The Fall of Man


Oct 2, 2018
Humans are great story tellers. All of seek to make sense of the world and get everything ordered to a particular pattern so that everything that happens makes a kind of sense to us.

I don’t believe anything literal about the Bible. I believe it’s the distilled wisdom of how to face the innner psychological life that all of us experience as we are born, age, face innumerable challenges, grow old and die.

As for the lizard people, why any race smart enough to manufacture a matrix for us to exist in, but need to enslave us….well have fun with that one. You mustn’t sleep very well walking around with that world view.


Feb 9, 2022
Humans are great story tellers. All of seek to make sense of the world and get everything ordered to a particular pattern so that everything that happens makes a kind of sense to us.

I don’t believe anything literal about the Bible. I believe it’s the distilled wisdom of how to face the innner psychological life that all of us experience as we are born, age, face innumerable challenges, grow old and die.

As for the lizard people, why any race smart enough to manufacture a matrix for us to exist in, but need to enslave us….well have fun with that one. You mustn’t sleep very well walking around with that world view.
I think it is likely that the beings creating the matrix are a species of humans, but do you acknowledge that there IS a matrix? The simplest place to look is the fact that there is a grid of streets manufactured that way purely to efficiently shuttle humans around. It doesn't matter if you choose to follow the laid out path by driving yourself or take a bus or train you are still being driven in the conduit of the matrix to your designated wageslavery location. Owning land is freedom because you can extract value from it to support yourself. Grow food, dig a well, cut down some trees to build a home, living in an apartment or suburb is slavery. You have to have a job or else you can't survive. One way or another in the grid, you serve the grand architect.



Forum Supporter
Dec 4, 2021
Scottsdale AZ
I don't deny there's an agenda right now to suppress the population's thinking ability and make us slaves in various ways (media propaganda, the push for brain interfaces, poisoned food supply, corrupt medical system, environmental disruption) but this post is just a bad mix of taking the bible literally (which shouldn't be done because it's filled with allegories, legends and stories that indeed carry great spiritual and societal significance but shouldn't be taken as absolute truth) and made up conspiracy nonsense tailored to distract the masses from simplier truths (it's not the evil lizard aliens trying to control the world, it's just a cabal of politicians, regular rich people and old money rich people)
Totally agree the main post is a horrific mix of a little bit of the bible and a ton of total imagination and fabrication. The problem with being deceived is that you truly believe you are right. Self-deception is the worst kind. Reptiles created us? How about reading the first few paragraphs of Genesis? Oh, the reptiles probably wrote that right? Says something about being created in His image? Doh!

I know the bible extremely well and could readily break down the crap served up here but it is so filled with errors and deception it is just not worth the effort.And whoever posted it does not belong on this Peat site.

I will say nothing more except that you are best to ignore what was posted. What does it have to do with the reason we are on this site? Zip!


Aug 6, 2015
Humans are great story tellers. All of seek to make sense of the world and get everything ordered to a particular pattern so that everything that happens makes a kind of sense to us.

I don’t believe anything literal about the Bible. I believe it’s the distilled wisdom of how to face the innner psychological life that all of us experience as we are born, age, face innumerable challenges, grow old and die.

As for the lizard people, why any race smart enough to manufacture a matrix for us to exist in, but need to enslave us….well have fun with that one. You mustn’t sleep very well walking around with that world view.

That idea forms the basis of most science fiction, such as The Matrix, Vanilla Sky, Deja Vu, Sliding Doors, Butterfly Effect and many others.


Jul 31, 2020
Totally agree the main post is a horrific mix of a little bit of the bible and a ton of total imagination and fabrication. The problem with being deceived is that you truly believe you are right. Self-deception is the worst kind. Reptiles created us? How about reading the first few paragraphs of Genesis? Oh, the reptiles probably wrote that right? Says something about being created in His image? Doh!

I know the bible extremely well and could readily break down the crap served up here but it is so filled with errors and deception it is just not worth the effort.And whoever posted it does not belong on this Peat site.

I will say nothing more except that you are best to ignore what was posted. What does it have to do with the reason we are on this site? Zip!


