Jul 17, 2021
We only see about 1 percent of visible light.

It's possible they exist outisde our senses

I think I recall hearing that the Vatican’s LUCI or Lucifer telescope can capture entities that we can’t see with our naked eyes. The Vatican Observatory Research Group. Now why would the vatican be interested in something like that hmmm….oh yeah, Pope Francis said he would baptize aliens :sweatsmile:


Jun 22, 2021
I wrote this:

“People do not realize that this gender neutral push in the media is tied to the false narrative they want to promote that the "aliens" and not God, created us …(they will say) the aliens gender neutral beings.
I was reading the Committee of 300 today - it goes in-depth on the end goals of the Powers that be and one of the many goals they had was to "have one world religion" in addition to one world government/monetary system.

One of the many methods described here was to undermine all other religions - especially Christianity which they have already been doing for the past 100 years or so.

I was thinking - how would they possibly convince the world population to abandon all other religions for One World Religion?

Cue Simulated Alien invasion
They will then convince the population Aliens are indeed real and introduce a new theory of creation and since people can "see it" they will believe it.
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Jul 17, 2021
I was reading the Committee of 300 today - it goes in-depth on the end goals of the Powers that be and one of the many goals they had was to "have one world religion" in addition to one world government/monetary system.

One of the many methods described here was to undermine all other religions - especially Christianity which they have already been doing for the past 100 years or so.

I was thinking - how would they possibly convince the world population to abandon all other religions for One World Religion?

Cue Simulated Alien invasion
They will then convince the population Aliens are indeed real and introduce a new theory of creation and since people can "see it" they will believe it.

Yes, that is their goal, to have a one world religion. Where all faiths are one. One religion, one neutral sex, neither man nor woman…the transgender movement….see how it’s all tied together? The “new” religion, where the “aliens” will help show us the way because they will claim to be our creators.

This is all been set up by design and has been the plan for a very long time. As you mentioned, The Committee Of 300 has been a part of it. As are many other subversive groups all working together to bring about their “plan for the ages”. But before they can unveil their plan, they have to endoctrinate the world to get used to this mindset. Systematically, they have been implementing their plan. Breaking down society one step at a time. Break down the family unit, ie father, mother, children. Undermine the laws governing society. Break down people’s identity- no more simply identifying as being a male or female, but gender fluid.

This is their brave new world they want. We will own nothing and be happy about it. If you are not happy about it, then you don’t belong in their world. It will be “Hasta la vista baby” for you.


Jun 22, 2021
Apparently the event is happening in 2024

So not joking - gotta get rich as possible in this next year (as if your life depends on it) and set yourself up for such an event - im sure anyone can imagine the lunacy in the streets when such an event occurs 🤣🤣

Hopefully I'm wrong and they pushed it back a year or two
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Apparently the event is happening in 2024

So not joking - gotta get rich as possible in this next year (as if your life depends on it) and set yourself up for such an event - im sure anyone can imagine the lunacy in the streets when such an event occurs 🤣🤣

Hopefully I'm wrong and they pushed it back a year or two
I am watching for between 2024 and 2027.


May 8, 2017
Apparently the event is happening in 2024

So not joking - gotta get rich as possible in this next year (as if your life depends on it) and set yourself up for such an event - im sure anyone can imagine the lunacy in the streets when such an event occurs 🤣🤣

Hopefully I'm wrong and they pushed it back a year or two
What event? The US government has already (basically) acknowledged UFOs/aliens are real and we are being visited by other intelligences. Given the state of the world, I also think most people would welcome it at this point.



They're here already 🤣



Feb 18, 2016
Dan Brown of the davinci code always seems to be telling us something, Origin is a book that may become a movie soon, they normally bring them out a few years before they start the live action version, the last one was about a biological weapon, the WHO were involved and whatnot, it implies a supercomputer proves the origins of life come from the miller- urey experiment, i think this will be hyped up in media, we've seen the power of the amplifying machine during covid, the religious leaders will be in place to concede/shill to this reality, a concession will be struck between science and religion at this point, religion gives hope and there is still no absolute proof a god didn't do this etc etc , the concession will be a one world religion, lots of debate, a spectacle essentially.

