They've Declared War On Us


Feb 24, 2017
We win by watching events and getting the word out that show their deceit. The truth shows up when we crowd source and think tank ourselves, for ourselves, together we win..

TY for sharing this. Very interesting.


May 8, 2017
We win by watching events and getting the word out that show their deceit. The truth shows up when we crowd source and think tank ourselves, for ourselves, together we win..

Seems very sloppy of them/him.

The problem Donald's cutting out the WHO and backlash meant he had to exonerate Fauci as political compromise since even punk band anarchists on twitter side with Fauci (people's whose answer to every problem is "nationalize everything"). So they might use this against him.

Either Fauci's not that clever or they don't give a ***t about him so he can be the fall guy (as if they do real prison time). Or something else. Alternatively maybe they didn't completely predict or manage to get a handle on Donald's nomination so they thought it was untouchable. Whoever writes those predictions if real or even related clearly makes mistakes. Still they influence/misinform Donald and twitter is a cesspool so I wonder how he perceives everything.

(Even if it's none of that) This is important to defuse the blame put on the Chinese because even if they had released a virus, in a time like this they're beefing up their military so obviously sanctions will be passed straight onto their population that's already suffering, nobody gives a ***t about those people, not the least Fox News.
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Mar 27, 2018
Fauci has been pulling the strings every "epidemic" since the 70s.

He used to be a regular scientist that got promoted to top positions, but he let the power corrupt him.


Aug 17, 2016
Barr Threatens Legal Action Against Governors Over Lockdowns

"The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said."
Fauci has been pulling the strings every "epidemic" since the 70s.

He used to be a regular scientist that got promoted to top positions, but he let the power corrupt him.
He's rubbed his little elbows with a fast crowd for some time.


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Feb 29, 2016
I'm leaving this thread because most of you have gotten the message. If you didn't, I'd put your ear to the path and see if you can hear them coming.
Now I'm putting my efforts in fortifying my community around me since, I do see that our survival efforts will need to be hands on. We will need to teach others if the Anthropos is to win over the archon. There is a saying from the 17th century, A COW AND A MUSKATE and I'm going in that direction. Dr. Peat's influence and my hard go at resolving my health issues and succeeding has led me to one conclusion. Roll up your sleeves and work on it until you get the results you want. My approach to my diet through Peat's influence has resulted in many unique recipes and now it is time to share, just as he did with those interested enough to hear. And look where we all are. The bad guys can't pull the wool over our eyes on this one. We know too much.
I'll see you on a new thread. Join me.
Aug 14, 2015
I would like to thank you so much for this thread and you're amazing investigative work.

I'm not well enough or clever enough to partake but I read all the threads
and I'm extremely grateful for all the information, we should all wake up ☺️


Mar 27, 2018
He's rubbed his little elbows with a fast crowd for some time.

Heh, that picture is very telling. You wouldn't ever see Ray Peat, Gilbert Ling or Peter Duesberg rubbing shoulders with such "esteemed" individuals.

This coronavirus "epidemic" is probably the first time many have heard of this guy, but they don't know that he is an actual gatekeeper of knowledge and virology. He's a puppet.

1. Interestingly, that Irene Diamond lady's husband set up an HIV/AIDS Foundation called ADARC (Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center) which was ran by Dr. David Ho - another gatekeeper who published these really famous, albeit false studies on how HIV mutates more rapidly than any other virus. He was one of the first HIV/AIDS researchers who seized the opportunity to make a bunch of money from the epidemic.

2. ADARC was funded by...drumroll...the Rockefeller's (Rockefeller University.)
And...drumroll....the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

3. A few years ago they awarded Dr. David Ho a $ grant for work on a Bi-Specific Monoclonal Antibody (an antibody that binds to 2 antigens.) This is obviously a farce since antibodies are ALREADY promiscuous/non-specific and many antibodies will bind with multiple antigens and vice versa.

The money for the grant was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Dr. David Ho was awarded a 2-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The study will be to conduct the “First-in-human Clinical Evaluation of 10E8.4/iMab, a Potent and Broad Bispecific Antibody against HIV”

While pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) using antiviral drugs has gained traction as an HIV prevention strategy, the daily use of drugs poses a significant adherence problem, thereby limiting its effectiveness. Passive administration of a potent HIV-neutralizing antibody on an infrequent basis could be a better alternative, provided that the chosen antibody possesses suitable characteristics to improve HIV primary prevention for those at greatest risk. Under this funded proposal, the Ho lab will advance the bispecific antibody* 10E8.4/iMab, a new potent and broad agent against HIV, identified by the Ho team, into a first-in-human clinical trial to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and antiviral properties of this novel bispecific antibody to determine its potential as a novel prophylactic agent against HIV.

* A bispecific monoclonal antibody is a protein engineered to simultaneously bind to two different types of antigen.

How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go, I wonder?


Aug 17, 2016
Heh, that picture is very telling. You wouldn't ever see Ray Peat, Gilbert Ling or Peter Duesberg rubbing shoulders with such "esteemed" individuals.

This coronavirus "epidemic" is probably the first time many have heard of this guy, but they don't know that he is an actual gatekeeper of knowledge and virology. He's a puppet.

