Targeting Brain Lyme For Schizophrenia and Other Neurological Conditions (Topical Lyme Herbs)


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Jan 12, 2024
Lyme is known as the great mimicker. It mimics neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Dementia, and Schizophrenia. A lot of natural herbs effectively get rid of Lymes Disease. I just retested and I hardly have anything left. Unfortunately I'm still stuck with hallucinations. Could it be that there are low levels in the blood but higher levels remaining in the tissue or blood of the brain? They don't know yet how blood levels determine brain levels.

So I have an idea to try out. Perhaps applying these herbs (Japanese Knotweed, Cryptolepis, Bartonella extract etc.) to the temples and adding something that's dissolved in alcohol like progestene or pansterone can help get the herbs through the temples and to the brain. These herbs have been shown to do more than antibiotics like doxycycline and minocycline. Let's see if I have lingering Lymes that's affecting the metabolism of these brain regions and contributing to my annoying hallucinations.


Mar 24, 2020
Are you near Massachusetts? I see an alternative medicine doctor in Western Mass but I am in California and I have to fly out to see him


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Jan 12, 2024
Are you near Massachusetts? I see an alternative medicine doctor in Western Mass but I am in California and I have to fly out to see him
No but I'm in the east coast. A bit more south. Probably be a 4-5 hour drive. Hope all goes well. I flew to Minnesota to see a Lyme disease specialist. Worth it


Jun 6, 2016
Have you tried nicotine patches?

There is no Lyme disease, only toxicity and a weak immune system.

Lyme appeared in the 1960s or 70s, if I remember correctly, out of nowhere. But humans have lived with ticks for a long time.

So some have speculated that Lyme is a bioweapon, which is possible. But many other degenerative diseases (like MS) appeared at the same time with Lyme, and one thing that happened was the new insulation laws regarding houses and the energy crisis of 1973 due to the OPEC oil embargo, and this created more toxic forms of mold. Then glyphosate was registered in 1974. Many new chemicals were added to the environment after WW2. The retinol fortification also began in the 70s.

It is well-known to those original doctors who studied the CFS-epidemic in the 70s that CFS is simply "Sick-Building-Syndrome", and CFS appeared as the same time as Lyme.

There are some people who indeed have a nervous system or brain infection with bacteria found in ticks, and they usually react to synthetic or natural antibiotics immediately with positive results. The concept of chronic Lyme in the alternative health community is a scam though. There are no clear diagnostics criteria, and every bad reaction to toxic antibiotics is explained as a herx. A toxic body can't get rid of chronic infections on it's own, but most of the time, there are no infections at all.

Instead, what happens is that by taking toxic medications or herbs, the cells simply stop their detoxification process. This modulates symptoms, depending where the medications work in the body. Often this leads to changing symptoms, i.e. patients are able to control one symptom, but then another pops up. This is because the toxins have to go somewhere, and depending on where they are, they create different symptoms. Also, the longer one takes toxic medication, the more harm done to liver and kidneys.

What Lyme doctors are doing is completely irresponsible in my view, pumping people full of deadly toxins. They never question why those drugs weren't needed 100 years ago.


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Jan 12, 2024
Have you tried nicotine patches?

There is no Lyme disease, only toxicity and a weak immune system.

Lyme appeared in the 1960s or 70s, if I remember correctly, out of nowhere. But humans have lived with ticks for a long time.

So some have speculated that Lyme is a bioweapon, which is possible. But many other degenerative diseases (like MS) appeared at the same time with Lyme, and one thing that happened was the new insulation laws regarding houses and the energy crisis of 1973 due to the OPEC oil embargo, and this created more toxic forms of mold. Then glyphosate was registered in 1974. Many new chemicals were added to the environment after WW2. The retinol fortification also began in the 70s.

It is well-known to those original doctors who studied the CFS-epidemic in the 70s that CFS is simply "Sick-Building-Syndrome", and CFS appeared as the same time as Lyme.