Langdon and Ambra go to Casa Milà, and search for the poem. Langdon learns that Kirsch was dying of pancreatic cancer, prompting a rushed release of the presentation. Langdon finds that Kirsch owned a book of the complete works of William Blake, which he donated to Sagrada Família, leaving it open at a specific page. The police arrive and, as Ambra tries to explain she wasn't kidnapped, Kirsch's phone is destroyed. A helicopter with two Guardia Real agents arrives and gets her and Langdon to safety. Langdon assures Ambra that he can find Winston's physical location, so he can broadcast the discovery, and the helicopter takes them to Sagrada Família.

Sagrada Família
There, the two discover that the password is the final stanza of Four Zoas, "The dark Religions are departed & sweet Science reigns". On the Regent's orders, Ávila arrives, killing both agents and chasing Langdon and Ambra. In an ensuing fight, Ávila falls to his death. Langdon and Ambra escape the police in the helicopter

Langdon finds Winston's source inside the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. They discover a device called E-Wave, a Mare Nostrum supercomputer which Kirsch calls 'Quantum cube'. After entering the password, the presentation starts, to hundreds of millions of viewers. Kirsch explains that he simulated the Miller-Urey experiment, using E-Wave's ability to digitally speed forward time, to recreate what he believes is the moment of abiogenesis. This is Kirsch's proof that humanity was created by natural events. He then claims that in roughly fifty years, humanity and technology will merge, hopefully creating a utopian future. The presentation sparks widespread debate. Ambra returns to the palace and Langdon is cleared of all charges. Winston reveals that, per Kirsch's will, he will self-delete the next day.


Jun 22, 2021
From what I understand

This is a 3-step process - I will be concise:

Step 1:

Various earthquakes occur unveiling artifacts that place every religion in doubt (they will say every religion has been "misinterpreted" to an extent)

Step 2:

The "Alien Invasion" - this is where the panic starts :)

Step 3:

After this they will try to simulate the Rapture - The details for this are a bit blurry but the general gist of it:

You will see them simulate on the 4 corners of the world - a hologram of each regions respective God and the Rapture -

They are not just going to use holograms by the way, they have technology that can send frequencies to each person in each persons respective language and simulate a voice in their head speaking to them as if it is spiritual in nature and they also have technology to make people rise from the ground into the air so yea


This event will be Apocalyptic in Nature and I believe this is why they have underground bunkers built for themselves that they will flee to when the time comes


These events will occur so that people all hop on board the New One World Religion


Nov 29, 2017
From what I understand

This is a 3-step process - I will be concise:

Step 1:

Various earthquakes occur unveiling artifacts that place every religion in doubt (they will say every religion has been "misinterpreted" to an extent)

Step 2:

The "Alien Invasion" - this is where the panic starts :)

Step 3:

After this they will try to simulate the Rapture - The details for this are a bit blurry but the general gist of it:

You will see them simulate on the 4 corners of the world - a hologram of each regions respective God and the Rapture -

They are not just going to use holograms by the way, they have technology that can send frequencies to each person in each persons respective language and simulate a voice in their head speaking to them as if it is spiritual in nature and they also have technology to make people rise from the ground into the air so yea

This event will be Apocalyptic in Nature and I believe this is why they have underground bunkers built for themselves that they will flee to when the time comes
If and when Trump returns to office, he will be the one to break the news about “aliens” on a global scale I suspect (as part of the script). He started up Space Command while in office (or whatever it’s called) and was originally written into the script of Mars Attacks! in 1987 as one of three former presidents who would appear in the film (I may have some details jumbled but the basis of the statement is accurate). Anyways, hopefully more people will wake up to the reality that this thing we call life is scripted and maybe then we can alter the course of reality (but probably not)...


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
From what I understand

This is a 3-step process - I will be concise:

Step 1:

Various earthquakes occur unveiling artifacts that place every religion in doubt (they will say every religion has been "misinterpreted" to an extent)

Step 2:

The "Alien Invasion" - this is where the panic starts :)

Step 3:

After this they will try to simulate the Rapture - The details for this are a bit blurry but the general gist of it:

You will see them simulate on the 4 corners of the world - a hologram of each regions respective God and the Rapture -

They are not just going to use holograms by the way, they have technology that can send frequencies to each person in each persons respective language and simulate a voice in their head speaking to them as if it is spiritual in nature and they also have technology to make people rise from the ground into the air so yea

This event will be Apocalyptic in Nature and I believe this is why they have underground bunkers built for themselves that they will flee to when the time comes


These events will occur so that people all hop on board the New One World Religion

It will be interesting to see if anything odd comes out of the NASA moon flyby planned in project Artemis. It wouldn't be surprising if it is announced that "scientists said they discovered strange anomalies emanating from the backside of the Moon...."