1. Interestingly, that Irene Diamond lady's husband set up an HIV/AIDS Foundation called ADARC (Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center) which was ran by Dr. David Ho - another gatekeeper who published these really famous, albeit false studies on how HIV mutates more rapidly than any other virus. He was one of the first HIV/AIDS researchers who seized the opportunity to make a bunch of money from the epidemic.

2. ADARC was funded by...drumroll...the Rockefeller's (Rockefeller University.)
And...drumroll....the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

3. A few years ago they awarded Dr. David Ho a $ grant for work on a Bi-Specific Monoclonal Antibody (an antibody that binds to 2 antigens.) This is obviously a farce since antibodies are ALREADY promiscuous/non-specific and many antibodies will bind with multiple antigens and vice versa.

The money for the grant was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go, I wonder?
They find whores in the industry. They probably pay Fauci with children's blood.


Feb 22, 2017
I'd be more worried about Gates selectively vaccinating populations and races. That way he will be able to unleash eugenics on a global scale! Release a virus, those that are vaccinated survive, but those that got the dummy vaccine or the placebo...bye bye..

Although I think it's bigger than Bill Gates, I've had similar thoughts. A lot of people are rightly concerned about the vaccine and I think it could play out as you say - eugenics. I think it could also potentially be that those who willingly take it (conformists) are spared and those that resist and eventually are forced (non-conformists) will get the bad stuff. There's much thinking in the alt that this is a test of sorts and one of those tests is to flush out and I.D the anti-vaxxers, dissenters etc.

A lot of my friends are willing to take a vaccine just to go back to normal, which seems to me like some twisted hostage situation. That fact that this seems to be a normal flu type virus a vaccine just makes no sense, let alone a microchip which can tell which vaccines we've had, how many do they want to give us anyway? This isn't a 'conpiracy theory' btw, they're having Covid-19 vaccines tested alongside microchips which can give data on vaccine history as if they may be rolled out at the same time, at least they have openly shared such info.


Feb 29, 2016
CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm This should be a red flag to all. Don't let your guard down even though people around you are scared, Dr. Peat in his interview Mar 18 on Timpone's One Radio Network said we all express viruses and especially when we are under stress. The older you get, your ACE2 goes down. You then are more prone to pneumonia / flu.
This is an anecdote that I pass on to you out of hoping we can all stay self reliant when under duress. An old guy I knew was able to save his ailing mother who had symptoms of pneumonia. He put a TBSP of Listerine in a pot of boiling water, tented it and had her breath the vapors. She shortly recovered.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm This should be a red flag to all. Don't let your guard down even though people around you are scared, Dr. Peat in his interview Mar 18 on Timpone's One Radio Network said we all express viruses and especially when we are under stress. The older you get, your ACE2 goes down. You then are more prone to pneumonia / flu.
This is an anecdote that I pass on to you out of hoping we can all stay self reliant when under duress. An old guy I knew was able to save his ailing mother who had symptoms of pneumonia. He put a TBSP of Listerine in a pot of boiling water, tented it and had her breath the vapors. She shortly recovered.

Just lol. All the comments in that article are about trump vs democrats. Nobody is even acknowledging the elephant in the room. THE CDC IS INTENTIONALLY GIVING PEOPLE THE VIRUS WITH THE TESTS


Feb 29, 2016
Since a sneeze can reach 25 feet away and a cough 6 to 8 feet, the real reason for wanting people to stay 6 feet apart might really be so that they can be targeted with milimeter waves through their cellphone and so that only one person at a time, rather than a group falls over so that it appears as if something other than an attack is the cause of the person dropping dead.Coronavirus

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Since a sneeze can reach 25 feet away and a cough 6 to 8 feet, the real reason for wanting people to stay 6 feet apart might really be so that they can be targeted with milimeter waves through their cellphone and so that only one person at a time, rather than a group falls over so that it appears as if something other than an attack is the cause of the person dropping dead.Coronavirus

They’re insinuating that they can attack us using our own phones now? I don’t doubt it’s possible but is there proof?


Jul 31, 2015
He's rubbed his little elbows with a fast crowd for some time.
I always thought Bill Gates must have been strong armed into giving it up for the cabal during the government monopoly crusade against MS in the 90's.

Now though, with his Dad being who he was maybe it was more preordained than first appeared?


Feb 29, 2016
QANON909 5G, Electromagnetic & Biological Warfare Against the Public Did you see this one yet? Stunning.
They’re insinuating that they can attack us using our own phones now? I don’t doubt it’s possible but is there proof?
There is a video on under the coronavirus heading in yellow, that features a man who was a Vodafone boss who says these are planned to take us out. Worth the time to find and listen to, located at the end (scroll down) right by the Cough 19~NOT a Virus!!!5G Battle for your Soul for ever and ever with Dr. Klinghardt.


Aug 17, 2016
QANON909 5G, Electromagnetic & Biological Warfare Against the Public Did you see this one yet? Stunning.
There is a video on under the coronavirus heading in yellow, that features a man who was a Vodafone boss who says these are planned to take us out. Worth the time to find and listen to, located at the end (scroll down) right by the Cough 19~NOT a Virus!!!5G Battle for your Soul for ever and ever with Dr. Klinghardt.
We're too late. We can't stop them. :weary:
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