The real reasons make-up makes a woman/man attractive - regardless of quality


Aug 17, 2018
Why does make-up make a woman attractive ?

Many seem to think it's the quality of the make-up - but all make-up seems to have ingredients that boost estradiol - which masculinizes the brain.

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In other words:

Make-up does not make a woman attractive mainly by shading her skin or whatever - it does it by shooting up her estradiol - hence why women who wear lots of make-up have very "feminine" bodies for lack of a better word and tend to be very "emotional" - the make-up shoots up this stress hormone which makes them this horny, emotional wreck - I really don't think "quality" of the make-up matters much in this aspect as they all tend to do this - almost all cosmetic products have ingredients like this

I didn't read all the posts but personally I think we have no clue what feminine is these days.

Feminine basically turned into superficial beauty. Women are told they need to be beautiful to be desirable so they spend zillions of dollars on beauty products, breast enlargements and what not and in the end they are not loved anyways. Makeup is one of those things women use to attract men or get attention but fail to realize it won't bring them a loving man. My 2 c.


Feb 13, 2021
Feminine basically turned into superficial beauty. Women are told they need to be beautiful to be desirable so they spend zillions of dollars on beauty products, breast enlargements and what not and in the end they are not loved anyways. Makeup is one of those things women use to attract men or get attention but fail to realize it won't bring them a loving man. My 2 c.


Feb 13, 2021
IMO makeup doesn't make women more attractive.

A lot of the women I see wearing tons of makeup have a body type that could be described as 'estrogenic lump.'

No offense meant - these women just look very nondifferentiated, as Danny Roddy once said.

Women who are actually attractive, on the other hand, look better going without makeup anyways.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Yea I wish it was still like this because every woman around where I live has high estradiol ... they like putting on the makeup and perfumes (which i cant breathe around) - my conversations with high estradiol women are really awkward i hate it - when I meet a women who doesn't have all that stuff she's always a lot more chill and our conversations flow through better ... rarely find women like that anymore unfortunately
isnt it the progesterone that develops the curves and all the womanly features
i thought estrogen encourages fatness without form. like males or females with cushings, have the very overweight look, but the breasts, butt, sex organs are all shrunken and sagging


Feb 13, 2021
i thought estrogen encourages fatness without form. like males or females with cushings, have the very overweight look, but the breasts, butt, sex organs are all shrunken and sagging
You're correct in a way, excess estrogen reduces differentiation and encourages water retention/bloating.

Over time, this sure doesn't improve a woman's appearance...


Nov 1, 2021
Yea I wish it was still like this because every woman around where I live has high estradiol ... they like putting on the makeup and perfumes (which i cant breathe around) - my conversations with high estradiol women are really awkward i hate it - when I meet a women who doesn't have all that stuff she's always a lot more chill and our conversations flow through better ... rarely find women like that anymore unfortunately
Lol where do you live, bro? Dubai?
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