The War On Cancer Is A Bust - No Real Progress And Actually A Regress


Jan 25, 2014
We have a free market solution at the moment to cancer, but it sucks!

Completely 100% FALSE. We don NOT have a "Free Market Solution" to cancer at the moment. We have a rigidly controlled answer that has been feeding us the same lies for almost a century that sucked up hundreds of billions of dollars in research. We have outright fraud, and you want it to continue along that exact path. You certainly don't have a "Free Market" when you have a schedule of drugs, an FDA, mandatory state boards, and state and local laws dictating what treatment you can and can't have.

Well.... I misspoke a bit. Truthfully, we do have a Free Market Solution..... The Black Market. Funny how that's where all the best ideas come from.

Because wouldn't we be better off with no funding for any of it and just relying on incline bed therapy right?

Well, based on the dismal results of the past century and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on the fraud that is chemo and radiation, which has never been proven to extend any life a single second, and certainly negatively impacts quality of life...... Yes. 100% unqualified yes! More money, better health, longer life, less fraud? I'm for all four!

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
After reading alternative cancer literature for more than 14 years, i came to the conclusion that, besides avoidance of chemicals and PUFAS, the easiest and cheapest anti-cancer diet is still daily apricot seeds for prevention.

You do that every day and you rest assured to prevent any development of young and fragile cancer cells further down the line.

Here's a testimonial, straight from the horse's mouth, about metabolic therapy spectacular success and the miserable failure of chemo and radiation.

This is a 5 parts interview with Hungarian maverick Dr Szabolk Ladi who treats cancer patients with metabolic therapy in defiance of Hungarian medical laws.

05.50: in the lung cancer department he used to work at the institute, there were hardly any patient who recovered with chemo and radio: it delayed the disease but didn't cure it. Even though they started from nothing (they got send protocols and results from the laetrile doctors in Mexico), they got immediately better results than orthodox treatments.

08.15: with metabolic treatment, only 15% of the terminal cases recover completely (from those who first used conventional and failed it)

00.05 radio and chemo and cancer itself damage the body, and it's very hard to reverse it. Those who cannot be saved will still see their survival length increased and their pain diminished.

00.35: of those who came to him before entering the final cancer stage, and have not be damaged by chemo or radiation, 85 % can be saved.

00.00: local (not spread) cervical cancer gets cured 85% of the time with metabolic therapy.

00.05: confirms chemo has only 2% cure rate

00.40: thinks there's now a critical number of both doctors and patients believing the official cancer treatment has failed. There exists 2 studies showing that those not treated with anything have the same or better life expectancy than those treated conventionally. The results for the enormously expensive cancer research are miserable.
And even if metabolic therapy costs 10 times less, the government doesn't support it.

02.05: chemo is carcinogenic: it's his biggest side effect. The same for radiation. We see it in many patients: after 2-3 years they're told they are cured, another cancer appears.

02.40: there's one big problem with chemo: they measure the success rate of chemo by measuring the size of the tumor. But there's always 30% of cancer cells resistant to the chemo: by killing the 70% sensible, you make room for the 30% to rapidly expand further. And we see in many, many cases after chemo that the tumor who was localized before chemo starts expanding and metastasizes. And this is also caused because the immune system has been broken down. And orthodox medicine has nothing to prevent this aggressive expansion post chemo. It takes 1 or 2 months before the immune system recovers from chemo.That leaves 1-2 months for the aggressive surviving cancer cells to spread.But if Laetrile is given with the chemo, it can prevent this spread. That's because laetrile is working without the immune system, even when he's down.

07.20: one interesting thing is we get always better responses from children.

Do you have any opinions regarding the high cyanide content of Vitamin b17? Do you think it would be safe for regular use?


Oct 2, 2018
Completely 100% FALSE. We don NOT have a "Free Market Solution" to cancer at the moment. We have a rigidly controlled answer that has been feeding us the same lies for almost a century that sucked up hundreds of billions of dollars in research. We have outright fraud, and you want it to continue along that exact path. You certainly don't have a "Free Market" when you have a schedule of drugs, an FDA, mandatory state boards, and state and local laws dictating what treatment you can and can't have.

Well.... I misspoke a bit. Truthfully, we do have a Free Market Solution..... The Black Market. Funny how that's where all the best ideas come from.

Yeah I guess you're right on that one. There are people in the University system and in medicine who would like to research alternative medicine and a host of other "out there" ideas, but they are restricted by Government who as you correctly point out has been captured by the interests of the big companies. But that is how free markets work. The biggest and most powerful players work to stack everything in their favor. Free markets rarely benefit the consumer unless everyone has open and unrestricted access to information, which we don’t. People need reliable evidence from all kinds of treatments, and then be given the choice to decide which they want to use. But we are far from that system right now.
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Jan 1, 2013


Jan 25, 2014
Yeah I guess you're right on that one. There are people in the University system and in medicine who would like to research alternative medicine and a host of other "out there" ideas, but they are restricted by Government who as you correctly point out has been captured by the interests of the big companies. But that is how free markets work. The biggest and most powerful players work to stack everything in their favor. Free markets rarely benefit the consumer unless everyone has open and unrestricted access to information, which we don’t. People need reliable evidence from all kinds of treatments, and then be given the choice to decide which they want to use. But we are far from that system right now.