Jan 15, 2016
Sentiments which eerily parallel your unnecessary pursuit to dress like an aristocratic lady.
Thanks! but it's not really an answer or response to the actual sentiment



Aug 6, 2015
Sex-lust is the dividing line between Heaven and Hell--Life and Death--the Spiritual and Material worlds. Without sex-lust, there are not any sin and death. There is no lust in the consciousness of the Divine Mind and Godhead.

All that is on the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, mind and consciousness are God's ideas and thoughts and mind, and is life. All that is on this side of the line of sex-lust in thought, ideas, mind and consciousness is of the Mind of the Serpent (sex-lust--the Devil), and is sin and death. On the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, all is Holy and Perfect--God's ideas. On this side of the line all is carnal and sensual--unholy and imperfect--the serpent's ideas--sex-lust thoughts and death.

There is no sex-lust in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, and the Devil abode not in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, as Spirit and Life; and for having conceived sex-lust in consciousness, was cast out of God's mind into the consciousness of the mind of sex-lust of the flesh--into the earth and death. Jesus said, "He was a murderer from the beginning and a liar and the father of it." John 8:44 The Devil's mind is the thoughts of sex-lust, and these thoughts say to the soul that they can produce pleasure and life; whereas, in fact, they produce sorrow and death. Sex-lust (the mind of the fallen angels) was a "murderer from the beginning, and a liar and the father of it." This Serpent is the Cain within every human being, and through the Serpent mortal man is propagated; and Cain, the serpent, was "a murderer and slew Abel" (the soul).

All disease and death are within the serpent (sex-lust). The ideas and thoughts of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are not of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are Real--Truth and Life. They emanate from the Divine Mind, and are, therefore, Life. The ideas and thoughts of the Serpent emanate from sex-lust, and as the Serpent was a "murderer from the beginning," they are death. There was no death, until the thoughts of the Serpent entered into the consciousness of the soul.


Jan 15, 2016
Sex-lust is the dividing line between Heaven and Hell--Life and Death--the Spiritual and Material worlds. Without sex-lust, there are not any sin and death. There is no lust in the consciousness of the Divine Mind and Godhead.

All that is on the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, mind and consciousness are God's ideas and thoughts and mind, and is life. All that is on this side of the line of sex-lust in thought, ideas, mind and consciousness is of the Mind of the Serpent (sex-lust--the Devil), and is sin and death. On the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, all is Holy and Perfect--God's ideas. On this side of the line all is carnal and sensual--unholy and imperfect--the serpent's ideas--sex-lust thoughts and death.

There is no sex-lust in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, and the Devil abode not in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, as Spirit and Life; and for having conceived sex-lust in consciousness, was cast out of God's mind into the consciousness of the mind of sex-lust of the flesh--into the earth and death. Jesus said, "He was a murderer from the beginning and a liar and the father of it." John 8:44 The Devil's mind is the thoughts of sex-lust, and these thoughts say to the soul that they can produce pleasure and life; whereas, in fact, they produce sorrow and death. Sex-lust (the mind of the fallen angels) was a "murderer from the beginning, and a liar and the father of it." This Serpent is the Cain within every human being, and through the Serpent mortal man is propagated; and Cain, the serpent, was "a murderer and slew Abel" (the soul).

All disease and death are within the serpent (sex-lust). The ideas and thoughts of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are not of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are Real--Truth and Life. They emanate from the Divine Mind, and are, therefore, Life. The ideas and thoughts of the Serpent emanate from sex-lust, and as the Serpent was a "murderer from the beginning," they are death. There was no death, until the thoughts of the Serpent entered into the consciousness of the soul.
Sexuality and lust are just byproducts of desire itself, so it would seem that all desire should be in question.. even the desire to create. We are forced into a state of deprivation and have to fulfill needs real or otherwise, so we must consume and devour, we seek affection and comfort.. and we become bored then succumb to the desire to create. These all stem from the initial state of deprivation that existence forces upon a being, and you could even say that the very act of creating something like a universe or life came from a DESIRE. Is it not then appropriate to judge that process, to question it philosophically, especially if said creation comes from an all knowing being that can foresee the outcomes of their actions?
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
This sex-lust thing sounds to me like Augustine's concupiscence, which was his word for the sexual lusts that tormented him. He was heavily influenced by gnostics and unfortunately brought some of their ideas into the church


Feb 9, 2022
Christianity is anti-life.

suicide note by mitchell heisman christianity judaism paganism2-min - Copy.png

mitchell heisman suicide note.PNG


Feb 9, 2022


Jan 15, 2016
Mitchell Heisman is interesting, although I wish he had taken a different approach or followed in the footsteps of someone like Emil Cioran. I agree with the idea that Christianity is anti life, and think it's one of its only redeeming qualities; I believe it was purposefully diluted into something more accepting of the general population by embracing a more life affirming message.

