The Real Vax Reason (Cast Your Vote)

What do you think the motivation is behind the Covid vaccines?

  • To depopulate by sterilization

    Votes: 179 36.3%
  • To depopulate by death

    Votes: 141 28.6%
  • To have a reason to implant micro-chips in people

    Votes: 74 15.0%
  • To make people sick, weak & more dependant on their government

    Votes: 305 61.9%
  • Freemasons

    Votes: 23 4.7%
  • Aliens

    Votes: 11 2.2%
  • Eventual mind control/Zombies

    Votes: 44 8.9%
  • To really protect people from Coronavirus

    Votes: 65 13.2%
  • Other (please explain the "other)

    Votes: 81 16.4%

  • Total voters
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Lol, why do you think a "degree" would make them more informed on such issues?

Again, I'm not saying they have to be "informed" on health issues. I'm just saying that not taking the demonvax is so obvious, they should know to avoid it, setting up a sham shot if necessary. You don't have to be a literary genius to read and understand a Stop sign. And you don't have to be as smart as someone like Ray Peat to know that you should avoid the demonvax.
It isn't so obvious or the public wouldn't be split down the middle on the subject. At first I thought just the stupid people would sign up for it until my smart friends and family got it. It is easy to think is demonvax on this site, cause we are all health oriented, but that is not most people's priority, shortcuts and saving a buck are. 12+ years ago when I started hearing vaccines were causing trouble, I was only one of two people signing the form that my son will not be getting vaccines to enter his 8th grade year of school. That means 498 others gave their kids their required vaccines. Vaccines originally were for good, but there was a point when that changed and people don't realize that. There was a time when doctors became doctors to do good, but there came a time when that changed too, and it became about the money, with prescription, doctor referrals and vaccine money incentives, and people don't realize that either. I have staved off, one of my dear girlfriends, getting the vaccine thus far, but a week ago she said that her doctor recommended that she get the vaccine and wondered what I had to say about it. When I brought up the bonus money he gets for each vaccine he administers she was in disbelief, cause she "really likes and trusts him". Tank, most of the public don't read about health like we all do on this forum. They may be smart people, but they are ignorant about health, just as those in government who eat, poop, take their medications and go out being a normal person making laws. They don't know crap about the vaccine anymore than anyone else. Now Faucci is a whole other entity.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I accidentally posted before I completed my message so you may have go back and read my entire reply. Great topic, just a whole lot to take in!
I know right? I am glad to finally debate it, to hopefully get a little closer to some real answers! By the way original votes can be changed!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Well, first off, a few thousand people really aren't that many.

But really, why would any of them need to be told? Anyone paying attention to any part of the rollout or script that has been playing out would know that Covid itself is no real threat, and that poorly tested drugs are insanely dangerous. I would think anyone who is in a position of power, like a health official, would understand this. Well, except for that idiot Greg Hunt in Austrailia-


A few thousand? We are talking about every government official in every country and their plus 10 or 20 or more, we are talking hundreds of thousands. Two people killing a person and keeping it a secret is nearly impossible ?


Jan 25, 2014
It isn't so obvious or the public wouldn't be split down the middle on the subject.
I disagree. But when I was making that statement, it was mostly about people who work in government. Again, they should be very familiar with how their workplace operates, and therefore, it would be incredibly obvious to them.

Maybe many in the public don't understand what the FDA is, they may not understand it's even an agency of government. But I can guarantee you that even the dumbest congressman knows that FDA is part of the Federal Government and is setup under the Executive Branch. So, again, these things are incredibly easy to spot if you know where to look. It's pretty clear that many people don't have the faintest clue where to look. No matter how easy a stop sign is to read, you can't read it if you don't see it.
Tank, most of the public don't read about health like we all do on this forum. They may be smart people, but they are ignorant about health, just as those in government who eat, poop, take their medications and go out being a normal person making laws. They don't know crap about the vaccine anymore than anyone else. Now Faucci is a whole other entity.
Right, but again, I wasn't referring to "most people." I was referring specifically to members of government, and high ranking, publically visible members at that. Again, they don't have to know anything about health. But they do likely know about the procedures of their respective agencies, like the FDA.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
People are already dependent on government which the vaxx will amplify
People are already under mind control which the vaxx will amplify
People already have fertility issues which the vaxx will amplify
Chips in the vaxx are coming if not they're already in them
Deaths from the vaxx are already happening

Ironically the least credible answer is to protect people from covid in a poll that includes aliens LOL

Personally I think its more a spiritual genocide than physical as the vaxx has been engineered to cut people off from source itself via DNA modification (giving away consent of your own DNA to AI technology) so the body may survive physically (if you stop taking boosters and mop up the damage from the spike proteins fast enough) but you won't make the next leap in human consciousness when the cabal fall in the coming years.

