Theory: The ticks that cause a meat allergy were bioengineered like the ticks that cause Lyme disease?


May 4, 2022
Yes, Kirsch is a compromiser. It would be better to side with those that are pushing Covid vax than this man.

This is similar to those that somehow conjure up the notion that there is a compromise on evolution/creation.

1. Faithful students of the bible know that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.

2. Atheists claim billions and billions of years old.

3. But then there is that group that says I believe in God but I think He used evolution to bring about man...

Atheists are more respectable than the compromiser. The compromiser wrecks more faith than the outright infidel.


Apr 26, 2020
I think it's pretty obvious what is causing it. Whenever I hear anything about anaphylactic shock from an "allergy" from simple natural food like peanuts, shellfish etc. I always am suspicious of vaccines causing it. Vaccines use peanut oil as part of the adjuvant or the virus is grown on chicken egg cells, it's clear that the violent inflammatory reaction from the vaccine injection and the presence of some peanut protein, or in this specific case, a carbohydrate, causes this future immune response to the presence of this molecule. So I went to see if alpha-gal has any connections with vaccines and wikipedia made it so easy for me:

"Human reaction to alpha-gal has beneficial uses as a vaccine adjuvant and for enhancing wound healing."

This allergy is known to disapate over time, so probably the tick is reinvigorating the immune systems sensitivity to alpha gal.


Apr 16, 2017
I think it's pretty obvious what is causing it. Whenever I hear anything about anaphylactic shock from an "allergy" from simple natural food like peanuts, shellfish etc. I always am suspicious of vaccines causing it. Vaccines use peanut oil as part of the adjuvant or the virus is grown on chicken egg cells, it's clear that the violent inflammatory reaction from the vaccine injection and the presence of some peanut protein, or in this specific case, a carbohydrate, causes this future immune response to the presence of this molecule. So I went to see if alpha-gal has any connections with vaccines and wikipedia made it so easy for me:

"Human reaction to alpha-gal has beneficial uses as a vaccine adjuvant and for enhancing wound healing."

This allergy is known to disapate over time, so probably the tick is reinvigorating the immune systems sensitivity to alpha gal.
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