Nov 29, 2017
“Disclosure” is coming with Trump in 2024 or during his presidency. That’s part of his narrative...


Jun 22, 2021
This is similar to the technology they will roll-out for their apocalyptic events except what they have is way more complex and realistic

They want the voices to come off as genuinely supernatural and from what I understand - the voices will be in your language and may actually retrieve data from a DB about you and tell you things that you only know


Theres a good example of them using it already - I can't recall the guys name but someone that intelligence was torturing with waterboarding still wouldn't budge - in the same night he says Allah came to his prison cell and spoke to him to tell him to "co-operate" with Intelligence so the next day he told them everything
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Jun 22, 2021
This is a copy and paste - No Doom and Gloom but You guys need to be prepared for this :

step number one where they will manufacture sophisticated top-secret weapons to cause earthquakes around the world in specific and strategic locations in order to unearth religious artifacts with the attempt to use them to disprove the religions’ effectiveness. This phase was said to have been in effect since 2012.

In step two, Serge writes that they will use sophisticated technology to beam 3D holographic images of all of the prophets or heads of the four major religions: Jesus, Mohammed, Kristna and Budha. The images would be broadcast simultaneously in the sky around the world. They will then merge these images into one in order to make all people feel there God is speaking directly to them. Their sole intent is to use this tactic to usher in the antichrist and the end times.

In step three of Project Blue Beam, Serge writes that they will use invisible wave frequency technology via a telephonic platform to access people’s minds and implant thoughts in order to gain control of the mind and make people feel that they are in direct communication with their God.

Step four is the final step in this project where they will use their sophisticated tech to put the thought in the individual’s minds that the rapture is coming and that they face an imminent alien invasion. Also, they will get a transmission into their minds that currently there are other planets being invaded and ravished. They will use a fake alien invasion to finalize the birth of there New World Religion, the antichrist’s arrival, and the New World Order.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
This is a copy and paste - No Doom and Gloom but You guys need to be prepared for this :

step number one where they will manufacture sophisticated top-secret weapons to cause earthquakes around the world in specific and strategic locations in order to unearth religious artifacts with the attempt to use them to disprove the religions’ effectiveness. This phase was said to have been in effect since 2012.

In step two, Serge writes that they will use sophisticated technology to beam 3D holographic images of all of the prophets or heads of the four major religions: Jesus, Mohammed, Kristna and Budha. The images would be broadcast simultaneously in the sky around the world. They will then merge these images into one in order to make all people feel there God is speaking directly to them. Their sole intent is to use this tactic to usher in the antichrist and the end times.

In step three of Project Blue Beam, Serge writes that they will use invisible wave frequency technology via a telephonic platform to access people’s minds and implant thoughts in order to gain control of the mind and make people feel that they are in direct communication with their God.

Step four is the final step in this project where they will use their sophisticated tech to put the thought in the individual’s minds that the rapture is coming and that they face an imminent alien invasion. Also, they will get a transmission into their minds that currently there are other planets being invaded and ravished. They will use a fake alien invasion to finalize the birth of there New World Religion, the antichrist’s arrival, and the New World Order.

This is good stuff. I hope I have enough popcorn saved up.


Jan 17, 2023
We only see about 1 percent of visible light.

It's possible they exist outisde our senses

Light bent at 90 degrees is invisible to regular senses of us but still present. This is what your cat sees when it stops grooming, looks up and watches something invisible walk through the wall, across the room and out the other side. Same with babies before they get their awareness locked down into this realm.

Earth isn't the cause of anything. Its the effect of higher dimensional processes that coalesce to crate this realm and all of that takes place inside your awareness anyway.

No you, no Earth hence the Game of Souls as that it what you paid to play. All in your mind, every time... Unwrap the present and find out for your Self because none of this is what you think it is.


Sep 9, 2019
Light bent at 90 degrees is invisible to regular senses of us but still present. This is what your cat sees when it stops grooming, looks up and watches something invisible walk through the wall, across the room and out the other side. Same with babies before they get their awareness locked down into this realm.

Earth isn't the cause of anything. Its the effect of higher dimensional processes and all of that takes place inside your awareness anyway.

No you, no Earth hence the Game of Souls. All in your mind, every time... Unwrap the present and find out for your Self.
Warrior, if you weren't so declarative about the intangible I wouldn't interrupt. At the same time I'm not assuming you care about that.

You've just taken too many caps dude. Climb down.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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