Ultimately the vaxx is the greatest ***t test in history and represents a choice for the individual, build the new world or stay in the old and live as a zombie.

"Ironically the least credible answer is to protect people from covid in a poll that includes aliens", now that was funny!
Jul 17, 2021
Oh it is a talked about thing, zombies seem more unbelievable :)
Well if you wanna know the truth, the MRNA is SYNTHETIC And made from microorganisms from undisclosed species. Moderna’s own literature says this. It’s basically highjacks a person’s own dna. So, the question begs to be asked, what are they actually injecting humans with? Since these microorganisms are of unknown sources? ? If you are thinking along the lines of “alien”, you would be heading in the right direction…
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Well if you wanna know the truth, the MRNA is SYNTHETIC And made from microorganisms from undisclosed species. Moderna’s own literature says this. It’s basically highjacks a person’s own dna. So, the question begs to be asked, what are they actually injecting humans with? Since these microorganisms are of unknown sources? ? If you are thinking along the lines of “alien”, you would be heading in the right direction…
I believe both zombie and aliens are in the realm possibilities. Try must me I am not dicounting anything at this point. I have informed myself on every angle and they all sound plausable.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I disagree. But when I was making that statement, it was mostly about people who work in government. Again, they should be very familiar with how their workplace operates, and therefore, it would be incredibly obvious to them.

Maybe many in the public don't understand what the FDA is, they may not understand it's even an agency of government. But I can guarantee you that even the dumbest congressman knows that FDA is part of the Federal Government and is setup under the Executive Branch. So, again, these things are incredibly easy to spot if you know where to look. It's pretty clear that many people don't have the faintest clue where to look. No matter how easy a stop sign is to read, you can't read it if you don't see it.

Right, but again, I wasn't referring to "most people." I was referring specifically to members of government, and high ranking, publically visible members at that. Again, they don't have to know anything about health. But they do likely know about the procedures of their respective agencies, like the FDA.
That is why there is a Secret Service Department, most people in government don't get to hear what goes on in those meetings, just a few. Those "Few" certainly know what is going on, but our lawmakers, not so much. Your imlications that all goverment officials are letting evil hurt their people means that you voted that evil into office, and how stupid would that be to keep voting in all that evil every year, or do you never vote?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think its for two reasons 1 for population control and 2 for making everyone sick and weak both mentally and physically they want a nation full of castrated mindless eunuchs who obey their government

Population control by sterilization or death?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Alex Jones thinks it to find in the population those genetics that can survive the assault of this shot and thereby contribute to the elite goal of immortality. I never thought Alex Jones was crazy, but I pay more attention to him now than I used to.
Yeah isn't it ironic how last year the impossibilities suggested were so outrageous and how now they are so much more plausible?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yeah, who knows. Doesn't really matter if they take a fake dose or if they take a real one and later have access to the best therapies. They don't have to live by the same rules as everyone. See all the videos of them taking their masks off as soon as they thought the camera wasn't on? Notice all the rich and famous were still traveling to fancy places in Europe when no one else could? The rule of law is rapidly deteriorating. No rules for the elite, and constantly changing, non-sensical, and crushing rules for everyone else.

I think those "mask on mask off people" are just doing whatever they need to to stay with the popular vote. I don't think celebrities and rich people know anymore than you or I.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I actually don't know much about this stuff but at the same time I'd be open to know about these things.

But I could only think about 4 things that's either happening:

1. Mismanagement
2. Incompetence
3. They just didn't know what to do at the moment
4. Ego

To my belief it just cycles from 3 & 4 and then eventually some sort of permutation just evolves from then on, which becomes irreversible.

That sounds plausible too.


