin when i have unhappy thoughts to make me happier


Jan 23, 2017
Since this topic area is about "piecing together the puzzle" for humanity becoming slaves, I'm offering this very long article (which I have attached) by Russian sociologist-philosopher Alexander Dugin at this link as an outstanding masterpiece of historical insight that explains better than anything I have ever read where Globalism came from and where it plans to take us. I especially like his seeing the origins of Globalist/liberal philosophy in the philosophical school of "nominalism" leading to the direct ascent of atomistic, consistent individualism, that is, post-human transhumanism, the ultimate end goal of globalism and liberalism:

Two key takeaways (but please read entire article):

"To understand clearly what Biden's victory and Washington's "new" course for the "Great Reset" means on a historical scale, one must look at the entire history of liberal ideology, starting from its roots. Only then we are able to understand the seriousness of our situation. Biden's victory is not a coincidental episode, and the announcement of a globalist counterattack is not merely the agony of a failed project. It is far more serious than that. Biden and the forces behind him embody the culmination of a historical process that began in the Middle Ages, reached its maturity in Modernity with the emergence of capitalist society, and which today is reaching its final stage - the theoretical one outlined from the beginning.

The roots of the liberal (=capitalist) system go back to the scholastic dispute about universals. This dispute split Catholic theologians into two camps: some recognized the existence of the common (species, genus, universalia), while others believed in only certain concrete - individual things, and interpreted their generalizing names as purely external conventional systems of classification, representing "empty sound". Those who were convinced of the existence of the general, the species, drew on the classical tradition of Plato and Aristotle. They came to be called "realists," that is, those who recognized the "reality of universalia". The most prominent representative of the "realists" was Thomas Aquinas and, in general, it was the tradition of the Dominican monks.

The proponents of the idea that only individual things and beings are real came to be called "nominalists," from the Latin "nomen." The demand - "entities should not be multiplied without necessity" - goes back precisely to one of the chief defenders of "nominalism," the English philosopher William Occam. Even earlier, the same ideas had been defended by Roscelin of Compiègne. Although the "realists" won the first stage of the conflict and the teachings of the "nominalists" were anathematized, later the paths of Western European philosophy - especially of the New Age - were followed by Occam.

"Nominalism" laid the foundation for future liberalism, both ideologically and economically. Here humans were seen only as individuals and nothing else, and all forms of collective identity (religion, class, etc.) were to be abolished. Likewise, the thing was seen as absolute private property, as a concrete, separate thing which could easily be attributed as property to this or that individual owner.

Nominalism prevailed first of all in England, became widespread in Protestant countries and gradually became the main philosophical matrix of New Age - in religion (individual relations of man with God), in science (atomism and materialism), in politics (preconditions of bourgeois democracy), in economy (market and private property), in ethics (utilitarianism, individualism, relativism, pragmatism), etc. Starting from nominalism, we can trace the entire path of historical liberalism, from Roscelin and Occam to Soros and Biden. For convenience, let us divide this history into three phases."


"We have seen that the entire history of liberalism is the successive liberation of the individual from all forms of collective identity. The final accord in the process of this logically perfect implementation of nominalism will be the transition to posthumanism and the probable replacement of humanity with another - this time posthuman - machine civilization. This is what consistent individualism, taken as something absolute, leads to.

But here liberal philosophy arrives at a fundamental paradox. The liberation of the individual from their human identity, for which gender politics prepares them by consciously and purposefully transforming the human being into a perverted monster, cannot guarantee that this new - progressive! - being will remain an individual.

Moreover, the development of networked computer technologies, genetic engineering, and object-oriented ontology itself, which represents the culmination of Postmodernism, clearly point to the fact that the "new being" will not be so much an "animal" as a “machine". It is with this in mind that the horizons of "immortality" are likely to be offered in the form of the artificial preservation of personal memories (which are quite easy to simulate).

