Thyroid Nodule


New Member
Aug 5, 2016
Let me start by saying I love this forum. I have learned so much here. Now on to my question. Is there anything I can do to shrink a large thyroid nodule? Large in my case is 5.4 cm. This nodule is a follicular adenoma and mostly solid. I have been on 120 mg of Armour for almost five years and have seen many other improvements with my health, but this nodule has grown. I have had it biopsied twice and it is benign.

After five years of being left alone with my NDT, I had to see an endocrinologist. She of course wants me off thyroid supplement. And of course I left her office feeling like my spine would crumble at any moment and/or my heart would explode. I know that I have been hypothyroid most of my life not hyperthyroid (also have pcos hormonal issues), but trying explaining that to an endo.

So is there any hope for shrinking this nodule even a little? I take 2 aspirin a few nights a week and wonder if I should up my dose temporarily, like I am treating a tumor. Any discussion/help is appreciated while I search again for an open-minded doc.
Nov 21, 2015
progesterone -- do you take some? PCOS is an estrogen dominance symptom. Progesterone could really help.

I know this is obvious, but do you take iodine? Peat is not big on it longterm, but you may have a very low iodine level. I like Lugol's solution for a month or so, not a lot, maybe 10mg or so, 3 drops or so. What you have sounds kind of goiter like, and goiters can come from not enough iodine.

Also, exposure to intense red light may help a great deal. I use a device from @RedLightMan that helps increase thyroid activity by simply exposing it to red light.

What's the nodule made from? Serrapeptase has a history of helping remove collagen buildup and shrinking things.

I think increasing the aspirin is worth a try. Some people are fine with 6g of aspirin a day for a few weeks or months. You could build up to it. See My Favorite Aspirin Protocol


New Member
Aug 5, 2016
progesterone -- do you take some? PCOS is an estrogen dominance symptom. Progesterone could really help.

I know this is obvious, but do you take iodine? Peat is not big on it longterm, but you may have a very low iodine level. I like Lugol's solution for a month or so, not a lot, maybe 10mg or so, 3 drops or so. What you have sounds kind of goiter like, and goiters can come from not enough iodine.

Also, exposure to intense red light may help a great deal. I use a device from @RedLightMan that helps increase thyroid activity by simply exposing it to red light.

What's the nodule made from? Serrapeptase has a history of helping remove collagen buildup and shrinking things.

I think increasing the aspirin is worth a try. Some people are fine with 6g of aspirin a day for a few weeks or months. You could build up to it. See My Favorite Aspirin Protocol
Thank you for your reply. I have tried iodine, but use it very infrequently now. I have pondered progesterone. I am a little afraid to try it because of the large nodule. I have been taking Armour and do not want to have hyper issues. I know that this nodule formed after years of estrogen dominance (and pufas of course) that blocked thyroid function, but it has taken awhile to put the pieces together and the nodule may be too big for me to do anything about it now. Five years ago, I believe my whole thyroid was enlarged, but now the non-nodule side is a normal size and the nodule stands out more. I am going to ponder some more and keep working on tips to help thyroid function. (Like red light which I do use.)
Last edited:


Jun 28, 2019
progesterone -- do you take some? PCOS is an estrogen dominance symptom. Progesterone could really help.

I know this is obvious, but do you take iodine? Peat is not big on it longterm, but you may have a very low iodine level. I like Lugol's solution for a month or so, not a lot, maybe 10mg or so, 3 drops or so. What you have sounds kind of goiter like, and goiters can come from not enough iodine.

Also, exposure to intense red light may help a great deal. I use a device from @RedLightMan that helps increase thyroid activity by simply exposing it to red light.

What's the nodule made from? Serrapeptase has a history of helping remove collagen buildup and shrinking things.

I think increasing the aspirin is worth a try. Some people are fine with 6g of aspirin a day for a few weeks or months. You could build up to it. See My Favorite Aspirin Protocol

what else can be done to get rid of thyroid nodules, lymph nodes and cysts. does it matter whether the nodules are level 1, level 2, or level 3.
is it true Peat said to not take thyroid until you first get rid of the nodules? what should be done to get rid of them (without surgery and etc)
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