Apr 5, 2016
It fits many policy objectives...tight population control, biodigital identities, constant revenue stream for the pharma/government interests there isn't one specific incentive that's why it's so robust and powerful an effect.

H1N1 was a practice run, and this time around it was orchestrated masterfully. To go from what the world was in early 2020 to what it is now in just over a year is quite incredible.
Agreed - they must be satisfied with how easy it's unfolded in most respects - the scope of the effort has been impressive

Although the curtain is being pulled back some and feel like more are becoming aware BUT not enough to stop the momentum or get back what's been lost.

There will need to be a final blow something large and seismic to shatter things.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Aliens? lolz

I have always been startled at the beleifs of Tom Cruise's mega Church of Scientology.....

"UFO groups sometimes couch traditional religious themes such as apocalypticism and heavenly intervention in the language of modern technology and biological evolutionary theory. Other groups, including the Church of Scientology, fashion spiritual teachings and mythology in the language of modern psychology. Founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86), Scientology began as Dianetics, which was Hubbard’s term for a kind of therapy that claimed to eliminate destructive imprints of past experiences, called “engrams,” that had accumulated in one’s unconscious. Hubbard devised a method—employing both discussion with an “auditor” and the use of an electrical device called an “E-meter”—to dissipate such engrams and produce (over a long period of treatment in which one attains and passes through a variety of hierarchical levels) a state of liberation he termed “being Clear.” Over time Hubbard also developed a whole cosmology in which human beings were said to be originally divine beings, called “thetans,” who had fallen into and been entrapped by material existence. The freedom of “being Clear” was equated with regaining one’s status as an eternal, omniscient, omnipotent thetan"


Nov 25, 2019
How do you explain so many adverse reactions and deaths from the vax if it is safe. I never heard of any of these horrible reactions from the flu or tetanus shots?
Any intervention is going to have risks, and different vaccines have different risks. The rate of anaphylaxis from the flu shot (about 10/mil) is actually twice that of the COVID shot (about 5/mil). The "many adverse reactions" don't have to be explained to justify getting the vaccine as long as they're a small enough number. I'm totally open to seeing a study that shows evidence that the number is high though.

Got my first Moderna jab a few weeks ago. My arm was a little sore the next day from being stabbed but other than that no side effects.

I think he is being ironical.
Nope. Not everyone on this board agrees on absolutely everything.


Nov 22, 2017
Any intervention is going to have risks, and different vaccines have different risks. The rate of anaphylaxis from the flu shot (about 10/mil) is actually twice that of the COVID shot (about 5/mil). The "many adverse reactions" don't have to be explained to justify getting the vaccine as long as they're a small enough number. I'm totally open to seeing a study that shows evidence that the number is high though.

Nope. Not everyone on this board agrees on absolutely everything.

Nobody has to agree on everything, but I don't think there's been anything reasonable about wanting to extend use of vaccine to younger nearly risk free population, it's not science it's corporate and state interests.

The original intent is to protect the vulnerable people, and even if you don't believe there are conspiratorial elements to the implementation of the current covid vaccines, there is definitely massive overdeployment of emergency use vaccines, with constantly moving goalposts.

That's certainly not science and there is no way to ascertain the impacts of the vaccination, either long term, or short term (as there is institutional bias to suppress real adverse events numbers).


Mar 28, 2019
Any intervention is going to have risks, and different vaccines have different risks. The rate of anaphylaxis from the flu shot (about 10/mil) is actually twice that of the COVID shot (about 5/mil). The "many adverse reactions" don't have to be explained to justify getting the vaccine as long as they're a small enough number. I'm totally open to seeing a study that shows evidence that the number is high though.

Got my first Moderna jab a few weeks ago. My arm was a little sore the next day from being stabbed but other than that no side effects.

Nope. Not everyone on this board agrees on absolutely everything.

You took it for nothing

Jul 17, 2021
I believe both zombie and aliens are in the realm possibilities. Try must me I am not dicounting anything at this point. I have informed myself on every angle and they all sound plausable.
Craig Venter, the creator of the SYNTHetic genome was involved with the Astra Zeneca vaxx. So keep in mind what I wrote previously…the MRNA is SYNTHetic…..everyone in alternative media wants to focus on the spike proteins which is bad enough…but the jabs having microorganisms of unknown origins…well, do the math….
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