Tips Needed -any members into fitness


Mar 21, 2014
Going back to weight training tomorrow (EXCITED) wondering if any other members who train can offer me some tips. Cliff from CO2 has some great tips that have worked for me. I'm just wondering if anyone else here can offer me ideas etc. I feel like I am ready after my run-in with some health complications.

What meal combinations gives you a great workout and recovery next day?

Exercise increases the need for protein and carbohydrate for me, it gives me a bigger appetite and eat ALOT without weight gain. But When I don't exercise I lose appetite and in return my energy slows, my digestions slows, and everything sort of goes downhill from there. From past experience everything was good until I lost the baby, then my hormones were out of control (guessing) I have been using progest e in high dose (thanks to those who suggested it) Everything seems to be good now, still waiting on thyroid supplement. But in the mean time life must go on. Just a couple of questions,

Do you think gelatin is necessary post workout? I have done without, and I felt no difference.

I love the coffee, milk, sugar mix before workout, but I get better results with milk/fruit instead.

Also, how much baking soda do you take immediately after your workout? I do a teaspoon in water, but I have heard tablespoon is better. I have yet to get to that point. I'm tempted, because a teaspoon does wonders for me, but I am careful when it comes to my stomach. I've very sensitive to a lot of things. My diet is starch free, cheese, milk, fruit, sugar, honey (by the spoon) and liver and oxtail/ground beef/bone broth.

All suggestions welcome.


Mar 21, 2014
Come on ladies, nothing?

Any girls here who weight train/workout, maybe we can swap ideas.


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Raypmom,
I'm sure you are not the only woman doing some exercise here, but I'm afraid I'm not doing anything systematic at the moment. When health, opportunity and motivation coincide for me (not often), my preferred exercise is dancing, walking, indoor climbing, yoga. I seem to be able to overdo it all to easily, and set myself back.

So not from experience, and maybe Cliff already suggested this, but I think Josh Rubin talks about monitoring temps after training to assess whether you are working within your current health capacity or pushing it too far to your detriment. It makes sense that you need more carbs and protein to support weight training.

Good luck. :)


Mar 21, 2014
tara said:
Hi Raypmom,
I'm sure you are not the only woman doing some exercise here, but I'm afraid I'm not doing anything systematic at the moment. When health, opportunity and motivation coincide for me (not often), my preferred exercise is dancing, walking, indoor climbing, yoga. I seem to be able to overdo it all to easily, and set myself back.

So not from experience, and maybe Cliff already suggested this, but I think Josh Rubin talks about monitoring temps after training to assess whether you are working within your current health capacity or pushing it too far to your detriment. It makes sense that you need more carbs and protein to support weight training.

Good luck. :)

I need the luck!

I guess time/experimenting will tell.


Mar 21, 2014
Blossom said:
There is a site that has some good fitness related articles It's very Peat friendly so you might find some good info there.

Blossom, Rob Turner of FPS is wonderful, I follow him on social media sites. I found his website a while back, and also I have been in touch with him via email in the past, he has given me some valuable info on different types of exercise. His information is amazing, I always go back and forth to his page.

I have been feeling really good lately, edema is almost gone, doing only 20 minutes or less of weight training. I take 1-2 minute breaks in between reps. It's something I am teaching myself. It will take time to see what works and doesn't. Being conscious is the key.


Nov 21, 2012
Hi RayPmom,

Sorry for the late reply...I just saw your thread.
I do weigthtraining daily.....well sort of,bc it feels like I'm doing things half-assed.
So,I don't know wether I'll be of much help to you,but what would you like to know/talk about?:)


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I don't weight train, but I do Yoga and I walk about 4 to 5 miles daily. I used to swim, but the pool chemicals caused bad reactions. I'm really terrible at the whole eating properly for working out because, well, I take thyroid and my blood sugar seems super steady now - unless I go all day without eating or drinking juice. But I've noticed that I feel when I overdo it exercise wise. A couple months ago, I tried jogging lightly again - I was determined to learn how to jog and breathe through my nose. The lactic acid settled into my muscles and I decided my body wasn't ready. Same with swimming the other day (chemicals aside, it didn't feel great). Trust your body. Like you, I've recently undergone a stressful life event (major surgery - 2nd one in 1 1/2 years). The body takes time to get to where it was. If you feel horrible and have edema post workout, you might need more time to focus on building energy in the body.
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