There are some people who indeed have a nervous system or brain infection with bacteria found in ticks, and they usually react to synthetic or natural antibiotics immediately with positive results. The concept of chronic Lyme in the alternative health community is a scam though. There are no clear diagnostics criteria, and every bad reaction to toxic antibiotics is explained as a herx. A toxic body can't get rid of chronic infections on it's own, but most of the time, there are no infections at all.

Instead, what happens is that by taking toxic medications or herbs, the cells simply stop their detoxification process. This modulates symptoms, depending where the medications work in the body. Often this leads to changing symptoms, i.e. patients are able to control one symptom, but then another pops up. This is because the toxins have to go somewhere, and depending on where they are, they create different symptoms. Also, the longer one takes toxic medication, the more harm done to liver and kidneys.

What Lyme doctors are doing is completely irresponsible in my view, pumping people full of deadly toxins. They never question why those drugs weren't needed 100 years ago.
I've tried swedish snus before I got everything. Didn't do anything. It had no additives so I'm not worried about links to my condition.

There is Lyme Disease and like you mentioned they find it in the brains of people with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lewy Body Dementia. In the second link the guy committed suicide and requested to his brain get checked for Lyme. They found it in his brain.


Clinical description was in 1908 and a specific species Borrelia Burgdorferi was found in 1981. I don't think it's a bioweapon. I think it's been an underlying cause of illness for a very long time that went unnoticed.

Look at the locations where lyme gets most diagnosed and the areas with the most schizophrenia diagnoses. Almost the same locations

My Lyme specialist only recommended herbs that have been scientifically found to be better than antibiotics. Lyme specialists aren't the same as the Lyme doctors that give constant antibiotics. There's one case I would like to link but I can't find it. In her case there was an antibiotic that crossed the blood brain barrier and cured her hallucinations and delusions. If I find it I will link it. I got better without side effects and with proof in blood tests.

The herbs don't block detoxification. What toxic herbs? I think you're lumping everyone together when there's different approaches. You contradicted yourself by saying there is no Lyme then saying it's in the brain (bacteria found in ticks).


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Jan 12, 2024
Seven plants were found to be better than doxycycline and cefuroxime. Two herbs did really well in killing B. Burgdorferi (Ghanaian quinine and japanese knotweed)

Is the Quinine that Haidut sells is Ghanaian quinine? Anyone know? @haidut

I currently use quinine to the temples to hopefully help kill the lyme in the brain. Perhaps if it's not Ghanaian it still has similar properties


Jun 6, 2016
I think you're lumping everyone together when there's different approaches.

I don't disagree that some people have been helped by eliminating a brain-infection.

Borrelia burgdorferi and the co-infections do exist, but Lyme only became endemic once there was a hotspot in Lyme, Connecticut. While they existed before, it was not common for masses of people to be affected by it. I agree that brain or nervous system infections are often involved in diseases of the brain or nervous system.

This fell together with several other historical developments which completely nuked people's immunity and made it possible for harmless bacteria, fungi, etc. to become deadly and endemic. The same is now happening with deadly candida strains, that we created ourselves by using anti-fungals (c. auris).

Nuking the bacteria can work, but generally is not the correct approach, because they did not cause the disease, that's what I'm saying.

For every success story with these herbs or other treatments, there are countless people who never do better. It's clearly not the solution. Doctors have a free reign, they can come up with ideas that have no merit, and when there are a couple people who benefit from it, it becomes a great solution, all the while ignoring the thousands that get destroyed. There is no reliable data out there on how many people actually do get healed by these "holistic" lyme doctors.

Even some of the lyme herbs can cause kidney and liver failure or dysfunction. Especially kidney problems are common with some of them.

Symptomatic treatment like that can definitely be part of an approach, but not the primary treatment. A toxic body will rarely get rid of these microbes long-term.