On this point, we pretty much agree, at least on the status of how things are. The main reason that free markets rarely benefit the consumer are that free markets are rare, period. The only true free market I can think of in recorded human history was the US from the late 1700's until the late 1800's. So, one small country for a mere century in a world with hundreds of counties that have existed for many millennia. Pretty rare, indeed.

As for "unrestricted access to information..." Well, we are living in a time period where that is more a reality than it was at any other point in time of history. The biggest problem? People and patients don't use it. People can tell you more about a new car that they purchase that they can if they are diagnosed, say, with pancreatic cancer, while the conventional treatments for the later will likely far exceed the cost of the former. How many will even bother to go on Pubmed and read a single abstract? Of course, the cancer treatment usually has some sort of third party payer (like an HMO or government) footing the bill. So, this goes back up to your original point. NO SYSTEM will ever benefit the patient if they are completely ignorant of what they are buying or agreeing to. And most of that today is truly the fault of the patient. The freer the market, the more benefit will come to the consumer that does his or her research. And a well informed patient is sure to make better decisions even in this corrupt non-free market as well. But the vase majority of patient choose to remain ignorant.

But also going back to your point..... who is the "consumer" when the party that is receiving treatment is different than the party paying for it? The vast majority of the time, they are one and the same... but not in medicine. If you define the "consumer" as the "payer" in this system (which I don't think is free market at all), then they are benefiting quite nicely.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut ... thank you very much for collecting and sharing this hard to digest but all the more important info.

I remember you posted a thread a few weeks ago where some info was provided that Pharma now turns to pushing „adjuvant treatments“ together with their chemos and radiations to actually achieve some results because they start to feel a bit of pressure. The adjuvants, simple proven substances, are really the cause for some more positive results.

I can’t for the life of me remember the topic of that thread and this song find it. Do you know which one I mean. It fits nicely into this theme here

Yes, the topic was the use of testosterone to treat prostate cancer. Since admitting that T cures that cancer would collapse the entire industry on treating that specific disease, they administered anti-gonadotropin chemical together with the T and claimed that the benefits were probably due to that chemical as you see it is officially approved to treat the cancer so it must be the magic bullet, right? Right?
Lol, if it is working so well why bother using T at all?? Here is the link you may be thinking of.
High-dose Vitamin C Is Making A Comeback As A Treatment For Cancer


Apr 28, 2018
All of the Free Market solutions are combined : vitC, low stress, mega nutrition, herbal adjuncts, exercise, light therapy etc.Chris Beat Cancer, Chris Wark. An inspiring story yes, but the heavy hitters from medical industry who left and provide clinical testimony and evidence are priceless. Find this on Amazon and dust off your juicer


Mar 26, 2018
Do you have any opinions regarding the high cyanide content of Vitamin b17? Do you think it would be safe for regular use?

No such vitamin exists. It was tested and from the paper: ''No substantive benefit was observed in terms of cure, improvement or stabilization of cancer, improvement of symptoms related to cancer, or extension of life span. The hazards of amygdalin therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching the lethal range.'' NEJM - Error

Back in 2015 a systematic review was conducted by Cochrane and they found: ''The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.''


Mar 26, 2018
Completely 100% FALSE. We don NOT have a "Free Market Solution" to cancer at the moment. We have a rigidly controlled answer that has been feeding us the same lies for almost a century that sucked up hundreds of billions of dollars in research. We have outright fraud, and you want it to continue along that exact path. You certainly don't have a "Free Market" when you have a schedule of drugs, an FDA, mandatory state boards, and state and local laws dictating what treatment you can and can't have.

Well.... I misspoke a bit. Truthfully, we do have a Free Market Solution..... The Black Market. Funny how that's where all the best ideas come from.

Well, based on the dismal results of the past century and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on the fraud that is chemo and radiation, which has never been proven to extend any life a single second, and certainly negatively impacts quality of life...... Yes. 100% unqualified yes! More money, better health, longer life, less fraud? I'm for all four!

Slow progress is being made


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

The article in the original thread talks about this and I think it actually took these very studies into account. Again, the small drop in mortality is actually due mostly to public health policies like decline in smoking. Also, what looks like longer survival (ostensibly due to improved treatment) is just due to earlier diagnosis. There is no drop in mortality in absolute terms. Here is the quote from the article on the main post.
"...Cancer-research boosters often state that people are surviving cancer for longer periods. But that is because men and women are being screened more frequently with higher-resolution tests and hence being diagnosed with cancer at earlier stages. They are living longer after diagnosis, not living longer in absolute terms. Spector explains: "First, if one discovers a malignant tumor very early and starts therapy immediately, even if the therapy is worthless, it will appear that the patient lives longer than a second patient (with an identical tumor) treated with another worthless drug if the cancer in the second patient was detected later."
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Jan 1, 2013
The hazards of amygdalin therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching the lethal range.'' NEJM - Error


You referenced a 1982 laetrile study made by Charles E Moertel.