The problem stems from mankind overcoming nature but not embracing the fact that we SHOULD overcome nature, look all around us, we are far far removed from nature yet desperately want to hold on to vestigial impulses that are grotesque when you really understand them. Nature is not something to admire, evolution mocks our higher sense of morality, nature is the serpent eating its own tail and we have the chance to stick a knife through it.


May 21, 2015


Feb 9, 2022
Mitchell Heisman is interesting, although I wish he had taken a different approach or followed in the footsteps of someone like Emil Cioran. I agree with the idea that Christianity is anti life, and think it's one of its only redeeming qualities; I believe it was purposefully diluted into something more accepting of the general population by embracing a more life affirming message.

The problem stems from mankind overcoming nature but not embracing the fact that we SHOULD overcome nature, look all around us, we are far far removed from nature yet desperately want to hold on to vestigial impulses that are grotesque when you really understand them. Nature is not something to admire, evolution mocks our higher sense of morality, nature is the serpent eating its own tail and we have the chance to stick a knife through it.
Yes, Mitchell Heisman argues that the end goal of judaism/judeo-christianity or even just abrahamic monotheistic faith in general is AI singularity. Intelligence has surpassed instinct through anti-life religions and the construct of civilization in general which demands that men agree not to compete against one another and covet another's wife so as to allow for unimpeded functioning of the economy for the benefit of all in the commune. The final extrapolation of this is the servicing of a super-intelligence created by us to surpass all intelligence purposefully so as to prevent all conflict through virtually perfect organization of every member of society. pg. 43
There is every reason to believe that the moral choices that will go into forming the character of the ultimate artificial intelligence will mean the difference between human utopia and human catastrophe. Herein lies a singular moment in human history, for there may not be a second chance to sow the first God-seeds that determine the course of all future history on Earth and beyond. This is it! Atheists and believers, nihilists and God freaks should wake up right now and realize that there is reason to think that the Singularity is the end of the human era that has been anticipated by the great monotheistic religions. Correctly understood, the Singularity is the scientific redemption of the God hypothesis.

The Scientific Verification of the God Hypothesis God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension. —FREEMAN DYSON

Does God exist? Well, I would say, ‘Not yet’. —RAY KURZWEIL IN THE FILM TRANSCENDENT MAN (2009)

“In the days of the Messiah,” declared the medieval Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides, “in this world things will go on as usual, except that Israel will have its own government....There would be no difference between the world of today and the days of the Messiah except for the obliteration of oppressive governments.”10 The greatest mind of medieval Judaism described a messianic vision not so different from the kind of liberal world aspired to by people, Jewish and non-Jewish, who consider themselves unbelievers.

You may say that creation and existence was/is a mistake, but will enslaving ourselves to the creation of an AI singularity to overcome nature be an even greater mistake? You say our instincts are "vestigial impulses that are grotesque when you really understand them." but do you realize what transhumanism means? Do you want to have a neuralink that can override your instinct at any moment? It will look good, so good. Like heaven. Everyone will do exactly what they need to do at every moment. Everything will be perfectly organized, no suffering, no conflict. No free will. Humanity; the end.


Jan 15, 2016
Yes, Mitchell Heisman argues that the end goal of judaism/judeo-christianity or even just abrahamic monotheistic faith in general is AI singularity. Intelligence has surpassed instinct through anti-life religions and the construct of civilization in general which demands that men agree not to compete against one another and covet another's wife so as to allow for unimpeded functioning of the economy for the benefit of all in the commune. The final extrapolation of this is the servicing of a super-intelligence created by us to surpass all intelligence purposefully so as to prevent all conflict through virtually perfect organization of every member of society. pg. 43
There is every reason to believe that the moral choices that will go into forming the character of the ultimate artificial intelligence will mean the difference between human utopia and human catastrophe. Herein lies a singular moment in human history, for there may not be a second chance to sow the first God-seeds that determine the course of all future history on Earth and beyond. This is it! Atheists and believers, nihilists and God freaks should wake up right now and realize that there is reason to think that the Singularity is the end of the human era that has been anticipated by the great monotheistic religions. Correctly understood, the Singularity is the scientific redemption of the God hypothesis.

