Tinnitus, Deafness, Tumor And Caprylic Acid


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Background is mild tinnitus for several years, then last spring my left ear changed somewhat. It was like some frequencies were being squelched rather than being transmitted. As usual, I just lived with it.

Then last Tuesday I had trouble hearing someone on the telephone and realized I was completely deaf in my left ear. Holding a hand over one ear and humming in my throat I could tell my right ear was fine but there was no response in my left at all. Good lord, I thought. This is nothing I had ever thought or worried about. Even worse, I still had the tinnitus.

I decided not to panic. I knew I didn't want to see a hearing aid salesman and I had no MD to go to. On Friday I realized my ear and nearby cheek were slightly numb. I googled "hearing loss and numbness" and the first hit was Johns Hopkins page on acoustic neuroma- a tumor. Much of the description matched my experience so I thought maybe a tumor was the cause of it. See Acoustic Neuroma

Recalling @haidut's post about caprylic acid destroying small tumors in mice and rats I applied some MCT topically and took 10g caprylic acid (2 TB MCT), both twice that day. The tinnitus decreased to zero for a few hours after each topical application and just before bed hearing had returned to my left ear (using the hand over ear test).

This (Saturday) morning the deafness had returned, though no tinnitus (which is typical for me the first thing in the morning). After reading more on the forum I used Lapodin topically and 10g caprylic acid, both twice. Mid-morning I had hearing in my left ear again and it lasted the whole day, and no tinnitus all day. (which is atypical for me).

Tomorrow I plan on using just MCT in the same regimen, then try to evaluate a next step.

The first day the MCT caused mild heartburn/indigestion, and some mild diarrhea. Neither is any big deal compared to being half deaf for the rest of my life.

Any thoughts or ideas welcome.


Aug 17, 2016
Background is mild tinnitus for several years, then last spring my left ear changed somewhat. It was like some frequencies were being squelched rather than being transmitted. As usual, I just lived with it.

Then last Tuesday I had trouble hearing someone on the telephone and realized I was completely deaf in my left ear. Holding a hand over one ear and humming in my throat I could tell my right ear was fine but there was no response in my left at all. Good lord, I thought. This is nothing I had ever thought or worried about. Even worse, I still had the tinnitus.

I decided not to panic. I knew I didn't want to see a hearing aid salesman and I had no MD to go to. On Friday I realized my ear and nearby cheek were slightly numb. I googled "hearing loss and numbness" and the first hit was Johns Hopkins page on acoustic neuroma- a tumor. Much of the description matched my experience so I thought maybe a tumor was the cause of it. See Acoustic Neuroma

Recalling @haidut's post about caprylic acid destroying small tumors in mice and rats I applied some MCT topically and took 10g caprylic acid (2 TB MCT), both twice that day. The tinnitus decreased to zero for a few hours after each topical application and just before bed hearing had returned to my left ear (using the hand over ear test).

This (Saturday) morning the deafness had returned, though no tinnitus (which is typical for me the first thing in the morning). After reading more on the forum I used Lapodin topically and 10g caprylic acid, both twice. Mid-morning I had hearing in my left ear again and it lasted the whole day, and no tinnitus all day. (which is atypical for me).

Tomorrow I plan on using just MCT in the same regimen, then try to evaluate a next step.

The first day the MCT caused mild heartburn/indigestion, and some mild diarrhea. Neither is any big deal compared to being half deaf for the rest of my life.

Any thoughts or ideas welcome.
Congratulations on your progress so far.
Dumb question: did you pour the caprylic acid into your ear? And the lapodin?

Let Go

Dec 13, 2016
Background is mild tinnitus for several years, then last spring my left ear changed somewhat. It was like some frequencies were being squelched rather than being transmitted. As usual, I just lived with it.

Then last Tuesday I had trouble hearing someone on the telephone and realized I was completely deaf in my left ear. Holding a hand over one ear and humming in my throat I could tell my right ear was fine but there was no response in my left at all. Good lord, I thought. This is nothing I had ever thought or worried about. Even worse, I still had the tinnitus.

I decided not to panic. I knew I didn't want to see a hearing aid salesman and I had no MD to go to. On Friday I realized my ear and nearby cheek were slightly numb. I googled "hearing loss and numbness" and the first hit was Johns Hopkins page on acoustic neuroma- a tumor. Much of the description matched my experience so I thought maybe a tumor was the cause of it. See Acoustic Neuroma

Recalling @haidut's post about caprylic acid destroying small tumors in mice and rats I applied some MCT topically and took 10g caprylic acid (2 TB MCT), both twice that day. The tinnitus decreased to zero for a few hours after each topical application and just before bed hearing had returned to my left ear (using the hand over ear test).

This (Saturday) morning the deafness had returned, though no tinnitus (which is typical for me the first thing in the morning). After reading more on the forum I used Lapodin topically and 10g caprylic acid, both twice. Mid-morning I had hearing in my left ear again and it lasted the whole day, and no tinnitus all day. (which is atypical for me).

Tomorrow I plan on using just MCT in the same regimen, then try to evaluate a next step.

The first day the MCT caused mild heartburn/indigestion, and some mild diarrhea. Neither is any big deal compared to being half deaf for the rest of my life.