The same Moertel who set himself to debunk the Vitamin C studies for cancer proposed by Linus Pauling and Ed Cameron.

Not surprisingly, Moertel came to the same negative conclusions regarding Vit C for cancer as for laetrile.

The only problem is when Pauling asked to see the raw data of his studies, Moertel refused.

Nobody to this day has been able to examine it.

But for years, those phantom Moertel studies represented the reference for all the people willing to claim Vit C had been definitely disproven for cancer treatment.

By the way, Moertel died of lymphoma at just 66.
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Oct 2, 2018

I read that, but from that it sounds like apricot kernels are a form of chemotherapy. You are basically using them to poison weaker cells by irreversibly inhibiting mitochondrial function. It’s hard to get a consistent dose from the kernels. It could be a good thing to do once a year maybe along with intermittent fasting, that way you are removing weak cells before they can become a tumor of significant size. Don’t know that I would want to have them every day though.


Jan 1, 2013
I read that, but from that it sounds like apricot kernels are a form of chemotherapy. You are basically using them to poison weaker cells by irreversibly inhibiting mitochondrial function. It’s hard to get a consistent dose from the kernels. It could be a good thing to do once a year maybe along with intermittent fasting, that way you are removing weak cells before they can become a tumor of significant size. Don’t know that I would want to have them every day though.

Although the Hunzas ate them almost every day throughout their entire lives, i reckon it would be cumbersome for many people to bitter their meals each and every day.

It would be better, as you wrote, to consume them during fast periods, as advised by Dr Andre Gernez, that would last 3 weeks and be repeated twice a year.

There are countless anti cancer herb cocktails one could use outside these intervalls (Hoxsey, Essiac, Artemisinin, Oleander, ...) so one would still be protected.


Feb 29, 2016
Do you have any opinions regarding the high cyanide content of Vitamin b17? Do you think it would be safe for regular use?

The best source I have been able to find is " A World Without Cancer " by G Edward Griffin. He no only talks about the extensive research around Laetrile, the non toxicity of apricot kernals but then the intense effort to destroy the real research on it.

One of the best cancer researchers of the 1960's to 1970's worked at Sloan Kettering and over and over again he found that it was the best anti cancer substance he had ever worked with. Adding proteolytic enzymes increased the efficacy beyond imagination.

There is an enzyme in every cell that blocks the release of the cyanide in the kernels but the enzyme that is in cancer cells activated the release of cyanide and presumably destroys the cancer.

G Edward Griffin has a You Tube talk about apricot kernels and then testimonials.


Oct 2, 2018
There is an enzyme in every cell that blocks the release of the cyanide in the kernels but the enzyme that is in cancer cells activated the release of cyanide and presumably destroys the cancer.

Bacteria in your gut cleave the cyanide and release it. Free cyanide can affect any cell in the body. It binds to enzymes in the mitochondria and inhibits respiration. I used to use it in a research lab for this purpose.


Feb 29, 2016
Bacteria in your gut cleave the cyanide and release it. Free cyanide can affect any cell in the body. It binds to enzymes in the mitochondria and inhibits respiration. I used to use it in a research lab for this purpose.

The amygdalin consists of one molecule of benzaldehyde, one molecule of hydrocyanide and two glucose molecules. The first two molecules are toxic compounds, but in combination with glucose molecules they have no toxic activity. The vitamin B17 molecule is cleaved by two enzymes: β-glucosidase and rodenase. β-glucosidase is present in all cells. The concentration of this enzyme is higher in malignant than in healthy cells. Unlike β-glucosidase, rodenase is present only in healthy cells. In contact with the β-glucosidase enzyme, the release of sugars and toxic benzaldehyde and hydrocyanide occurs, which together destroy carcinogenic cells. Since cancer cells use glucose for their growth and development and contain 18 times more sugar receptors than healthy, by intake of vitamin B17 they absorb not only glucose but also toxic molecules and thus die out. Since the malignant cells do not contain rodenase, they can not be defended. If it reaches a healthy cell, the amygdalin is broken down into non-toxic thiocyanates under the effect of rodenase, and this does not allow the release of toxic components. Practically, poisonous hydrocyanide and benzaldehyde are formed only at the site of cancer, in the tumor cell, while not damaging healthy cell.


Jan 1, 2013
Here's a 35 min presentation from 2015 by Frank Cousineau, president of The Cancer Control Society.

"The confusion surrounding treatments, research and alleged cures of this disease borders on criminal conspiracy"

Too bad he had to mention at the end Ralph Moss and Bill Henderson's names.

larry h

May 27, 2018
ALIVE AND WELL, BY BINZEL, measures quantity of isothiocyanate in blood, to measure right quantity of amygdalin to result in remission....I find that 40 kernels per day, spaced, is effective.. based on my research of individuals who have taken apricot kernels..
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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