Thus, the individual of the future, as the fulfillment of the whole program of liberalism, will not be able to guarantee precisely that which has been the main goal of liberal progress - that is, their individuality. The liberal being of the future, even in theory, is not an individuum, something "indivisible," but rather a "dividuum," i.e. something divisible and made up of replaceable parts. Such is the machine - it is composed of a combination of parts.

In theoretical physics, there has long been a transition from the theory of "atoms" (i.e. "indivisible units of matter") to the theory of particles, which are thought of not as "parts of something whole" but as "parts without a whole.” The individual as a whole also decomposes into component parts, which can be reassembled, but can also not be assembled, instead used as a bioconstructor. Hence the figures of mutants, chimeras and monsters that abound in modern fiction, populating the most imagined (and therefore, in a sense, anticipated and even planned) versions of the future.

The Postmodernists and speculative realists have already prepared the ground for this by proposing to replace the human body as something whole with the idea of a "parliament of organs" (B. Latour). In this way, the individual - even as a biological unit - would become something else, mutating precisely the moment it reaches its absolute embodiment.

Human progress in the liberal interpretation inevitably ends with the abolition of humanity."

And I would ask, what would be the "something else" humans would mutate into, using genetic, biological, electronic technology? Anything the Elite wants it to be. The gender identity and LGBTQ wars - where say, serious people say there are 37 genders - is anticipation of a future of mass mutation from human to whatever. LGBTQ and fluid gender is pre-mutation made legal and widespread to prepare our minds for and accept much more radical mutations. The "whatever" the human is forced to mutate into will be anything EXCEPT human. In the most distilled terms, that's the goal of globalism/liberalism/transhumanism.



  • Manifesto of Great Awakening Against Great Reset.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 6


Jan 15, 2016
Since this topic area is about "piecing together the puzzle" for humanity becoming slaves, I'm offering this very long article (which I have attached) by Russian sociologist-philosopher Alexander Dugin at this link as an outstanding masterpiece of historical insight that explains better than anything I have ever read where Globalism came from and where it plans to take us. I especially like his seeing the origins of Globalist/liberal philosophy in the philosophical school of "nominalism" leading to the direct ascent of atomistic, consistent individualism, that is, post-human transhumanism, the ultimate end goal of globalism and liberalism:

Two key takeaways (but please read entire article):

"To understand clearly what Biden's victory and Washington's "new" course for the "Great Reset" means on a historical scale, one must look at the entire history of liberal ideology, starting from its roots. Only then we are able to understand the seriousness of our situation. Biden's victory is not a coincidental episode, and the announcement of a globalist counterattack is not merely the agony of a failed project. It is far more serious than that. Biden and the forces behind him embody the culmination of a historical process that began in the Middle Ages, reached its maturity in Modernity with the emergence of capitalist society, and which today is reaching its final stage - the theoretical one outlined from the beginning.

The roots of the liberal (=capitalist) system go back to the scholastic dispute about universals. This dispute split Catholic theologians into two camps: some recognized the existence of the common (species, genus, universalia), while others believed in only certain concrete - individual things, and interpreted their generalizing names as purely external conventional systems of classification, representing "empty sound". Those who were convinced of the existence of the general, the species, drew on the classical tradition of Plato and Aristotle. They came to be called "realists," that is, those who recognized the "reality of universalia". The most prominent representative of the "realists" was Thomas Aquinas and, in general, it was the tradition of the Dominican monks.

The proponents of the idea that only individual things and beings are real came to be called "nominalists," from the Latin "nomen." The demand - "entities should not be multiplied without necessity" - goes back precisely to one of the chief defenders of "nominalism," the English philosopher William Occam. Even earlier, the same ideas had been defended by Roscelin of Compiègne. Although the "realists" won the first stage of the conflict and the teachings of the "nominalists" were anathematized, later the paths of Western European philosophy - especially of the New Age - were followed by Occam.

Nominalism prevailed first of all in England, became widespread in Protestant countries and gradually became the main philosophical matrix of New Age - in religion (individual relations of man with God), in science (atomism and materialism), in politics (preconditions of bourgeois democracy), in economy (market and private property), in ethics (utilitarianism, individualism, relativism, pragmatism), etc. Starting from nominalism, we can trace the entire path of historical liberalism, from Roscelin and Occam to Soros and Biden. For convenience, let us divide this history into three phases."


