Thehobbits unexpected journey


Jul 12, 2013
Hi. I haven't posted anything here for 2 years...

I'm a female, 38 yo and living in sweden.

I've had a lot of things happening these years. First thing was a diagnosis of Graves and I ate thyroid blocking meds for 18 months. I am now considered "cured".
I also changed jobs and with all this going on and trying to recover from years of low carb I haven't been feeling so great. My husband was not supporting at all and after I realised I need to lower stress and taking care of myself I got a divorce. That got rid of A LOT of stress :)

Now I'm trying to get harmony back to life.
My biggest problem is I have very low energy. I can easily sleep 10 h /night but feel super tired when waking. Now I try to sleep 8-9 hours (setting an alarm) and still feel the same.
I have very poor appetite (ever since low carb) so I often forget to eat. And I don't enjoy food so much. Hate that cause all my adult life I've been eating a lot and I loved food.
I tried some supplements but the only thing ive been consistent with is progest-e.

I have been trying to eat healthy stuff but mostly focusing on eliminating PUFA. I now feel I have a peaceful life that I enjoy so hopefully I can experiment with things to get my energy back.
I have other health issues but I feel low energy is the worst.


Nov 28, 2014
Hi hobbit!

I'm glad to hear that life is less stressful for you. That will go along way in helping you recover. And you are still pretty young too, so time is on your side.

I think you should not worry too much about supplements right now, other than continuing with progest-e if it is helpful. If you're not getting enough energy through food, I don't think your body can really utilize the supplements anyway. I would suggest concentrating on increasing your appetite for a couple of months and see where that takes you before turning to supplements.

What kind of foods did you used to enjoy? If they were high PUFA foods, maybe you can find or make low-pufa versions. Maybe check out the recipe section of the forum for some ideas. But concentrate on foods you enjoy and that you digest easily.

Are you able to get outdoors much, especially in the sunlight? I find that will sometimes help stimulate my appetite. Getting enough food and getting enough light are the two biggest things that have helped me overall.
Feb 4, 2015
thehobbit said:
My husband was not supporting at all and after I realised I need to lower stress and taking care of myself I got a divorce. That got rid of A LOT of stress :)

Isn't it amazing how much of a difference it makes to get out of a toxic relationship? :)

The sad part is people don't get out sooner.


Jul 12, 2013
I used to eat "everything" before I went low carb. Loved food and cooking. I've always prefered butter over margarine and used pretty good products.
I will focus on foods that are somewhat appetising to me.
Sunlight is a bit of a problem here in sweden but I have been outside a lot and I got some red lights too for when summer is over.
I like eating fruit but it's hard getting sweet, ripe fruits. Found organic OJ at a reasonable price. Dairy is good here too but gets a bit boring to eat.

Now that my presonal life is more balanced and stress free I hope I can get my appetite back :)
I also cherry pick my friends now and hang out with people that are easy and I started inviting a few friends home for dinner sometimes. Company while eating also ups my appetite :)


Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 to the forum thehobbit

I'm so happy that you have decided to take good care of yourself!
Loving oneself completely and enjoying life should be simple concepts and it's amazing how far away from these simple things we can get!

So glad you have joined us.
It sounds to me like good company may be a great way to restore your love of food.

Among other dietary traps I fell into along my way, I bought into the anti-sugar and anti-dairy cults.
What freedom it was for me to eat start eating sugar and carbs again.

You mentioned milk being boring. I make a few milky drinks that I really like and gives me some variety.

One is simply equal amounts of OJ and milk and added sugar to taste. This is normally how I start my day.
The other is a coffee milk drink, with milk, instant coffee, gelatin, sugar, salt, vanilla and ice.
The other is eggnog and uses raw eggs so you may not go for that. But it's milk, eggs, gelatin, vanilla, ice with a dash of nutmeg.

See you around the forum. :hattip


Mar 29, 2014
Vaelkommen tilbaka thehobbit :)

I guess if they are monitoring anti-thyroid meds and recovery, you probably have thyroid lab test results? Maybe even recent ones? Have you asssessed how they look from a more Peatish perspective? Not from experience, but I think I have read from Peat that some people get treated for hyperthyroid conditions, and end up hypothyroid afterwards.

I too think making sure you eat enough is probably a necessary part of recovery.


Jul 12, 2013
I'll try to get copies from my last labs from this spring. I'm also getting tested in September I think it was.

My periods lately has been terrible, guess I haven't been using enough progest-e. They have been short, like 21-23 days and lots of cramping, nausea and so just like when I got my period in my teens.
I just started working efter a 5 week vacation so I'm gonna try real hard to get lots of pre made food and snacks to work.

My vacation was really great with some sunbathing so I got a nice tan which is surprising since I never got tanned in my whole life and this summer has not been so great (in sweden).
I have been eating low Pufa for about 3 years, could that be why I now got a tan??? Anyway I'm very happy bout that cause I look healthy.


Nov 28, 2014
I think I read somewhere here on the forum that reduced pufa could help with tanning rather than burning. But it may have just been someone's theory. Seems to have worked for you though so maybe it's true!

Having pre-made food ready is a really good idea. This is still something I struggle with; I often find myself out and about without a snack when hunger strikes. Old habits are hard to break I guess. I'm a recovering chronic under-eater. I've learned when my energy gets low to first check if I've eaten recently. And whether is was enough.

While you're waiting on your labs, you could monitor temperature and pulse to get an idea of metabolism.


Jan 22, 2013
pay my regards to Bilbo, and as to the solution to your out Gandalf the wizard and partake in the smoking of the pipe and blowing rings, this will surely bring you the necessary insight into what you must do


Jul 12, 2013
pboy said: pay my regards to Bilbo, and as to the solution to your out Gandalf the wizard and partake in the smoking of the pipe and blowing rings, this will surely bring you the necessary insight into what you must do

I had to part from Bilbo. He took of with the elves and they don't enjoy food very much. Now I'm kind of lost trying to find my way back to the Shire and hoping for a great party with lots of food when I get there :D
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Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
thehobbit said:
pboy said: pay my regards to Bilbo, and as to the solution to your out Gandalf the wizard and partake in the smoking of the pipe and blowing rings, this will surely bring you the necessary insight into what you must do

I had to part from Bilbo. He took of with the elves and they don't enjoy food very much. Now I'm kind of lost trying to find my way back to the Shire and hoping for a great party with lots of food when I get there :D


Don't forget the pipeweed. I'm sure that Shire pipeweed is a good anti-stress substance. :)
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