The Energy Metabolism Dysfunction in Schizophrenia



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Jan 12, 2024
I mean this in the genuine way, like turning lemons into lemonade, you could write some interesting make believe stories with the stuff that is going on in your head. So interesting. You sound highly intelligent.
Thank you I do plan to write a story. I'm hoping I can cure this first and include how I did that. I plan on getting my masters in neuroscience so I can study this condition.
“As many of my readers know, the link between niacinamide and schizophrenia dates back at least the 1950s and possibly much earlier. The late Abram Hoffer, one of the founders of the orthomolecular approach, was convinced that stress was a huge factor in mental illness and ran several successful trials with high dose niacin/niacinamide as treatment for schizophrenia. While his results were replicated several times, the medical industry never accepted his hypothesis and continued to argue that schizophrenia is primarily genetically driven. It is easy to see why - if chronic stress and other poor environmental conditions are accepted as causes of one of the most severe psychiatric disorders then it is a short step from there to the general population asking "if stress causes X, what else does it cause?" As such, the medical industry and its mouthpieces spent millions on trying to discredit Hoffer and his work, largely succeeding in convincing the public in believing that both the stress hypothesis of (mental) disease is false as well as that vitamin therapy is ineffective.

Well, the study below may vindicate Hoffer, if not in his belief in "adrenochrome" at least in his belief that niacinamide is therapeutic. The study has a more plausible explanation, and one that has become quite familiar to followers of metabolic therapy. Namely, that schizophrenia is driven by energetic deficiency largely resulting from insufficient NAD production. According to the authors of the study, this decline in NAD levels is likely driven largely by a simple deficiency of niacinamide. Thus, it can, at least in principle, be corrected by supplementing niacinamide.”

Thanks. Will keep experimenting with niacin. Haven't noticed anything yet since I only take 500 mg. More than 1.5 grams makes me throw up.
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