"We have seen that the entire history of liberalism is the successive liberation of the individual from all forms of collective identity. The final accord in the process of this logically perfect implementation of nominalism will be the transition to posthumanism and the probable replacement of humanity with another - this time posthuman - machine civilization. This is what consistent individualism, taken as something absolute, leads to.

But here liberal philosophy arrives at a fundamental paradox. The liberation of the individual from their human identity, for which gender politics prepares them by consciously and purposefully transforming the human being into a perverted monster, cannot guarantee that this new - progressive! - being will remain an individual.

Moreover, the development of networked computer technologies, genetic engineering, and object-oriented ontology itself, which represents the culmination of Postmodernism, clearly point to the fact that the "new being" will not be so much an "animal" as a “machine". It is with this in mind that the horizons of "immortality" are likely to be offered in the form of the artificial preservation of personal memories (which are quite easy to simulate).

Thus, the individual of the future, as the fulfillment of the whole program of liberalism, will not be able to guarantee precisely that which has been the main goal of liberal progress - that is, their individuality. The liberal being of the future, even in theory, is not an individuum, something "indivisible," but rather a "dividuum," i.e. something divisible and made up of replaceable parts. Such is the machine - it is composed of a combination of parts.

In theoretical physics, there has long been a transition from the theory of "atoms" (i.e. "indivisible units of matter") to the theory of particles, which are thought of not as "parts of something whole" but as "parts without a whole.” The individual as a whole also decomposes into component parts, which can be reassembled, but can also not be assembled, instead used as a bioconstructor. Hence the figures of mutants, chimeras and monsters that abound in modern fiction, populating the most imagined (and therefore, in a sense, anticipated and even planned) versions of the future.

The Postmodernists and speculative realists have already prepared the ground for this by proposing to replace the human body as something whole with the idea of a "parliament of organs" (B. Latour). In this way, the individual - even as a biological unit - would become something else, mutating precisely the moment it reaches its absolute embodiment.

And I would ask, what would be the "something else" humans would mutate into, using genetic, biological, electronic technology? Anything the Elite wants it to be. The gender identity and LGBTQ wars - where say, serious people say there are 37 genders - is anticipation of a future of mass mutation from human to whatever. LGBTQ and fluid gender is pre-mutation made legal and widespread to prepare our minds for and accept much more radical mutations. The "whatever" the human is forced to mutate into will be anything EXCEPT human. In the most distilled terms, that's the goal of globalism/liberalism/transhumanism.

Oh, Aleksandr Dugin, the same Alexander that wrote this little book Foundations of Geopolitics - Wikipedia
very cute chaos magick symbol on that cover

The same Aleksandr that was influenced by a man named Julius Evola, who I find to be just absolutely hilarious... These people do not have an answer either, they are just upset that the game isn't going the way that they wish it to be.. Both paths are wrong, the mockery that is the current "liberalism" and the joke that is the "traditionalist".


Jan 23, 2017
Oh, Aleksandr Dugin, the same Alexander that wrote this little book Foundations of Geopolitics - Wikipedia
very cute chaos magick symbol on that cover

The same Aleksandr that was influenced by a man named Julius Evola, who I find to be just absolutely hilarious... These people do not have an answer either, they are just upset that the game isn't going the way that they wish it to be.. Both paths are wrong, the mockery that is the current "liberalism" and the joke that is the "traditionalist".
Did you read Dugin's article? Or are you just another libtard bigot spouting off?


Jan 23, 2017
I have a friend who, when I ask him to read an article he dislikes, I ask him if he read it. He always says yes, but when I even lightly question him about it, it is obvious he lightly skimmed it, because he can't answer my questions or he did not read it. Until you come up with arguments and reasons you reject Dugin, I will assume the same of you.


Dec 8, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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