The similarity between the lyme and syphilis microbe suggest that lyme is simply the reincarnation of syphilis after the latter has been mostly exterminated with antibiotics. These microbes are the clean-up crew, they attack everything that is in the process of degenerating, dying and decaying. Trying to destroy them will lead to even stronger microbes.

Left lyme, right syphilis:
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Jan 12, 2024
Nuking the bacteria can work, but generally is not the correct approach, because they did not cause the disease, that's what I'm saying.
Interesting. The thing is though they found Lyme to penetrate the brain and directly cause inflammation that induces changes in the brain. There's a John hopkins study that found Lyme treated people with antibiotics continue to have changes in the brain that's linked to Lyme. This is the scenario where someone gets "cured" then gets a neurological disease a few years later or persistent brain fog. Good chance it's still in the brain and caused the disease

I also read somewhere Lyme is related to malaria. Which would add to the reason why quinone seems to work for it.

I understand what you're saying by historical developments but I really think based on the geographic evidence we have and how worldwide Lyme is, there's a really good chance it's been one of the causes of schizophrenia and other neurological disorders for a long time. Something that directly affects the metabolism of the brain and causes it to make odd adaptations or brain connections.

They found Lyme in a 5,300 year old mummy. It didn't come out in the 1900s. It's been linked to originating in North America about 60,000 years ago. You can't deny this stuff.

I think the herbs are the solution. Nature has the best medicine and works on the product (plants) slowly over long periods of time unlike modern medicine. Don't see any evidence for the Lyme herbs being linked to kidney disease. My doctor always encouraged blood work to check for everything and said if I feel off to go easy on dosage or switch the herbs. I think there are reasons behind people's sensitivities to herbs that's linked to being unhealthy. There may be no data for how many get cured by Lyme specialists, but they do a great job of citing real research to support why they do what they do. If you're a logical guy it adds up and makes sense that plants can do a better job than drugs with less side effects. You have anecdotes and research that they perform better than antibiotics. You're going to tell me that Cat's Claw is toxic? Hans recommended it for raising dopamine. They're a gift for us to use. Just have to use it correctly. Too much of anything causes toxicity. Vitamin D, Vitamin A etc. all cause toxicity when in high doses. In balance with everything else, it's fine. If you think about it pretty much anything in the body can become toxic in a certain scenario. Hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamins/minerals, metabolites etc. all have toxicity in improper levels or in the presence of something else.


Oct 6, 2020
There is no Lyme disease, only toxicity and a weak immune system.

belief what you will. it is observable truth however that people have their life and health upside down within days/weeks of a insect bite. Some never recieve treatment. some others do but dont improve. some take meds for years and are getting better then.

there is also no doubt that essential oils and other antimicrobials have improved my life quality immensely. I am talking about getting rid of year long brain fog and chronic joint pains.

we will never know truth if we keep being dogmatic.

Ignoring pathogens in exchange of the umbrella term toxins is odd to say the least. it may very well be that thoose very pathogens are the source of the toxins. If that is true then vitamin a avoidance might end up bein in vain.


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Jan 12, 2024


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Jan 12, 2024
Just wanted to say for the first time in over a year the voices went back to being outside of my head. It went back to being inside my head soon after but it's a good sign that it could be going back to the way it used to be. I heard them talking from another room. It used to be the only way I heard voices. Coming from my neighbors house. Maybe this is a sign it's going back to the way it used to be and hopefully become nothing. I don't think this would have happened if I was doing nothing to fix this


Sep 13, 2012
Have you tried activated charcoal?


Sep 13, 2012
Many times before. Never tried while having hallucinations. Had a good response to it but don't need it.
Are the voices and hallucinations demonic?


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Jan 12, 2024
Are the voices and hallucinations demonic?
Not anymore. They've become innocent and not so evil. They're just really invasive. They comment on a lot of stuff that happens around me. Say how they like this or love that. It just pulls me away from the moment and reminds me they're always a part of everything I do. Really challenging to deal with. The visuals makes it 10x worse because I have to see their faces reacting to stuff as well as their voices.
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