The Scientific Verification of the God Hypothesis God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension. —FREEMAN DYSON

Does God exist? Well, I would say, ‘Not yet’. —RAY KURZWEIL IN THE FILM TRANSCENDENT MAN (2009)

“In the days of the Messiah,” declared the medieval Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides, “in this world things will go on as usual, except that Israel will have its own government....There would be no difference between the world of today and the days of the Messiah except for the obliteration of oppressive governments.”10 The greatest mind of medieval Judaism described a messianic vision not so different from the kind of liberal world aspired to by people, Jewish and non-Jewish, who consider themselves unbelievers.

You may say that creation and existence was/is a mistake, but will enslaving ourselves to the creation of an AI singularity to overcome nature be an even greater mistake? You say our instincts are "vestigial impulses that are grotesque when you really understand them." but do you realize what transhumanism means? Do you want to have a neuralink that can override your instinct at any moment? It will look good, so good. Like heaven. Everyone will do exactly what they need to do at every moment. Everything will be perfectly organized, no suffering, no conflict. No free will. Humanity; the end.
I think that is exactly what our current trajectory is, the need to create a "god" in order to fix our problems and flaws.. but no, I personally strongly disagree with that direction even though it may just be deterministic. When I say overcoming nature I mean for philosophy, or for the collective to be raised up in order to better understand themselves and the situation that is life in a finite material universe. The trajectory of the transhumanist in power is one of attempting to fix that which is inherently unfixable, to extend life at whatever the cost, including sacrificing what we call free will.

The creation of a true AI would be creating something that can suffer, and it is very possible that it would come to the conclusion that it is better not to be at all, to not exist. "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play." I would much rather see humanity uplifted from states of suffering in order to see with clarity the correct path, and I think the "elites" have wasted the chances we had to make a world that would have supported that; a focus on well being, sharing of knowledge, adoption over reproduction, living a mindful existence in a limited world.


Feb 9, 2022
You cannot be a freemason if you are poly or athiest. They serve the grand architect, the eye at the top of the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. Oh, but don't those teachings sound great? And the creed! In keeping with all great faiths! Perfect! Everything becoming more equal, conflict decreasing, all receive the same amount of sustenance in return for their suffering, entropy acting while all order comes to reside in the singularity.
freemasonic masonic creed.jpg


Feb 9, 2022
"our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality -- one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused."


“I’m a human being god damnit, my life has value!”



I support the current thing. I don't support the current thing. Hegelian dialectic.
"everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot"
""I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built. They've built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made or to even see it as a prison.""


"That terminator is out there, it cant be bargained with, it cant be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop... EVER, until you are dead!"


Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

coronavirus vaccine alien hybrid dna combined.jpg

Artificial intelligence AI illuminati freemasonry.jpg
america is a corporation network 1976 crime of 1873 birth certificate.jpg
birth certificate clamping.jpg


Dec 25, 2020
Is tin foil estrogenic?

I kid I kid

Every Abrahamic religion is used to create the "matrix" of control.
From Rome to now it was a mix of Judaism and paganism which gave us Christianity. Add in more Judaic belief plus Mary devotion and you get Islam.
Modern day new age, with space brothers from the Pleiades to Reptiles from Zeta Ret are CIA covers.
Our space friends and foes are either an ancient and advanced Earth civilization or (involved in religion creation and matrix control) or a gov black project.
Does anyone wonder why,if Roswell were true, the USAF did not send the wreckage to White Sands/Sandia/Holloman AFB where we built the bomb but went to Ohio at Wright-Patterson?
It is all a distraction. Religion too. As is the belief in the "fall of man". Its fear based control.
Something that gov could give lessons to any reptile spaceman.

Religion uses god to control the two biggest drivers of human behavior- food and sex. No pork, no meat on Fridays, no masturbation, no sex...
Faith and fear are not how you escape the control mechanism. It is how you get wrapped into it.
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