Any thoughts or ideas welcome.
Go get a hearing test. They are free if you go to a hearing aid clinic/store. The Audiologist/Dispenser can tell a lot by doing a standard Audiological exam - Air tones, bone tones and speech discrim. You might just be plugged with wax.
If you have an accoustic neuroma it will show up with discrepancies between the tone tests and your speech discrim scores. The process takes about an hour and is harmless (except for someone trying to sell you a hearing aid)

Let Go

Dec 13, 2016
Tinnitus usually starts to show up when you start to have a high frequency loss (you can hear but not understand). Stress, blood pressure, endotoxin among other things can increase tinnitus also.
Nov 26, 2013
Holy ****

Well I feel compelled to advise a doctor visit, just try to avoid x-rays... (doubt you will be able to if they think it is potentially serious) We still have the best diagnosis instruments.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
@Regina I thought about it but did not pour anything in my ear. Rubbed it in the external ear canal with finger tip.

Let Go and Such, I think you are right. I'll find some one reputable next week and get checked out.


Let Go

Dec 13, 2016
@Regina I thought about it but did not pour anything in my ear. Rubbed it in the external ear canal with finger tip.

Let Go and Such, I think you are right. I'll find some one reputable next week and get checked out.

I would start with finding a hearing aid store. They don't charge for tests and they will do an otoscopy (look in your ear) to make sure you aren't plugged up with anything. If you PM me your zip I can get you to a reputable place. At least start there to get the basics checked. We can tell a lot just from a hearing test.


Aug 17, 2016
@Regina I thought about it but did not pour anything in my ear. Rubbed it in the external ear canal with finger tip.

Let Go and Such, I think you are right. I'll find some one reputable next week and get checked out.

What about Diamant? That might be neat to see (er, hear ) if rubbing Diamant on the external ear canal might have some effect.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Vitamin K seemed to be the thing that cleared my Tinnitus. Have you tried this?

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
There's an app I have on my iPhone called uHear. I'm impressed by it, the results are very consistent (with headphones). It's something you could use to track your hearing over time, but I do agree that you should probably get your ears checked by a professional.


Sep 20, 2015
Background is mild tinnitus for several years, then last spring my left ear changed somewhat. It was like some frequencies were being squelched rather than being transmitted. As usual, I just lived with it.

Then last Tuesday I had trouble hearing someone on the telephone and realized I was completely deaf in my left ear. Holding a hand over one ear and humming in my throat I could tell my right ear was fine but there was no response in my left at all. Good lord, I thought. This is nothing I had ever thought or worried about. Even worse, I still had the tinnitus.

I decided not to panic. I knew I didn't want to see a hearing aid salesman and I had no MD to go to. On Friday I realized my ear and nearby cheek were slightly numb. I googled "hearing loss and numbness" and the first hit was Johns Hopkins page on acoustic neuroma- a tumor. Much of the description matched my experience so I thought maybe a tumor was the cause of it. See Acoustic Neuroma

Recalling @haidut's post about caprylic acid destroying small tumors in mice and rats I applied some MCT topically and took 10g caprylic acid (2 TB MCT), both twice that day. The tinnitus decreased to zero for a few hours after each topical application and just before bed hearing had returned to my left ear (using the hand over ear test).

This (Saturday) morning the deafness had returned, though no tinnitus (which is typical for me the first thing in the morning). After reading more on the forum I used Lapodin topically and 10g caprylic acid, both twice. Mid-morning I had hearing in my left ear again and it lasted the whole day, and no tinnitus all day. (which is atypical for me).

Tomorrow I plan on using just MCT in the same regimen, then try to evaluate a next step.

The first day the MCT caused mild heartburn/indigestion, and some mild diarrhea. Neither is any big deal compared to being half deaf for the rest of my life.

Any thoughts or ideas welcome.
I similarly lost most hearing in my left ear. It happened over ten years ago when I was doing low carb and using a cell phone a lot with that ear. Lots of doctors and tests to no avail (near-worthless), no tumor. They said incipient meniere's, but I don't think so. My strongest suspicion is that fungus is involved. Sometimes, especially with older people, fungus is said to spread from feet, groin, etc., to ears and cause hearing loss. A possibility. I know Peat recommends flowers of sulfur for fungus. I wonder though, if fungus can do a job on the inner ear like it does to toenails, how likely it would be for the ear to be able to recover.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
The soonest I can get an Audiologist appointment is two weeks. I went to a walk-in clinic and they did clear some wax out of the ear. I'll keep the appointment and see if there might be more going on with the numbness and intermittent hearing loss.

I tried Diamant topically this morning along with MCT, didn't see any immediate result. It couldn't hurt, I figure.

I use Vitamin K pretty regularly, I don't think I've tried it just on the ear.


Dec 3, 2015
I similarly lost most hearing in my left ear. It happened over ten years ago when I was doing low carb and using a cell phone a lot with that ear. Lots of doctors and tests to no avail (near-worthless), no tumor. They said incipient meniere's, but I don't think so. My strongest suspicion is that fungus is involved. Sometimes, especially with older people, fungus is said to spread from feet, groin, etc., to ears and cause hearing loss. A possibility. I know Peat recommends flowers of sulfur for fungus. I wonder though, if fungus can do a job on the inner ear like it does to toenails, how likely it would be for the ear to be able to recover.

Here is what Ray says about ear issues: "Ear ringing and fullness are common effects of bowel irritation from bacterial toxins. Cooked mushrooms have a mildly antiseptic/antiinflammatory effect." "I think the bacteriophage might be helpful, Florassist or Floraphage. I occasionally use Pen Vi K, half a tablet twice a day usually clears up a bowel problem in a day or two. Erythromycin has the extra value of activating peristalsis. Several people have told me that one or two milligrams of naltrexone made a big improvement in their intestinal function."
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